Hi Lucy,
This is disturbing. Did you "give in" because you felt it was useless to resist? Were you simply weary of the struggle?
Yeah, it disturbed me too. There is an impression that comes to mind of a sort of persuasive "deal" being made. They were sort of saying: "Look, if you just stop resisting this simple medical exam, then it will be over in no time and you can get on with whatever you were doing." To which I responded: "Oh, okay. But just get on with it . . ." All of this seemed to happen in about three seconds, the latter half with the feeling of being floated into a horizontal position were, you know, I had the attitude of "tapping my thumbs," "sighing," and "looking at the clock" while they did whatever they did. Then I was back stood up, walking down the lane again.
I'm seeing a connection between the clock/time-erasing, the grays that you knew weren't real, and telling someone in the dream you knew it wasn't real. Are these things indicative of your knowledge that these seeming abductions are 'something else' and are being staged for a particular reason...which may be indicated, or hinted at, by what you relate below?
Well it's certainly not the first time that I've been more or less convinced (and maybe not in a denial way, but a knowing way) that there was something "staged" about it all. Remember what I wrote at the start of this thread (in my first ever dream - that I recall - about Gray aliens):
It was as if the memories that he would likely recall of seeing this alien face up close, and perceiving strange lights in his face were STAGED. As I watched, I thought this was quite strange, almost shocking. [...] I got very suspicious of the situation. It just (again) seemed like a staged event - and that if we stayed with the child while his parents walked off (it seemed they were desperate to get away) with not even the slightest care about him, we would be "trapped."
I'm glad your reading is helping you to work through this, because the suicide/self destruct program aspect of this is disturbing. You're being pushed and prodded by these dreams. Are they intended to wear you out? Then there's that dream-comment from your mother! What do you think it meant?
Well the fact that I was asking whether she was frightened may say a lot; because no matter how much strangeness happened over the Christmas period, and no matter how much emotional distress I was showing (I actually took a huge kitchen knife and put it in my bedside draw), she just ridiculed me. I would
not do that to my children!
It was made worse because I could see she was contradicting herself; on the one hand describing her own very suggestive experiences with high strangeness, then quite plainly going into denial the next moment. Throughout my whole life, when I've tried to just be "me", she comes along and rejects it, criticizes and humiliates; yes, she shows many personality characteristics of a Narcissist. This current period in my life is very distressing, because my sister (who is also a narcissist) has a one year old child. For some reason, I'm incredibly protective of children and to see my sister now, at such an impressionable age, plainly rejecting her child is just too much and I cannot bear to be in the same room as her. When I am, it takes one act of rejection and I am in the grip of very intense negative emotion - and I react.
What is extremely interesting about this, is that during the summer of last year (and I've mentioned it on casschat) there were several periods of very ridiculously obvious "in your face" synchronicity. I'm telling you, I was seeing the number 111 everywhere and usually, after a week of this, there'd be an incident with her: pretty much always a very heated argument to do with the treatment of her baby. Coinciding with this, I was learning some very painful lessons about my family too. The thing was many of them could see that something wasn't right, and were quite concerned, but they didn't say anything! They'd then turn about face and attack me.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, these 1:11 cycles that seemed to be stripping me bare of any illusions I held about my family, crescendoed on the 11th June (of all dates). This time, I was prepared! I'd noted the synchronicities and vowed to "remember myself". The day and night before, I had plenty of 1:11's, and a few references to boars (i.e. pigs). Well, the next morning I was awake at 6am and I grabbed Laura's, "Ancient Science", off the shelf and randomly opened at a page: p. 262, in which I read:
"We see that the participants in the Themosphoria revered swine, and their rituals featured the washing and sacrificing of young pigs sacred to Demeter... And somehow we find this to be a Canaanite practice that is now very strangely juxtaposed against a religion that is known for its ban on pork. Was that because the sacred animal of the rival religion was the pig, or was it because, in some deep inner core of the founding of the religion of Judaism, the pig is actually protected from being eaten because of its reverence? And if so, why would that be the case? Was the pig ever an embodiment of a god? [...]
Jehovah wasn't terribly interested in grain. He wanted blood:
34:19 All that openeth the womb is mine; and every firstling among cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male.
34:20 But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear before me empty.
34:21 Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in plowing time and in harvest thou shalt rest.
Jehovah's claim to the Seventh day as sacred to himself identifies him with Cronos or Saturn. The Phrygian Adonis is said to have been metamorphosed into a fir by the Goddess Cybele who loved him, when he lay dying from a wound dealt him by a boar sent by Zeus.
Set, the Egyptian Sun-god, disguised as a boar, killed Osiris. Apollo the Greek Sun-god, disguised as a boar, killed Adonis, or Tammuz, the Syrian, the lover of the Goddess Aphrodite. Finn Mac Cool, disguised as a boar, killed Diarmuid, the lover of the Irish Goddess Grainne. An unknown god disguised as a boar killed Ancaeus the Arcadian King, a devotee of Artemis, in his vineyard at Tegea, and according to the Nestorian Gannat Busame, Cretan Zeus was similarly killed. October was the boar-hunting season, as it was also the revelry season of the ivy-wreathed Bassarids. The boar is the beast of death and the "fall" of the year begins in the month of the boar. [...]
Yahweh, the Boar God."
It was at this point that things got a little creepy. Laura had identified the whole boar association with the God of the Old Testament, which I had already read was 4th Density STS! I flicked to the index to find anymore references and found this on page 104:
"So in many ways, the actual work of learning to adjust the lens of one's view of reality involves learning to discern the true nature of the seeker's relationships in order to conserve energy from the OPs in the reality so that the seeker can accumulate enough energy to grow and strengthen the connection to the soul. [...] But to [transform his "life" into an ascending spiral], those secondary roles, those filled by the puppets, the Organic Portals, must be eliminated from the film."
I'm not saying my sister is an organic portal, but what I do know is, there was no "positivity" coming out of our relationship. We just never got along with each other and it was worsened during our teenage years when she went off getting drunk every night and smoking cannabis etc., and I, well, stayed in and read books! Of course, that lifestyle is considered abnormal for a teenager, and so I had to face the brunt of the attack from her there as well. I'm sure most here have similar experiences.
So it was on June 11th (having failed to remember myself, and in fact, I was more focused on another potential portal of attack - which I thought was THE one. The setting up of this "distraction", so to speak, was synchronous in itself) that she became so angry with being confronted by the truth, she actually lunged at me and tried to hit me in the face. I grabbed her arms and she ended up really digging her sharp nails right into my left wrist. What was left? Three very deep, bloody wounds in the "formation" of 111 . . . The number in itself is extremely interesting: "Absolute III" anyone?
So from then on when I was the "wounded brother", I said to myself that enough was enough and just stopped being where she was. I saw that just being in her presence was draining, and that one snide remark from her was all that it took, and I engaged; falling into mechanical sleep. It was hard not to engage when so much lies came out of her mouth about me to other people. It was also around this time that I could plainly see, in a very shocking way, how nobody understands one another. Near in physical form, but almost light years away in terms of realities.
"It places the important lesson squarely upon the human being as described in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It describes the son as going to a Far Country. It describes the "fall" as a "famine in the country". It tells us how the Prodigal Son went to a "resident of the Far Country" to ask for help. We can easily see that this resident represents the God of this world in his three monotheistic permutations. And what did the God do? He sent the Prodigal Son to live with pigs. And there we see the clear explication of the Organic Portals in our lives. And we also understand the use of the term in the saying: do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they turn and rend you in pieces."
Rather than choosing to see what I was saying about her baby's welfare she put HERSELF first and turned and rend me. Now just in case I'm "overreacting" as some of my family has said, let me describe some of the things she has done recently and then tell me whether it shows a lack of conscience:
+ It isn't okay to take a x-month old child to a pub every night until 10pm;
+ It isn't okay to feed a baby junk food all day, causing her digestive problems and then attacking her because she is having a sugar rush or she won't eat other things;
+ It isn't okay to blame and scream and threaten a child with violence because of a situation you created;
+ It isn't okay to be so completely absorbed with your own fleshly concerns that you don't even notice that your one-year old child had gone out of the door, and is a few steps from running into the road. This has happened at least five times.
+ It isn't okay to consistently give her conflicting signals;
+ It isn't okay (for some strange inexplicable reason) to emotional punish her for not verbalizing her wants and needs when she cannot even speak yet - because you aren't capable of determining them yourself!
+ It isn't okay to reject her emotions, and to humiliate her, because you are annoyed . . .
And it is this sort of behaviour - and which she never seems to learn from, ever - that causes me to literally boil with rage. I mean to ask the parents here, am I "wrong" and unjustified for my concern? It is becoming increasingly obvious that I cannot change things (it would probably require completely different hardware), and I'm in an environment that is particularly narcissistic and lacking-in-conscience; as a result, I am completely alienated. My existence is becoming more and more incomprehensible to those around me, and as a result, they are indeed "my worst enemies".
So Lucy, it is predominantly this issue with my sister and I that just brings me utter despair. I'm seeing some very horrible things, and the only solution is to change my attitude and to "seal" myself from these things that touch some very raw places, it seems.
Somehow your current dreams are reminding me of this. Could it be that there is something of a similar nature happening to you? I don't necessarily mean there is a "someone" who is consciously doing/planning something...but rather, that there is a "someone" who is a portal of attack, and that your defense mechanisms are being dampened by phycical proximity to that person, and the dreams are meant to sap your energy...to set you up? After all, your growing awareness makes you dangerous to the Predator.
Well as you've probably gathered, I don't think it can be necessarily considered as a portal of attack. In your case, it was the more or less direct influence of a deviant mind, whereas in mine, it is the direct witnessing of the shaping of potential deviance, or rather the suffering of an innocent child because of her deviant narcissistic mother. I just cannot envisage myself being so careless, irresponsible and more importantly unremorseful of my behaviour. What's worse is that she does not learn from it! Sure, that issue could potentially be explained by considering the clues and what was discussed in the organic portals' thread, but it still doesn't change anything in regard to my feelings about my niece. In fact, it just brings me more despair - but I know I have to realise that nothing can be done, except to just BE somebody, an uncle she can come to if she so chooses in the future; somebody who at least is striving to accept the universe as it is, and to accept her unconditionally as she is.
That's the best solution I am capable of seeing, at present.