"UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied"
Just seen it, maybe the motives of the director were genuine, maybe he has beeen used for some hidden purpose, or maybe he is just part of the plan to gradually prepare the public for the idea of existance of the aliens before they come to "save" us - time will tell...
While some people in this movie come across as genuine some appear total oposite
Generally I am very much with star sailor on this one ,
It appears that most of the evedence is based on grear's project?!
Also what raises the red flag is the fact that they seem to be promoting the idea of friendly, harmless aliens
and I thought that argument of one of the speakers was quite funny - it was on the lines:"if they wanted to conquer us they could have done it long time ago"
And finally there is one detail ( I have to resort to the quote - so many times used on this forum - the devil is always in the details)
which I find very courious...
For one brief moment, when they talk about the Roswell case they use exactly this image:
I have become very familiar with this image evrysince I found it on the net along with the comments stating that this was the alien that was retrieved from UFO that crashed over ex Yugoslavia sometimes in the 60s
I posted all available images on this topic. :
Alien Autopsy Footage
It is claimed that these images came from the nephew of one of the surgeons which conducted the autopsy. It is also claimed that these yugoslav surgeons are on the said set of pictures.
The alien from these pics doesnt look anything like the alien from the famous Roswell Autopsy video.
So why this mix up with the images? Are all these images (both roswell and yugoslavia) part of the carefully orchestrated efforts of gradual release of informations about aliens?
And if the author of this movie has indeed deliberately mixed up said images could it be that he is also the part of the same scheme?
Of course all this is based on the premise that mentioned images are indeed from yugoslav UFO crash, and to the present date the only thing that makes me belive these images are autentic are very small details.
These are:
1. The alien looks very realistic and also like a genuine burn victim
2. The protective apparel used by surgeons on the pics could be the authentical surgical apparel of that time used in yugoslavia, remeber the apparel of the autopsy performers in roswell video
3. also the general feel of the atmosphere on the photos is definitelly not american.
But this is hardly enough