All recent final messages/warnings from the Sessions


FOTCM Member
For reference and ease of access, here are the final messages by the Cs from 2018 on, in reverse chronological order (newest first, oldest last). I'll keep it up to date with new sessions.

(Note : For the french version of those messages, you can find them here.)

March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

January 25th 2025
A: We said that things would be thrilling. It is just warming up. Goodbye.

December 21st 2024
A: Stay alert. Things can get hectic! Goodbye.

November 23rd 2024
A: Expect more weather and celestial events to excite the populace. Thrilling times ahead indeed! Goodbye.

October 19th 2024
A: Pay attention to last final messages. Things are really heating up. There are certifiable, insane persons in positions of power. Goodbye.

September 21st 2024
A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming! Goodbye.

August 17th 2024
A: You are doing well. Help is on the way! Goodbye.

July 6th 2024
A: You are all doing well for now, keep in mind previous warnings. Goodbye.

May 18th 2024
A: Many more trials coming in place after place. It takes a lot to awaken a dumbed down population. Many will not survive. Take care of each other. Goodbye.

January 13th 2024
A: Love! You are doing well. Network!!! Goodbye.

December 30th 2023
A: Be aware that your own group is under scrutiny and subject to attack if all are not fully aware and communicating. It would be helpful for all of you to read Paul's letter about love a few times per week and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Times ahead are going to be shocking and unstable. Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven. Ask when needed and we will be here. Peace be with you. Goodbye.

October 28th 2023
A: More to come. Just wait and see. Things are getting interesting and will move fast for the next several months as more and more people wake up to reality.

A: Sit tight. Good things can come out of chaos. Goodbye.

June 24th 2023
A: Pray and meditate and build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Much turmoil coming. Be awake, alert, aware, and utilize knowledge. It really does protect if you can set limiting emotions aside. Goodbye.

January 14th 2023
A: You are all doing well. We know it is difficult, but a bit more humor might help. Also do have some fun together! Goodbye.

December 10th 2022
A: Again we urge all to continuously stay in contact and exert energy on behalf of others in your group so as to refine frequency for receiving. Things are about to get rather "rocky". Help to keep the lighthouse lit at all costs as soon will be vital to all. And finally, be excellent to each other! Goodbye.

July 17th 2022
A: Stay the course and network more! Some of you are slackers! Goodbye.

April 23rd 2022
A: Be aware that you are currently under attack by forces that wish to silence you and end your exertions on behalf of your group in specific and the planet in general. These forces are getting desperate and will attempt to use any inroad possible. Be awake and alert at all times. Any disputes or disagreements can be easily blown out of proportion to your destruction. And then, when the negative energy is withdrawn, the devastation left will be amplified by the knowledge that it was all a deception. [Planchette swirls around and around for about 45 seconds] You have been warned. Do not take this lightly. Communicate and listen. It will take all of you together to navigate these dangers!!! Goodbye.

February 26th 2022
A: Carry on as you have been. Connections are getting stronger as a result of your exercises. And don't wait too long for attention to yourself and Ark. You are needed!! Goodbye.

December 18th 2021
A: Times will get increasingly chaotic because the forces at play are becoming even more desperate for control as the changes draw nigh. It will be more important than ever to hold together during this transitional period. Do not get tired or discouraged. You have learned enough of lasting value to recognize this source as positive and valid. Please hold to that knowledge in darker times. Remember: Change IS coming!!!! Goodbye.

October 30th 2021
A: Please be very aware that these times are crucial not only to the development of your souls, but also to the future of your realm and your place within it. Be AWARE, support each other, and most important, NETWORK!!! Goodbye.

September 18th 2021
A: These are the times that try men's souls. And perhaps now you can understand the full meaning of that statement. Some souls do not do well under stress and pressure and the human system is constructed to alleviate stress by whatever means necessary.

A: Just keep eyes and ears open and SEE! Goodbye.

July 17th 2021
A: Things will get worse before they get better. Stay alert and use knowledge!!! Goodbye.

May 29th 2021
A: Again things may heat up a bit and create unpleasant frissons in many. Do not be dismayed or alarmed. Continue to work and build your network and connections. As we have said before, all this is evidence of the anxiety as the big changes approach. This will pass. Have faith and love. Goodbye.

March 13th 2021
A: Yes, you have a period of time in which to work while the reality is disintegrating around you, do not waste it!!! Goodbye.

January 30th 2021
A: At this point you should better understand "enjoy the show." So do it. Goodbye.

December 31st 2020
A: Those who can give more should do so now more than ever. As we have said before, money equals energy. That energy helps all of you to carry on and strengthen the center. If the center holds, so will the spokes and satellites. The PTB are trying to make it difficult or impossible. But the center must hold for all. We here urge all your members to do all they can. There is much more turmoil to come. The hope of your realm rests on your network. It would be a shame to waste that hope. Goodbye.

October 10th 2020
A: Just stay calm and patient. Goodbye.

July 4th 2020
A: Keep eyes and ears open so that you can enjoy the show. But also pay close and careful attention to those around you in love and harmony. Balance is key. Goodbye.

May 23rd 2020
A: None of what they thought has transpired due to wishful thinking. Just keep eyes and ears open! Lot of surprising twists and turns. Better than a roller coaster.

May 9th 2020
A: Be calm! Things will change! Love and Goodbye.

February 22nd 2020
A: Keep the faith all! Goodbye.

December 28th 2019
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

May 18th 2019
A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!

March 23rd 2019
A: Be aware that a new world will dawn! Be not oppressed by the death throes of the old world. Goodbye.

June 9th 2018
A: Just remember that periods of apparent stasis are not necessarily bad. Sometimes Being needs to catch up with Doing. Patience and dedication are key. It is impossible for us to give predictions of exactly when dramatic changes will take place due to the many variables in an open universe. But be assured that things are definitely on the move in cosmic and psychic spheres. Keep your eyes open and be aware at all levels and don't be taken unawares.
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This is great, @luc ,thanks! Would you mind also adding the date on top of each quote, so that we can have them in chronological order, and to remember more easily what was going on when the Cs gave that piece of advice?
This is great, @luc ,thanks! Would you mind also adding the date on top of each quote, so that we can have them in chronological order, and to remember more easily what was going on when the Cs gave that piece of advice?

Oki, done. Also added a few from @Arwenn's list I missed (sometimes they are hidden earlier in the sessions). I didn't want to include any questions/context though for better readability, and mostly these messages are volunteered by the Cs anyway. But if anybody wants to see the context, you can just click on the quote and it will bring you to the session.

Edit: @Chu or another mod, might be good to make this thread "sticky" since there won't be much activity except editing (which doesn't bump the thread) and so it will disappear from view quickly.
Great! And maybe we want to move this thread to the public section of the forum? For now, we linked to this thread:

But yours here is nicer, I think.
One thing that might help the forum in general is changing the sessions links texts for "Laura said:" since they do not include the text for the session date. Would it be possible to say "Laura said in Session Session 19 October 2024:"? I know the sessions are from @Laura's connection to the Cs and those at the board and also include the questions and the Cs answers but one does not see the session dates with the links in "Laura said:" Some of us techie nerds notice you can get to the session by clicking "Laura said:" but many may not. It would be an extra step so I do not know how tedious this might be to change the text to include the session date whether retroactive/future. Maybe @Scottie has more information/ideas.

A shorter text could be like "Laura said October 19th 2024:" or just insert a date with a format variable that shortens it?
For reference and ease of access, here are the final messages by the Cs from 2019 on, in reverse chronological order (newest first, oldest last). I'll keep it up to date with new sessions.

January 25th 2025

December 21st 2024

November 23rd 2024

October 19th 2024

September 21st 2024

August 17th 2024

July 6th 2024

May 18th 2024

January 13th 2024

December 30th 2023

October 28th 2023

June 24th 2023

January 14th 2023

December 10th 2022

July 17th 2022

April 23rd 2022

February 26th 2022

December 18th 2021

October 30th 2021

September 18th 2021

July 17th 2021

May 29th 2021

March 13th 2021

January 30th 2021

December 31st 2020

October 10th 2020

July 4th 2020

May 23rd 2021

May 9th 2020

February 22nd 2020

December 28th 2019

June 9th 2019

May 18th 2019

March 23rd 2019
Thank you very much @luc for these reminders.
That's part of the quote system of the forum software. If you look at the BBCODE source of one of your posts with quotes, it does something like this:

So not easily changeable AFAIK.

Session Date: October 19th 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

I tried this experiment with the bb code and it seems like it might work at least for future sessions.
Would it be possible to say "Laura said in Session Session 19 October 2024:"?

That's part of the quote system of the forum software. If you look at the BBCODE source of one of your posts with quotes, it does something like this:

[QUOTE="Chu, post: 1235346, member: 3021"]

So not easily changeable AFAIK.
Below are three possible work arounds, but all take a number of clicks.

First work around:
Copy the intended text and preface it with say: "Laura said: Session 1 March 2025" insert the hyperlink for the session below the text. Example:
Laura said: Session 1 March 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.
The code for the above example is:
[URL='']Laura said: Session 1 March 2025[/URL] (Alternatively it could be "Laura said in Session 1 March 2025")
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

Second work around:
Quote the selected text as usual and preface it with Session Date: March 1st 2025 (copied from the beginning of the session post, so that it is authentic quoting). Since the hyper link is attached to "Laura said:" there is no need to create a hyperlink for "Session Date: March 1st 2025"
Session Date: March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.
One way the above might work, would be to make two quotes: as shown here:
Session Date: March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.
Next merge the two quotes, by inserting the cursor before the A: in the second quote, and then backspace to merge the two quotes like this:
Session Date: March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.
But there should be a space between the lines and an [...] to mark that the two are not immediately connected.
To do this keep the cursor in front of the A: and press "Shift + Enter" (PC shortcut). This should give a line, where it is then possible to type [...]
BTW: be careful with "Shift + Enter" and avoid making a "Ctrl + Enter" (PC shortcut) because that is a shortcut for posting the message!
Anyway, if all goes well, there should be:
Session Date: March 1st 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

Third work around, - what I have done so far, mostly
Open up the the session needed. I prefer the original when posting rather than Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search, as people then can check for comments and discussion easily.
Most of the time, if it a an older session buried somewhere among the pages of transcripts, I open up the overview 📚 Cassiopaean Session Transcripts by date and locate the session, in this case 1 Mar and open it up in the same or more often a new tab.
Next copy the link in the address field and quote the passage.
Note: Since the message is quoted, it is a command to the forum software and does not interfere with using the copy function of the computer and thus allows for keeping two copy commands at the same time.​

If posting to a thread, paste the link and insert the quote in a message field.
If the banner for the session is not needed, since it will show up if the link is left as is, it is necessary to write, in this case Session 1 March 2025 and insert the link below the text.

The third work around in a message looks like:
Session 1 March 2025
A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

If working via an external text editor, one would need to proceed as before, that is both insert the quote in a message field and paste the link.
Then click the Toggle BB code, if not already showing, next Ctrl+A/select all, and copy the quote with code and the link.
Next paste the copied text into the text editor.
Note: The reason for using BB code is that some formatting might otherwise be lost, in case some text is already bolded or coloured, but maybe that depends on the text editor.​
For some reason when inserting the BB code in Word, there are extra line spacing between Q: and A:, so I need to go through the pasted text and click by click delete the extra empty lines.​
what I see is that you gotta know chaos to be able to see it. The "Light" might not always be leading you, but finding you. If that is a good thing, decide yourself. if you go the speed of light, time stops. if you go beyond, you get there. I see an "eye of the needle" we all have to go through, at least we can if we want to, and the thing is, we have to go through the middle! as if there is light and dark, and there is the border between them, and THAT is where we have to go through. neither dark nor light, but neutral.
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