Craig said:
Hi everyone,
Some very interesting replies...
Lucy said:
A couple of years ago I had a UFO experience, and your description above 'rang a bell' with me, although my experience was while awake, not while dreaming.
It happened in the evening, so it was dark outside. From a distance I noticed a very bright and unusual cluster of lights moving in erratic and unusual ways. They seemed too low, too slow, and much too large and bright, to be an airplane or a helicopter. From a distance the lights only looked like a very bright white.
As the object moved away and I realized it was leaving the area, and thought to myself, "come back here, I want to get a good look at you." At that moment it suddenly changed direction and headed straight for me. It went directly over me, very low, and I looked up at it, squinting my eyes and trying to see what it looked like, but the lights were too bright, obscuring the shape of the object for the most part.
Craig said:
Lucy your description of this event kinda perturbed me, or maybe "disturbed" is a more appropriate word. I suppose it centers around the apparent height this light was over you: "very low"? How low would you say approximately? If you're talking about 50ft-100ft or so, then it's as if I find your account somewhat lacking in what I'd term a normal dose of emotional content/emotive words. I wonder, is your mind repressing something? That's the impression you gave me, as if you were maintaining a "distance".
Hi Craig,
First: It was around the height of a three story what would that be...maybe 50-60 feet? (I'm terrible at figuring distance.) Now about your observation: I got a funny feeling when I read your comment because you're right...I sound too calm and detached, or uninvolved. It has been a couple of years now, and it could be that my calm rendition is because it's no longer 'new' but I admit there could be another kind of "distance" going on....there 'probably' is!
Lucy said:
At that moment I heard a low humming sound, like a motor, but not a strong motor. The humming seemed too weak and too slow, not 'correct' for a plane. I watched it move off and then stop, seeming to hang over the trees in the distance, lights back to white only. And then after awhiole it 'flew' away. The up-close part of the 'sighting' only lasted a few seconds.
Craig said:
There have been many UFO-encounter case studies where people describe a low humming sound, usually when ascending or setting off again, having stopped. Also Anne mentioned something startlingly similar, see above.
Yea, that's another reason I decided to share, because of the similarities. But, I wasn't sure if my experience was relevant so I kept it short (self-doubt), leaving out some details. I'm wondering now if my doubt about relevancy is another indication of "distance."
Lucy said:
As the evening wore on and I thought over the event I 'wondered' if I had taken an ordinary event-- such as seeing a small plane with strange lights-- and turned it into seeing a UFO. Had I simply gotten carried away? But I just couldn't reconcile that with what happened, and came to the conclusion that, whatever it was, it certainly wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before.
Craig said:
This is clearly the manifestation of your mind trying to rationalise and ease the negative emotional energy, or so I think. One problem I've experienced is absolute self-doubt, even at times (like the
"predator experience" last night) just wondering whether it even happened! The situations are so surreal and sometimes "reality-destroying" (let's face it, nothing beats the actual experience of a once intellectual topic) that we do go into denial, even when we think we have a steady head on our shoulders.
Maybe more so for us "steady-headed types," who've spent most of our lives valuing the rational response, if you know what I mean. Now, I KNOW it was high strangeness, and yet there is this urge to downplay it. Also, it's as though the whole thing happened in 'such a way' as to actually 'give' me some 'outs' if that's what I it was playing with me somehow.
Lucy said:
That night as I was going to bed I experienced/heard a buzzing sound and sensation, it made me think of an insect being trapped inside my head and buzzing back and forth very quickly, only there was also an artificial 'electric' quality to it.
Craig said:
I've also heard this buzzing sound which I described as several bumble-bees in my bedroom early one morning. Only, I wasn't satisfied with that because like you say, it doesn't "convey" the electric quality to it.
That buzzing was/is totally unique and uncomfortable to me. It has a foreign and invasive quality to it. In fact, that part of the experience upset me more than the actually sighting itself. To tell the truth, and this isn't easy to 'say' was as though my mind was being scanned by something buzzing around inside it, which was horrible. It made me angry and I remember gritting my teeth and trying to 'evict' it. It still happens to me every once in a while, but in a much milder form, and only for very short periods of time. I always 'dread' it when it happens and 'try to push it out' I did that night.
Lucy said:
When I saw 'your lights' I immediately realized they were very similar to 'mine', even though you saw yours in a dream. And of course I haven't got a clue what, if anything, it may mean...I'm just sharing.
Craig said:
Well I want to clarify something due to EsoQuest's post, where he writes:
EsoQuest said:
He said that the last thing he remembered before the black out was seeing such a pattern of five lights in front of his face, while he was wide awake. The lights for him were 'whitey/blue'.
Craig said:
Now I didn't suddenly just "remember" or "mentally change" this after reading the above, but I just wanted to point out that when I said: "I turned to my left, and noticed a formation of lights low in the sky. I recall looking on with horror that I'd seen this before, and verbally "punished" myself for not remembering..."
This is actually inaccurate, and upon re-reading what I'd wrote several times (and before EsoQuest or Lucy even posted) I realised that this "pattern of five lights" [Edit: my mistake, I was thinking of it in terms of a pentagram: a five pointed star] in the dream, were in my face too, but I just thought "Oh it doesn't really matter". So this adds even more strangeness to the dream if others are coming up with similar elements. EsoQuest, is it possible to ask this friend something further about these "whitey-blue" lights, and did he in fact describe them exactly as such? If so, I'd be interested in some elucidation because my dream-memory was that the "light" was more like a liquid with a sort of milky-marbling effect.
The lights I saw seemed like huge balls that were undulating and strobing, and there was a quality to them that's hard for me to describe. I suppose the best I can come up with is that they were beside each other, and yet they were overlapping, or the strobing made them blend together somewhat around the edges. And, now that I think about it, I remember getting an impression that I was seeing them as spheres. Also, as for shape: They, the colored lights, formed a vaguely rectangular shape, but without hard edges, so it could also be described as a boxy shaped oval. Yea, I know, thanks Lucy for the incredible clarity here. :D original 'telling' was abbreviated and left out some details...which perhaps I should elaborate on. So here goes.....
*I was with my sister, in a car, and we both saw 'it'...although not exactly the same (details about that below).
*We first spotted a bright white cluster of lights from a distance while in a car driving on an empty highway at night.
*At first they appeared to be in a longish verticle diamond shape and were on the right side of the road, and, since we were out in the country on a road we travel a lot, we knew they were in a place they didn't belong.
*I was the passenger, and I asked the driver (my sister) if some new kinds of lights had been installed that I didn't know about. They appeared from a distance to be close to the ground rising upwards like a very tall light pole. My sister admitted she'd been wondering about that, was as surprised as me, and said she couldn't imagine what they could be. At that moment we both had fixed our attention on the lights, and that's when they rose up, turned from a verticle position to a horizontal position and started moving like a small plane going very slow. They moved across the highway and to the left of us.
*Shocked, we pulled over to the side of the road and watched as 'it' circled around the area, and discussed what 'it' could be. We realized 'it' was too large to be a small plane, and going too slow. Also the course was basically circular in nature, but erratic. The speed was also erratic. Mostly slow, but sometimes it would have a spurt of speed, and then slow back down.
*We started driving again and ended almost following 'it' along the highway, 'it' was still to our left, mostly kind of circling around the area, but overall was moving the 'circles' in the same direction we were going.
*Just as we got to our turn-off 'it' was suddenly moving away, was speeding up going to the left, while we turned to the right. We had the impression it had 'decided' to leave. Instead of driving on home, we stopped the car, turning it around so we could watch 'it'.
*That's when I started thinking that I really wanted to know what it was. It was as though I felt it had been teasing me, and I would say I actually mentally challenged 'it' to come back so I could get a good look. That's when it stopped, hovered for a few seconds near the horizon, and then changed direction, moving straight towards us.
*Now we were getting nervous, terrified actually. And although I was afraid, I also had this strange sense of determination, as though I was making a decision not to let myself chicken out. My sister said she wanted to leave, but I insisted we stay. It felt like a contest, me against 'it'...and I wasn't going to back down.
*As it came over the car, moving diagonally from right to left, we both rolled down our windows, stuck out our heads, and looked up at the underside of it which, as low as it was, we should have been able to see very clearly, but couldn't because of the brightness and the undulating pulsing of the lights. ALSO-this is the first time we saw the lights in color, up until then they had been bright white. And I'm realizing now that in the two years I've had this 'memory' this is the first time I've realized, or admitted, that it makes no sense that only when it passed over us did we see the colors, and the rest of the time it was only white! Makes no logical sense! Gee, it only took me two years to figure that out???
*My sister asked me if I could hear anything, and as I was saying no the thought came into my mind that I should be able to, and that's when I could suddenly hear the motor type sound, although it was obviously inappropriate for a plane or helicoptor.
*It seemed to be about 20' by 35' in size, with the suggestion of a 'body' behind all the lights. It didn't seem to have much depth.
*After it moved over us and away, we shut the windows, lit cigarettes, and calmed back down a bit. As we started talking about what we'd seen when we'd looked up at it we realized we'd both seen something different, and the sounds we were describing didn't match. We'd looked at the same thing at the same time, and yet had each had different sightings. She'd perceived it as a triangular shape, and for me it was a boxy-oval-pontune-boat shape. Very freaky. The one thing we absolutely agreed on is the colored lights 'underneath' it.
*Then we turned the car around to drive the rest of the way home, and that's when realized that off in the distance (6-8 blocks away) the original lights were there again, hovering at about treetop level. As though it was watching us. Once again it was a horizontal diamond shaped mass of bright white clustered lights. No colors.
*We drove home, parked the car, got out, and watched it for awhile while it just hovered there maybe 10 minutes. Then it started moving again, very slowly, and came towards our house. That's when I decided to go in, I didn't want to look at it again up close...all my feelings of challenge, bravado and determination were gone. My sister though stayed outside and watched as it went right over the driveway, higher this time, maybe 100 feet. And she said the lights were all white underneath it this time, no colors, and there was no discernable sound. She watched until it suddenly streaked off, moving very fast, and it went out of sight.
*We felt strange and unsettled for the rest of the evening...talking, comparing notes, and going over and over it. Then when I was trying to go to sleep I had the loud electrical/insect type buzzing thing in my head. My sister didn't experience that. But we both had pink eye the next morning, but mine was worse than her's, in fact I think she only had it in one eye, and I had it in two eyes. We talked it over and realized I may have been closer and had a longer direct look at it when it passed over the car, that it had started it's pass over us closer to my side of the car.
*There wasn't any noticable loss of time. The whole thing did seem strangely "interactive" to both of us, and we wondered if it had somehow read our minds...responding to what we were thinking.
So yes, I'm thinking it's very likely that what I'm describing is actually a screen memory...which means I don't consciously remember what I 'really' saw that night. And that's just not a very pleasant thought.
It was Craig's diagram of the lights that triggered my sense of connection between his experience and mine, and I'm thinking that's significant. There's something about those lights. I looked straight up at them as hard as I could trying to see 'behind' them. Full frontal exposure to "what?"
Note this sequence:
1/white light cluster got my attention
2/interaction; I 'want' to see it; actually issue challenge
3/colored strobes
4/humming motor sound
5/buzzing in head
6/pink eye.
7/denial and a certain amount of cognitive dissonance.
Yikes! Sounds like programming!
Any ideas, comments or questions anyone?