All About Fasting

Re: Time restricted eating

For me it was like coming home. I never did well on higher carbs. Steadily gaining weight and health issues along the way till I was on the edge of expiration. Since changing things by cutting out grain in 2008 and slowly eating more animal fat to the point of drinking lard and enjoying it, my overall health has improved significantly. I was born into a family that ate a lot of this type of food so cutting it out of my diet was a bad thing for me. The C's did comment about this as well.

Lately I have been eating much less food. I have considered it as possibly another signal that the Earth, in general, is moving towards an STO state. The C's also commented that the change would take up to 1,000 years. The fourth dimension will also come into play here as well. With the fall to an STS status it became necessary for humans to kill and eat in order to survive. Nowadays eating plants, 1D, is in fashion. It will take 1,000 years to deprogram some people.

The change to STO may be the only way to survive the situation our world is faced with. Otherwise there may be no hope with things like Fukashima to look forward to.
Re: Time restricted eating

For me the best schedule is breakfast at 6 am and dinner at 6 pm (so 12 hours in between), no snacks. I used to skip breakfast eating at noon and at 6 pm but it didn't work well for me: I feel extremely tired if I skip breakfast for several consecutive days.
Re: Time restricted eating a type of Intermittent Fasting

Four weeks ago I went on diet. I was so concerned about weight gain, chronic inflammation and a constant state of fatigue that one morning I said to myself 'I do not deserve this' and almost instantly my brain switched into the 'health' thinking gear. At 53 yrs old I was 94.3 kg with a BMW in the obese region. I still have digestion limitations (no gallbladder and teeth issues ) but for the first time my body is happy with what I eat.
In the morning I take a diabetic shake meal replacement at lunch time I have a cucumber avocado yoghurt smoothie and for supper another yoghurt cucumber fruit smoothie. In between I have fruits. I feel light and happy. I lost 6 kg, the inflammation subsided almost completely, I feel no hunger and I wake up rested.
My point is for what ever reason one should go on a diet or in other words change the eating habits if done in sync with what body needs it will always give results and an effortless process.
It is always good to listen to your own thoughts.
So, for the future I will restart light exercise and find an engineer/ maxilofacial surgeon to fix my maxillary problems and then see whether I can actually digest solid animal proteins other than eggs. Until then I go with my inner voice recommendations.
Re: Time restricted eating a type of Intermittent Fasting

Ina said:
In the morning I take a diabetic shake meal replacement at lunch time I have a cucumber avocado yoghurt smoothie and for supper another yoghurt cucumber fruit smoothie.

Have you tried giving up the yogurt? Many people are sensitive to dairy.
Re: Time restricted eating

I found some crib notes from the first video, for those who don't have time to watch it:
Dr. Satchin Panda is a professor at the Salk Institute for biological studies

Where he researches the circadian clock

What is the circadian clock and why it’s so important?

It is based on the changing environment of light during a day.
It’s particularly important for diurnal animals:
Dictates when to go to sleep and wake up.
Evolved from pressure and anticipation.
Every organ has its biological clock.
Its performance varies during the day.
Babies also have clocks, but they aren’t tied to outside light until 6 months.
Today’s top diseases are chronic.
They can be caused by an unhealthy circadian clock.

How is it related to our metabolism?

After many experiments on rodent’s brain
Scientists found the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) located in the hypothalamus
Without it, we would have no sense of time.
It synchronises organs to activate during certain times.
What happens in the case of neurodegenerative diseases?
The SCN is damaged by the degeneration.
People lose their internal clock.
The hippocampus, which is in charge of long-term memory, is affected.

The importance of light

Light can reset our internal clock.
It adapts when seasons change and when we travel in other time zones.
Why is it blind people can’t see, but still have a clock?
Scientist found that if the eyes are taken, they loose their clock.
They discovered melanopsin, a photoreceptor, in the ganglion cells, located in the eyes.
These photoreceptors are connected to our SCN.
They are sensitive to BRIGHT light and TIME of exposure (10 000 Lux during several minutes).
Melanopsin also regulates sleep and our mood.
It suppresses melatonin, a sleeping hormone.
Melatonin they builds up during the day as the light decreases, making us sleepy when night comes.
When the sky is gray/there’s no light it can cause sessional depression.
We need more light in the first half of the day and less after noon.
Melanopsin promotes cortisol, an hormone that makes us more alert (stress hormone)
Therefore, cortisol spikes early in the morning and decreases throughout the day.
Leading a stressful life maintains our level of cortisol high, which can lead to health issues.

The role electronics play in our internal clocks

Blue light from screens and lighting send the wrong signal to the SCN.
Melatonin can’t build up.
So, someone would have trouble sleep or would wake up tired.
Philips Hue: Lights that can be programmed to send red lights instead of blue.
F.lux: Application that filters blue light and sends different shades depending on the time of day.

What about Jet Lag and night workers?

People that switch from a day shift to a night shift:
They sleep during the brightest sunlight exposure.
They rarely get exposed to the natural light.
While light does half of the work, the other half is done by food.
When traveling, light and food habits change, which messes up our SCN.

How food regulates our tissues

Internal clocks are like traffic lights: without the right timing, it creates accidents and traffic jams.
There’s a specific time for every metabolic activity.
If not properly adjusted:
There’s build up of undesired by-products.
It puts stress on our cells.
It can lead to many chronic diseases.
Our organ’s clocks respond to when we eat.
The act of eating turns on the genes responsible for digestion.
Light has little impact in that case.

The principle behind time-restricting feeding

The idea is to restrict your eating into a certain period of time, usually being 12h.
Mice that don’t have a circadian clock have greater chances of developing a metabolic disorder such as:
Cardiovascular diseases
High fat diet and high sugar diet were tested with time-restriction.
Did not matter WHAT or HOW MUCH you eat but WHEN you eat is crucial.
Mice ate the same food but the ones on time-restriction had 28% less body mass and 70% less fat.
Time restricting has a huge impact on our body.
Nutrition or quality of food still matters.
The program increased lean mass.
This can be caused by an increase in Nicotimamide Ribose, which creates more NAD.
More NAD gives more ATP.
ATP, being the main energy source of our body, boosts our energy level.
Restricting in an 8h to 9h period is even more beneficial.
It increases endurance.
An increase in brown fat tissue was noted.
There’s also an increase in mitochondria activity.

Intermittent fasting versus time-restricting feeding

In both cases, there’s a prolonged fasting period.
When we eat, we damage our cells.
Fasting promotes repairs.
Intermittent fasting restricts calories, time-restricting does not.

It’s a comeback to our primordial physiology.
The two methods are in synch with the circadian clock.
Melatonin receptors were found in pancreas.
The increase of melatonin that happens during the day inhibits insulin production.
Therefore, late night calories have different effect on our health.
This site is a nutrition study application.
50% of the population eat throughout a period of 15 hours.
8 people that were asked to restrict their time.
They lost 4% body weight.
They slept better and were more energetic in the morning.
It’s an indirect way to reduce calories and eat better.
It contains two phases:
Phase 1: Collect how much and when people eat, sleep, exercise.
Phase 2: Selecting a program to follow.
It can be synched with the Health Kit and Google Fit application, which measure movement.
It’s a simple life style changes.
Experiments on fruit flies showed:
Their heart has similar genes and diseases as humans.
By following a time-restricted diet, they develop heart problem later.
They slept better and were more energetic.
The mitochondria in the heart cells were healthier.
The Electron Transport Chain (ETC) was more effective.
It also showed better proteostasis, which is important for protein folding.

Links to microbiota and digestion

Our microbiota also follows a circadian clock.
Different bacteria are active during different part of the day.
Regularity between fasting and eating allows a vast variety of species to grow.
Time-restricting changes the way sugar are digested.
It can also decrease our cholesterol level and increase the production of bile acid.

uBiome: a website where you can evaluate the changes in your gut bacteria.

liffy said:
I've been doing this for a few months, also did it for a period some years ago. It works well for me.

It might however be useful to clarify; intermittent fasting in many cases means precisely the same as this "time restricted eating". Although intermittent fasting also can mean fasting one day every now and then, the way most people use it is to shorten the eating window every day.

My understanding of intermittent fasting was that you reduce the calorie intake too. With the "time restricted eating" you have the same calories as usual.
So perhaps think of it as "eating normally" but with a longer period of time between eating from day to day.

Keyhole said:
On the topic of circadian rhythms, there are two types of circadian clocks in the body.

1. is the suprachiasmatic nuclei in the hypothalamus (the central circadian clock) which is entrained by light cycles. So light in the morning, and no light in the evening maintains this function

2. are the peripheral clocks in the CLOCK genes in peripheral cells. These are entrained by food intake. Hence, eating in the morning is important for setting peripheral clock rhythms. To add to this, eating after dark is a great way to de-synchronize the peripheral clocks (assuming one is blocking blue light at night time - which is a requirement for optimal functioning)

So, if you were eating at 7:30pm every night, this would naturally mess up your chronobiological and circadian rhythmicity. Hence, eating earlier on in the day should increase sleep quality.

I don't do any blue light restriction. I have in the past for some months, and it did improve sleep.
It didn't improve how rested I felt (i.e. still a struggle to get out of bed/no energy), how quickly my body can lose muscle mass, mood, or how I respond to keto/near keto diets.
I've read a lot of the topic of circadian rhythms, and the diet aspect was new to me (beyond not eating too late).

From what I've read/listened too, the 'peripheral clocks' are not so peripheral in my case. Given the gut and it's flora, and all visceral organs seem to be regulated by when we start eating (and are not controlled so much by light) it may be worth considering as less peripheral.
If our gut is our 'second brain' and gut flora is in control of our brain chemistry, visceral organs in charge of energy regulation and detox, could this actually be more important than light?

Good to see you are getting positive results, but what concerns me is the longer-term effects of the stress-hormone cortisol and adrenaline release in response to a fasted state. I think that you and me may be similar in some respects, Redfox. We both find it difficult to lose weight, and find it easy to lose weight if we do not maintain high caloric intake.

As has been mentioned, there is no reduction in caloric intake. I've been weighing myself every day to make sure it's not having a negative effect.
I spent some time thinking about this, as high cortisol and adrenaline would be concerning!
Given cortisol raises blood sugar I've often wondered if this is perhaps why some people don't do well with ketosis? Cortisol is breaking down muscle and causing continued elevated blood sugar, combined with mild insulin resistance and you never get into ketosis? Anyway, that's rather speculative.

So far I've gained more weight (another 1/2kg). This time significantly more muscle than body fat. I should note that I have done no exercise for about a month. If my cortisol was high would my muscle not be breaking down?
My mood is also progressively more relaxed and positive. I am taking things in my stride. Would that suggest that adrenaline isn't elevated?
So, that's subjective, so here's what I found in the way of clinical data:

Effects of eight weeks of time-restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in resistance-trained males


Intermittent fasting (IF) is an increasingly popular dietary approach used for weight loss and overall health. While there is an increasing body of evidence demonstrating beneficial effects of IF on blood lipids and other health outcomes in the overweight and obese, limited data are available about the effect of IF in athletes. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the effects of a modified IF protocol (i.e. time-restricted feeding) during resistance training in healthy resistance-trained males.


Thirty-four resistance-trained males were randomly assigned to time-restricted feeding (TRF) or normal diet group (ND). TRF subjects consumed 100 % of their energy needs in an 8-h period of time each day, with their caloric intake divided into three meals consumed at 1 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m. {Note the timing of the meals when considering light effecting circadian rhythm} The remaining 16 h per 24-h period made up the fasting period. Subjects in the ND group consumed 100 % of their energy needs divided into three meals consumed at 8 a.m., 1 p.m., and 8 p.m. Groups were matched for kilocalories consumed and macronutrient distribution (TRF 2826 ± 412.3 kcal/day, carbohydrates 53.2 ± 1.4 %, fat 24.7 ± 3.1 %, protein 22.1 ± 2.6 %, ND 3007 ± 444.7 kcal/day, carbohydrates 54.7 ± 2.2 %, fat 23.9 ± 3.5 %, protein 21.4 ± 1.8). Subjects were tested before and after 8 weeks of the assigned diet and standardized resistance training program. Fat mass and fat-free mass were assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and muscle area of the thigh and arm were measured using an anthropometric system. Total and free testosterone, insulin-like growth factor 1, blood glucose, insulin, adiponectin, leptin, triiodothyronine, thyroid stimulating hormone, interleukin-6, interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor α, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides were measured. Bench press and leg press maximal strength, resting energy expenditure, and respiratory ratio were also tested.


After 8 weeks, the 2 Way ANOVA (Time * Diet interaction) showed a decrease in fat mass in TRF compared to ND (p = 0.0448), while fat-free mass, muscle area of the arm and thigh, and maximal strength were maintained in both groups. Testosterone and insulin-like growth factor 1 decreased significantly in TRF, with no changes in ND (p = 0.0476; p = 0.0397). Adiponectin increased (p = 0.0000) in TRF while total leptin decreased (p = 0.0001), although not when adjusted for fat mass. Triiodothyronine decreased in TRF, but no significant changes were detected in thyroid-stimulating hormone, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, or triglycerides. Resting energy expenditure was unchanged, but a significant decrease in respiratory ratio was observed in the TRF group.


Our results suggest that an intermittent fasting program in which all calories are consumed in an 8-h window each day, in conjunction with resistance training, could improve some health-related biomarkers, decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males.

From the data, the TRF groups cortisol (ng/mL) levels:
Before 174.25 ± 56.78
After 8 weeks 186.05 ± 68.5
Which was considered of no significance.

If you want to consider bio-markets, there is a huge selection of data in this paper. Along with some pretty deep research.

I am tending toward thinking that this state is due to poor thyroid function - possibly subclinical hypothyroid and excess cortisol. This can be one of the reasons why some people "feel good" in a fasted state, because they are basically running off of stress hormones. In my own case, my health went massively downhill when I went on a low-carb/ketogenic diet. I developed dandruff, serious dry skin issues, digestive/IBS symptoms, fatigue, poor circulation and food insensitivities. This fits in perfectly with stress-state metabolism and low thyroid activity. There are lots of people who report this from low-carb diets. For some people, full ketosis/low-carb/intermittent fasting seems to be perfect, but for others it can be disastrous.

I had very similar results to yourself! Which is why time restricted feeding has surprised me.
I do take your suggestion of "feeling good" possibly being stress hormones quite seriously as a result.

If fat utilization (beta oxidation)/absorption is poor, then the cell is deprived of energy. If carbohydrates are scarce, then the metabolsim is forced to switch from thyroid metabolism to the HPA axis and begin releasing cortisol which progressively breaks down muscle tissue to provide glucose for the cell to use for energy. Cortisol also suppresses thyroid hormone, which begins a feedback loop of lower metabolism. At the start, a person can feel like they have loads of energy because they are running off of stress hormones, but this gradually declines and results in muscle wasting and fatigue. What my point is, is that if someone is prone to being underweight and under chronic physiological stress, then I don't see fasting as a viable/nor safe long term option to regain proper metabolism back.

Agreed, fasting doesn't work for me. I'd see a couple of kg of weight loss and my weigh scales would tell me my muscle % had reduced considerably.
So far, the opposite is happening. Considerable muscle gain with no exercise.

I remember the C's saying something about ketosis/low carb being something that will take some people a long time to adapt to. I am under the impression that for these people (myself included), regaining proper thyroid function and metabolic efficiency should be undertaken before attempting ketosis and fasting etc. Just my thoughts, fwiw.

Well that makes sense. I did find a few papers that suggest that TRF may actually reverse some of the metabolic problems.
Of note in the second video above is mention of diabetics doing the keto diet. They could control their insulin through the diet, but fasting glucose was still sky high. TRF fixed fasting glucose.
I figure if fasting glucose is high, you'll never get into ketosis, and will be chronically stressed when NOT eating (i.e. sleeping). Glucose will crash between 2-4am and you'll wake up in a panic as your adrenals kick in to try and raise blood glucose levels.

Here are some of the papers on TRF and metabolic issues:
Time-Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet


Time-restricted feeding improves clock and nutrient sensor functions
tRF prevents obesity, diabetes, and liver diseases in mice on a high-fat diet
Nutrient type and time of feeding determine liver metabolome and nutrient homeostasis
tRF raises bile acid production and energy expenditure and reduces inflammation


While diet-induced obesity has been exclusively attributed to increased caloric intake from fat, animals fed a high-fat diet (HFD) ad libitum (ad lib) eat frequently throughout day and night, disrupting the normal feeding cycle. To test whether obesity and metabolic diseases result from HFD or disruption of metabolic cycles, we subjected mice to either ad lib or time-restricted feeding (tRF) of a HFD for 8 hr per day. Mice under tRF consume equivalent calories from HFD as those with ad lib access yet are protected against obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hepatic steatosis, and inflammation and have improved motor coordination. The tRF regimen improved CREB, mTOR, and AMPK pathway function and oscillations of the circadian clock and their target genes' expression. These changes in catabolic and anabolic pathways altered liver metabolome and improved nutrient utilization and energy expenditure. We demonstrate in mice that tRF regimen is a nonpharmacological strategy against obesity and associated diseases.

Anticonvulsant Effect of Time-Restricted Feeding in a Pilocarpine-Induced Seizure Model: Metabolic and Epigenetic Implications

A new generation of antiepileptic drugs has emerged; however, one-third of epilepsy patients do not properly respond to pharmacological treatments. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether time-restricted feeding (TRF) has an anticonvulsant effect and whether this restrictive diet promotes changes in energy metabolism and epigenetic modifications in a pilocarpine-induced seizure model. To resolve our hypothesis, one group of rats had free access to food and water ad libitum (AL) and a second group underwent a TRF schedule. We used the lithium-pilocarpine model to induce status epilepticus (SE), and behavioral seizure monitoring was analyzed. Additionally, an electroencephalography (EEG) recording was performed to verify the effect of TRF on cortical electrical activity after a pilocarpine injection. For biochemical analysis, animals were sacrificed 24 h after SE and hippocampal homogenates were used to evaluate the proteins related to metabolism and chromatin structure. Our results showed that TRF had an anticonvulsant effect as measured by the prolonged latency of forelimb clonus seizure, a decrease in the seizure severity score and fewer animals reaching SE. Additionally, the power of the late phase EEG recordings in the AL group was significantly higher than the TRF group. Moreover, we found that TRF is capable of inducing alterations in signaling pathways that regulate energy metabolism, including an increase in the phosphorylation of AMP dependent kinase (AMPK) and a decrease in the phosphorylation of Akt kinase. Furthermore, we found that TRF was able to significantly increase the beta hydroxybutyrate (β-HB) concentration, an endogenous inhibitor of histone deacetylases (HDACs). Finally, we found a significant decrease in HDAC activity as well as an increase in acetylation on histone 3 (H3) in hippocampal homogenates from the TRF group. These findings suggest that alterations in energy metabolism and the increase in β-HB mediated by TRF may inhibit HDAC activity, thus increasing histone acetylation and producing changes in the chromatin structure, which likely facilitates the transcription of a subset of genes that confer anticonvulsant activity.


Epilepsy is the third most common chronic brain disorder. It affects 50 million people worldwide (Aroniadou-Anderjaska et al., 2008). Although a new generation of antiepileptic drugs has emerged, approximately 30% of epilepsy patients do not respond to classical pharmacological treatment (Löscher et al., 2013). For this reason, it is important to find new alternatives to complement pharmacological therapy in drug-resistant patients. To date, a variety of reports suggest that some metabolism-based therapies, such as ketogenic diet (KD) or calorie restricted (CR) diets, have an anticonvulsant effect (Bough et al., 2003; Stafstrom and Rho, 2012). Recently, it has been suggested that the beneficial effect of these diets may be produced by means of a metabolic shift involving the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and overproduction of ketone bodies (Wong, 2010; McDaniel et al., 2011; Yuen and Sander, 2014).

Time-restricted feeding (TRF) is a nutritional challenge that limits food availability to a brief time during the waking phase in mammals (Belet and Sassone-Corsi, 2010). This restrictive model induces an increase in free fatty acids (FFA) before feeding and an increase in peroxisomal markers, such as PPARα and PPARγ (Rivera-Zavala et al., 2011), suggesting that it may modulate a global metabolic shift that resembles the effects of other metabolism-based therapies.

On the other hand, environmental inputs, such as nutrition, are able to alter cell metabolism. In this sense, functional links between metabolism and epigenetic control are beginning to emerge (Sassone-Corsi, 2013). The regulation of gene expression by epigenetic modifications can occur through a variety of means. To date, the best characterized include DNA methylation, non-coding RNAs and histone posttranslational modifications (Hullar and Fu, 2014).

Histone posttranslational modifications, such as acetylation, occur at specific lysine residues and have been correlated with transcriptional activation (Sassone-Corsi, 2013). Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are enzymes that elicit the induction of repressive chromatin using specific metabolites, such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), whose availability dictates the efficacy of the enzymatic reaction (Katada et al., 2012). Interestingly, it has recently been shown that β-hydroxybutyrate (β-HB), a ketone body produced during fasting or starvation conditions, act as an endogenous inhibitor of HDACs, thus linking metabolism with gene expression (Shimazu et al., 2013).

In spite of these findings, there are no reports showing that TRF may produce beneficial effects, such as those of KD and CR, in an acute seizure model. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to determine whether TRF induces a metabolic shift by activating the energy sensor AMPK, inhibiting the Akt signaling pathway and producing epigenetic modifications that are capable of diminishing seizure susceptibility. Here, we report that TRF had anticonvulsant effects observed as prolonged latency to first seizure, a decrease in the seizure score, and a diminished number of animals that reached status epilepticus (SE). Additionally, a reduction in the power of the late phase electroencephalography (EEG) recordings in the TRF group was significantly greater than that in the AL group. Furthermore, TRF produced an increase in the β-HB concentration, activation of AMPK, inhibition of Akt kinase and increased histone 3 (H3) acetylation. These findings suggest that activation of the AMPK signaling pathway together with an increase in ketone bodies could mediate the acetylation of H3, thus contributing to the transcription of a subset of genes conferring anticonvulsant activity.

Time-Restricted Feeding Is a Preventative and Therapeutic Intervention against Diverse Nutritional Challenges
Diseases like obesity, arising from nutrient imbalance or excess, are often accompanied by disruptions of multiple pathways in different organ systems. For example, the regulation of glucose, lipids, cholesterol, and amino acids (aa) homeostasis involves the liver, white adipose tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT), and muscle. In each tissue, nutrient homeostasis is maintained by balancing energy storage and energy utilization. Pharmacological agents directed against specific targets effectively treat certain aspects of this homeostatic imbalance. However, treating one aspect of a metabolic disease sometimes worsens other symptoms (e.g., increased adiposity seen with insulin sensitizers), and beneficial effects are often short lived (e.g., sulfonylureas) (Bray and Ryan, 2014). Furthermore, recent studies have shown that early perturbation of nutrient homeostasis can cause epigenetic changes that predispose an individual to metabolic diseases later in life (Hanley et al., 2010). Hence, finding interventions that impact multiple organ systems and can reverse existing disease will likely be more potent in combating the pleiotropic effect of nutrient imbalance.
Recent discoveries have shown that many metabolic pathways, including current pharmacological targets, have diurnal rhythms (Gamble et al., 2014 and Panda et al., 2002). It is hypothesized that under normal healthy conditions the cyclical expression of metabolic regulators coordinates a wide range of cellular processes for more efficient metabolism. In HFD-induced obesity, such temporal regulation is blunted (Kohsaka et al., 2007). Tonic activation or inhibition of a metabolic pathway, as is the case with pharmacological therapy, cannot restore normal rhythmic activity pattern. Therefore, interventions that restore diurnal regulation in multiple pathways and tissue types might be effective in countering the pleiotropic effect of nutrient imbalance.

Gene expression and metabolomics profiling, as well as targeted assay of multiple metabolic regulators, have revealed that a defined daily period of feeding and fasting is a dominant determinant of diurnal rhythms in metabolic pathways (Adamovich et al., 2014, Barclay et al., 2012, Bray et al., 2010, Eckel-Mahan et al., 2012 and Vollmers et al., 2009). Accordingly, early introduction of time-restricted feeding (TRF), where access to food is limited to 8 hr during the active phase, prevents the adverse effects of HFD-induced metabolic diseases without altering caloric intake or nutrient composition (Hatori et al., 2012).

Hypothetically then TRF regulates the visceral circadian rhythm (through food, not light) and may be able to counter early epigenetic changes in energy metabolism. fwiw
Re: Time restricted eating a type of Intermittent Fasting

I started this Time restricted eating last Thursday. Until now I had done intermittent fasting from time to time.
The first thing that I noticed is that I sleep a little better.
For now, my bodyweight is the same as before. No change there.
My first meal is in the morning before going to work at 7:45 am and the second and the last meal I when I come home from work at 5:45 pm.
I'll continue with this for a longer time and see the difference.
Re: Time restricted eating

RedFox said:
I don't do any blue light restriction. I have in the past for some months, and it did improve sleep.
It didn't improve how rested I felt (i.e. still a struggle to get out of bed/no energy), how quickly my body can lose muscle mass, mood, or how I respond to keto/near keto diets.
I've read a lot of the topic of circadian rhythms, and the diet aspect was new to me (beyond not eating too late).

From what I've read/listened too, the 'peripheral clocks' are not so peripheral in my case. Given the gut and it's flora, and all visceral organs seem to be regulated by when we start eating (and are not controlled so much by light) it may be worth considering as less peripheral.
If our gut is our 'second brain' and gut flora is in control of our brain chemistry, visceral organs in charge of energy regulation and detox, could this actually be more important than light?
Sorry for not clarifying, Redfox. When I mentioned peripheral clocks, this was simply referring to any clock that is separate from the hypothalamic central clock. This was not to imply that the peripheral clocks are any less important. From what I understand, neither is more/less important than the other, and both play a foundational role in the regulation of processes like cell division and differentation, growth, metabolism, repair.

From a light standpoint, one could argue that light stimulus entering the retina to send signals via the retinal-hypothalamic-tract to the SCN (hypothalamus), which then controls the pituitary --> thyroid, adrenals, etc = light is the ultimate controller/regulator of metabolism.

Similarly, one could argue that food timing is more important as mentioned above.

Personally, I would hazard a guess that they are both equally as important as one another, and neither food nor light can be isolated in any way. It makes intuitive sense to me that all inputs from the environment including food, light, EMF, impressions etc, are essentially just composed of information at a fundamental level. So every informational input is in some way incorporated into our body system and influences the degree of "coherence": basically structure, organisation, function, and energy flow.

As has been mentioned, there is no reduction in caloric intake. I've been weighing myself every day to make sure it's not having a negative effect.
I spent some time thinking about this, as high cortisol and adrenaline would be concerning!
Given cortisol raises blood sugar I've often wondered if this is perhaps why some people don't do well with ketosis? Cortisol is breaking down muscle and causing continued elevated blood sugar, combined with mild insulin resistance and you never get into ketosis? Anyway, that's rather speculative.
Apologies, I was assuming that you meant that it was a calorie restricted-fast. It is promising to see that you have gained muscle mass doing this, so good luck with it and I hope you have good results :). The more I learn, it is so clear that these things come down to the individual (their genetics etc), their lifestyle, and their ability to adapt to different stressors. Calorie restricted ketosis may work for some people, other people it may completely derail.

On the topic of ketosis and in relation to the bolded part above, what you said seems fairly on point. But I think the actual process is multifaceted, and really quite complex. I think in an ideal-evolutionary environment, ketosis/low carb is probably how we are designed to function and should/could work for everyone. However, one of the biggest issues in our modern environment seems to be 1.chronic stress, and 2. PUFA. From what I understand currently, in a stress response/hypothyroid/ state of Ketosis (or starvation), masses of stored PUFAs (including omega-3s) in adipose tissue and cell/mitochondrial membranes become liberated by phospholipase enzymes and begin to circulate. Liberated PUFAs have some interesting effects: They activate a stress response further, they actively they block thyroid hormone production on every level which means they induce semi-hypothyroid/lowered metabolism, and they suppress mitochondrial respiration.

Excessive PUFAs in the cell membrane also inhibit oxygen from entering the cell, which essentially means that mitochondrial respiration cannot take place (because there is no oxygen to accept electrons at the terminal end point of oxidative phosphorylation). The proper term for this state is "hypoxia".

Cellular hypoxia means that a cell must revert back to a primitive state of metabolism, otherwise known as "anaerobic glycolysis" or the Warburg metabolism. This type of metabolism is seen in essentially every type of pathology (as can be evidenced by excess Lactate/Lactate dehydrogenase in studies), but is especially known for being the method of metabolism undertaken by cancer cells. Hence the term "cancer cells feed off sugar".

"...With the exception of melanoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the incidence of cancer has peaked in the last several years, but rates and mortality are still high. Moreover, despite 50 years of intensive cancer research increasingly focused on genetic causes, no single unifying cause for cancer has been established. Although it is well-known that tumors are hypoxic, and that there is a correlation between the level of hypoxia and prognosis, with the exception of Warburg's studies, little work has been done to investigate the relationship between hypoxia and cancer. Over 70 years ago, Warburg showed that cells could always be made cancerous by subjecting them to periods of hypoxia. Moreover, he demonstrated that once cells had converted to a cancerous state, reversion could not occur. Modern biochemistry acknowledges that there is a switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis in tumors that might be concurrent with hypoxia, but does not address the cancer causation. It is our hypothesis that long-term hypoxia of cells in the body, measured in years, is the primary trigger for cancer. We believe that the hypoxia, which has to meet Warburg's findings of a critical 35% reduction in intracellular oxygen levels to initiate cancer, is linked to the incorporation of adulterated, non-oxygenating, or inappropriate polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) into the phospholipids of cell and mitochondrial membranes. Such incorporation causes changes in membrane properties that impair oxygen transmission into the cell. Trans fats, partially oxidized PUFA entities, and inappropriate omega-6:eek:mega-3 ratios are all potential sources of unsaturated fatty acids that can disrupt the normal membrane structure. In this paper, we explore this hypothesis by examining the evidence, and additionally propose an appropriate PUFA dosage for humans by analyzing requirements and taking into account current PUFA consumption patterns."

A secondary effect of this hypoxia is that less carbon dioxide is also produced, which (due to the Bohr effect) decreases the amount of oxygen that can reach the tissues even further.

“When respiration is suppressed, the cell’s production of carbon dioxide is suppressed. If we start with the best known example of carbon dioxide’s effect on a protein, the Haldane-Bohr effect on hemoglobin, we will have a model for visualizing what happens to organisms in an environment that is poor in carbon dioxide, but rich in vegetable-derived unsaturated fats. Carbon dioxide associates with protein in a variety of ways, but the best understood association is its reaction with an amino group, to form a carbamino group. In the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide, the hemoglobin molecule changes its shape slightly, along with its electronic balance, in a way that favors the release of oxygen. The opposite happens in the presence of a high concentration of oxygen and a lower concentration of carbon dioxide.” -Ray Peat, PhD

To continue on the downward spiral, the lack of CO2 means that nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is up-regulated as a replacement to vasodilate tissues, however a byproduct of NO is that it binds with Cytochrome-C-Oxidase in the mitochondria, basically blocking ATP production. This increases the Warburg effect, and tissue structural integrity/function essentially degrades -----> local pathology can ensue. Additionally, the lowered thyroid function (due to PUFA metabolism) inhibits the production of stomach acid, which allows bacteria to pass into the small intestine and eventually can lead to SIBO (which has its own range of issues!). I vaguely remember reading that masses of PUFA released via lipolysis can overburden the liver, whereas slow release of it can be dealt with. Hence, doing all that one can to mitigate the stressors may be useful in this scenario. This includes avoiding excessive lipolysis by maintaining adequate blood sugar to decrease the likelihood of stress hormone release, and PUFA depletion for a while to get rid of most of the stored nasties. Apparently it is possible.

Ultimately, stored PUFAs can destroy someones ability to function in ketosis, and progressively destroy the entire system via similar mechanisms. Some others, seem to be able to deal with this stressor, and can somehow adapt to the lack of energetic substrate - even in stressful environments - and still be healthy! So there really is no "on size fits all", which makes things so much more difficult :evil:

Overall, the TRF info you have posted is fascinating, and IMO highlights how important circadian rhythmicity is in maximising the efficiency of the organism.
Re: Time restricted eating a type of Intermittent Fasting

Keyhole said:
I'm skinny, so was concerned by the possible weight loss (I loose weight easily). Eating the same amount of food in a shorter time frame however seems to have caused about 1kg of weight gain in 10 days, which is generally unheard of for me. Estimating based on what my weigh scales say, it's about 40% muscle and 60% fat.
Good to see you are getting positive results, but what concerns me is the longer-term effects of the stress-hormone cortisol and adrenaline release in response to a fasted state. I think that you and me may be similar in some respects, Redfox. We both find it difficult to lose weight, and find it easy to lose weight if we do not maintain high caloric intake.

I am tending toward thinking that this state is due to poor thyroid function - possibly subclinical hypothyroid and excess cortisol. This can be one of the reasons why some people "feel good" in a fasted state, because they are basically running off of stress hormones. In my own case, my health went massively downhill when I went on a low-carb/ketogenic diet. I developed dandruff, serious dry skin issues, digestive/IBS symptoms, fatigue, poor circulation and food insensitivities. This fits in perfectly with stress-state metabolism and low thyroid activity. There are lots of people who report this from low-carb diets. For some people, full ketosis/low-carb/intermittent fasting seems to be perfect, but for others it can be disastrous.

If fat utilization (beta oxidation)/absorption is poor, then the cell is deprived of energy. If carbohydrates are scarce, then the metabolsim is forced to switch from thyroid metabolism to the HPA axis and begin releasing cortisol which progressively breaks down muscle tissue to provide glucose for the cell to use for energy. Cortisol also suppresses thyroid hormone, which begins a feedback loop of lower metabolism. At the start, a person can feel like they have loads of energy because they are running off of stress hormones, but this gradually declines and results in muscle wasting and fatigue. What my point is, is that if someone is prone to being underweight and under chronic physiological stress, then I don't see fasting as a viable/nor safe long term option to regain proper metabolism back.

I remember the C's saying something about ketosis/low carb being something that will take some people a long time to adapt to. I am under the impression that for these people (myself included), regaining proper thyroid function and metabolic efficiency should be undertaken before attempting ketosis and fasting etc. Just my thoughts, fwiw.

I'm a thyroidian type, skinny and ectomorph, and I too struggle with high cortisol and hormonal "fire", I've tested the intermittent fasting, and I do it often but it seems that my body really want to eat more, so keyhole you might have pointed a something here.

Furthermore I just saw this article and it seems that southern European need much more vegetables, and so concords with the C's have said about some type of human that have to eat more carbohydrates.


A new study of hundreds of human genomes has revealed that groups in various regions of the world have evolved for diets with different amounts of meat and vegetables. People from Europe, particularly its southern regions, are optimized for a high-plant diet. But people from other areas, such as the Inuit of Greenland, have a biochemistry that is better able to process lots of meat fat.

The study, which appeared in Molecular Biology and Evolution, would not have been possible without recent advances in ancient genome sequencing. UC Berkeley integrative biology professor Rasmus Nielsen and his colleagues had access not only to hundreds of genome sequences from humans today, but also to sequences from 101 people who lived in Europe 5,000 years ago during the Bronze Age. By comparing these genomes, they found that two particular regions of DNA were under intense selection over the past several thousand years and changed rapidly in response to evolutionary pressures.

These DNA regions contain two genes called "fatty acid desaturase 1 and 2," or FADS1 and 2 for short. The FADS genes regulate how the human body converts short-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) into long-chain PUFAs for the health of many tissues, including muscles and the brain. In Europeans dating back to the Bronze Age, the FADS genes have undergone mutations to produce more long-chain PUFAs. This suggests a diet higher in vegetables and grains, which produce short-chain PUFAs. Meat produces long-chain PUFAs. The Inuit group's FADS genes are primed to produce fewer long-chain PUFAs, likely because the Inuit diet is so high in animal fats from ocean mammals.

Nielsen and his colleagues believe that the European variant of the FADS genes likely are the result of agricultural lifestyles, leading to diets rich in wheat and vegetables. When people in Europe and the Middle East began to practice farming over 10,000 years ago, suddenly they were ingesting far more of those short-chain PUFAs. People who could convert short-chain PUFAs into long-chain PUFAs efficiently were more likely to survive, and so their FADS genes were passed on.

The FADS genes are still changing, too. Nielsen told Ars via e-mail: "Of course, within the last century there have been drastic changes in the diets in many areas of Europe. Diets have typically become more caloric with a higher intake of simple sugars, and perhaps also more rich in proteins and fat from animals. So selection is unlikely to be working in exactly the same way now."

This is another nail in the coffin for the scientific validity of paleo diets, which are based on the idea that human nutritional needs haven't changed since we were primarily hunter-gatherers.

It's also likely that the FADS genes have been changing rapidly for tens of thousands of years, as humans found new environmental niches across the planet. This puts them in stark contrast with genes that allow for lactose tolerance, which are clearly linked to a rise in dairy production on farms in the West.
"The selection associated with lactase persistence (avoidance of lactose intolerance) seems to have been stronger in Northern Europe," Nielsen explained to Ars. "However, we don't see the same geographic patterns for the FADS genes. If anything, selection that would be driven by a more vegetarian diet might have been stronger in Southern Europe. Selection associated with the FADS genes might also be older than the selection affecting lactase." So there is little overlap between people with veggie-friendly FADS genes and people with genes for lactase persistence.

Nielsen and his colleagues even looked for FADS variants in Neanderthal and Denisovan genes, which are over 40,000 years old. What they found is that FADS genes appear to have been a target for natural selection in these ancient humans as well. This suggests that FADS variants pre-date the divergence of modern humans and Neanderthals, over 400,000 years ago. Or possibly it could mean that modern humans and Neanderthals both inherited the genetic variants by interbreeding with some other hominid. Nielsen called the result "odd" and admitted "we are not sure exactly what is going on."

Regardless of the explanation, we know that our genomes have responded rapidly to changes in our diets for thousands of years. We are not optimized to eat what people ate 50,000 years ago as hunter-gatherers. Instead, we are more likely to share the dietary needs of ancestors who lived only a few thousand years ago. And even what our great-grandparents ate is already affecting the FADS variants inherited by our children.

I can't comment on that because I'm not very knowledgeable on this field, but someone could add insights maybe ?
Re: Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

I came across this video explaining the difference between fasting and caloric restriction (or eating less) and the role played by Ghrelin which could be helpful for those interested in this subject.

From Wikipedia:

Ghrelin (pronounced /ˈɡrɛlɪn/). The etymology of the word is an acronym: GHR (“growth hormone-releasing peptide”) + -lin (“a common hormone suffix”), with an incidental pun on both Proto-Indo-European *gʰreh₁- (“to grow”) and English growling.[3] It is often referred to as "the hunger hormone". Also known as lenomorelin (INN), it is a peptide hormone produced by ghrelinergic cells in the gastrointestinal tract[4][5] which functions as a neuropeptide in the central nervous system.[6] Besides regulating appetite, ghrelin also plays a significant role in regulating the distribution and rate of use of energy.[7]

When the stomach is empty, ghrelin is secreted. When the stomach is stretched, secretion stops.a It acts on hypothalamic brain cells both to increase hunger, and to increase gastric acid secretion and gastrointestinal motility to prepare the body for food intake.[8]

The receptor for ghrelin, the ghrelin/growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R), is found on the same cells in the brain as the receptor for leptin, the satiety hormone that has opposite effects from ghrelin.[9] Ghrelin also plays an important role in regulating reward perception in dopamine neurons that link the ventral tegmental area to the nucleus accumbens[10][11] (a site that plays a role in processing sexual desire, reward, and reinforcement, and in developing addictions) through its colocalized receptors and interaction with dopamine and acetylcholine.[6][12] Ghrelin is encoded by the GHRL gene and is presumably produced from the cleavage of the prepropeptide ghrelin/obestatin. Full-length preproghrelin is homologous to promotilin and both are members of the motilin family.

Unlike the case of many other endogenous peptides, ghrelin is able to cross the blood-brain-barrier, giving exogenously-administered ghrelin unique clinical potential.[13]
Re: Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Tristan said:
I came across this video explaining the difference between fasting and caloric restriction (or eating less) and the role played by Ghrelin which could be helpful for those interested in this subject.

Thanks for sharing Tristan - the video weighs the benefits of fasting compared to following a calorie restricted diet and explains the differences in a clear and easy to understand way while still going through the technical aspects of how the body reacts to each situation.

The only thing I would be careful about is that the low-calorie diets used to base his conclusion are fuelled by carbs and not fat. The differences observed might not have been the same had he been comparing fasting to a ketogenic diet. Still a really good video to watch IMO.
Intermittent Dry Fasting

Hey guys,

So I've been doing a bunch of research on fasting as of late to try to understand exactly what happens during each stage of every type of fast, and what effects it has on your body, positive or negative. Long story short, I've kinda whittled it down to a few promising things and wanted to share and get any feedback.

One of the more radical (and intriguing) concepts I've come across is "dry fasting". It basically means going without food or water for whatever amount of time. There are many purported benefits and things that supposedly occur *only* when dry fasting and during no other fasting technique, so I wanted to see if there's supporting evidence. It sounds crazy given the importance and benefits of water and proper hydration, but any kind of fasting sounds crazy given that food in general is also sorta important. As with all things, the dose-response relationship applies. Things can be beneficial or harmful depending on proper or improper application. Suffice it to say the concept was very interesting so I did some digging.

Now, a lot of the same benefits will happen during a water fast. A good discussion on general benefits of fasting happened on SOTT radio already:

However, I was more interested in exactly how is dry fasting different - what can it do that a water fast can't do? Water fasting has been much more extensively studied, so we already know it's generally safe and does tons of awesome things for the body and the mind. I also looked at juice fasting but it essentially sucks - it's the weakest form of fasting and you're also carb loading which defeats the purpose of controlling your insulin, one of the major benefits of fasting. I wouldn't recommend it at all.

So it really just leaves 2 possibilities (not mutually exclusive) - water and dry. With water fasting it's simple. The easiest way to get into it is by getting keto adapted first, even if it's only for a week or 2 before the fast. Keto and fasting are close cousins. If you're ok with moderate protein and basically no carbs, your body can already use fat efficiently and you've already gone through any "keto flu" so it's super easy to transition into a water fast with the least amount of discomfort. It's also much faster because you don't have to take like 2 days to get through your glycogen stores first, bypassing that entire initial stage everyone else would go through. It's recommended to supplement salt, potassium, and magnesium during the water fast although not a requirement and depends on the person and extent of the fast. And when you're coming out of the fast, just eat easily digestible small portions for a few days to ease back into normality. It seems bone broth is a really good way to do this and you can start adding solid food in small portions with it as you go. Some recommend watermelon and other fruits but I wouldn't recommend it - you're spiking your insulin this way, and although it may work to offset re-feeding syndrome (gastrointestinal distress) just like with bone broth etc, in another sense it's like hitting a brick wall to stop your car because of the carbs/insulin spike. Just kinda defeats the point of fasting in a lot of ways.

So onto dry fasting then. Here's a good overview:

The world record is 18 days for no food/water. It's more usual to do it for periods of 1 day to maybe 7 days (after having worked up to it slowly with water fasting and shorter dry fast practice first, and always listening to your body and terminating early as needed). One of the main effects exclusive to dry fasting is producing water from your fat stores and cells. This is probably the only major difference vs a water fast, but it leads to many interesting effects. One of the main benefits of fasting in general is autophagy - where your body "eats" itself. It eats all the weak/broken cells for energy. My understanding is that because of the intense "survival of the fittest" competition created by fasting, the weak and diseased basically lose and are sacrificed. When re-feeding, the body uses stem cells to replace what was "eaten" with new healthy parts. Within 3 or 4 days of a water fast, for example, it has been shown that your immune system is essentially rebuilt from scratch using the above mechanism.

Dry fasting is supposed to do this even faster. It essentially makes autophagy even more intense by also having to create its own water by stealing a hydrogen molecule via ketosis from your fat and combining it with oxygen from the air to make very pure water. It has been mentioned, oddly enough, that this is the only way to truly replace water with "bad information" in your body with pure unprogrammed water - over time. This made me think of the C's session regarding water and its ability to store information and thus affect the body in a variety of ways. I'm not sure if this replacement truly happens to the extent claimed but it was interesting that the claim was even made to begin with.

Dr Filonov is a Russian doctor that has done probably more research into dry fasting than anyone else. He claims that dehygrated cells act as furnaces that essentially burn up toxins, accelerating detox. He has written a book in Russian (which I haven't read yet) called "Dry Medical Fasting - Myths and Reality", which is unprofessionally translated into English and available here in both languages: _

I intend to give it a read and see what else I can learn. But in essence, Russians have done a lot more work and research into Dry Fasting than anyone else and they have retreats where people can go and do this under medical supervision.

It's a topic worth looking into, and I think if the information turns out to be sound, it would be an interesting thing to try. I intend to try "dry intermittent fasting" to be on the safe side until I learn more - essentially have a window of maybe 6 or 8 hours during which I drink water. My actual food window right now is even more restricted to maybe an hour within that period. I'll make sure to rehydrate well during that window and see if I feel anything different than only doing regular intermittent fasting with no water window limitation.

I'm curious if anyone has done any research into this topic or have any experience with it!
Re: Intermittent Dry Fasting

Ramadan is a month-long annual "fasting event" akin to Lent but Ramadan fasting consists of dry fasting from sunrise to sunset. Some people will proceed to break the fast by feasting, which somewhat misses the point. Ramadan fasting is a requirement for Muslims, as such by their monotheistic god, similarly to other monotheistic religions.

As it is, reading your post was informative, my thanks for that.

My two cents.
Re: Effects of intermittent fasting on women

Interesting video. This could explain why I have had trouble fasting. I find myself getting hungry much more quickly than my husband does. I get hungry and very irritable.
Science Explains How Fasting Can Regenerate Your Cells And Fight Cancer

Immune system defects are at the center of aging and a range of diseases. Here, we show that prolonged fasting … (leads) to … changes in long-term hematopoietic stem cells and niche cells that promote stress resistance, self-renewal, and long-age-balanced regeneration.” ~ Longo, V.D., et al.: Prolonged Fasting Reduces IGF-1/PK to Promote Hematopoietic-Stem-Cell-Based Regeneration and Reverse Immunosuppression

Whew … did you get all of that? If not, here’s a layman’s (my own) paraphrase: Fasting – abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink – promotes the birthing of cells while fighting against many of the things that cause aging, stress, and fatigue.

Not bad, eh? But let’s take a step back and more specifically discuss the study’s finer points.

Here are the benefits of fasting for your body:

Fasting and the Immune System

In a nutshell, here’s what the scientists discovered:

“Prolonged fasting (PF) lasting 48-120 (hours) reduces progrowth signaling and activates pathways that enhance cellular resistance to toxins in mice and humans.”

A couple of things:

– Using simple math, we convert 48 to 120 hours to 2 to 5 days. (That’s a long time to go without eating, huh? More on this later.)

– Per the authors, an extended period of fasting is required to achieve the specified health benefits. Relatedly, restricting calories does not appear to be useful:

“The physiological changes caused by PF are much more pronounced than those caused by calorie restriction or fasting lasting 24 hours or less.”
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