Alexander Davidis: Another "Puzzling" Psychopathy Expert?

Gawan said:
Writing introductions came up later on, eventually since late 2008/early 2009 it is recommended for newbies.

Ahhh, thanks for the info Gawan, I didn't know that.
Azur, these questions aren't going to just "go away" because you've gone quiet. At some point, if you are going to interact here, you have to answer them - no matter how long you wait to do so.
The above would hold true for Fifth Way as well. It would be a much welcomed breath of fresh air if for once he stopped the foot dragging, faced up to questions posed and answered in a direct and sincere manner.
anart said:
Azur, these questions aren't going to just "go away" because you've gone quiet. At some point, if you are going to interact here, you have to answer them - no matter how long you wait to do so.

Yes, this is the same old Azur.
anart said:
Azur, these questions aren't going to just "go away" because you've gone quiet. At some point, if you are going to interact here, you have to answer them - no matter how long you wait to do so.

Nienna Eluch said:
Yes, this is the same old Azur.

I came back to check yesterday, and quickly once before on Tuesday, I think (only had 5 minutes). When I came back yesterday it was because of precisely what you both say above and something Laura had written (either this week or before). It was banging around in my head: why do you always do this? Why do you wait and put it off? You did this before, why keep doing this? Laura had written the quote from G. about obstacles and barriers. (That's what I read on Tuesday). I thought I understood, intellectually anyway, what was being said there. I came back last night to respond because I was gonna do what I had to do instead of mentally and emotionally making excuses (fighting little Is, rewriting, justifying, looking for an escape hatch), and caught up on this thread, and saw some pretty hurtful stuff written here. It hurt.

All I could think of is, why would they say that? It CRUSHED me. I had never heard of this Sheridan guy until the thread was posted on the forum, I certainly don't associate with the guy (nor have I ever) and am nothing like him. (And that was before Guardian found all that other unbelievable rot he posted).

And the same with the implication that I'm chatting or associating with Fifth Way. (Last time I interacted with FW was July 2009 when I participated with the transcription of the Dave Kosson interview. That was at the very beginning of that project, and was done under this group. This was a while before it got canned by Laura).

I couldn't respond after reading that. Lots of processing of empty, useless, emotions and thoughts last night.

I woke up this morning, and what Laura had quoted from G. came to mind the first thing. The penny dropped.

Something else floated up in my thoughts: "why wouldn't they think that of you, since they don't have much to go on except what you've written? What have you written in the last two years? (When I thought about that, it wasn't very good to see. :cry: ) Do you blame them for thinking otherwise?

anart said:
Your feelings are running your thinking and making you act like a horse's ass - again. Really, Azur - is there anything else to you or is this it?

Yes, my feelings were kneejerking me. Last couple of days was me asking myself why I posted at all, why I didn't just write it down, put it away, and come back later to see if there was still the same feeling or thought, and if so, examine what brought it up in the first place. And then, why could I not have asked the same thing in a different way, not sugar coated, but without being so confrontational? Why didn't I go find out who this Robin person was first? :-[

For that, Robin, I apologize to you.

I completely agreed with the questions you asked about Alex and 'his' project: I also don't understand why he still has a FB group up, if, like he said, the project was cancelled. After he answered a few questions, and you asked that one, he didn't answer (and still hasn't), and you posted something else afterwards that looked to me like you taking gratuitous shots at him. Someone with some recently learned material looking for someone to apply it to? (Since he's well known and has been for a long time, I wondered why someone relatively new to the forum would do so).

Before writing this post, I found your intro message, and in light of what I asked you so rudely (who are you?!?) I found myself reading the most detailed intro posts I've ever read on this forum. How's that for a MONSTER "facepalm"? :shock: :nuts: :headbash: You're no newbie to the World and real world experiences and struggles.

This might not matter to you (Guardian was asking): I'm about your age (a few years' difference), and I'm also a Dad with a 10 year old.

I hope you can accept my apology for being rude (and a lazy kneejerking dufus to boot!)

I hope I can stay to work these things out on the forum, too. I read SAO's post earlier and so wish I could express myself like he does. The post he wrote pretty much nailed how I felt when I asked to come back. I think I managed to blurt out 5-6 lines to Laura when I wrote.

The people here matter a lot to me. I think I get emotional so much because I care. It's not the right use of the energy, I know.
Azur, how about starting a thread in a private section of the forum to hash out some of the long-standing issues?
obyvatel said:
Azur, how about starting a thread in a private section of the forum to hash out some of the long-standing issues?

Good idea, I had thought to do the same thing to not distract further from this thread when I was answering. I will open a thread there.

To get this back on track and the unanswered question posed to Fifth Way:

Alexander: Why do you still have a FB group for a project that has been cancelled?
Azur said:
obyvatel said:
Azur, how about starting a thread in a private section of the forum to hash out some of the long-standing issues?

Good idea, I had thought to do the same thing to not distract further from this thread when I was answering. I will open a thread there.

To get this back on track and the unanswered question posed to Fifth Way:

Alexander: Why do you still have a FB group for a project that has been cancelled?

to be fair Alexander has deleted the group from Facebook as he stated here:

Fifth Way said:
Guardian said:
Foxx said:
Perceval said:
Kniall just commented that the modicum of truth in this BS from Sheridan is that the "award-winning Hollywood director" could possibly be Alexander Davidis. Given his recent strange behavior in deleting the Sheridan article from his FB group, I wouldn't be surprised if they were in contact and engaging in an exchange of narcissistic bullshit with each other.

I personally think that this is extremely likely.

So maybe we should ask him? I prefer the direct approach :)

Hey Alexander, are you going to direct a movie for a guy who thinks S & M porn and calling women the "C" word is funny?

If he's not reading this thread (which I doubt) I'll message him on Facebook.

No Guardian, I am not. I have no contact with Sheridan now and I had no contact with him since last winter, nor do I care what he sees or doesn't see on my group-wall, that has been deleted since.
Ahh. Thanks for that Parshalis.

I didn't realize that's what that meant.

Apologies to you Alex for me not understanding that and asking again.
Pashalis said:
to be fair Alexander has deleted the group from Facebook as he stated here:
And yet the youtube page promoting the film remains as of today:
truth seeker said:
Pashalis said:
to be fair Alexander has deleted the group from Facebook as he stated here:
And yet the youtube page promoting the film remains as of today:

Also, I don't see Alexander's group on my FB anymore, but can anyone else besides him confirm that the group has been deleted?
Azur said:
obyvatel said:
Azur, how about starting a thread in a private section of the forum to hash out some of the long-standing issues?
To get this back on track and the unanswered question posed to Fifth Way:

Alexander: Why do you still have a FB group for a project that has been cancelled?

Azur, one more issue you need to address is your constant identification/attachment with Alex. If we look at your posts in this thread, you comments sounds like a some intimate contact going on between both of you. comments like "he won't do that", "he is a kid that needs pat /attention" etc. Even after all this, you still trying to pull Alex ( yes he is responsible for his actions and answerable for his questions) for your answers . this is sounding like kids when caught while doing a mistake and pull each other for support.
Apology accepted, Azur, truly ... :)

Life is lessons ... just a day after your posting within this thread, I found myself "in the weeds" with my overzealous behavior and mechanical thinking on the ""Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person" thread. My behavior/thinking could be thought of as much like what you stated about your thoughts concerning my posting:

Azur said:
Someone with some recently learned material looking for someone to apply it to?
I am still reflecting on my behavior/thinking within the "Puzzling People" thread and trying to get to the root of it. Furthermore, as I try pin-point my programs, a lesson that stands out for me is this: when trying to objectively support the "right side", also always try to remain compassionate and equanimous. I have so much yet to learn and so little time. :cry:

With that said, back to the topic at hand:

truth seeker said:
And yet the youtube page promoting the film remains as of today:

This video was uploaded on YouTube on January 6, 2012

Edit to add -- I do not know about anyone else, but my YouTube account is usually neglected by me, i.e. videos uploaded quite awhile back that either need to be updated or deleted.
Robin said:
Edit to add -- I do not know about anyone else, but my YouTube account is usually neglected by me, i.e. videos uploaded quite awhile back that either need to be updated or deleted.
Granted, and I'm sure that happens quite often with others but as with everything, the specific situation should be kept in mind.

See the last sentence in this post.

Your initial impressions were pretty much spot on.
truth seeker said:
Robin said:
Edit to add -- I do not know about anyone else, but my YouTube account is usually neglected by me, i.e. videos uploaded quite awhile back that either need to be updated or deleted.
Granted, and I'm sure that happens quite often with others but as with everything, the specific situation should be kept in mind.

See the last sentence in this post.

Your initial impressions were pretty much spot on.

You are absolutely right, "the specific situation should be kept in mind" especially when considering the last sentence within the post you referred to.

Without knowing all the details concerning AD/FW, including those details that are 'behind-the-scenes', I was thinking in a way so as to give AD/FW the benefit of the doubt. However, this type of thinking may very well be a "trap" or mechanical thinking on my behalf. This is something for me to reflect on and keep in mind as this "situation" unfolds.
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