Jedi Master
More spoookiness to report:
I got up this morning about 6.30am and was just checking the forum, looking at a few news sites, the general thing. My thoughts wandered onto my aunt who asked me to be a godparent, and then onto her as a person and what I consider to be her peculiar personality traits. Fact is, it seems that most if not all of the family members on my father's side of the family are genetically predisposed to nervous disorders, some are even institutionalized with schizophrenia. Suffice it to say that the day I learned of this, it wasn't a comforting thought and hearing some of the tales were more than creepy. However, it all did make me wonder about how this plays into the apparent hero archetype which seems to be unfolding right now. I've read a few opening chapters of Mircea Eliade's Shamanism book, and I couldn't help noticing that I "fit the profile"; got all of the traits excepting epileptic seizures and vertigo. I was also wondering about the current times, and if they are truly the last few years until some great cataclysm, the end of a cycle, that puts me at the last generation of this family line. I suppose I'm still shocked and coming to terms with how it all just seems to fit more or less precisely into a neat little box.
Anyway, because of this "disbelief" I wanted to read over my earlier summarizing post where I came to put it all into perspective after reading Joseph Campbell. I'd also come across the "Signs of Ascension" article while searching for Eliade's remarks posted by Laura on the site, and I noticed the following comments:
About an hour later, my mother was here, and two books that I ordered for her just happened to arrive: Jean Ritchie's, "Abducted" and one on the topic of the supernatural by the same author. I read a few pages of Abducted, and put it down and was watching a bit of television. My mother was sat in the kitchen, checking out the other paperback. I began to think about these recent experiences again, and about my overall impression that it was all an attack to generate fear, for whatever reason. I recalled reading something from the Wave series earlier, in my already-posted summary:
I didn't hear anything and this was barely three meters away. Well, that was an odd thing to hear spoken and it seems - assuming it came from in the house - this 'somebody' was referring to me. In any event, it was synchronistic to my thoughts at that precise moment, because it sure gave me the shivers.
About five maybe ten minutes later, I sighted the number 111 and then a few moments later, the time 11:11am. And it is now 1:11pm!
So, a very odd series of events!
Update: Recently, I bought a copy of Linda Moulton-Howe's Glimses of Other Realities (Vol. 1) and was scanning through the plates when I came across the following image. It is very close to the "lizard-being dream" I had a few months back; I've included an edited version that is more accurate to what I saw:
Original version Edited version
...even down to the razor-sharp teeth...
I got up this morning about 6.30am and was just checking the forum, looking at a few news sites, the general thing. My thoughts wandered onto my aunt who asked me to be a godparent, and then onto her as a person and what I consider to be her peculiar personality traits. Fact is, it seems that most if not all of the family members on my father's side of the family are genetically predisposed to nervous disorders, some are even institutionalized with schizophrenia. Suffice it to say that the day I learned of this, it wasn't a comforting thought and hearing some of the tales were more than creepy. However, it all did make me wonder about how this plays into the apparent hero archetype which seems to be unfolding right now. I've read a few opening chapters of Mircea Eliade's Shamanism book, and I couldn't help noticing that I "fit the profile"; got all of the traits excepting epileptic seizures and vertigo. I was also wondering about the current times, and if they are truly the last few years until some great cataclysm, the end of a cycle, that puts me at the last generation of this family line. I suppose I'm still shocked and coming to terms with how it all just seems to fit more or less precisely into a neat little box.
Anyway, because of this "disbelief" I wanted to read over my earlier summarizing post where I came to put it all into perspective after reading Joseph Campbell. I'd also come across the "Signs of Ascension" article while searching for Eliade's remarks posted by Laura on the site, and I noticed the following comments:
Well add me to the list; I can't recall just how many dreams I had last year of giving birth to a baby! Not physically of course, but just happening to find myself as a parent - feeling incredible responsibility - with a child. What was interesting is that one of these dreams, I was asking it questions and it was responding. This was all during the 111-number period were I found myself in some pretty negative experiences with my sister and something during that time, was "born" in my psyche. It wasn't some hooey-vague thing, but quite concrete and noticeable; a tiny point of "light" or "purity" of a completely different orientation - oriented towards truth and all things good - than my false personality.The scene where the family attempt to communicate with the aliens is also interesting. The little boy has in his hand the walkie-talkie which is a baby monitor. This is intentional. This is symbolic of spiritual growth. Many of us who are attempting to ascend the staircase often recall dreams of babies, sometimes sickly as we try to build the magnetic centre.
About an hour later, my mother was here, and two books that I ordered for her just happened to arrive: Jean Ritchie's, "Abducted" and one on the topic of the supernatural by the same author. I read a few pages of Abducted, and put it down and was watching a bit of television. My mother was sat in the kitchen, checking out the other paperback. I began to think about these recent experiences again, and about my overall impression that it was all an attack to generate fear, for whatever reason. I recalled reading something from the Wave series earlier, in my already-posted summary:
That seemed to be precisely the case with me; as soon as I began to look at it in that context and to understand the dynamic, it all appeared to come to an end. Well, talk about speaking too soon, because at that precise moment when I had cognized all of this while sitting there, my mother walks in from the kitchen and stands in front of me with her mouth open. She said: "Craig... did you just say something to me?" I told her I hadn't and asked why. She replied: "I was just sat there, and I heard somebody say 'Shhh! He's here...' I thought it was you messing around, hiding behind the door so I called you a 'Weirdo!'"Unfortunately, many people who have these encounters with the "herald," believe that it is the "god," and do not understand that the role of the alien encounters is initiatory in a real sense. Those who are taken in by them and believe the lies have already failed the first test of the hero. They do not realize that the "alien drama" will "disappear" from their lives once they have "adjusted" the alignment of forces within their soul and have become consciously aware of the precise nature of the drama.
I didn't hear anything and this was barely three meters away. Well, that was an odd thing to hear spoken and it seems - assuming it came from in the house - this 'somebody' was referring to me. In any event, it was synchronistic to my thoughts at that precise moment, because it sure gave me the shivers.
About five maybe ten minutes later, I sighted the number 111 and then a few moments later, the time 11:11am. And it is now 1:11pm!
So, a very odd series of events!
Update: Recently, I bought a copy of Linda Moulton-Howe's Glimses of Other Realities (Vol. 1) and was scanning through the plates when I came across the following image. It is very close to the "lizard-being dream" I had a few months back; I've included an edited version that is more accurate to what I saw:

Original version Edited version
...even down to the razor-sharp teeth...