On a related note, someone recently leaked some emails from 2001 between some of the NIDS guys (Kit Green, Puthoff, Davis, Kelleher (co-author of the Skinwalker book), Bigelow, etc.). It's basically Kit Green's ("ex"-CIA) take on the film. He was convinced it was legitimate at the time (saying he'd seen images of the same autopsy in the 80s during a briefing), but now says he was taken in by a hoax (see his responses to Rich Dolan's questions here: [Members] The Leaked Alien Autopsy Emails - Richard Dolan Members). Funnily enough, he gave multiple reasons for believing it was real, but now doesn't give any good reasons for believing it's a hoax. CYA? Here's the doc:Ah, that's good to know. Compared with the cartoonish, cliched gray images in the media, this one looks more plausible, and also more creepy.
Here's one page summarizing some of what Green had to say at the time:
Interesting that he concluded one of the people was definitely a surgeon (though not a forensic pathologist), but the guy who claims he hoaxed the film says the two people in the film were him and his girlfriend, which I don't find very believable...