Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Christopher John Bjerknes gives an extensive (and rambling) explanation in his book "Satanic Secrets of Jesus Christ Vol I". I give the entire chapter 5 of the book as screenshots in the following posts. It's a bit tedious to work through, but worth it.

Grapes are depicted almost everywhere on the bas-reliefs of various ancient temples (Baalbek, Palmyra, etc.). This is not only older than Christianity, but even older than the ancient Greeks and Romans, to whom all these temples are attributed (but which were built thousands of years BEFORE THEM). Here's one from Palmyra:

Aphrodisias (Türkiye), grapes and apples:



Demre (Türkiye):

Grapes are depicted almost everywhere
What is Resveratrol?

As mentioned, resveratrol is a plant compound, more specifically, a polyphenol. In other words, it is a natural substance found in various plants. Considered an antioxidant, resveratrol helps the body eliminate various toxins and fight free radicals. This positive effect has led to numerous studies being conducted to explore its potential health benefits.

Some of the most widely accepted health benefits of resveratrol include:

Antioxidant Support: Numerous studies have looked at certain ways in which resveratrol acts as an antioxidant. It has been shown to help the body eliminate free radicals (a type of atom that can damage cells) and reduce and prevent oxidative stress. Essentially, it helps promote health at the cellular level.
Reducing Inflammation: When it comes to inflammation, resveratrol helps the body on two fronts. First, it helps prevent the production of inflammatory substances. Second, it supports a healthy inflammatory response, which is essential for the health of key organs and body systems.
Cardiovascular Health: Oxidative stress can negatively impact cardiovascular health (the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels). And as mentioned, resveratrol has been shown to support healthy inflammation and reduced oxidative stress, which is the main reason it is often linked to heart health. It supports key processes in the body that are directly related to the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
Liver Function: The liver performs vital functions in the body, such as filtering the blood and breaking down harmful substances, and resveratrol has been shown to support liver health by helping to protect it from unhealthy levels of toxicity.
Brain Aging: Resveratrol has been shown in some studies to support healthy brain aging.
What is Resveratrol?

As mentioned, resveratrol is a plant compound, more specifically, a polyphenol. In other words, it is a natural substance found in various plants. Considered an antioxidant, resveratrol helps the body eliminate various toxins and fight free radicals. This positive effect has led to numerous studies being conducted to explore its potential health benefits.

Some of the most widely accepted health benefits of resveratrol include:

Antioxidant Support: Numerous studies have looked at certain ways in which resveratrol acts as an antioxidant. It has been shown to help the body eliminate free radicals (a type of atom that can damage cells) and reduce and prevent oxidative stress. Essentially, it helps promote health at the cellular level.
Reducing Inflammation: When it comes to inflammation, resveratrol helps the body on two fronts. First, it helps prevent the production of inflammatory substances. Second, it supports a healthy inflammatory response, which is essential for the health of key organs and body systems.
Cardiovascular Health: Oxidative stress can negatively impact cardiovascular health (the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels). And as mentioned, resveratrol has been shown to support healthy inflammation and reduced oxidative stress, which is the main reason it is often linked to heart health. It supports key processes in the body that are directly related to the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
Liver Function: The liver performs vital functions in the body, such as filtering the blood and breaking down harmful substances, and resveratrol has been shown to support liver health by helping to protect it from unhealthy levels of toxicity.
Brain Aging: Resveratrol has been shown in some studies to support healthy brain aging.
I presume by this that resveratrol is found in grapes? Although wine when drunk in excess leads to drunkenness and thus harm, taken in moderation, it may have definite health benefits. Recently, scientists have demonstrated that wine (particularly red wine) can be beneficial to heart function probably because of the anti-inflammatory effects your extract mentions. Consuming a bottle over a week may be sufficient to obtain these benefits.​
The word Grape and Eve are similar "grapes trampled by anger" is it about how "Eve" the feminine was replaced or how the feminine creative potential was trampled ?
You may be on to something here but I seem to recall that the C's said the female (creative) energy consorted with the dark side, which then led to the fall of mankind. This suggests that the fall was a self inflicted event triggered by the feminine energy as represented by Eve. As other posters have noted, grapes have been equated with knowledge and Sir Francis Bacon certainly likened knowledge to good wine, the produce of grapes.

The C's seemed to link the "trampled grapes of wrath" though with Kore, the last of the Perseid bloodline, and this creates a connection between Hagar the Egyptian bondswoman and Sara(h) ("Sa-Ra" meaning beloved of Ra) the wife of Abraham who Laura recognised as being Queen Nefertiti with Hagar in reality being Princess Meritaten. This suggests that the biblical story of Sarah encouraging Abraham to abandon Hagar and Ishmael in the desert because of her resentment of Ishmael, Abraham's older son, reflects a serious falling out between Nefertiti and her daughter Meritaten, possibly because Abraham had shown too much affection for Meritaten leading to Nefertiti becoming increasingly jealous of her daughter. The C's said:
A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled?'

A: Removes chlorophyll.

Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?

A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Q: Did this signify something about the autumnal equinox?

A: Discover what the significance is, my Dear!


Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

Q: (L) Was it a male or female?

A: Female.

Q: (L) And how did Abraham come to be in possession of this female?

A: Search the text and you will see.


Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?

A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."

Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers." [MJF: The Tuatha de Danann?]

Nicholas Poussin's painting showing two men carrying a bunch of large blue grapes, whilst a woman in the background is standing on a ladder picking apples from an apple tree is called L' Autumne or "Autumn" in English whose alternative title is "the grapes of the promised land". Here is what I said about it in my article "Blue Apples":

"But what of Autumn? Can there be a link between this season and blue apples? Well yes there is and the link can be found in another painting by Poussin called "L'Autumne, ou la grappe de la terre promise", i.e., Autumn or under its alternative title "the grapes of the promised land". This alternative title immediately makes me think of the C's reference to the trampled "grapes of wrath" and may constitute a link between Meritaten in her figure as the biblical Hagar the Egyptian bondswoman and mother of Ishmael and Sarah, Abraham's wife, who out of envy and anger (wrath) got Abraham to abandon Hagar and Ishmael in the desert. Given that the C's have confirmed that Abraham was also Moses, this meant that Meritaten would never reach the promised land of Israel, the land of milk and honey, having been trampled on by her mother and her lover, Abraham."

This makes me wonder whether the C's had this painting in mind when they said this. It is self evident that you do not get grapes from an apple tree (which is synonymous with the tree that Eve ate the poisoned fruit of knowledge from) but then we know that in southern France there is a large blue grape that locally is referred to as an apple and we also have the phenomenon of blue apple like orbs of light appearing through the stain glassed windows of Abbe Sauniere's church at Rennes-le-Chateau in the month of January and especially around the significant date of 17th January. All these things seem to be connected.​
For those who are aware of my sister's poor state of health, sadly I have to report that she is back in hospital with fluid on her kidneys and is likely to be in hospital over the Christmas period. For those of you who have prayed for her in the past your prayers are most welcome.

In addition, my elderly father-in-law was rushed to hospital last Friday after collapsing at home. Fortunately, my younger daughter who is a trained occupational therapist was on hand and she attended to him whilst it took an ambulance three hours to arrive and eventually take him to hospital such is the parlous state of the NHS in Britain these days. When you cater and budget for 68 million people when in reality the true population of the UK is 89 million, this is what you get. It seems he has a blockage to his liver which has left him jaundiced but the real cause of his health issues may lie with his pancreas, which could be cancerous. Further tests and scans will clarify the situation but the prognosis is not good. Although I am divorced from his daughter, I remain on good terms with him and enjoy our chats. He has also been a great boon to my children with whom he has a very close relationship. I had hoped to visit him before Christmas but my own health has not been the best of late, not helped by the fact that I put my back out last week, which would turn a long drive into something of an ordeal at the moment. Hence, my apologies where I have not responded swiftly to some of your posts of late.

I am glad though that my posts have generated a lot of comments since there is little doubt that there is much more to the C's oblique reference to the "Blue Apples incarnate" than has been recognised up to now. So, thank you to everyone who has commented.

Recently I have been doing further research into Francis Bacon, who in my opinion is one of the key figures of modern history whose influence, in truth largely unseen, has helped to shape the modern world we live in. He was no doubt a genius as his works testify (especially if he was also the true pen behind the plays of William Shakespeare) but he also seems to have had a secret life that is little known of by conventional historians. Indeed, I am even beginning to wonder whether he may have been a "deep level punctuator" like Queen Nefertiti and Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. If so, it would make sense that he should have headed the early 17th century Rosicrucians, who the C's said were the modern manifestation of the Rosteem. Anyway, I hope to share with you in future posts the fruits ("grapes" :-)) of this research.

I would also take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy, enjoyable and peaceful festive period.​
For those who are aware of my sister's poor state of health, sadly I have to report that she is back in hospital with fluid on her kidneys and is likely to be in hospital over the Christmas period. For those of you who have prayed for her in the past your prayers are most welcome.

In addition, my elderly father-in-law was rushed to hospital last Friday after collapsing at home. Fortunately, my younger daughter who is a trained occupational therapist was on hand and she attended to him whilst it took an ambulance three hours to arrive and eventually take him to hospital such is the parlous state of the NHS in Britain these days. When you cater and budget for 68 million people when in reality the true population of the UK is 89 million, this is what you get. It seems he has a blockage to his liver which has left him jaundiced but the real cause of his health issues may lie with his pancreas, which could be cancerous. Further tests and scans will clarify the situation but the prognosis is not good. Although I am divorced from his daughter, I remain on good terms with him and enjoy our chats. He has also been a great boon to my children with whom he has a very close relationship. I had hoped to visit him before Christmas but my own health has not been the best of late, not helped by the fact that I put my back out last week, which would turn a long drive into something of an ordeal at the moment. Hence, my apologies where I have not responded swiftly to some of your posts of late.

I am glad though that my posts have generated a lot of comments since there is little doubt that there is much more to the C's oblique reference to the "Blue Apples incarnate" than has been recognised up to now. So, thank you to everyone who has commented.

Recently I have been doing further research into Francis Bacon, who in my opinion is one of the key figures of modern history whose influence, in truth largely unseen, has helped to shape the modern world we live in. He was no doubt a genius as his works testify (especially if he was also the true pen behind the plays of William Shakespeare) but he also seems to have had a secret life that is little known of by conventional historians. Indeed, I am even beginning to wonder whether he may have been a "deep level punctuator" like Queen Nefertiti and Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. If so, it would make sense that he should have headed the early 17th century Rosicrucians, who the C's said were the modern manifestation of the Rosteem. Anyway, I hope to share with you in future posts the fruits ("grapes" :-)) of this research.

I would also take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy, enjoyable and peaceful festive period.​
Thank you for all your research on this thread. I find them very relevant and value the C's revelations. May you have a serene Christmas.🎄
I presume by this that resveratrol is found in grapes? Although wine when drunk in excess leads to drunkenness
Of course, resveratrol may not have anything to do with those ancient stone carvings, but it is synthesized from the skin and seeds of black grapes.

One pill of resveratrol is about the same as a person drinking two hundred bottles of red wine.

It is being studied for its application in stopping cellular aging.

So there is scientific knowledge here transmitted through these ancient stones, highlighting the properties of grapes.

Or maybe not, but there is an important chemical relationship here with human health.
For those who are aware of my sister's poor state of health, sadly I have to report that she is back in hospital with fluid on her kidneys and is likely to be in hospital over the Christmas period. For those of you who have prayed for her in the past your prayers are most welcome.

In addition, my elderly father-in-law was rushed to hospital last Friday after collapsing at home. Fortunately, my younger daughter who is a trained occupational therapist was on hand and she attended to him whilst it took an ambulance three hours to arrive and eventually take him to hospital such is the parlous state of the NHS in Britain these days. When you cater and budget for 68 million people when in reality the true population of the UK is 89 million, this is what you get. It seems he has a blockage to his liver which has left him jaundiced but the real cause of his health issues may lie with his pancreas, which could be cancerous. Further tests and scans will clarify the situation but the prognosis is not good. Although I am divorced from his daughter, I remain on good terms with him and enjoy our chats. He has also been a great boon to my children with whom he has a very close relationship. I had hoped to visit him before Christmas but my own health has not been the best of late, not helped by the fact that I put my back out last week, which would turn a long drive into something of an ordeal at the moment. Hence, my apologies where I have not responded swiftly to some of your posts of late.

I am glad though that my posts have generated a lot of comments since there is little doubt that there is much more to the C's oblique reference to the "Blue Apples incarnate" than has been recognised up to now. So, thank you to everyone who has commented.

Recently I have been doing further research into Francis Bacon, who in my opinion is one of the key figures of modern history whose influence, in truth largely unseen, has helped to shape the modern world we live in. He was no doubt a genius as his works testify (especially if he was also the true pen behind the plays of William Shakespeare) but he also seems to have had a secret life that is little known of by conventional historians. Indeed, I am even beginning to wonder whether he may have been a "deep level punctuator" like Queen Nefertiti and Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. If so, it would make sense that he should have headed the early 17th century Rosicrucians, who the C's said were the modern manifestation of the Rosteem. Anyway, I hope to share with you in future posts the fruits ("grapes" :-)) of this research.

I would also take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy, enjoyable and peaceful festive period.​
Your sister will be healed soon.

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