Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I see the automatic translation from German to English got slightly 'bewildered' between 'technology', "Technologie", "Technik", "technics" etc. But I can't edit the post anymore.

Let's just say the meaning of the term "technology" changed over time and also in the meaning when it was taken from one language to the next and back again.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such.
"Technology reveals man's active behaviour towards nature, the immediate production process of his life, and thus also his social living conditions and the spiritual ideas that spring from them".

This seems like a good starting point. Because it is assumed that the Grail, its use is related to the human mind and the change it can produce in the conditions of life and its relationship with the world of spiritual ideas (imagination).
I see the automatic translation from German to English got slightly 'bewildered' between 'technology', "Technologie", "Technik", "technics" etc. But I can't edit the post anymore.

Let's just say the meaning of the term "technology" changed over time and also in the meaning when it was taken from one language to the next and back again.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such.
You have produced a very interesting analysis here. The precise use of language when describing something generic like the term 'technology' is difficult, particularly when you then come to translate it into other language, where the exact sense of what you are trying to convey can sometimes be lost in translation. Further, we must remember that the C's make their statements in modern English, which means they are using English terms as we understand them today (not hundreds of years ago). Like all languages, English is evolving, so terms can change their meanings over time. There are even divergences between English English and American English. I have sometimes read American analytical reports and I have been left wondering whether I was reading something in a foreign language, so heavy was the use of jargon. There is a modern tendency to create verbs out of nouns where there is already a perfectly good verb available. For example, to "hospitalise" when "go to hospital" is what is meant.​

However, I was struck by something that was mentioned in the German analysis of the term "technology".

"However, the meaning of technology is much broader than that of technology: it ranges from technique to device, tool, method, computer programme to technical systems and processes."

The reason I have bolded those two words in the above quotation is that the C's have referred to the Grail in the sense of it being a tool but also as a "device", which brings it closer to the sense, I suppose, of a machine and therefore technology - think of a cell phone here, which can be described as both a device and a machine. Here is the transcript extract where the Grail is termed as being a "device":​

Q: It seems that the Templars were in charge of building the Cathedral at Chartres, and there is a tableaux on one of the porches of Melchizedek and the Queen of Sheba. Equidistant between them is the Ark of the Covenant in a cart. Melchizedek is holding a cup that is supposed to be the Holy Grail. Inside this cup is a cylindrical object of stone. What is this?

A: Greater sight.

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

Q: (A) It can be both, but is it both?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) So, it is a device for greater sight like a crystal ball, yes?

A: Only when utilized exactly precisely.

Q: How do you execute something with this device?

A: Why should one wish to "execute" someone with this device.

So we can now add the term "device" to the equation. However, it is their reference to "greater sight" that also intrigues me here since this links, I think, with their reference to Baphomet as the "seer of the passage".

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.

I think "greater sight" and "seer" can be linked here with the Grail and suggests that the Grail can expand a person's vision, perhaps by inducing genetic or physical changes (creating additional codons?) or firing up the pineal gland (which the C's say is our uplink to higher densities - i.e., the "third eye" chakra) and/or other parts of the brain in the individual. The term "seer" in ancient times related to a prophet who saw visions (it is used even in Scotland today in connection with what they call the 'second sight'). However, the word "seer" also has a very specific connotation, and that is that of seeing visions or dreams that impart information to the seer. It is this seeing, or "second sight," that is the specific talent of the seer, a designation that is primarily visual and future-oriented. A prophet may not only see the future but divine all sorts of things by many possible means. The term seer could be applied to the Sibyl”, a generic name which implies multiple seers, oracles and prophetesses in the ancient world. - think of the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi here. The Druids, priests of the ancient Celtic religion were also said to be seers and magicians.​

Read more: Seers - Myth Encyclopedia - mythology, Greek, god, names, ancient, tree, famous, animal, norse

Curiously, the occultist Kenneth Grant had something similar to say about artists. In Outside the Circles of Time, Grant writes regarding artists such as Dali, Sidney Sime, Spare, and Tanguy:

These artists accomplished a leap into other dimensions and – this is the important point – returned to record their extra-dimensional experiences… Art, in the true and vital sense, is an instrument, a magical machine, a means of occult exploration which can project the seer into the realm of the Unseen and launch the waking mind into the seas of the subconsciousness.

Salvador Dali is someone I would like to pay closer attention to, since he may well be another prominent 20th Century Rosicrucian like Jean Cocteau and seems to feature in modern esoteric works relating to the Grail (more on this in a later post).

In the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, the term "Great Seer" was used in connection with certain High Priests and even members of the royal family who had this psychic faculty. Could this suggest that there were specific individuals who may have been using the Grail in order to see the future? Which makes me think of what the C's said here about the Pyramids:
Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?

A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.

The Jewish patriarch Joseph, in the Bible, is viewed as a 'Great Seer' but the C's have suggested his real counterpart in ancient Egypt was based on a Pharaoh - King Scorpion:
Q: Well, that's bizarre. Was King Scorpion of Egypt the "Joseph" of the Bible?
A: Mainly.
Q: Does that mean that Joseph was a composite story?
A: Yes.
Q: Was King Scorpion a son of Sargon the Great?
A: Close.
Q: Was he, as the Joseph story tells, kidnapped and sold into Egypt?
A: No.
Q: Was he sent to Egypt to have a hand in the unification of Egypt and the control system there?
A: Close.

Sargon, was of course, a Scythian Celt, which suggests that the pharaoh Joseph is based on was also of Semitic extraction rather than Egyptian. It is interesting that the story of Joseph in the Bible mentions him wearing a multicoloured cloak. Of all Jacob's sons, Joseph was the favourite of his father, signified by the gift of a "long coat of many colours". This suggests something like plaid or tartan to me, which is a calling card of the Celts.

Here is an additional commentary by the C's on the term "seer", which may shed more light on the subject (pun intended):

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?

A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centres.

{Laura's note: This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd's crook" configuration.}

The word "device" was also used in connection with the Grail in this extract too:

Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

However, as we saw above, the C's also spoke of the Grail as being a symbol too:

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

What kind if symbol might this have been? Well we know that it has been linked in Christian grail legends with the symbol of the chalice, as used even by the C's:

A: Not for now, when you get there, you will find the chalice.

Q: Where and WHAT chalice?

A: Wait and see!

But is there another symbol for it. Well, yes there is and it is this:


This symbol is known as the "Dead Head" or "Caput mortuum" (plural capita mortua), a Latin term literally meaning "dead head" or "worthless remains", as used in alchemy.

Caput mortuum (alternately called nigredo) signified a useless substance left over from a chemical operation such as sublimation and the epitome of decline and decay; alchemists represented this residue with a stylized human skull, a literal death's head.

The symbol shown on this page was also used in 18th-century chemistry to mean residue, remainder or residuum. Caput mortuum was also sometimes used to mean crocus metallorum, i.e. brownish-red metallic compounds such as crocus martis (ferrous sulphate), and crocus veneris (copper oxidule).

However, the term "Caput" meaning "head" can also when expressed as "Kaput" mean "dead" as in the sense the C's used it in the
session dated 20 June 1998:

Q: It says in this 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' book that, among the artefacts that were recovered from the Templars at the time of their arrest, was a woman's skull decorated with gold or silver with a sign on it that said 'Caput LVIIIm' which could either be 58 m or, if the m meant 1,000, then the 58 would be subtracted leaving 942, or it could be 58 and the Virgo symbol. Of these three ideas, is it one of them?

A: 942.

Q: What does 942 relate to?

A: Use numerological data for suggestions there.

Q: Well, that leaves 6. What does the number 6 lead us to?

A: Rounded it shows you groupings of twos and threes.

Q: Rounded?

A: 2x3, 3x2.

Q: Anything further about this skull?

A: What does Kaput signify?

Q: Well, head, or finished? The end of something. Who did the skull belong to? It was supposed to be some saint or martyr.

A: You see Laura, you are on the right path, but you have a proclivity for side trips.

It is worth noting that "Kaput" could also be a pun here on the end of the Capetian dynasty. The name of the dynasty derives from its founder, Hugh, who was known as "Hugh Capet". The meaning of "Capet" (a nickname rather than a surname of the modern sort) is unknown. While folk etymology identifies it with "cape", other suggestions indicate it might be connected to the Latin word caput ("head"), and explain it as meaning "chief" or "head". The senior line ruled in France as the House of Capet from the election of Hugh Capet in 987 until the death of Charles IV in 1328. Philip IV of France who arrested the Templars and set in motion their demise was a Capetian and died soon after the execution of Jacques de Molay, the last Templar Grand Master, in November 1314. That line was succeeded by cadet branches, the Houses of Valois and then Bourbon, which ruled until the French Revolution - when, of course, Louis XVI had his head cut-off by the guillotine.

However, the 'Dead Head' was also a symbol, like the heart, used by the Knights Templar for the Holy Grail and may also be linked to the skull and crossbones symbolism as well. Apparently, the original iteration of the "skull and crossbones" symbol was first used in the Middle Ages by the Knights Templar, who, as we know, practised alchemy. Masonic legend has it, the skull and crossbones symbol depicts the bones of Jacques de Molay, although I think this explanation is somewhat fanciful.

Others connect the skull and crossbones symbol to ancient Egypt. For example, it is believed to be seen on the tomb of the Egyptian famous pharaoh Tutankhamun. Supposedly, it depicted the pharaoh with his arms crossed, holding a staff, crook, and flail (the symbols of pharaonic power). The flail was used to beat animals and people and show authority and power in that era, while the crook was used by shepherds to gently pull stray animals in the right direction without harming them. However, we have viewed these symbols in a different light (deliberate pun on illumination or "illumened" intended here).

Coming back to the Knights Templar though and this link of the 'Dead Head' and 'Skull and Crossbones' symbols to the Grail and Alchemy, in The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln tell the tale:​

"A great lady of Maraclea was loved by a Templar, a Lord of Sidon; but she died in her youth, and on the night of her burial, this wicked lover crept to the grave, dug up her body and violated it.

Then a voice from the void bade him return in nine months time for he would find a son. He obeyed the injunction and at the appointed time he opened the grave again and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton (skull and crossbones).

The same voice bade him ‘guard it Well, for it would be the giver of all good things’, and so he carried it away with him. It became his protecting genius, and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head. In due course, it passed to the possession of the order.

In another version this Lord of Sidon actually ritualistically marries the corpse

Well this magic head, "the giver of all good things" (the C's 'Gift of God' perhaps ?) appears to be the Holy Grail as found by the Knights Templar in the Middle East (Jerusalem or Petra?). Was the Lord of Sidon Sir Ralph de Sudeley, of Herdewyke in Warwickshire, England by any chance (see my article The Knights Templar, Jeremiah and the Ark of the Covenant)? Maybe or maybe not (see more below on this). Most strange also that the account should call the head a "protecting genius".

Throughout the Middle Ages, devout Christians used the symbol to denote death or the passing of life. The symbol was discovered in many Christian catacombs in Italy, some of them dating as far back as the second century. The skull and crossbones became therefore a symbol of death, a reminder our mortality as humans, a visual representation of “memento mori” (the Latin term that means “remember death”) in a sense. See: Skull And Crossbones Symbolism, Meaning, Origin: The Pirate Jolly Roger Flag. Quoting from that article:
The first recorded use of the skull and crossbones flag dates back to the 17th century. In 1724, Richard Hawkins, a man captured by pirates, saw a black flag with a skeleton stabbing a heart with a spear.

The sailors called it the Jolly Roger. Soon after, it became the nickname for any pirate flag with a skull and crossbones or its various iterations that included other elements such as knives, hearts, goblets, and swords.

This last reference seems to lead us back once again to the minor arcana of the Tarot deck: the wands, pentacles, cups; and swords and the clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades of the modern playing card pack. It also seems to links us to the four magic treasures or jewels of the Tuatha de Danaan too Stone of Fál, the Spear of Lugh, Sword of Light and the Cauldron (coire) of the Dagda.

As to the reference to diamonds and its possible connection to the Grail, the Grail, as I have said before, may also be linked to the real Philosopher's Stone of the alchemists (not the white monoatomic gold the alchemists were supposed to be seeking). Here is what the C's said about it:

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"

A: Idea centre.

Q: (L) How can this idea centre be accessed?

A: Many ways: meditation is the best.

Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?

A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

Q: (L) Was there or is there such a thing as a literal, physical, philosopher's stone that can transmute lead into gold?

A: No.

If the Philosopher's Stone can be linked to the Holy Grail, does this suggest perhaps it is made out of pure diamond rather than quartz like the Mitchell-Hedges Skull?​

But where does this symbol of the Dead Head or Skull and Crossbones really originate? The answer according to the researcher William Henry may be with the Head of Osiris in ancient Egypt. See THE ARK’S MISSING PIECE by William Henry. See: Henry - Article - Arks Missing Piece.pdf


Two ‘cherubs’ hold the Pillar containing the ‘Head’ of Osiris . Note the Ark beside it. The ‘head’ (see the middle of the picture) is the Dead Head of the Alchemists.

You may recall me posting the image below before, which I think links to the above image and gives you some idea of the advanced technology we may be dealing with here:​


The Casket of Osiris. © Richard H. Wilkinson.​

According to Henry: "The Casket or Pillar of Osiris was a phallic-shaped device that stood approximately 40 feet tall. It was made of evergreen or living acacia (shittim) wood (just like the Ark of the Covenant) and was lined with a gold alloy (probably palladium). Also known as the “Ladder to Heaven,” the “Backbone of Osiris,” and the Pillar of Meroe, it contained the ‘Head of Osiris'. The platform or pedestal upon which this pillar rests resembles in form, and likely function, the biblical Ark of the Covenant."

Was this the real Jacob's Pillar or "Ladder to Heaven" as depicted by the Freemasons on their tracing boards. If so, are we seeing the Grail here in its guise as the Head of Osiris, functioning as a part of a larger machine, presumably in its capacity as a lensing device?

Notice the shining star (a "Shining One" - see more below on this) at the top of the ladder. which may be a reference to the Seal of Solomon - which in turn may be another esoteric reference to the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.

Could it also have been a central part of the Boat of a Million Years (a time machine according to the C's) used by the Kantekkians to navigate through time and space?

As Henry states:

"The Ark is often compared to the Ark of Noah, a sailing vessel (Arko). The Ark and its pillar attachment meet in this Egyptian depiction from Denderah. Just as an ark or sailing vessel has a mast, there was a vertical attachment that topped the Ark of the Covenant. I propose this is the complete Ark of the Covenant."

If you think about it, Noah's Ark played a similar role as that played by the Grail in rescuing a group of beings from a soon to be doomed world. Did history repeat itself I wonder, with the Grail playing its part again. Was this the real (Atlantian) Noah's Ark?

Lorenzo Ghiberti's Noah's Ark Door, one of the panels for the Baptistry doors of Florence's grand cathedral il Duomode, known as the the Gates of Paradise.

Reverting back to the alchemical tale of the great lady of Maraclea, I found this fascinating account that may link the Knights Templar to the ancient Phoenician port of Sidon (where is Miles Matheson when you need him?) by our old friend Philip Gardiner of the 'Shining Ones': The Hidden History Of Skull And Crossbones: The Untold Story Of The Templar And Their Connection To The Shining Ones
See: Hidden History Of Skull And Crossbones: The Untold Story Of The Templar And Their Connection To The Shining Ones - Ancient Pages

I would draw your attention to the following passages from Gardiner's thought provoking article that link with what we have learned so far about the Grail (the whole article is well worth reading though):

As the Holy Land finally fell to the Muslims in 1291 I found mention of a Templar knight by the name of Tibald Gaudin who is thought to have carried off the famous Templar treasure. When Gaudin finally arrived at the Templar port of Sidon he was elected the next Grand Master - or Lord.

It seems that there were ample financial reserves held at the Sidon Preceptory and so the treasure of the Templars cannot have been gold or otherwise it would not have been mentioned. I am of the opinion that the treasure was the secret of the Holy Grail.

If Sidon had a hidden message in the text then it was simply that the Lord of Sidon was to get the Grail from the Lady of Maraclea - as intimated in the story quoted above - which reveals, and rather symbolically, the means through which he could claim it.

This peculiar name I found was taken from a site that the Templars had previously held in the 13th century. I wondered whether the name had a symbolic meaning - a name with a hidden message in the language - why else would she be from Maraclea and not Antioch or Acre?

Initially I found the site was called Maraclea because it simply means ‘Clear Waters’ or ‘Sea.’ But I wanted to know why the Templars had used the term and began with the standard etymological practice of breaking the word up into two parts - Mara and Clea. Taking the first part I delved into the world of etymology once more and found some remarkable ‘coincidences.’

Mara in Hebrew means, ‘bitter’ and was a common alternative for Mary - whether the Mother of Jesus or the Magdalene. In Latin it equates to mare, which is ‘water,’ ‘lake,’ ‘sea’ and indeed linked to ‘horse’ (female horse.) In Anglo Saxon I found that the term mara meant ‘greater’ or ‘more.’ In Buddhism Mara is ‘death’ or ‘evil one.’

Mara is said to tempt us like Eve and indeed it was Mara who tempted Buddha on the night before his enlightenment experience. I found this rather intriguing as in the Garden of Eden it was the serpent who supplied the fruit of the tree of knowledge to Eve and therefore he was supplying enlightenment just like Buddha (and Eve as Havveh is equated with female serpent.)

This Mara of the Buddhists I discovered was also closely related to Rama, where ma equates to black or dark, a term associated with beauty and a term also meaning ‘Great Mother.’
MJF: the 'Great Mother' is the Mother, White or Earth Goddess, which I think is a euphemism for the Grail and the image of the Black Madonna in Western Europe may also be a modern facade, front or cover for her.]

Clea means simply ‘to clean,’ ‘to clear,’ ‘to be clear,’ ‘to be pure,’ ‘to be bright’ or ‘to shine!’

I also noted that this lady of Maraclea, according to theologians and scholars was thought to have come from Armenia. Rife in Armenia at the time was what is known as Paulician Christianity - a Christianity that would not be recognized by most today.

I decided not to delve too deeply into this theology, but did find that this spawned the Bogomils who have been linked to, and were even called the same as the infamous Cathars or ‘Perfect Ones’ - i.e., ‘Illumined/Shining Ones’ or ‘Pure Ones.’

I ran through the variants that were now possible:
  • Mary Pure - well no, that didn’t work.
  • Water Bright - this didn’t really relate.
In fact there were numerous configurations that I could have made.

In the end I landed on two that just seemed to make perfect sense and related etymologically in the Anglo Saxon for both words - without mixing up the languages. The result sent a shiver up my spine as I realized the two meanings of Maraclea.

The first one was,
  • Black-Clear or Dark-Clear.
Well this was significant in the Gnostic sense, as the contradictory nature of the words revealed the duality spoken of by the Gnostics and Manicheans - light and dark, male and female.

These were the two sides of our minds - a revelation of our own divided consciousness. It was in fact the very same element spoken of throughout time as the generative source of all religions - for by overcoming this duality and finding balance and union, or a neutral state, we become enlightened to our own true self and often enter a spiritual state of illumination or ‘shining’.


The other meaning of the name Maraclea was equally astounding and related even more to the concept of illumination. It was ‘Greater Shining’.

MJF: Is it possible that "Maraclea" could even be the missing 'Mason Word', "Mahabyn" (or "Machbenah"), as discussed in my earlier article Hiram Abiff – The Widow’s Son? In the context of what we have been discussing here, my comments in that article when quoting from the session dated 10 October 1998 may make more sense now:

Q: (L) So there is a window of opportunity, so to speak? A period in which this CAN occur, and if it were to be forestalled in some way beyond this 14 year period, does that mean it would NOT occur?

A: End word.

Q: (L) Is that what you meant? 'End word?'

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What does 'end word' mean?

A: Who knows. We like Ark to have the floor when it is time to dance.
{MJF: See also the reference to AK dancing on the ballroom floor below and think also of King David doing that strange dance around the Ark of the Covenant when the Grail was presumably inside it.]

Think also of the Scottish ode or poem by Henry Adamson, which exclaims:

“For we brethren of the Rosie Crosse;
We have the Mason Word and the second sight.

Again, the "Rosie Crosse" could be a reference to the Grail in this context. The Freemason and author Laurence Gardner thought the missing Mason Word was connected to light and Egypt and should be rendered as "Ma’at-benu" (or "‘light of truth" with Ma’at denoting the Egyptian sense of balance), being in perfect accord with the ‘point within a circle’ inscription ʘ (the Egyptian ideogram for light). This would certainly tie in with Philip Gardiner's ideas on the matter and accord with the concept of a Freemason becoming a shining star - a light of truth or a 'Shining One' - when he reached the top of the ladder of enlightenment, as depicted in the Masonic tracing board above.

However, there was even more meaning in this interpretation. Standing back for a moment I wondered about the whole thing. Here I have a Lord of Sidon, possibly a Templar knight, if indeed not a Grand Master, coming into union with the ‘Greater Shining.’

What could it possibly mean other than this Templar was a ‘Shining One’ and therefore experienced the Holy Grail of enlightenment for himself?

The result of his union would be the head or skull 9 months later (although another version says 9 years,) and as I was to discover in my researches into the Temple of Jerusalem, the number 9 was of paramount importance to the Templars.
[MJF: So was the number 8.]

The head was also definitely being used as a metaphor for this internal process, which actually involved the head or something within it. This in itself gives us a greater insight to the argued over Baphomet head that the Templars were said to have worshipped.

So, the skull and crossbones is linked to the number 9 and again, enlightenment and the Holy Grail - which are both seen as good, pure and holy. Indeed, was not the Holy Grail said to be the giver of all good things, just like the head in the Templar tale, ‘guard it Well, for it would be the giver of all good things.’ If this Greater Shining were truly the Holy Grail then it would bring him good things for sure.

It became his protecting genius.

Others have found this part of the text very strange, however I understood what it meant immediately, and for confirmation I looked up the meaning in a standard dictionary and found perfect corresponding evidence for the Greater Shining.

Genius, inborn faculty. (L.) - L. genius, the tutelary spirit of any one; also wit, lit. ‘inborn nature.’ Allied to genus.

So, this ‘Greater Shining,’ this ‘head,’ became his inborn faculty or inborn nature. The two were the same.

There is a subtle underground symbolism going on here. The Lord of Sidon (a Templar) mates with the Lady of Maraclea (a Cathar) and we have an inborn nature called genius. Suddenly the Skull and Crossbones symbol, as explained in the Templar text is revealed before our eyes.

At this point it crossed my mind that I had only gone back to the Templars. I wondered just how far back in time I could possibly go with this skull and crossbones image?

The earliest reference to the actual skull and crossbones I could discover was the Templar reference. However, taking the image as symbolic, which is what it indeed was, then we are looking for the shape - a skull or head with a diagonal cross or saltaire below.

Amazingly, I found this in Ancient Egypt and on the tomb of Tutankhamen.

Carrying a staff or sceptre was, in ancient Egypt, a symbol of universal power. The Flail was used to beat animals (or indeed people) into submission and shows authority like the sceptre - hence their interchangeable nature.

The crook was a shepherd's tool, used to pull stray animals by the neck without hurting them. Here we have an image of push and pull. This shepherd aspect of the king is as old as Mesopotamia and possibly beyond.

These two symbols reveal the two opposites of the duality spoken of by the Gnostics, the push (positive/male) and pull (negative/feminine). Anyone therefore that mastered these symbols had mastery over the self and the enlightened connection or ‘shining’.

Tutankhamen was seen with these devices held upon the chest in the diagonal cross form, making a replica of the skull and crossbones in form, whereas many other Pharaohs held them outwardly away from each other.

When dead, the king becomes Osiris, and I find that this same image is seen upon Osiris and is therefore his symbol - a symbol of the ultimate universal power and borrowed by his earthly representative the Pharaoh.

So here I was tracing back the image of the skull and crossbones back into ancient Egypt and even Mesopotamia. It should have been no surprise, as this is the home of the ancient and original Shining Ones. And yet, amazingly there was more to come. I turned my gaze even more laterally and found another symbol related entirely to both the skull and crossbones and the Egyptian influence.

This separate and more obscure image also closely resembled the skull and crossbones and over it a ‘holy war’ has raged for decades.

The symbol is now commonly known as the Chi-Rho - so-called because it is composed of the Greek letters chi (X) and rho (P).

The heqa sceptre (or shepherd's crook) was closely associated with the king and was even used to write the word "ruler" and "rule" in hieroglyphics. It was essentially a long stick with a hooked handle and in later times it was often composed of alternating bands of blue and gold. This sceptre became one of the most famous emblems of kingship.

The war over these two letters is fought between Christians and historians; between fundamentalists on both sides and yet both sides are missing the point.

The Christians claim that the Chi-Rho form the first two letters of Christ (Cristos) and the historians claim that the symbol can be found hundreds if not thousands of years before Christianity and was therefore usurped by them. I needed to look into this to discover the origins, meaning and why it so resembled the style of the skull and crossbones.

An identical symbol to the Chi-Rho has been found inscribed on rocks dating from 2,500 BC Sumeria, and was interpreted as ‘a combination of the two Sun-symbols’ - symbols of the ancient shining ones.
MJF: But could it represent knowledge of the two suns or stars in our own solar system?]

It was also used on the coins of Ptolemeus III from 247-222 BC, as well as being an emblem of the Chaldean sky/sun god and has the definition ‘Everlasting Father Sun’ (From An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols)

I then noted that other meaning for clea, - which was ‘pure.’ Could it be that this link was even well known in Templar times?


The feeling of stupidity quickly drained away as I suddenly realized what the term Maraclea meant - a word that has been missed by thousands of Templar historians the world over and yet is a key to unlocking the secret of this peculiar text.

According to Sir Flinders Petrie - the Egyptologist - the monogram Chi-Rho was the emblem of the Egyptian god, Horus, thousands of years before Christ and is therefore a link between Horus the saviour, and Christ the saviour.

I had already noted on several occasions the links between these ancient characters and so this was highly believable and conclusive.

To others it is in this second century B.C. where the secret of the monogram lies with the Greek Ptolemy’s who are said to have ‘borrowed’ it from the Africans. In this scenario the Greeks called their version of Horus, Herecles or Hercules and applying the Greek Xpnc (Chres) to him. This suddenly gave the ancient Horus the title of Lord, Chrestos, and inevitably ‘Christ.’

This, if true, shows again the direct link between Horus, the Chi-Rho monogram and Christ.

Indeed many European scholars have actually identified Heracles or Hercules as none other than an emblem of Jesus Christ. I had to bear in mind that the name Heracles, is related to Hero and Hu, which means, ‘shining,’ but are also related etymologically to Christ, showing that these titles of the Messiah are directly derived from the word Heru which is of African origin and can be found the world over as a word for the sun.

But there were even more links, as I discovered. The Greek title Christ is, like Heru, also derived from an Egypto-African word Karast, and Kristos or Christos is the KRST (Karast).

Karast is a person who is anointed (enlightened or shining) as a Heru (Hero) during his or her own lifetime. It is only when deceased that one receives the great term ‘a KRST’ or Ausur. This Ausur is none other than Osiris, the same Egyptian god I found with the skull and crossbones symbol with the flail and sceptre.

The anointing, in the physical sense, (as the anointing also applies in the spiritual sense,) derived from the body or cadaver being anointed with spices, oils, and resins to preserve it. The body is then wrapped in bandages, placed in a coffer [MJF: Think of the Coffer in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid here.], which is then placed upright to symbolize resurrection.

It was believed that in the plural, the Herus (Heroes) or Krst’s (Christs) would rise again to save the world as fully divine beings and thus become the ‘once and future king’
[MJF: Like King Arthur in the Grail stories]. It seems then that this tradition came out of Africa, through Egypt and into Greek and Christian legend and brought with it the original symbols of Osiris.

So, amazingly we have a link between the Chi-Rho and the symbol of Osiris - god the father of Horus or Christ. No wonder that a philological and historical war rages and that Christianity refuses to accept this remarkable link.

Chi also has another meaning - ‘Great Fire’ or ‘Light’ or even ‘Shining.’ [MJF: If it represents the Grail, could it link it to the concept of the Stones of Fire I wonder and with "pyr" as in the Greek for fire and the prefix of "pyramid"?]

The P (Rho) part is more difficult but has been related to ‘Pen’ (pen means, ‘head’) in etymology thus implying that the loop on the top of the P is a head, in the very place that a skull would be on the skull and crossbones.[3] [One thing is sure, Rho stood for ‘Pater’ or ‘Patah’ (the Egyptian god Ptah [MJF: And we know who he was given his depictions as a green-skinned (or should that be grey?) being, sometimes shown as a small dwarfish figure.]), which is ‘Father.’ Together they therefore make ‘Shining Father’ (Dyaus Pitar) - which later became the Roman ‘Jupiter’ (Hu Ptah=father sun) - the Roman version of the Greek father-god Zeus.]

I found that the symbol of the skull and crossbones then, stretches back over thousands of years and relates entirely to the ancient ‘Shining Ones’ - and directly to Osiris, the Egyptian version of the original ‘Shining Father’ incarnated on earth.

Not only that, but geographically it goes right into the heart of original Shining territory.

But, I again had questions: Why the X?

I believe that the X marks the spot in more ways than can be imagined
MJF: Yes, think of my recent article on Abbe Sauniere and the strange X depicted in the picture of Mary Magdalene and what about the bear's 'skull and crossbones' marker found in the Drachenloch (Dragon’s lair) cave near Vattis in the Swiss Alps, close to St. Gallen - see my article 'Buried in Galle'?] . It is the crossing point of the two dual energies and it is the centre where the true enlightenment is engaged - where the two opposites meet. With the upright world axis running through the X we also have a dividing line, but it is also a six-pointed symbol and is akin to the Star of David or Seal of Solomon, which is also an ancient symbol with much the same meaning.

The six points are important, as they reveal the seventh point and most holy - the centre of the X.

However, as I was to discover with the Jesuits, who swear an oath upon the symbol of the skull and crossbones, I found that the Freemasons also have this symbol and utilize it without too much knowledge of its origin - or so we are led to believe.

However, what was intriguing was the ‘degree’ that utilized the symbol - the Knights Templar.

In the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Virginia, USA, there is an anteroom with a large portrait of the Colonial period Grand Master Lafayette wearing the Templar Apron bearing the ‘skull and crossbones.’

The reasoning behind having this skull and crossbones on the Masonic apron, is revealed in a story with which I began - the story about a Lord of Sidon...

Gardiner also mentions the Saltire, which is the flag of the Apostle St. Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland). It is based on the legend that St Andrew was crucified on a diagonal cross.


Tradition has it that the Saltire, Scotland's National flag, originated in a battle fought in East Lothian, near the village of Athelstaneford in the Dark Ages.

The 1320 Declaration of Arbroath cites Scotland's conversion to Christianity by St Andrew, "the first to be an Apostle". Depiction of the saint being crucified on a decussate cross was seen on seals in Scotland from 1180 onwards and was used on a seal of the Guardians of Scotland, dated 1286. Bishop William de Lamberton (r. 1297–1328) also used the crucified figure of the saint in his seal.

Note that the Declaration of Arbroath was made in 1320, only 13 years after the suppression of the Templars and six years after their official dissolution by the Pope.

However, I find Gardiner's linking of the Chi-Rho and the symbol of Osiris (and therefore with the Head of the Grail) amazing. It was a complete synchronicity that I stumbled across it, since was originally aiming to finish this piece by adding a reference to something Laura was told by the C's in relation to the Grail in the session dated 3 October 1998:
“Q: What could be like the Holy Grail?

A: Ch/AK.

Q: What does Ch/Ak represent?

A: What is its root?”

It would seem to me that "Ch" may refer her to the Chi-Rho and, if Gardiner is correct about the link between the Chi-Rho and Osiris and in turn with the link to the crystal skull the Templars referred to as Baphomet, then this suggests the C's are referring to the Grail when the use "Ch" here, "Ch" being the root of Chi-Rho. If so they are pointing us back to the cult of Osiris, the Osirians, which they told us was the origin (root) of the Freemasons, which must therefore have formed around the crystal skull, the Head of Osiris:

Session dated 16 October 1994:

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons?

A: Osirians.

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

Moreover, I believe that "AK" refers to Laura's mother Alice Knight (note they use capital letters for her initials whereas they use only one for "Ch"). Why is this relevant here? Well, Laura believes that her original surname of "Knight" derives from the fact that one of her English ancestors may have been a Knight Templar just prior to the dissolution of the Order in 1314.​

Session dated 27 June 1998:

Q: We got a genealogy program and I have been loading all this data into it thinking that I am going to find something. You told me to investigate the Knight line and I have gotten back to Willielmo Knyght back in 1325, but I need to know what it is I am looking for. I have all these other lines, and it is a crazy bunch of people and strange events...

A: You have dug up the figures, now analyze.

Q: Analyze. What am I supposed to see in seeing these figures?

A: The figures are the people.

Q: Well, the thing about this Knyght guy is that I think a) he took the name because he was a child of a Templar who decided to call himself "Knyght" because he was a Knight of the Temple who had blended into the landscape, so to speak, after the disbanding of the Templars, or b) that he was incognito. Why would a person take this name? I mean, there were so many knights, functionally speaking, so why would a person take this name unless they were trying to be incognito and not use their true name?

A: Right.

Q: So, which direction should I go? Who was this guy? Who was he really? He sort of appeared out of the blue?

A: Search.

Q: Okay, I will keep searching.

The extract from the session dated 16 October 1994 should I think be linked with the session dated 25 July 1998:

Q: Well you once said something about the transition to 4th density creating a ‘level playing field’. Then the people will wake up and there will be a battle between the humans and aliens. [MJF: A subject brought up in recent sessions with the C's.]

A: Yes.


Q: You say knowledge protects. It protects against WHAT?

A: Many things. One example: post transformational trauma and confusion.

Q: So knowledge is going to protect us against post transformational trauma and confusion. You are saying that this transition to 4th density is going to be traumatic and confusing. Do you mean transformation from 3rd to 4th density, or 3rd to 5th density, i.e., death?

A: Both.

Q: So, if one does not have the shock and trauma and the confusion and so forth, one is then able to function better?

A: Yes.

Q: Well if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How does that feel? How is that experience

A: AK through the looking glass [
MJF: This statement may tie in with an earlier reference to “AK” (Alice) going through the looking glass at the Crystal Palace. It is clearly a reference to 4th density though and the odd experiences of the character Alice ,as described in the book ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ by Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson). However, Alice may here by a reference to Alice Knight, Laura’s mother, as the Alice in Carroll’s book was based on Alice Liddell. Laura’s mother it seemed liked to go dancing. Perhaps the ‘Crystal Palace’ was a reference to a particular ballroom she frequented?]

Q: (A) Okay, they say that knowledge is supposed to protect from trauma and the confusion. On the other hand, all is lessons, so trauma is a lesson. Why are we supposed to work to avoid a lesson?

A: You are correct, it is a lesson, but if you have foreknowledge, you are learning that lesson early, and in a different way.

Q: (L) So if you learn the lesson in a different way, does that mitigate the need or the way or the process of the way of learning at the time of transition?

A: Yes. Smoother.

A: … Knowledge protects in the most amazing ways. Mathematics is “taught” in your realm in such a way that only a select few will learn. And mathematics is the language of all creation. For example, advanced math studies, such as algebra, provide the keys to unlocking the doors between the matter and antimatter universes. [MJF: Again this may provide a pointer to Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ since the book contains many jibes at late 19th century mathematicians such as James Clerk Maxwell (the father of electro-magnetics) and his use of quaternions. The characters Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, identical twins, may have been a reference to the matter and antimatter universes, since Carroll, a brilliant mathematician, was a traditionalist when it came to algebra. Although Carroll's novel was published on 27 December 1871, some two years before Maxwells' Treatise was published, I would suggest that as an Oxford don, leading mathematician and Roscrucian, Carroll would have been aware of Maxwell's work.

Quoting from Wikipedia on Clerk Maxwell:

"His famous twenty equations, in their modern form of partial differential equations, first appeared in fully developed form in his textbook A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in 1873. Most of this work was done by Maxwell at Glenlair during the period between holding his London post and his taking up the Cavendish chair. Oliver Heaviside reduced the complexity of Maxwell's theory down to four partial differential equations, known now collectively as Maxwell's Laws or Maxwell's equations. Although potentials became much less popular in the nineteenth century, the use of scalar and vector potentials is now standard in the solution of Maxwell's equations.​

As Barrett and Grimes (1995) describe:

Maxwell expressed electromagnetism in the algebra of quaternions and made the electromagnetic potential the centerpiece of his theory. In 1881 Heaviside replaced the electromagnetic potential field by force fields as the centerpiece of electromagnetic theory. According to Heaviside, the electromagnetic potential field was arbitrary and needed to be "assassinated". (sic) A few years later there was a debate between Heaviside and [Peter Guthrie] Tate (sic) about the relative merits of vector analysis and quaternions. The result was the realization that there was no need for the greater physical insights provided by quaternions if the theory was purely local, and vector analysis became commonplace."
I may post a piece by Joseph Farrell in which he shows how Heaviside butchered Maxwell's original theory, which may have stopped us from acquiring the UFT 150 years ago.

Session 22 June 1996:

A: Slowly, but surely. Now, get ready for a message: We have told you before that the upcoming "changes" relate to the spiritual and awareness factors rather than the much publicized physical. Symbolism is always a necessary tool in teaching. But, the trick is to read the hidden lessons represented by the symbology, not to get hung up on the literal meanings of the symbols!


Q: (F) Well, they mentioned twice to be careful about putting in the designated quotes. (L) One of the crop circles you interpreted was an "astronomical twin phenomenon." What is an astronomical twin phenomenon?

A: Many perfectly synchronous meanings.

Q: (L) Synchronicity is involved. Does this have something to do with "image?"

A: Duplicity of, as in "Alice through the looking glass."
[Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum as reflections of the matter/antimatter universes? See Laura' response below. If anybody knows how Carroll derived these names, I would like to hear from them. "Dee" "Dum" is, of course, a means of singing without using proper words.]

Q: (L) Double images. Does this relate to matter and antimatter?

A: Yes, and...

Q: (L) Gravity and manifesting on one side and manifesting a mirror image on the other...

A: Yes, and...

Q: (L) And images of 4th density bodies with tenuous fibers connecting to DNA as in manifesting imaginal bodies on 4th density?

A: Astronomical.

Q: (L) Okay, that relates to stars and planets... astronomical in terms of another universe, an alternate universe composed of antimatter?

A: Yes, and....

Q: (L) And is this alternate universe going to merge with our universe...

A: No.

Q: (L) Is this alternate universe of antimatter the point from which phenomena occur or are manifested in our universe?

A: More like doorway or "conduit."

Q: (L) Is this alternate universe the means by which we must travel to 4th density? Is it like a veil, or an abyss of some sort?

A: Think of it as the highway.

Q: (L) So, we must travel through this universe of antimatter in order to reach 4th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is something going to happen in terms of interacting with this antimatter in order to bring about some sort of transition?

A: No. Realm Border is travelling wave.

I appreciate that we have come a long way here from Moyal's original comments but I have been aiming to add this additional information on the Grail and its possible links to the Head of Osiris for some time. It was providential that I came across Philip Gardiner's article when I did, since it knitted my ideas together. As a result it has postponed my original intention to post the first part of my article on the Templars and their post dissolution activities but in some ways this post acts as a primer for it. As to the importance of the Templars to our quest, I will quote Ark again, as I did in my post on the thread for the session dated 24 June 2002:
The Wave Chapter 39 The Court of Seven

Ark said: “But why ARE all these Templars and Rosicrucians important? Because it is all knowledge. Pieces of knowledge from here and there. We are not gonna use or try to use this knowledge. But somehow it is necessary for us to know this so as to find out the best possible use of this knowledge.”
...This symbol is known as the "Dead Head" or "Caput mortuum" (plural capita mortua), a Latin term literally meaning "dead head" or "worthless remains", as used in alchemy.

Caput mortuum (alternately called nigredo) signified a useless substance left over from a chemical operation ...

However, the term "Caput" meaning "head" can also when expressed as "Kaput" mean "dead"...
It should be added that "kaputt" is also a word in the German language with these meanings:

-> kaputt - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch

Also pay attention to this here:
-> kaput | Search Online Etymology Dictionary
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It should be added that "kaputt" is also a word in the German language with these meanings:

-> kaputt - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch

Also pay attention to this here:
-> kaput | Search Online Etymology Dictionary
Yes, there is no doubt that the English sense of 'Kaput' as meaning 'dead', 'finished' or 'worn out' derives from the German word. I have found that the C's are very subtle with some of their clues and this is a good example of that subtlety. Their clues are often multi-layered with more than one possible meaning, often being triplicate - thereby bringing the 'Third Man' theme into play. Their response to Laura here:​

Q: Well, head, or finished? The end of something. Who did the skull belong to? It was supposed to be some saint or martyr.

A: You see Laura, you are on the right path, but you have a proclivity for side trips

suggests that Laura was going down the right path when she said "head, or finished? The end of something" but was going on a side trip when querying whether the skull was that of a saint or martyr.

Examining the triple meaning of Kaput (Caput) here, you get:

Head = the Templar skull Baphomet linked with the Head of Osiris and by extension the Holy Grail.

Finished = the alchemical Caput mortuum (alternately called nigredo), which signified a useless substance left over from a chemical operation.

The end of something = the end of the Frankish Capetian dynasty of Clovis and Charlemagne that had replaced the earlier Merovingian dynasty.

Not bad for one word.
Before posting Part 1 of my ongoing narrative about the Templars, I thought I would add a preface by quoting an extract from the transcripts, since what the C's say below is highly relevant when reading the article.​

Session dated 26 July 1997:

Q: Speaking of these tall guys, William Wallace's life was sort of symbolic, in my mind, and he was supposed to have been over 6 and a half feet tall. During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France ...

A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground."

Q: Is that literally or figuratively?

A: Why not both?

Q: Well, there are Templar organizations that some Mason's claim to be in contact with.

A: And where do you suppose these are?

Q: Underground?

A: Bingo!

By their literal use of "underground" here, this might suggest that the C's are telling us that the Templars may be in league with the subterranean civilisation called the 'Nation of the Third Eye' or the Antareans (an STS group of humans from the Orion system). However, it could also mean that the Templars created an underground headquarters somewhere, in the same way that the Nazis did in parts of Germany (and what is Poland now) and perhaps in the Antarctic (New Berlin?). Whatever the case may be, the C's are clearly telling us that the Templars survived the purge against them. We know, for example, that the Templars have been linked with the modern Freemason network that seems to have emerged out of Medieval Scotland, particularly through the influence of the Sinclair family, one of whose ancestors rode with the Crusaders and was present at the capture of Jerusalem. However, I would like to concentrate in this article on the other country where the Templars appeared to have regrouped and rebranded themselves and that is Portugal - a country that could be said to have been invented by the Templars. Indeed, their influence in Portugal can be seen to have helped shape the modern world we live in today.
The Templars in Portugal - Part 1

Many who have read accounts of how the Templars, fleeing the French oppression of 1307, set their fleet towards Portugal where they joined the newly formed “Order of Christ” are left with the impression that the “Order of Christ” had been established with the express objective of offering sanctuary to the Templars. In reality, the Knights Templar had already held a strong presence in the Iberian Peninsula for many years prior to 1307 and the arrest of their French brethren.

In 1128, just one year after the Order received its rule at the Council of Troyes, Teresa of Portugal gave the newly formed knights the town of Fonte Arcada. This gift was not entirely altruistic or as compensation for Portugal being unwilling to take up the Crusaders cross. For the Templars there was indeed a price to be paid which was to help win back territories previously occupied by the Moors. This the brethren did with the zeal and military skill that has become synonymous with the warrior monks.

From the period of 1143-1190, the Knights Templar presence in Portugal became stronger by the year. The castle of Langrovia was donated by Fernao Mendes and his wife the Infanta Sancha Henrique, who was the sister of King Henrique, and with whom the Templars had worked in earlier times. Later in 1159, the order was granted Castle Ceras, which was, at the time, little more than a ruin. The Portuguese Templar Master, Gualdim Pais decided to construct a new fortress in the area, which he commenced one year later in 1160. This fortress was to be built in nearby Tomar (see picture below). This piece of Templar architecture survives to this day and is not only a principal tourist attraction in Portugal but is considered to be both a mystical and spiritual place.


See: The Convent of Christ in Tomar & the Knights Templar (

The castle itself is known by the name, “Convento de Cristo” [Convent of Christ] and remains an impressive epitaph to Templar abilities in architecture. Within its ancient fortifications lies an eight-sided chapel, which was a standard style of Templar architecture. This octagonal form of building which the Templars are believed to have developed from the Muslim’s “Dome of the Rock” in Jerusalem, served a threefold objective to the Templar masons. Firstly, its eight walls formed a superior edifice of structural stability. Secondly it called to mind the overall shape of the Templar Cross Pattȇe, which can be easily formed within the confines of the octagon. Finally, the octagon, especially when combined within the circle, formed a sacred geometry associated with Gnostic beliefs, for which the Knights Templar were said to share an affinity. It is rumoured that within this octagonal chapel, called a “Charola”, neophyte Templar knights were initiated on horseback. [MJF: Once again we see the importance of the geometrical octagon in Templar constructions.]


When Gualdim Pais constructed the Convent in 1160, according to folklore, he chose the location after drawing lots and receiving a sign to build a new Templar fortress on a hill between the river Fria and Saint Gregory's creek. Traditional local legends and chronicles preach that the choice was for mystical reasons and by divine inspiration, from practices like geomancy* by the provincial Grand Master, based on exercises taken from luck and predestination. Reinforcing this magical view is the fact that the lot was part of a small chain of seven elevations (lugar dos sete montes), which became known as the city of seven hills, like the seven hills of Jerusalem, the seven hills of Rome or the seven columns of Constantinople.

*We have seen other examples of the Templar’s practice of geomancy in the layout of their castles and major churches in Spain in the form of a Templar cross and their construction of Cathedrals and major churches (all named after Notre Dame) in Northern France in accordance with the constellation of Virgo.

Another related mystical Templar holding is close to Tomar. This is the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, considered by the Portuguese to be the Mother Church of all the churches in Africa, Asia and even the America’s. Its most striking aspect is the large window on its front facade adorned with a rosette containing the Templar Sigil. But Tomar would not be the end of the Templar expansion in Portugal. Nine years later the order was allowed to retain a full third of all lands captured south of the Tagus. During this period, it was confirmed that the Portuguese Templars owned the castles of Tomar, Cardiga and Foz do Zezere. In reality, the ownership of these locations would prove to be a moot point in 1314, when King Denis would claim them for himself.

N.B. The above is an extract from The Warriors and Bankers” by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe.

The Church of Santa Maria do Olival


"Olival" means "olive grove" and thus the church has associations with the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem near to Temple Mount where the Templars were first based after their inception.

The Church of Santa Maria do Olival, Tomar, Estremadura, Portugal
The simple, Gothic-style church was used as a mausoleum for Templar knights and, later, by the Knights of the Order of Christ. The tomb of Regional Master Gualdim Pais, who founded Tomar as a Templar province, is found within the church. Knights of the Order would come here to seek inspiration from the Masters of the past.

When you visit the original parts of the church built under Pais, one apparently should pay attention to the use of the number 8. Thus, you walk into the church by first going down 8 steps, then there are 8 windows, 8 columns, etc. We know the number 8 was particularly important to the Templars with the Cross Pattée, the Eight Beatitudes, the eight-petalled flower (rose) and their churches often being built in an octagonal (eight-sided) shape.

The great importance of the church in medieval times is confirmed by a papal bull, which placed the church under the direct dependence of the Pope and the Holy See, outside the control of any diocese.

The Church of Santa Maria dos Olivais is also connected with secret and mysterious Templar initiation rituals and the recent discovery of secret underground passageways and tunnels seems to confirm this. The church is actually set below ground level and signifies the spiritual descent into the womb of the earth and rebirth as a Knight Templar (mirroring the rites of initiation of the ancient mystery schools and modern secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Skull and Cross Bones).

The simple interior of the Church of Santa Maria dos Olivais in Tomar, Portugal
The exterior of the church has a magnificent rose window (see picture above) and the pentagram symbol of the Templars, often seen in their churches in Portugal, which is said to represent the five wounds of Christ. However, I think it more likely that it represents the Seal of Solomon with all the esoteric and hidden scientific knowledge associated with that symbol.

After Tomar helped launch Portugal’s 15th-century maritime expansion, spearheaded by Henry the Navigator, the church became the inspiration for all Portuguese churches built overseas – leading some to declare it the “Vatican” of the Templars.

After the Pope officially dissolved the Templars’ order in 1312, the Templars’ immense wealth and assets were transferred to another ‘competing’ order, the Knights Hospitaller, but not in Portugal…

The Order of Christ

In Portugal, King Denis I, found himself in no hurry to follow the papal order and basically refused to burn the Templars at the stake, since they had been instrumental in the reconstruction of Portugal.

In 1319, he founded the Order of Christ and all the assets and wealth of the former Templars were transferred to this new order, with the blessing of the new pope. Thus, from 1319 onwards, the new Order of Christ was able to resume the Knights Templars’ former activities and the Templars’ philosophy was once again alive and kicking under a new brand name.

And amongst the assets of the new Order of Christ, was the castle in Tomar. Indeed, in 1357, the Order’s headquarter was transferred back to Tomar,

In 1420, Henry the Navigator was appointed as Grand Master of the Order and he led the Order into their great voyages of discovery … and new conquests. The Order of Christ would continue in the footsteps of the Templars for most of the 15th century. However, by 1529, the Order was reformed and transformed into a closed order, under the strict rules of Saint Benedict. Thereafter, there was a strict separation between knights and friars.
The Name of Portugal

There are some who believe that Portugal’s name means “Port of the Gral” or Grail Port.


However, the English-language word “Portugal” is taken from the Portuguese-language word portuguez, which is in turn derived from the medieval Latin portugalensis.

The “gal” part of this name is derived from the word for “Gallaecia”, which was a Roman province in Iberia.
Quoting from Wikipedia:

The area now called ‘Galicia’ takes its name from the Gallaeci, the Celtic people living north of the Douro River during the last millennium BC. Galicia was incorporated into the Roman Empire at the end of the Cantabrian Wars in 19 BC, and was made a Roman province in the 3rd century AD. In 410, the Germanic Suebi established a kingdom with its capital in Brag, this kingdom was incorporated into that of the Visigoths in 585 AD. In 711 AD, the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate invaded the Iberian Peninsula conquering the Visigothic kingdom of Hispania by 718 AD and was subsequently incorporated into the Christian kingdom of Asturias in 740 AD. During the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of Galicia was occasionally ruled by its own kings but most of the time it was leagued to the Kingdom of Leon and later to that of Castile, while maintaining its own legal and customary practices and culture.

The toponymy of the name has been studied since the 7th century by authors such as Isidore of Seville, who wrote that "Galicians are called so, because of their fair skin, as the Gauls", relating the name to the Greek word for milk. (See the etymology of the word galaxy.) In the 21st century, some scholars (J.J. Moralejo, Carlos Búa) have derived the name of the ancient Callaeci either from Proto-Indo-European *kl(H)-no- 'hill', through a local relational suffix -aik-, also attested in Celtiberian, so meaning 'the hill (people)'; or either from Proto-Celtic *kallī- 'forest', so meaning 'the forest (people)'. In any case, Galicia, being per se a derivation of the ethnic name Kallaikói, means 'the land of the Galicians'.

I would add here that the name “Kalli” could be linked with the Manx name “Kelly” or “Kelley”, as in Edward Kelley, John Dee’s scryer or medium. The C’s commented on this matter in the session dated 4 April 1998:

Q: Okay. Tracking the Triple Goddess back to the oldest references, we get to KaliMa. There are all kinds of derivations of this name, but the thing that strikes me is the relationship to the goddess Kell, or Kella, as well as to the word kell, Celts, and how this might be transformed into the word 'Cassiopaea.' Can you comment on this?

A: Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?

Kelly Green is in fact a shade of green. The C’s might also have been referring here to the link between the Celts and alfalfa, which is related to clover, the Shamrock in Ireland being an example of this. On St Patrick’s day (March 17th), Irish people traditionally wear the Shamrock, which is referred to as the ‘wearing of the green’.

Continuing with Wikipedia:-

"Another recent proposal comes from linguist Francesco Benozzo after identifying the root gall- / kall- in a number of Celtic words with the meaning "stone" or "rock", as follows: gall (oldIrish), gal (MiddleWelsh), gailleichan (Scottish Gaelic), kailhoù (Breton), galagh (Manx) and gall (Gaulish). Hence, Benozzo explains the ethnonym Callaeci as being "the stone people" or "the people of the stone" ("those who work with stones"), about the builders of the ancient megaliths and stone formations so common in Galicia.

Due to Galicia's history and culture with mythology, the land has been called "Terra Meiga" (i.e., land of the witches/witch(ing) land). This would also suggest a link with the Druids who cast spells or enchantments. It should also be borne in mind in the context of this article that Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa had claimed in the early sixteenth century that the medieval Templars had been wizards."

If the name of Portugal derives from the Gallaeci tribe who occupied Portugal and Northern Spain (including the Pyrenees), then we may have a new candidate for “Buried in Galle”. Here is what the C’s said about the matter in the session dated 23 August 2001:

Q: (L) What is the difference between Galle and Gaul?
A: Clue.
Q: (L) Do they both refer to France?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does Galle refer to Rhineland?
A: Close.
Q: (L) I discovered today that one of the Maltese islands, the one that is now called Gozo, was once called "Gaul." Is that getting closer? A: Close.

Well, Laura had previously referred to St Gallen in Switzerland and was told she was on the right track. However, we now have a new candidate in Galicia, whose original name was Gallaecia. Could this mean that the Grail was once hidden by the Templars in Portugal, possibly at Tomar? If so, why might this have been the case?​

Portugal as a Templar State

We have met the theory before that the Templars had sought to create their own Templar ruled state. This was first attempted in the Holy Land in the Crusader state of Outremer. However, when the Templars were driven out of the Holy Land after the fall of Acre, they attempted to establish themselves as the main power in the Languedoc region of France (it should be noted here that this region includes the village of Rennes-le-Chateau near to the Pyrenees). However, after King Phillip IV of France moved against the Templars in 1307 and the Pope eventually dissolved the Order in 1314, this project was no longer feasible. Did they have any other options open to them though? The answer is yes since they had deliberately built up a significant presence in Portugal from the earliest days of the order. They had first participated in the siege and fall of Santarém to King Alfonso Henriques in 1147 and later that year in the capture of Lisbon. As a reward Portugal's new king began to give them lands and property. It can even be argued that the kingdom of Portugal would never have existed without the Templars. Was this presence in Portugal the result of some long-term strategic planning on the part of the Templars?

To advance this argument, I would like to quote from an article by Freddy Silva, titled The Greatest Story Never Told, which was based on his book First Templar Nation. The link to this article can be found here: The greatest secret of the Knights Templar (

“The Knights Templar in Portugal may very well have continued the initiatory practice of ‘raising the dead’. During interrogation by the Inquisition, a Templar knight cryptically stated: “There exists in the Order a law so extraordinary on which such a secret should be kept, that any knight would prefer his head cut off rather than reveal it.

This statement has caused a flurry of speculation as to what secret the Templars were privy to. Were they simply following a rediscovered secret doctrine of initiation or was there something else?

One well-studied route revolves around the protection of a holy bloodline, championed very convincingly by the authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. During my own research to discover why the Templars created Portugal for their main centre of activity — a subject barely touched by Templar historians until I wrote First Templar Nation — it seemed to me that they wanted to be as far from Rome as possible — this secret required protection from papal interference, and the Portuguese were tolerant of such a policy because traditionally they followed a policy of paying lip service to papal authority.

If you recall, the Templars, to all intents and purposes, were an extension of the Cistercian Order and its Abbot Bernard de Clairvaux, a number of its key knights being Cistercian monks. A goodly number were also high-ranking members of the Order of Sion, particularly its prior, Pedro Arnaldo. One of the declared aims of the Order of Sion was the reinstatement
of a holy bloodline upon the throne of Jerusalem, if not the throne of a European state. This bloodline descended from the House of Troy, through the line of David, and into the Merovingian dynasty of medieval Europe. The Order of Sion accomplished the first objective when it seated the Merovingian Godefroi de Bouillon upon the throne of Jerusalem following the conquest of the city.

Such a holy bloodline was considered a great treasure and given the brief longevity of kings of Jerusalem in this era, it is possible the Order of Sion planned to elect another Merovingian, this time in the relatively safe territory of Portugal — someone who could be groomed and protected by the Templars and their successors. Perhaps. There is a surviving document held in the Cistercian archives which outlines the rites of succession of Templar Masters in Portugal, in which the swearing of allegiance by every new Master unambiguously declares a vow “to protect the bloodline of David.” Such a blatant line item would hardly be featured unless there was a bloodline to protect.

But the other aspect of the Templar secret and the creation of Portugal lies in their association with the Grail, or Graal.

Although perceived as many things, ultimately the Graal describes the journey of a hero who undertakes a perilous journey into a mystical land and returns transfigured by the experience and the knowledge he’s exposed to, whereupon he has a spiritual awakening. So, to anyone who understands the Mysteries, the Grail is not an object* but the search for the highest spiritual potential within oneself. In the religious climate of medieval Europe nothing could be more dangerous. The Templars reversed the tide of ignorance perpetuated by the Church by offering anyone the chance to experience this living resurrection, to which end they built countless secret chambers, much like their predecessors from Egypt to ancient Japan, and this is perhaps the single-most reason why both rich and lay people donated all their worldly goods to help the order succeed.

*I must disagree with Silva here as the C’s have referred to the Matriarch Stone or Merkaba as something material and Wolfram von Eschenbach in his Parzival referred to the Lapis Exilis – the stone that fell from heaven or from Lucifer’s crown. However, his idea of a spiritual awakening may tie in with the C’s reference to the ‘White House’ (Casa Blanca) or the Kundalini experience as a means of a person shifting to 4th density. However, Silva himself confuses the matter elsewhere in his article by referring to the Templars’ most famous “artefact” – an obvious reference to the Holy Grail.

It must be stressed that the living resurrection has historically been performed in secret chambers and ancient sacred sites. Science now knows that such ancient temples are found at the intersection of the Earth’s electromagnetic pathways [MJF: Ley Lines]. This concentrated energy is known to stimulate areas of the brain that lead to altered states. Such a spiritual technology is a pre-requisite for inducing the voluntary near-death experience that sends the candidate on a shamanic, out-of-body journey. It was the key ingredient in living resurrection ceremonies. And virtually every site won by the Templars was an ancient sacred site, typically dedicated to Isis* or her regional doppelganger.

*Is this because Isis and her equivalent local Moon or Mother goddess is, in reality, a cypher for the Holy Grail or Mother Stone perhaps?
As a Templar knight, King Afonso Henriques would have been privy to the Templars’ spiritual teachings and the attainment of this inner transformation, the Graal, and it merited awarding the order one third of his land, to establish a kingdom within a kingdom. On the king’s charter lies the unusual cross symbol with the anagram PORTUG-R-AL. In Portuguese it reads ‘through you, the Graal.’ Afonso is alluding that the Graal is to be found in this territory, specifically the town of Tomar, particularly when one considers the name is also a metaphor. In Portuguese it means ‘to drink, to imbibe’, and in esoteric circles, an initiate of the Mysteries must ‘drink’ the knowledge if it is to be internalised. The successful candidate would complete the final initiation by undertaking a voluntary near-death experience, to be awoken by an adept in the morning and lifted from a figurative grave. At this moment they were declared ‘risen’. This initiation is still performed today by the Templars’ progeny, the Scottish Rite Freemasons.

The Templars left clues that the crypt under the enigmatic rotunda of Tomar was used for such a purpose. If you trace a line through the rotunda to the Templar church of John the Baptist, the line passes through two pillars with the pagan symbols of the dragon and the green man, symbols of rejuvenation, and ends 2000 miles away in the Church of Notre Dame du Mont Sion in Jerusalem. If you then take that church plus the other two prime Templar sites — the Holy Sepulchre and Solomon’s stables (where they resided) — this perfect triangle is bisected and the imaginary line ends in Egypt, specifically in the underground chamber called the Osirion, where the oldest resurrection ritual of Osiris was once celebrated.

We are presented here with the intriguing possibility that the Templars placed the Graal in Tomar. All these centuries, while we’ve focused on their exploits in Jerusalem and France (and to some degree in Britain), like the smokescreen myth of nine knights protecting a pilgrim trail, the stories have distracted our gaze away from the main accomplishments taking place in this remote country they created before the order itself was made official.

It is indeed an incredible coincidence that just as the Templars are erecting their mysterious rotunda in Tomar, the Graal writer Chretien de Troyes begins writing his famous opus. In the story, the Graal rests on a salver, a ceremonial silver tray. One has to wonder, then, why the Templars called this round building a “charola”. Because it literally translates as ‘a salver’ — a most unusual name for a religious building that stands at the crossroads of two electromagnetic lines, and nev
er had an altar or a door.

The Templars, it seems, gave us the answer on a silver tray.”

There is a lot to digest in this article. The existence of a Templar “resurrection ritual” would certainly link the Templars with similar rituals embraced by today’s Freemasons and the likes of the Skull and Cross Bones Society as well as with the resurrection rituals of the mystery schools of the ancient and classical world (e.g., the Dionysian Mysteries and those of the Pythagoreans), which originally stem from the resurrection rites in Egypt connected to the god Osiris. I am aiming to do an article specifically on the initiation rites of the Egyptian adepts soon, which will hopefully reinforce this connection between the Freemasons and the ancient Egyptian order of the Osirians.
King Alfonso Henriques and the Templars

However, it is the idea of Portugal being deliberately created as a Templar state from its inception that intrigues me here. In the first part of his article Silva tells us that:

In 1159 the first king of Portugal, Afonso Henriques, placed a mysterious seal on a charter that awarded the Knights Templar one third of his new, hard-won territory — an extraordinary move for a new monarch. On this strip of land the Templars would erect they most famous and lasting monuments: the Mother of All Churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene, and a rotunda with no door; visitors accessed the interior of the building via a secret chamber used for the investiture of new knights, or to administer the inner brotherhood’s most secret rite, the ‘raising of the dead’.


The king’s seal (see above) contains an anagram and reveals why the Templars were awarded this territory and why they patiently waited forty years to receive it. Secret societies love their symbols because, just like parables, to the casual viewer they convey one message while to the initiate of the Mysteries they conceal another. At first sight the seal with its scrambled letters forms the word PORTUGAL. To the esoteric reader it reveals something altogether deeper, an added R, PORTU-GRAL. But to an initiate it reads, in Portuguese, POR TU O GRAL: “Through you the Grail.”

Is it possible the Templars inherited one-third of Portugal under unusual circumstances and there deposited their most famous artefact?

To understand how we got to this point we must first return to the moment when the Templars became an official order. In 1118 a new King of Jerusalem was chosen, Baudoin de Bourcq. Barely had Baudoin gotten used to his newly appointed seat when he received a visit from Hugues de Payen and Godefroi de Saint-Omer, as though the two proto-Templars were presenting their credentials. Whatever Hugues and Godefroi pitched the new king it sold him, and soon after, a small, close-knit group of knights moved into premises on Temple Mount to became officially known as the Knights Templar.

This is the official historical record. But new evidence shows that, seven years earlier, the Templars were already present and materially active in another land two thousand miles to the west, and through their intervention, this secret endeavour became their greatest accomplishment — the creation of Europe’s first independent nation-
state [MJF: arguably England had already achieved that status, albeit under Norman rule].

It’s the close of the 11th century. There is no France, no Spain, and the German states are largely under the tutelage of the Holy Roman Empire. After riding west to help the Castilian king reclaim his lands from the Moors, a knight named Henri of Burgundy inherits the Atlantic port city of Porto Cale and its surrounding territory — the small county of Portucale — whereupon Henri changes his name, in Portuguese, to Count Dom Henrique. He had barely time to enjoy his new status when he was asked to set sail for Jerusalem, arriving just after its conquest by Crusaders. Little did Dom Henrique know that his decision to sail to Palestine would mark a pivotal moment in the history of his newly acquired land, for the people he’d meet in Jerusalem would one day shape the destiny of his tiny territory.

On his second voyage to Jerusalem in 1103, Dom Henrique’s arrival coincided with that of two proto-Templars: Hugues de Payns and Count Hugh de Champagne. Originating from the same Duchy, it is likely that both Hugues and Dom Henrique got to know each other over the next three years, especially as both men shared the vision of a temporal new kingdom accountable only to God.

Traveling with Dom Henrique was another man of French parentage, Pedro Arnaldo da Rocha, born in Santarem (in what is today Portugal), whose family, the la Roche, were supporters of the burgeoning Cistercian Order. In time, its abbot, Bernard de Clairvaux, would become the Templars’ main benefactor.

Young Pedro Arnaldo’s presence in Jerusalem was opportune, arriving as he did shortly after the first king of Jerusalem installed members of the secretive Order of Sion in the abbey on its namesake hill. To say he made a favourable impression is an understatement, because by 1116 Pedro Arnaldo resurfaces as a full member of the Order, his signature inscribed on an original document from the Abbey de Notre Dame du Mont de Sion, in which he is addressed in Latin as Prior Petrus Arnaldus.

MJF: This would seem to establish a close link between the Cistercian Order and the Order of Sion, despite the fact that the Abbey de Notre Dame du Mont de Sion was occupied by Augustinian cannons, not Cistercian monks (see my earlier article on The Augustinian Canons of Notre Dame de Sion and my recent post on “Orval”).

Such a position imbued Prior Arnaldo with immense political leverage. The abbey had established close ties with the knights and monks in the nearby church of the Holy Sepulcher, affording the prior direct access to two individuals living there — Hugues de Payns and Godefroi de Saint-Omer. That relationship was revealed on July 19, 1116, when a document signed by both Prior Arnaldus and Hugues de Payns declares “good relations are assured between the two Orders.

In the relationship between the Order of the Temple, the House of Burgundy, the Ordre de Sion and the incipient Portuguese kingdom, Arnoldo da Rocha would prove to be the lynchpin. He was Portuguese by birth, his friendship with Count Dom Henrique granted him favour within the Portuguese court, and through his family’s status, connections with the nobles and ecclesiasts in and around the Portuguese city of Braga, many of whom were of Burgundian heritage. But Portuguese chroniclers give Prior Arnaldo even more credit. They cite him as a key founder of the Knights Templar in the county of Portugale, if not one of the original Templars in Jerusalem: “Arnaldo da Rocha, who was a Templar knight, was one of the first nine originators of this illustrious Order of the Temple in Jerusalem,” wrote the historian Alexandre Ferreira in 1735, quoting a 17th century source, Manuel de Faria e Sousa. And Sousa would have been in an excellent position to know, for he was himself a Templar knight.

Prior Arnaldo da Rocha as one of the original Templars is both provocative and explosive because it brings into sharp focus an unsettling proposition: were there really only nine original Templar knights? Or was this number merely a talisman, the kind of flourish employed by secret societies throughout that period? We may never know for certain; however, it is categorically stated in the Cistercian chronicles that the original Templars consisted of “Hugues and Godefroi and nine other knights,” raising the original core group of proto-Templars to eleven.

In 1114 Count Dom Henrique passed away in his adopted homeland. Back in Jerusalem, the Order of the Temple was still in its embryonic stage, yet sources claim the Templars by this time were already present in Portugale: “After D. Affonso VI married his daughter to Count Dom Henrique, they
[the Templars] always came to his aid and did not stop doing so even after the death of his son.” An independent German source also states categorically that the proto-Templars forged a working relationship with Count Dom Henrique: “The acquisition of an important property, such as that of the castle of Souré, which was given to them [the Order of the Temple] by Count Henrique in 1111 proves that these knights had already rendered some services, and that he was convinced of their usefulness.”

Such a donation places the proto-Templars firmly in the county of Portugale a full seven years before their official date on Temple Mount. And it wasn’t the only documented property they were awarded in that period. Shortly before he passed away Dom Henrique signed another document providing them with a residence in the city of Braga, described as being ‘beside a Templar hospital’, which would be the hospital for the poor founded by the city’s Archbishop Payo Mendes, “annexed to the main houses he had earlier donated to the Templars in the hermitage.” These acts of goodwill from an archbishop seem unusual until one discovers Payo Mendes’ second, secret job was that of Prior of the Knights Hospitaller, the sister organisation to the Templars.

But Payo had a third job. He was mentor to the late Dom Henriques’ son, Afonso.

Hence, Silva seems to be providing us here with clear evidence of a well-planned conspiracy, which involved the Cistercians, the Templars, the Order of Sion (or the Priory of Sion), St. Bernard of Clairvaux and members of his family. Since St Bernard would seem to have played a pivotal role in all of this, I will digress from Silva's article for a while in order to look at the life and influence of St. Bernard, one of the great monastic saints of the Roman Catholic Church.
St Bernard of Clairvaux

As regards the somewhat mysterious role played by Bernard of Fontaine (later St Bernard of Clairvaux) in the foundation of the Templars, we should perhaps look at the bizarre events that occurred within his extended noble family at the time he joined the struggling Cistercian Order (which was then on the verge of collapse), which, under his charismatic guidance, would subsequently be transformed into a phenomenally powerful and successful order, spreading all over Western Europe.

It seems Bernard’s family were shocked when he announced his vocation, but their attitude was completely transformed for reasons that are far from clear. As Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins explained in their book Rosslyn - Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail: “All opposition to his plans evaporated and, even stranger still, most of his male relatives and many of his friends chose to follow him into the new Cistercian Order; thirty-two of them becoming novices with him when he joined in 1112”. In my own experience, I have known several members of one family to pursue a religious vocation at the same time (e.g., four brothers who joined the same Redemptorist monastery) but 32 is unheard of.

As Wallace-Murphy and Hopkins point out: “No convincing explanation for this collective outburst of religious fervour has ever been offered by the Church. This massive influx of new vocations included that of Bernard’s elder brother, who was heir to the family estate, as well as his two younger brothers and his uncle, the Knight Gaudri of Touillon”, This more than doubled the size of the struggling order.

It should also be noted that St Bernard was related to the Count of Champagne who became a Knight templar but who also ran a kabbalistic school at his court at Troyes from 1070 onwards (see more on this below). This is the also same Troyes at which the Templars would receive their statutes (St. Bernard having composed their Rule) and formal recognition as a religious order at the Council of Troyes in 1128 and the poet Chretien de Troyes would compose the first medieval Grail story of Perceval. Indeed, i\t was the Count of Champagne who donated the land to the Cistercian Order for the Abbey of Clairvaux. When Bernard became the new Prior of the Abbey, he was joined by two brothers of Andre de Montbard, one of the founders of the Knight Templar.

On a personal level, Bernard was appointed to the position of abbot of the new Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux soon after joining the Order when he was only twenty-four years of age. This is almost unprecedented. He quickly rose to a position of incontestable leadership in the Church, becoming a personal advisor to the Pope and exerting great influence in purely temporal affairs. His deep commitment to initiatory teaching is made clear by the fact that he preached 120 sermons based on the Song of Songs by King Solomon. As we learned previously, this canticle is unique within the Hebrew Bible, since it shows no interest in Law or Covenant or the God of Israel, nor does it teach or explore wisdom like Proverbs or Ecclesiastes. Moreover, it seems strange to me that a senior prelate within the Church should spend so much time preaching on an Old Testament canticle, given that the emphasis of Catholic theology and teaching is normally placed on Christ’s teachings in the New Testament. I would suggest St. Bernard showed such an interest in the canticle because it is in essence an esoteric work linked with King Solomon, the great magician and builder of the Temple of Solomon – who we know was not really an Israelite King but an Egyptian Pharaoh, who no doubt possessed the secrets of alchemy as well as the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, as the Templars would also soon come to do. Indeed, the Song of Songs with its reference to the Quadriga of Aminadab may link us to the Ark of the Covenant being triumphantly driven in procession by King David in the newly conquered Jerusalem (it may also provide us with an intriguing link to the C’s Philosophers of Dancar – more on this in a subsequent post). Does this explain perhaps why St. Bernard had such a close involvement with the establishment of the Templars?

Was St Bernard therefore a secret gnostic and/or alchemist? One thing that suggests he was not was his attitude to the ancient Abbey church of St. Denis in Paris. The name derives from the Denis (the name being perhaps a variation of ‘Dionysus’ - the Greek wine god) who was the first Christian bishop of Paris and patron saint of France. In 250 AD he was arrested and decapitated along with two companions. Legend has it that he picked up his head and, under the guidance of an angel, he walked six kilometres to a place called Catulla, the site of the present abbey, where he fell to his feet and was buried. The abbey was founded in the seventh century by the Frankish King Dagobert II, the last scion of the Merovingian dynasty (the offspring of the sea monster Merovee), in honour of St. Denis and his legendary companions Rusticus and Eleutherius. Dagobert’s assassination in the forest close to Orval would set in motion the eventual demise of the Merovingian dynasty.

However, the Romanised names Rusticus and Eleutherius might be a clue here, given the Merovingian kings and war chiefs' reputation for involvement with magic (recall the finding in 1653 of the tomb of Childeric I with its golden honeybees, horse’s head, and crystal ball). Dionysus (also known as Bacchus) is the god of the grape-harvest, winemaking, orchards and fruit and vegetation. He can therefore be viewed as a rustic god connected to the countryside, which may be what really lies behind the name of Rusticus. Eleutherius is a name that may be derived from the name of the rites known as the Eleusinian Mysteries, which were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter (the goddess of agriculture and fertility) and Persephone her daughter (also known as Kore) based at Eleusis – a name that may be related originally to the goddess Eileithyia, a goddess of childbirth. Since the Mysteries involved visions and conjuring of an afterlife, some scholars believe that the power and longevity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a consistent set of rites, ceremonies and experiences that spanned two millennia, came from psychedelic drugs. However, the name Eleusis is also connected to Elysium, otherwise known as the Elysian Fields (or Elysian Plains), which is a conception of the afterlife that developed over time and was maintained by some Greek religious and philosophical sects and cults, whereby those who the gods deemed as the righteous and the heroic would remain at the Elysian Fields after death, to live a blessed and happy life, and indulge in whatever employment they had enjoyed in temporal life. Curiously, in the 16th century, an outlying garden of the Tuileries Palace in Paris, France was given the name the Champs-Élysées, the name translating into English as the Elysian Fields, which was later retained for the iconic avenue in today’s Paris. Hence, we may be seeing here a connection to pre-Christian pagan rites and practices linked with Paris (the City of Light).

By the time of the Templars in 1137, what had been the royal abbey of France where French kings were educated, crowned, and buried, was now dilapidated. Although many miracles were said to have occurred there, it seems strange to learn that St. Bernard, in no uncertain terms, condemned the abbey as a “synagogue of satan” and a “workshop of Vulcan”. The alternative researcher William Henry claims that Vool was the Sumerian god Ea who was identified as Vool or “Vul”, the alchemist Vulcan of the Romans and Tubal Cain, the metal worker or smith, of the Hebrews. Ea was portrayed usually as a merman, part human and part fish. He therefore believes that Ea was Merovee. The C’s had this to say about the fish like appearance of beings like Oannes, who on Babylonian and Assyrian reliefs is clearly portrayed as a fish man:​

Q: Why were these beings depicted with these fish-like garments?

A: Reptoids have that genetic profile to varying degrees.

This would suggest that the Merovingians were the offspring of hybrid humans with a larger concentration of reptilian genetics than the norm. Henry views these Ophites as the ‘Serpent Born’ children of Ea, who were alternately portrayed as half-human and half-fish or half-human and half-serpent. However, “Ophites” is also the collective name for several Gnostic sects which regarded the serpent (Greek, ophis; Hebrew, "naḥash"; hence called also Naasseni) as the image of creative wisdom. It is curious that the name Naasseni or Naassenes seems reminiscent of the name “Assassins”, the Medieval Islamic terrorist group who at times would co-operate with the Templars against their common enemies in the 12th Century Middle East. Could this be where the roots of the Assassins really lay? If the Assassins were Naassenes or Ophites, this might make them the distant cousins (physical and spiritual) of those Templars who were descended from the Merovingian Franks.​

The Children of Solomon

It should also be noted in this connection that St. Bernard extended his teachings by enhancing the spiritual tradition of the Compagnonnage, or Craftmasons, known as the Children of Solomon, who would build Chartres Cathedral and most of the other Gothic Notre Dame cathedrals such as those at Rheims and Amiens. The exact relationship between the Children of Solomon and the Templars is not clear. However, the Templars certainly gave a rule to this branch of the Compagnonnage with the agreement of St. Bernard in March 1145. It has been argued by several researchers (such as the English poet and mythologist Robert Graves) that these craft guilds of stone masons would eventually transform into the Freemasons of today and there is definitely something to this notion, particularly when you start to look at their symbolism. Interestingly, the mark or badge of the Children of Solomon was the ‘chrisme à l’epée – which was a Celtic cross enclosed within a circle (whose origins may be Atlantian). I hope to have far more to say about the Children of Solomon in a future article, since they played a large part in the rise of the Gothic in Western Europe but they also had a lineage that may be traceable back to the Sufi mystery schools of Spain and beyond to Babylon and Egypt. To quote one example here of this link with the Sufis, early Cistercian and Templar burial practice was to inter the corpse face down and coffinless as a final act of humility, a practice that replicated that of this Eastern brotherhood of initiates. This fact certainly seems to betray a transmission of ideas from East to West via the Templars through their involvement in Middle Eastern affairs.

Given what we have learned of the links between St, Bernard’s family, the Cistercians, the Knights Templar and the Priory (or Order) of Sion, I must ask - are we seeing the clear signs of a carefully planned conspiracy being put into action here? Could there even have been a more ancient group who overarched this conspiracy and directed it from behind the scenes? The answer may well be yes, but I will deal with this group in a later part of this article.

However, for now I would just say that the Templars seemed to have had a game plan of their own from their inception, which involved the establishment of a temporal power that was first focused on the Holy Land but subsequently on Portugal. We also see at this early stage a cordial relationship between the Templars and the Order of Sion that would eventually appear to break down in acrimony at Gisors in France with the infamous ‘Cutting of the Elm’ incident we have investigated before.

Continuing with Silva’s article:-

While [Archbishop] Mendes groomed Afonso for his future role as first king of the Portuguese, the Templars continued to amass properties in and around Braga, and inevitably the city became their headquarters, as one Templar Master asserted: “De Domo Templi, quest est in Bracharensi Civitate,” ‘the home of the Temple, which is in the city of Braga’. The rate at which they received properties on Portuguese soil far eclipsed donations given to the Order elsewhere in Europe, and particularly so around the end of 1125. In the late part of that year the Templars grew noticeably active on Temple Mount, with several knights returning to Europe, as evidenced by the appearance at the Cistercian abbey in Clairvaux of the knights André de Montbard and Brother Gondemare — the former being the uncle of Bernard de Clairvaux, and the latter a Cistercian monk from the Portuguese town of Gondemare, a few miles south of Braga.

They were by no means the only knights stirred into action by Hugues de Payns. On the Celtic pagan day of Beltane, May 2, 1125, the Templar Grand Master co-signed a document in which he and Prior Arnaldo of the Order of Sion once more declared good relations between their respective brotherhoods, after which the prior also becomes suspiciously absent from Jerusalem. Writing of this notable event, the chronicler Lucas de Santa Catarina states how “the Grand Master dispatched several knights with powers to establish the Portuguese crown. Four of the Knights were Dom Guilherme, who supervised the others, Dom Hugo Martiniense, Dom Gualdino Paes, and Dom Pedro Arnaldo. They had the title and the power of Procurators of the Temple, which they exercised in due course, as many writers agree, while the Order sought to establish a home, and proceed as planned.” Joining them on the voyage to Portugale was a fifth Templar Procurator, Raimund Bernard.

No doubt Brother Gondemare and André de Montbard shared this explosive piece of news with Bernard de Clairvaux at his abbey. And yet to the Cistercian abbot this was hardly news, merely confirmation. Bernard had been contemplating the idea of establishing a temporal New Jerusalem, a model nation-state that would come to represent the epitome of true Christian ideals, because back in 1119 Bernard himself had dispatched a delegation of monks from Clairvaux to the Portuguese county — domain of his late uncle Count Dom Henrique — to found a monastery. One of those eight monks was Brother Roland, one of the founder Templar knights.

This notion of establishing a model nation-state was shared, of course, by others such Plato in his description of Atlantis, Sir Thomas More in Utopia and by Sir Francis Bacon (a Rosicrucian) in his New Atlantis. Was Bacon, therefore, merely continuing the dream of St Bernard and the Templars but this time in America?

Given these associations between the Cistercian monks and the core Templar brotherhood it can be argued that both the Templars and Cistercians were working toward the same end — not to mention the Ordre de Sion, for not only was their abbot now also a Templar Procurator, and Portuguese [MJF: Let us not forget his French family origins though] at that, but brothers Gondomare and Roland are also listed as members of that same order.

No sooner had the five Templar Procurators landed in Portugale in 1125 when they received the first of many property donations: a small town near Gondemare called Fonte Arcada. The document was witnessed and signed, “I, Guilherme, Procurator of the Temple in this territory, receive this document.” But this Guilherme Ricard was far more than that, for his name appears on a second grant — for half the estate of Villa-nova donated “to God, and the brotherhood of the Knights Templar” — this time in Latin as Magister Donus Ricardus. Guilherme Ricard was the first Master of the Knights Templar in Portugale.

All these events preceded the Templars’ official blessing by the Pope at the Council of Troyes in 1128. And barely two months after the famous event, Portugal’s independence was secured by prince Afonso Henriques, son of the late Count Dom Henrique. That the Templars were central to this event is shown in the declaration document which bears the first-known Templar logo.

But there’s more. Just as the first two kings of Jerusalem were “greatly obligated” to the Order of Sion for their positions, so Prince Afonso was said to be “greatly obligated to members of the Order [of the Knights Templar].” This relationship became all too clear in 1129 when the king-in-waiting reissued the charter for the castle of Souré, — the one his father had donated to the Templars before they were thought to exist. Afonso’s wording on the reconstituted charter to the Knights Templar unequivocally reveals why he was so “greatly obligated” to the order: “I make this donation, not by force or by persuasion, but for the love of God, and for the good of my soul, and of my parents, and by the cordial love that I have for you, and because within your Brotherhood and in all your works I am a Brother.”

The Templars had placed one of their own on the throne of Portugal, and more to the point,
Afonso was also the nephew of their main benefactor and spiritual compass, St. Bernard de Clairvaux.

Continued in Part 2


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The Templars in Portugal - Part 2


Initiation ‘well', possibly of Templar origin. Sintra.
Thus, the Templars, the Cistercians and the Order of Sion secured their territory as far from papal interference as one could get in medieval Europe. The big question is, what were the Templars doing there, years before they were officially sanctioned in Jerusalem? Much of the answer becomes evident if one examines the spiritual aspects of the inner brotherhood that constituted the nucleus of the Order and the age in which it manifested.

The 12th century was characterised by an economy based on plunder and an overarching religious entity that tolerated nothing outside its strict Catholic dogma. Self-empowerment was denied, and worse, to connect spiritually with your god required doing so through an intermediary such as a priest or bishop. The alternative route to spiritual self-expression was through initiation into the Mysteries taught by Gnostic sects such as the Cathars and Bogomils, or the teachings of their predecessors the Essenes and Nazorites, particularly those of their priestly messiah John the Baptist, whose doctrine of living resurrection the Templars honoured. These rituals and beliefs are echoes of ancient Egyptian Mysteries schools whose central tenet was the enlightenment of the individual in this lifetime through a voluntary out-of-body experience, an initiatory (and figurative) resurrection, otherwise known as the ritual of ‘raising the dead’. Initiates were exposed to a knowledge that opened their vision and understanding of the Universe, and when their consciousness returned to the body, they were considered enlightened or ‘risen’
[MJF: One might also express this as a Kundalini awakening]. By contrast, those who fell outside the teachings walked through life as though asleep, they were viewed as unaware or ‘dead’.

In the 12th century such ideas had fallen foul of the Catholic Church and its monopoly on resurrection, particularly its carefully selected canon which was based on a literal and erroneous interpretation of this experience — a fact asserted by the apostle Philip, who maintained that anyone who believes in a literal interpretation of resurrection is confusing a spiritual truth with an actual event. Needless to say, his gospel was suppressed for sixteen centuries.
[MJF: The Gospel of the Apostle Philip is one of several gnostic gospels like that of the Apostle Thomas. most of which seemed to originate in Alexandria in Egypt, a gnostic stronghold, and were written in the 3rd century AD, well after the apostolic age]. Any sects who practiced ‘raising the dead’ were systematically run underground or met a slow and gruesome death.

Shortly before their persecution the Essenes buried scrolls outlining this ritual under Temple Mount
[MJF: as they also did at Qumran prior to the Roman conquest]. Around 1120 the Templars unearthed the first set of scrolls after tunnelling under Temple Mount. Godefroi de Saint-Omer, one of the original knights, brought them back to his namesake town to be decrypted by the scholar Lambert; other scrolls were handed to a Kabbalistic School in nearby Troyes who enjoyed the support of Bernard de Clairvaux.

Like the Essenes, the Knights Templar also consisted of two groups: an outer group who dealt with temporal matters, and an inner brotherhood who followed an initiatory Gnostic tradition of enlightenment and whose behaviour and ideas were more akin to a ministerial college. Entry required a waiting period of one year, and vows made by incoming Templar recruits such as Arnold of Sournia unequivocally imply that admittance into this exclusive group held a promise of considerable spiritual benefit: “I, wishing to come to the joys of Paradise, surrender my body and my soul to the Lord God.

If it is indeed true the Templars followed a rite of spiritual practice based on Gnostic traditions — and by all accounts they did — they would similarly have conducted their initiations in secret underground chambers, much like the Essenes did under Temple Mount. In what amounts to a smoking gun, a document found in the possession of Templar Master Roncelyn de Fos called The Rule of the Elected Brothers, unequivocally states: “Build in your houses meeting places that are large and hidden that can be accessed by underground tunnels so that the brothers can go to meetings without the risk of getting into trouble...In the houses of unelected Brothers, it is prohibited to conduct certain materials pertaining to the philosophical sciences, or the transmutation of base metals into gold and silver. This shall only be undertaken in secret and hidden places.”

One of the hand-carved tunnels used for initiation ceremonies.

This last point intrigues me. We see here a clear statement of the Templars interest in alchemy (stemming from ancient Egypt). This reference to meeting in secret in underground chambers or caves reminds me again of what the C’s had said about the Templars in the session dated 26 July 1997 (see the preface to this article):

Q: Now, all these Masons are very hot on the Sinclair family and the Rosslyn Chapel. They are certain that their guys came to America, because in this chapel, built supposedly by a Master Mason, there are carvings of corn, as in maize, and aloe vera plants. This is evidence, to them, that Prince Henry the Navigator and all the Templars and all that...

A: Nonsense!

Q: Well, then, what IS the explanation for these carvings in Rosslyn Chapel?

A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors.

Q: Does anybody in the Masonic order know anything?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, how high do you have to go to get to know anything?

A: Page 33. Blond and blue-eyed, of course! Before genetic alteration, one branch stood eleven feet tall.

Q: Speaking of these tall guys, William Wallace's life was sort of symbolic, in my mind, and he was supposed to have been over 6 and a half feet tall. During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France...

A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground."

Q: Is that literally or figuratively?

A: Why not both?

Q: Well, there are Templar organizations that some Mason's claim to be in contact with.

A: And where do you suppose these are?

Q: Underground?

A: Bingo!

Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation.

Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again but be careful!!

The reference to the Templars holding the secret of levitation suggests they had access to esoteric scientific knowledge including the secrets of alchemy, as held by the ancient Egyptians, which no doubt had been passed on to the Essenes via the Therapeutae and possibly the earlier Egyptian/Hebraic group called the Kibeiri and ultimately the Osirians. The C’s reference to the Kaballah, and therefore to the Tree of Life (the sephiroth), and the need to be careful may again suggest the Kaballah holds esoteric scientific knowledge that can lead one to the Unified Field Theory, as discussed recently on other Forum threads. Note also that Silva tells us that Godefroi de Saint-Omer, one of the original Templar knights, brought back the Essene scrolls the Templars had discovered under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 1120 to his namesake town to be decrypted by the scholar Lambert, whilst other scrolls were handed to a Kabbalistic School in nearby Troyes who enjoyed the support of St. Bernard de Clairvaux. So, we see here a Christian (or at least Cistercian and Templar) interest in Kabbalism even in the early 12th century before the Renaissance had really got going with the rediscovery and translation of the Hermetica.​

The C’s also mentioned a connection between the Templars and caves in the session dated 20 June 1998:

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

Continuing with Silva’s article and the theme of underground chambers:-

Such chambers still exist below original Templar buildings in Sintra, Portugal, a town donated to Gualdino Paes — one of the five knights sent by Hugues de Payens to “establish a Portuguese crown” and who later became Templar Master of Portugal. The Templars’ properties in Sintra now serve modern day businesses, such as the Hotel Central and Café Paris. In 1970 a hypogeum or ritual chamber with access tunnels [MJF: this reminds me of the ancient Hypogeum in Malta too.] was discovered beneath said café, with a connecting passageway leading one way to the nearby Palace, and the other uphill towards the Templar castle.

Fifteen minutes’ walk from Sintra’s main square lies another property that right up to the Middle Ages was described as the Forest of Angels. Today it is the site of an extensive property owned by successive Masonic families dating to at least the early 18th century; in 1371 it was still in the possession of the Knights Templar. Its gardens can only be described as a deliberately designed ritual landscape. One of its many wonders is a labyrinth of tunnels penetrating deep into the bedrock of the mountainside, as though meant for initiates wishing to immerse themselves in the womb of the Earth Mother, much like Gnostic sects have done throughout history.

Could this use of tunnels and underground chambers also be indicative of ancient Celtic links with the underground Aryan civilisation of the Nation of the Third Eye (think here of Sargon the Great a Scythian Celt and a ‘Deep Level Punctuator’ and Nefertiti/Sarah – Abrahams’ wife who the C’s also said came from underground)? Recall that when Laura mentioned that at the time of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce the Templars were being dissolved in France... the C’s responded: A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground." Q: Is that literally or figuratively? A: Why not both?

We should also recall the link the C's made between the ancient Essenes and modern Freemasonry, which may be relevant here (see the extract from the session dated 26 July 1997 shown above.
We also know from the C’s that some Atlantians survived by taking refuge in caves during the Deluge. From earlier in the session dated 26 July 1997:

Q: Okay, let's get to some of these questions... let's do some quick ones first. Would you comment on the fact that RhoChi is a mirror image of ChiRho, as though Rosy Cross were a mirror image of Christianity... added to this the fact that Dionysos, in the Titian painting, looks like he is stepping out of a mirror... also, the mirrors that showed up in the Etruscan book Ark sent, and the Well of Hagar which turned out to be Beer-lahai-roi, or the well of the living mirror... very funny things popping up after you mentioned the word mirror last week! Could you comment?

A: Better check the "leaflets..."

Q: Leaflet...? (T) Young leaf?

A: Patch of Zion.

Q: Okay, help me out here...

A: We are...

Q: Do you mean the 'budding olive tree?'

A: If you explore the caverns to which the wanderers go in the sides of cliffs in order to seek refuge from deluge, you will know...

Q: Obviously something will be discovered on this. I am taking it as a clue to work on. Do you mean the caves all along the cliffs on the Canary Islands where the Virgin of Candelaria was found?

A: Yes. Page 33*?
recall: Page 33. Blond and blue-eyed, of course! Before genetic alteration, one branch stood eleven feet tall.]

*A reference perhaps to a page in the Tenerife leaflet Laura had in her possession but no doubt also to the 11-foot-tall giants that were still meant to be present in Tenerife when the Spanish first invaded the island. The number 33 also signifies the Scottish Rite Freemasons’ highest degree.

The reference to a “patch of Zion” is obviously intended to create a connection between the later Jewish people of the Bible who made Jerusalem (Mount Zion) the centre of their world and the Atlantian survivors on Tenerife. It may also suggest a connection between the Order of Sion and this same group of survivors (perhaps with a link to Harran in Turkey and the Sabian star gazers who established a colony at Giza). If the Priory of Sion gave rise to the Roscirucians of Sir Francis Bacon’s time, then this would make further sense of his book or treatise the New Atlantis where he set out the foundations for building a new Jerusalem (Zion) or perfect society on Earth. And, of course, the Templars were located on Temple Mount in Jerusalem (a patch of Zion) where they discovered the buried Essene scrolls.

From Wikipedia:​

Mount Zion (Hebrew: הַר צִיּוֹן, Har Tsiyyon; Arabic: جبل صهيون, Jabal Sahyoun) is a hill in Jerusalem located just outside the walls of the Old City. The term Mount Zion has been used in the Hebbrew Bible first for the City of David (2 Samuel 5:7, 1 Chronicles 11:5; 1 Kings 8:1, 2 Chronicles 5:2) and later for the Temple Mount but its meaning has shifted and it is now used as the name of ancient Jerusalem's Western Hill In a wider sense, the term is also used for the entire Land of Israel.

At first, Mount Zion was the name given to the Jebusite fortified city on the lower part of ancient Jerusalem's Eastern Hill, also known as the City of David.

According to the Book of Samuel. Mount Zion was the site of the Jebusite fortress called the "stronghold of Zion" that was conquered by King David, then renamed and partially rebuilt by him as the "City of David", where he erected his place.

Once the First Temple was erected at the top of the Eastern Hill, the name "Mount Zion" migrated there too.

After the conquest of the Jebusite city, its built-up area expanded northward towards the uppermost part of the same, Eastern Hill. This highest part became the site of Solomon’s Temple.

However, Laura has called into question whether a Temple of Solomon* was ever built in Jerusalem by David’s supposed son, Solomon. The C’s seem to concur with her findings. Hence, if, as I suspect, the Temple of Solomon was in fact the Great Pyramid of Giza, could this have been the original Mount Zion and the “patch of Zion” the C’s are referring to, as this may well link with the prior references in that excerpt to the ‘Rosy Cross’ (i.e., the Rosicrucians who may have used mirrors as psychomanteums) and Hagar/Kore (Meritaten) the Egyptian princess who hailed from the land of the Great Pyramid.
*Quoting Philip Gardiner:

According to Professor James Pritchard in his book, 'Solomon and Sheba' (1974, p.35): "... the so-called cities of Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor, and Jerusalem itself were in reality more like villages. Within were relatively small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors. The objects reveal a material culture, which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious. The magnificence of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster, but the first book of Kings implies exactly the opposite."

Again. we find the author David Rohl in his book 'A Test of Time: The Bible from Myth to History' (1995, p.174) claiming the same thing: "When it comes to the Iron Age (which is purportedly the time of Solomon and his ally, Hiram of Tyre) there are no stone buildings. How then did Solomon acquire building expertise from Phoenicia if the Phoenicians did not have the skill or resources to build stone structures for themselves."

So, there was no Temple of Solomon and there is very little evidence that there was even a Solomon. We are left with only one solution: that the whole story - and many others like it - are symbolic.

Continuing with Silva's narrative:

One tunnel leads to a shaft sunk forty feet into the earth. It is officially described as a well* yet close examination shows it never did, nor is it capable of retaining water. It consists of five levels of unevenly stacked and undressed limestone blocks, here and there patched and repaired. Behind the blocks hide five low and narrow circular galleries, each accessed through claustrophobic spirals and in a style that suggests a later refurbishment. The top of the shaft is literally an eighteen-foot diameter hole, level with the ground and surrounded by a rough, dry-stone wall in the shape of a horseshoe. The entrance faces northeast and, like Stonehenge’s horseshoe of bluestones, it references the highest position of the light, the summer solstice sunrise, an esoteric reference to ancient wisdom and, coincidentally, the feast day of John the Baptist [MJF: this is actually on 24th June, not the 21st June, which is the summer solstice], to whom the Templars dedicated a disproportionate amount of churches in Portugal and elsewhere.

*Could the naming of this shaft form a possible link to Hagar’s Well, which may have been a cypher for a psychomanteum and possibly even the Holy Grail itself?

But by far the greatest evidence pointing to the Templars having followed mystical practices and rites of initiation of the Mysteries appears in the town of Tomar. And the manner in which they inherited this property is nothing short of extraordinary.

Once Afonso Henriques secured the Portuguese nation-state with Templar assistance, he awarded what amounted to a third of his territory to the brotherhood, who in turn made good use of it by creating a kingdom within a kingdom. Its centre was Tamarah (as it was then spelled), named for the daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene*. The name means ‘palm tree’, so it similarly represents the symbol of the resurrected Egyptian god Osiris. Before they set about rebuilding the town, the Templars undertook a near pathological interest in re-erecting a dilapidated church, Santa Maria do Olival, which later became the ‘mother of all Templar churches’. Indeed, all twenty-two Portuguese Templar Masters would be buried in this unimposing edifice. Clearly Tomar was a focal point of the Templar empire and served some undisclosed purpose in a larger plan, for it was from here that their maritime empire grew after the Order’s supposed destruction in the 14th century; in Portugal the Templars simply changed their name and continued business as usual.

I don’t buy into the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had any children and the C’s seemed to rule this out as well. However, the mention of the name “Tamarah”, the original spelling of the name of “Tomar” does intrigue me since. if it does mean “palm tree”. this may provide a surprising connection to the Orions who, according to some ufologists, brought the palm tree to Earth from their arid home world.

In the Book of Genesis Tamar (pronounced [tɔˈmɔr], date palm) was the daughter-in-law of Judah, as well as the mother of two of his children: the twins Perez and Zerah. Judah was the fourth of the six sons of Jacob and Leah and the founder of the Tribe of Judah of the Israelites. By extension, he is indirectly the eponym of the Kingdom of Judah, the land of Judea, and the word Jew. According to the narrative in Genesis, Judah alongside Tamar is the patrilineal ancestor of the Davidic line. According to the Christian narrative, he was the ancestor of Jesus. Hence, if Tomar was named after the person of Tamar in Genesis, thereby linking it to the Tribe of Judah and by extension the Kingdom of Judah, this would give a good reason why the Templars (if they, as Merovingian Franks, were descended from Jewish ancestors) may have made the town their headquarters in Portugal.

Recall also the legendary story of Tamar Tephi (meaning “Beautiful Palm”) who was reputedly the daughter of Zedekiah Ben Josiah, the last King of Judah who was saved by Jeremiah the prophet-priest and taken to Ireland by his scribe "Simon Brug" or "Baruch” along with a mysterious chest which they regarded with utmost reverence and guarded with zealous care (the Ark of the Covenant?) and a large, rough stone (the Stone of Scone or Jacob’s Pillar?) and golden banner with a red lion on it (a flag much used in Scotland the land of the Scoti or Gaels).
From the church’s crypt a tunnel branches off in two directions, one towards the main plaza of Tomar and its unusual church dedicated to John the Baptist. Its passage is marked by a mysterious pyramidal stone relief of a dog (representing Sirius, the star associated with ancient knowledge) and a lion (representing Regulus, the bright star in Leo, referred to as the Royal Star and the gateway to the records of all knowledge). From there the tunnel veers uphill to what became the Templar’s most famous building, the rotunda.

Like the Abbey de Notre Dame du Mont Sion in Jerusalem, the rotunda stands prominently on a limestone hill overlooking the town. Around the periphery of the enigmatic building are symbols relating to esoteric practices, along with the emblem of the mysterious Ordre de Sion, the cross and rose. The rotunda is described as a church yet never did it have an altar. Or for that matter a door. Entry into the original building was via a tunnel beneath the floor. During one visit to the town’s archives I came across an account of restoration work conducted in the 1940’s describing how the exterior of the rotunda had been coated with reinforced concrete that
hid or destroyed the entrance to a crypt.

The Templar's mother church. Santa Maria do Olival.

In this finding that an entrance to a concealed crypt may have been hidden or destroyed, there may be a possible connection to the sealed crypt of Rosslyn Chapel (which is a virtual shrine for modern Freemasons) in Scotland built by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness, who was most probably a proto-Rosicrucian – see the reference to Rosslyn Chapel in the excerpt from the session dated 26 July 1997 above.​

Continuing with Silva’s article:-

It was then I came across an account of a stone mason who’d performed restoration work in the rotunda at the end of the 19th century. “It was the habit of one of these masters to return home and register the alterations made inside the castle, because these would continue until much of what was old would be made unrecognisable or made to disappear. One of the things that riled him the most was the disfiguration of the beautiful and intriguing Arab pathway that the old monks of the Temple used in their ceremonies and led directly to the basement of the Temple church [the rotunda].”

Even in those days the brothers living in the convent used to share stories with the masons of how Master Gualdino Paes brought back from the Holy Land the plans of the Holy Sepulcher that were to be used for the construction of the rotunda. Master Gualdino also ordered a pathway leading to it to be constructed in the Arabic style, and that both were used not just for secret religious ceremonies but also for the investiture of new knights. The monks also spoke of the Templar Master returning with many scrolls [MJF: the Essene scrolls?]. He kept them safely in a room excavated out of the rock, which the monks referred to as the ‘gate to the underworld’. This doorway rested on very old stonework upon whose uprights the Templars carved dragons, and on the supported lintel, a kind of winged serpent.

The rotunda of Tomar.

During recent attempts to beautify the perimeter of the castle of Tomar and its rotunda, an area was cleared around the original Almedina gate. Below it there is a doorway into a cave. The lintel stone is still in place, and indeed a kind of winged serpent is carved upon it, flanked by the heads of two dragons; a drawing made in 1918 shows the engravings still in their entirety, accompanied by a description of which parts of the Arab pathway were visible inside the subterranean passages leading to the chamber beneath the rotunda.
Entrance to one of the Templar initiation 'wells' disguised as a neolithic dolmen. Sintra

But Tomar and Sintra were not the only places to have had Templar initiation wells. Here is one in Quinta da Regaleira.


The grounds have two wells constructed more like inverted towers which were not built to serve as water sources. The largest is nearly 30 meters deep. It consists of 9 flights of spiral stairs representing the eight knights and the first Grand Master, Hugues de Payens, who founded the Templars in the early 12th century. Experts believe the wells were used for Masonic-Templar initiation ceremonies where the initiates would descend the stairs blindfolded. At the bottom is an octagonal star and within a Templar Cross.

Then the initiates would have to find their way from this darkness to light through the labyrinth of caves and tunnels that connected the wells [MJF: This makes me think of Theseus in the labyrinth of the Minotaur]. This journey represents the spiritual path from darkness to light and from ignorance to enlightenment. The endpoint of this journey would be the chapel which is connected to the labyrinth where the initiate is welcomed into the fellowship.

As I said above, I hope to make further connections between the initiation rites of the Templars and the Freemasons and those of the Egyptian Osirian adepts in a subsequent article.

Continued in Part 3
The Templars in Portugal - Part 3

The Order of Christ and the Age of Discovery

On the basis that the Portuguese Knights Templar morphed into the Order of Christ in the 14th Century, we need to look at what occurred after this transfer of the Templars’ legacy to the Order and the important part this would play in the future development of what today we call the western world. Accordingly, I set out below a chronology I discovered on the internet that may help us here:​

I – From the Templars to the Order of Christ

1307. Templars arrested in France. Many escape to Scotland whilst others escape to Portugal where they are protected by King Dinis

1309. All Templar possessions and knights in Portugal are declared under the personal protection of King Dinis.

1312.. After the Council of Vienna, the Order is dissolved by the Pope.

1314. Jacques de Molay is burned at the stake in Paris. Pope Clement V dies.

1314-1316. Vacancy in St. Peters throne, with the Cardinals resisting the election of a successor to Clement V.

1316. Pope John XXII is finally elected, choosing Avignon as his seat.

1317. King Dinis applies to the newly elected Pope in Avignon for the recognition of the Order of Christ, formed with the former Templar Knights and owner of all Templar possessions in the realm of Portugal.

1319. The Order of Christ is approved by Pope John XXII. D. Gil Martins, Master of the Order of Aviz is the first Master of the Order of Christ and the new Order is put under the spiritual guidance of… the Cistercian Monastery of Alcobaça. Their seat is Castro Marim.

II – Order of Christ and Order of Aviz time of preparation for taking power

1320. Prince Pedro I is born

1325. King Dinis dies. King Afonso IV comes to the throne.

1336. Prince Pedro marries Constança, after being forced by his father.

1336-1355. Pedro and Inês love story and tragedy.

1357. King Afonso IV dies. Pedro I becomes King of Portugal. John, illegitimate son of King Pedro I, is born and taken under the care of the Order of Christ. The Order of Christ returns to Tomar and takes the former Templar castle and convent as its seat. This concludes the passage from the Templars to the Order of Christ, both in temporal and spiritual terms. It’s now time to strengthen the Order of Aviz.

1364 When D. Martin de Avelar, Master of Aviz, dies, D. Nuno Frey de Andrade, Master of the Order of Christ and tutor of the young illegitimate Prince John, travels to Chamusca to meet King Pedro and request him to appoint his own son Master of Aviz. So, by the appointment of King Pedro I, and the intervention of the Master of the Order of Christ, Prince John (then only 7 years of age) is designated Master of the Order of Aviz. This act consummates the move to take power in order to ensure the survival of the Templars. Prince John’s tutorship is still held by the Master of Christ until he comes of age, although his education in arms was undertaken in Aviz.

1367. King Pedro I dies. His son D. Fernando comes to the throne.

1383. King Fernando dies, leaving no male heir to the throne. For two years Portugal is in turmoil as the menace of losing independence is imminent with the King of Castille plotting to acquire the throne by marriage. A growing wave of support claims that John, Master of Aviz, should become the new King. This movement is supported and encouraged by the Order of Christ.

1385. John, son of Peter I, Master of the Order of Aviz, becomes king by popular acclamation, supported by the majority of the Portuguese noble houses and foreign kings, such as Richard II from England. This inaugurated the Aviz Dynasty. Under the leadership of Nuno Álvares Pereira, with the Order of Aviz and the Order of Christ on each side, the Portuguese King John I, Master of Aviz, defeats a far stronger army sent by King John I of Castille in a battle at Aljubarrota, just a few miles from Alcobaça. In effect, the Order of Aviz now takes the throne.

1387 Forging an even stronger relationship with England [through the Treaty of Windsor in 1386], King John I of Portugal marries Phllipa of Lancaster, [daughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Blanche of Lancaster] sister of the soon to be King Henry IV of England.

Part III – The Outcome

1400’s Led by Henry the Navigator, first from Sagres and then from the Convent of Christ in Tamar, the Portuguese start the great era of Discoveries.

Hence, we can see the European Age of Discovery was pioneered by the Templars in their new guise, or brand name, as the Order of Christ. However, we also need to take a quick look at the other monastic military order referred to in the chronology above and that is the Order of Aviz.​

The Military Order of Aviz

Quoting from Wikipedia:

The order, as a monastic military order, was founded in emulation of such military orders as the Knights Templar, which existed in Portugal as early as 1128, and received a grant from Theresa, Countess of Portugal in the year of the Council of Troyes, which confirmed their early statutes. A native order of this kind sprang up in Portugal about 1146. Alfonso, the first Portuguese king, gave to it the town of Évora, captured from the Moors in 1166, and the Knights were first called "Friars of Santa Maria of Évora". Gonçalo Viegas, was the first grand master of the Order.

After the conquest of Aviz, a castle erected there became the motherhouse of the order, and they were then called "Knights of St. Benedict of Aviz", since they adopted the Benedictine rule in 1162, as modified by John Ziritu, one of the earliest Cistercian abbots of Portugal. Like the Knights of Calatrava in Castile, the Knights of Portugal were indebted to the Cistercians* for their rule and their habit a white mantle with a green fleur-de-lysed cross. The Knights of Calatrava also surrendered some of their places in Portugal to them on condition that the Knights of Aviz should be subject to the visitation of their grand master. Hence the Knights of Aviz were sometimes regarded as a branch of the Calatravan Order, although they never ceased to have a Portuguese grand master, dependent for temporalities on the Portuguese King

*Again, we see the Cistercians, the monastic order of St Bernard of Clairvaux, playing a key role in establishing these Portuguese and Spanish monastic/military orders.​

At the death of King Ferdinand (1383) war broke out between Castile and Portugal. When João I, who had been grand master of the Knights of Aviz, ascended the throne of Portugal, he forbade the knights to submit to Castilian authority, and consequently, when Gonsalvo de Guzman came to Aviz as Visitor, the knights, while according him hospitality, refused to recognise him as a superior. Guzman protested, and the point remained a subject of contention until the Council of Basle (1431), when Portugal was declared to be in the wrong. But the right of the Calatravans was never exercised, and the next grand master of the Knights of Aviz, Fernando Rodrigues de Sequeira, continued to assert supreme authority over them.

The mission of the military orders in Portugal seemed to end after the overthrow of Muslim domination, but the Portuguese expeditions across the sea opened up a new field for them. The conquest of Ceuta by King João I (1415), the attack upon Tangier under João's son Duarte (1437) were also crusades, inspired by a religious spirit and sanctioned by similar Papal Bulls. The Knights of Aviz and the Knights of Christ from the Order of Christ, scions of the Knights Templars, achieved deeds of valour, the former under Prince Fernando, the latter under Henrique, brother of King Duarte. Fernando displayed a no less heroic forbearance during his six years of captivity among the Muslims, a long martyrdom.

This enthusiasm did not last, and the Crusade in Africa degenerated into mere mercantile enterprise. After the grand mastership of the order had been vested in the King in perpetuity (1551), he availed himself of its income to reward any kind of service in the army or the fleet. If the wealth of the Knights of Aviz was not as great as that of the Knights of Christ, it was still quite large, drawn as it was from some forty-three commanderies. The religious spirit of the knights vanished, and they withdrew from their clerical brothers who continued alone the conventual life. They were dispensed from their vow of celibacy by Alexander VI (1502), who tolerated their marriage to prevent scandalous concubinage; Julius III (1551) allowed them to dispose freely of their personal properties. Nobility of birth remained the chief requirement of aspirants to the mantle, a requirement confirmed by a decree of 1604.​

Henry the Navigator and the Age of Discovery

After 1417, by King John I’s request to the Pope, Prince Henry the Navigator became the Order of Christ’s Grand Master (1417–1460). Prince Henry was born in 1394, the king's third son. During that time, Duarte I and Afonso V were the Kings of Portugal. In 1433, King Duarte I gave the Order "Sovereign" status not over these territories which they already held but over any future conquests.​

Henry the Navigator
Pope Calixtus III in 1455 confirmed that Afonso V extended his temporal jurisdiction by conceding the royal prerogative over three episcopal nominations in areas ruled by the Order. In 1460, King Afonso V granted the Knights of Christ a five percent levy on all merchandise from the new African lands. Using the Order of Christ’s money, Prince Henry organised the Navigator's school in Sagres, thus preparing the way for Portuguese supremacy; from this village, the first great wave of expeditions of the Period of Discoveries were launched.

After Henry, the Grand Mastership was held by the Portuguese royal family. Henry colonised the Azores and Madeira islands — his aim though was to go south beyond Cape Bojador, south of the Canary Islands. During Prince Henry's rule, two Gothic cloisters were built in the Convent of Tomar.

Henry's impact on modern history has undoubtedly been great, having arguably sparked the European interest in colonial exploration that would transform the world for the next four centuries and create today’s virtual western hegemony in military, commercial and banking terms that is only now being challenged by a resurgent Russia and China. One might well ask whether this was the Templar plan all along, given that they were arguably the first multinational trading institution in Europe and were (along with the Venetians) the founders of modern banking practice?

The cross of the Order, a revised version of the Templars’ Cross Pattée, adorned Portuguese sails in their explorers’ travels to India, Brazil and Japan. It should be borne in mind that the Cross Pattée was also flown on the sails of three Spanish ships (the Santa Maria, the Niña and the Pinta) used by Christopher Columbus in his first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, which cannot have beencoincidental.

After Henry the Navigator

In 1484, Emanuel, Duke of Beja, became the 11th Governor of the Order. Due to the fact that the discipline of the order was declining, Pope Alexander VI commuted the vow of celibacy to that of conjugal chastity in 1492; in 1496, the brethren were dispensed from celibacy and in 1505, from poverty, but they still continued their responsions (one third of their revenues) to the Order's treasury. (The condition that they should apply the third part of their revenues to the building and support of the Tomar Cloister) and the priests of which he bound to the whole of the three vows. Also in 1501, Pope Julius II mitigated the vow of poverty into the payment of a tax - the meia-anata; for the Order of Christ this tax was three-quarters of their annual revenues.

King Manuel I of Portugal sought and obtained the title of Grand Master by Pope Leo X's Bull Constante fide (30 June 1516). King Manuel, João's successor, sent Vasco da Gama (a member of the Order of Christ) to sail around the African Cape to India. He set sail in 1497 and reached Calicut. Ferdinand Magellan, another famous Portuguese explorer and contemporary of da Gama, who sailed under the auspices of both the Portuguese and Spanish Monarchies, was also reputedly a member of the Order. By the end of King Manuel's reign, the order possessed some 454 commanderies in Portugal, Africa and the Indies. Manuel made extensive additions to the Order's headquarters in Tomar and ordered that the Church of Tomar be expanded westwards, spreading beyond the castle limits and opening up the Charola to add on to it a magnificent nave which housed the choir and the sacristy, which became known as the chapter house. The Order also began its step-by-step transformation from a monastic to a secular body during Manuel's reign. At the end of this process, the Order had taken the form of a royal institution.

Manuel’s son did not automatically obtain the succession right for ruling the Order, and had to get an approval by means of a Bull of Pope Adrian VI: Eximiae devotionis (April 14, 1523). After thirty years, John III obtained "Perpetual Administration" of all the Portuguese Military Orders including the Order of Christ, and the Grand Mastership of the Order was passed to the Crown by Pope Julius III's Bull, issued in Rome in 1551.

There are some scholars who say that in 1522 the Order was divided into two branches – a religious one under the Pope, and a civil one under the king, as they remain today – however, there is a lack of evidence supporting this. In 1523, John III formed a chapter of the Order giving Fra António (also known as Antonius of Lisbon) a Spanish-born Jerome* friar, the authority and responsibility to reform the Order. The new statutes were approved in 1529 by the Friars.

*It should be noted here that the Order of Saint Jerome or Hieronymites is a Catholic monastic religious order and a common name for several congregations of hermit monks living according to the Rule of Saint Augustine, though the role model for their lives is the 5th-century hermit and biblical scholar, Saint Jerome. Hence, again we come up against friars who followed the rule of St Augustine like the Augustinian cannons of the Church of Notre Dame du Mont Sion in Jerusalem, who were the original Priory of Sion.

The principal group with this name was founded in the Iberian Peninsula around the 14th century. Their religious habit is a white tunic with a brown, hooded scapular (similar to the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel [see my earlier post for this] used by the Carmelite Friars) and a brown mantle. Hence, again we see a religious order wearing a white tunic like the Essenes.

The Grand Prior was removed from office and all the priests and religious of the Order were required to resume convent life at Tomar, and to wear the habit and cross of the Order. Several religious friars were persuaded to abandon the Order and others were expelled. António of Lisbon obtained the position of Prior. The violation of the tombs of the Templar Masters and the destruction and burning of documents of the Order are attributed to him. Years later, António was also charged with forcibly imposing the dictates of the Council of Trent on the Order of Christ, and later, for ordering two autos-da-fé (Inquisitions), the first and only ones held in Tomar (involving four people executed and several penanced, especially New Christians (primarily the descendants of Sephardic Jewish converts known as “conversos”), and allegedly the burning of papers and books as well). The Portuguese Inquisition was established in 1536 after the king sent a diplomatic mission to the Holy See led by an ally and friend of Anthony, Baltazar de Faria, who after his death, would be buried in the Convent of Christ in Tomar by Fra António himself. In 1567, António persuaded pope Pius V to give him control of all the convents of the Order.

As regards the Inquisition, it should be noted that there were large populations of Arabs, Christians and Jews living side by side in the major Portuguese cities. Indeed, some of the funding for the early Voyages of Discovery came from Jewish sources, showing how close the Order of Christ had come to that community. Whether these sources were amongst the targets of Fra António and the two autos-da-fé, I do not know.

However, Fra António’s actions would suggest that he may have had good reason to suspect the Order of Christ’s religious convictions and practices, especially as he had to persuade some members to abandon the Order and expel others, a drastic action for religious persons. There is though no smoke without fire.

More than eighty years before the publication of the first Rosicrucian manifesto, around 1530, a short time before the reform of the Order and the expulsion of several friars, the cross and the rose were associated in the Convent of the Order of Christ. Three bocetes are on the abóboda (vault) of the interior chamber, which is thought to have been the initiation room because of its initial seven steps, seven carved rose-crosses, and a rosette depicting a circular sun on the vault, and its own underground small chamber or tomb of initiation at the end. In some of them, the rose flower can clearly be seen at the centre of the cross.

I would suggest that the Rosicrucian decoration in the Convent and other churches of the Order was no mere coincidence and would appear to be a smoking gun linking the Order to the later Rosicrucians of Sir Francis Bacon’s age who also used the rose and cross in their iconography. Then there is the later Martinist Order who used similar iconography and the purported Priory of Sion of the 20th Century numbering men like Jean Cocteau (who painted a ‘rose croix’ on the wall of the Church of Notre Dame in Leicester Square, London) amongst its members. Are we seeing a Rosicrucian lineage evolving here, dating back to the 12th Century Templars and the original Priory of Sion, which may date further back in time to the traditions of the Therapeutate and the Essenes of Egypt and their precursors, the Kibeiri and the Osirians, all the way back to the ancient Celtic Druids who built Stonehenge and possibly the Great Pyramid at Giza?

King Sebastian tried to reverse the reform of brother Antonius of Lisbon in 1574. When Antonius persuaded the pope Pius V to give him the control of all convents of the order in 1567, King Sebastian protested and obtained confirmation of his post as Grand Master. As a result, the religious members of the Order were separated into lay and military membership.

Eventually, after repeated attempts at reforms, when the civil government of Portugal became anti-Catholic in 1834, after the defeat of King Miguel in the Civil War, under the new constitutional monarchy the Order lost its properties. The ancient Military Orders were transformed by the liberal constitution and subsequent legislation into mere Orders of Merit. The privileges which once had been an essential part of the membership of the old military orders also ceased. In 1910, when Portuguese monarchy was abolished, the Republic of Portugal discontinued all the Orders except the Order of the Tower and Sword. However, in 1917, at the end of the First World War, some of the military Orders were re-established as mere Orders of Merit to reward outstanding services to the state.

However, I would suggest that long before the Order of Christ’s secularisation and eventual abolition as an institution in its own right, the Templars had moved on under cover of other guises, whilst continuing the philosophy and practices of its original founders. What though of its original founders. We know their names but what were their true motives in going to Jerusalem, since as most researchers and historians recognise, nine men could not on their own have protected Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land.

A recent article I came across may shed some light on this matter, since it is evident that the original Templars had a definite purpose in travelling to Jerusalem and this would seem to have involved looking for something of great importance. Moreover, I would suggest that they knew what they were looking for even before they arrived in the Holy Land. If so, where did they obtain this knowledge? The answer may lie within their family histories.
The Origin of the Knights Templar – Descendants of Jewish Elders?

By Mark Pinkham.

See: The Origin of the Knights Templar – Descendants of Jewish Elders? | Ancient Origins (

"The Knights Templar initially arrived in the Holy Land on a mission to reclaim some treasure that they believed was rightfully theirs. According to the modern Templar historians, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Christopher Knight, the knights who banded together as the Knights Templar were part of a wave of European royalty descended from Jewish Elders that had fled the Holy Land around 70 A.D., when it was invaded [MJF: this should be “suppressed”, since the Romans were already there] by the Romans.

Before leaving their homeland, these Elders had hidden their temple treasures and priceless Essene and Kabbalistic scrolls in strategic regions of the Holy Land so that the Roman invader Titus could not plunder them as the spoils of war. The Jewish Elders then emigrated to Europe. There, many of them married into the continent's noble families. Of these Elders, twenty-four would become the patriarchs of a group of European families known by the sobriquet of the “Rex Deus” or “Star” families.

For hundreds of years the secret locations of the Jewish treasure filtered down through the families of the Elders - until the First Crusade when knighted members of the Rex Deus joined the procession of holy warriors travelling east with the dual goal of defeating the Moslems and recovering their family treasure.

The original nine Knights Templar were either born into or related to the Rex Deus families, as was Godfrey de Boullion, the French general who led them against the Saracens during the First Crusade. His cousin, King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, assisted the Templars in retrieving the treasure by donating the al-Aqsa Mosque [i.e., Temple Mount] for their use.

Traces of the Templars’ ensuing excavations were later discovered in the 1800s by a detachment from the Royal Engineers of Great Britain and are now in the possession of the family of the late Knight Templar archivist of Scotland, Robert Brydon.

Apparently, the Jewish Elders had stashed much of their treasure under Solomon’s Stables because it was there that the Templars spent most of their time excavating. After nine years of digging, the original nine Knights had accumulated enough treasure and documents to fill four large trunks.

When their patron, King Baldwin II, suddenly took ill and died, the Knights took their four trunks to Europe, stopping briefly at St. Omer in Flanders to have one of the documents copied."

Copy of the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem.’ (University of Ghent)

Copy of the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem.’ (University of Ghent)

"Called the Heavenly Jerusalem, the copied document is now stored in the library of the University of Ghent in Belgium.

After a special ceremony with Pope Honorius III at the Council of Troyes in 1128 (making their organisation official in the eyes of the Catholic Church) two of the Knights, Hughes de Payen and Andre de Montbard, carried their four cases of treasures to Kilwinning, Scotland, [which became] the location of the “Mother” Grand Lodge of Freemasonry.

13th century depiction of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem ceding the Temple of Salomon to Hugues de Payens and Gaudefroy de Saint-Homer. (Public Domain)
The trunks resided there for many years before eventually being moved to Sinclair Castle in Roslin, near Edinburgh. The Sinclairs were one of the Rex Deus or Star families whose destiny had, according to one legend, become forever entwined with the Knights Templar when their ancestress Catherine de Saint Clair married Hughes de Payen a decade or so before he took the vows of a monk in 1128. It is because of the Sinclair-Templar bond that much of the Knight’s treasure, including the prodigious wealth that landed in Scotland after the Templar escape from France in 1307, ended up in the coffers of the Sinclair Clan."

MJF: I must point out that the presumption that the Templar treasure ended up at Rosslyn is pure conjecture and speculation on the part of modern researchers into the Templars, as no evidence of such treasure has ever been found. There is, however, some anecdotal proof that important documents may have been taken by the Templars to Scotland at some point. As the article goes on to explain:​

"The Sinclair Earls of Roslin kept the four cases of Templar treasure safe in their castle until a fire unexpectedly broke out and they were forced to remove them from the collapsing edifice. The calamitous event apparently had a silver lining, however, because legend has it that soon after the fire, construction on nearby Rosslyn Chapel began in earnest. Thus, the safekeeping of the four boxes may have been the original purpose for the construction of Rosslyn Chapel."

The proof that Earl William Sinclair may have had valuable documents in his possession can be drawn from two historical documents that attest strongly to the preservation of secret knowledge within the St Clair family. The first is a statement by a Father Hay, a 17th Century St Clair historian, which reads as follows:​

About the time [1447] there was a fire in the square keep by occasion of which the occupants were forced to flee the building. The Prince’s chaplain seeing this, and remembering all of his master’s writings, passed to the head of the dungeon where they all were, and threw out four great trunks where they were. The news of the fire coming to the Prince through the lamentable cries of the ladies and gentlewomen, and the sight thereof coming to his view in the place where he stood upon Colledge Hill, he was sorry for nothing but the loss of his Charters and other writings, but when the chaplain who had saved himself by coming down the bell rope tied to a beam, declared how his Charters and Writts were all saved, he became cheerful and went to recomfort his Princess and Ladys.”*

Quotation taken from Peter Dawkins Arcadia.

You may agree with me that it seems very strange that Earl William was more concerned with the safety of his precious documents than with the welfare of his ladies. This would suggest that they must have been of the utmost importance to outweigh what should have been his natural concern for his wife and her female retinue.

However, there is a second document that dates from a later period in the form of a letter written in 1546 by Mary of Guise, the Queen Regent, to Lord William St Clair, which is held in the Scottish National Library of in Edinburgh. In the letter, she swears to be a ‘true mistress’ to him and protect him and his servants for the rest of her life in gratitude for being shown ‘a great secret within Rosslyn’.

In their book Rosslyn - Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail, Tim Wallace-Murphy & Marilyn Hopkins speculated that the great secret could have been connected with the missing crown jewels and Holy Rood of Scotland, which had been entrusted to William St Clair but were never recovered. Legend has it that they lie hidden somewhere in, or under, Rosslyn Chapel, guarded by the long-buried Lords of Roslin attired in their armour, which was a strange burial tradition of the St Clairs. Apparently, all but one of the male members of the St Clair family were interred coffinless, beneath Rosslyn Chapel, encased in their armour, where they lie mummified in the sealed vault. This might in, my view, suggest a possible link with the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt who were mummified and buried in the Valley of the Kings.​

Recent confirmation for the survival of the four cases in Rosslyn has come through ground scans in the chapel taken over the past twenty years, which reveal a vault in the crypt [MJF: Cf. this with the hidden crypt or chamber in the Church of Santa Maria dos Olivais in Tomar, the mother of all Templar churches, which may have fulfilled a similar purpose.] containing four large boxes. This vault is located directly under the keystone and within the most energetically protected part of the chapel.

If Rosslyn Chapel was built as a copy of Solomon’s Templar or Herod’s later temple, as many believe, then this region of the chapel would correspond to the inner sanctum or Holy of Holies. Researcher Christopher Knight contends that Rosslyn Chapel is a model of [King] Herod’s Temple, which is why it contains a so-called “unfinished” outer wall.

The outside of Rosslyn Chapel, Roslin, Scotland. (Mark Amaru Pinkham)
Knight asserts that this wall was added intentionally to give the Chapel the appearance of the ruins of Herod’s Temple - as it looked when the Templars excavated under it. If this is true, then Rosslyn Chapel was built to duplicate Herod’s Temple so that the Knights’ Jewish treasure could be symbolically returned to a version of its original hiding place in the Holy Land.

Excerpted from World Gnosis: The Coming Gnostic Civilization by Mark Amaru Pinkham. 2010. Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL.

Could the four boxes (trunks) contain the documents or parchments the Templars allegedly found during their excavations under Temple Mount and, if so, do they contain genealogies of the noble or priestly families of Israel and the true history of the Jews?

I aim to follow-up on the possible connection between the original Knights Templar and the Jewish Elders or Rex Deus lineage in a subsequent post.
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I have become aware of another structure that also appears to have a winter solstice sun alignment built into its fabric. This time it is in North America. It is in fact the Newport Tower in Newport, Long Island. The official line is that the tower is the remains of a mid-17th Century windmill. See: Newport Tower (Rhode Island) - Wikipedia.


However, many researchers dispute this supposition. Some like writer and researcher William Mann believe it is a Templar structure, which he links with the alleged secret voyage of Sir Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, Lord of Roslin (c. 1345 – c. 1400) He was the grandfather of William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness and the builder of Rosslyn Chapel. He is also linked with the legend of Oak Island, where Templar relics have been found (recall that lead Templar Cross).

Others like Danish archaeologist Carl Christian Rafn have proposed a Viking origin for the Tower. This is curious since the C's would seem to support this theory if the Tower is the 'Old Fort 'described in this extract from the transcripts in the session dated 5 July 1997:​

Q: (Laura) Well, all my other questions have sort of become entirely insignificant. But, I will try to get a few in before the tape runs out. This William Mann has made some sort of connection to the ruins of a fort, or some megalithic type thing, related to the number 64 - though I had a rather different idea about the number 64 - but he thinks this all relates to a point where one can transcend space and time. Now, let me break it down. What is the ruin? The old fort?

A: Viking oriented.

Q: Can you tell me the approximate year when it was built?

A: 1102.

Q: Does it have any relationship to the Templars?

A: No.

The Tower certainly does seem to share some features that are common to Templar chapels in that it is octagonal like the surviving Templar round chapels in London and Cambridge in England and but also like the Charola inside the church of the Convent of Christ in Tomar, Portugal, as discussed in my last post on the 'Templars in Portugal'. However, some researchers have also discovered some curious solar alignments within the Tower, which may have some validity given that the C's used the word "oriented" when linking it to the Vikings. Note that "oriented" in English means: align or position (something) relative to the points of a compass or other specified positions.

This could therefore be quite an apt description and in itself a clue, given what has been discovered about the Tower (see more below). Curiously, Laura has also noted a link between the word "orient" and "Orion" and "emerald":

Q: Another thing: I researched the word Emerald, and that it is derived from the word orient, which is Orion, and that they go back to words from which we also derive Aurora and gold.

Quoting from Wikipedia:​

Four of the eight supporting pillars of the tower face the main points of the compass. In the 1990s, William Penhallow, a Professor of Physics and astronomer at the University of Rhode Island, studied the windows in the tower and said that he found a number of astronomical alignments. At the summer solstice the setting sun should shine through the "west" window (actually just south of true west) onto a niche in the inner wall, next to the "south" window. (This no longer happens due to urban development and park trees.) Similarly, the angle from the "east" window through the "west" window is about 18 degrees south of west, which is the southern extreme of moonsets during what is known as the "lunar minor standstill". The smaller windows also form alignments, on significant stars. These alignments could be accidental, but if they were deliberate it would explain why the pattern of windows seems, according to Penhallow, "so odd"


December 21st solar alignment, Newport Tower

Winter Solstice Illumination of the Egg-Shaped Keystone
Winter Solstice Illumination of the Egg-Shaped Keystone – Apparently, during a lecture in Newport in October 2007, local resident and researcher Jim Egan showed a photograph he took of the egg-shaped keystone on the inside of the west, northwest archway with light from the south window lighting it up.

For those who want to learn more about Penhallow's observatory theories in relation to the Tower, I attach a link to an article where he discusses these theories. I also attach a link to a Youtube video of the winter solstice alignment using timelapse filming:​

Perhaps one the most interesting aspects of Penhallow's theories about the Tower is his claim to have found an alignment to Kensington, Minnesotta.

"Perhaps the most profound discovery I have made regarding my research into the Newport Tower was the long-range alignment from the center of the tower, thru the two symbolically shaped keystones in the west, north west archway, that extends to the discovery site of the Kensington Rune Stone. This implies a direct connection between the two that has already been determined with the origin of both being attributed to the Templars."


This alignment to the mysterious and hotly debated Kensington Rune Stone may be genuine if, as the C's say, the Tower was built by the Vikings. However, the C's would seem to discount Penhallow's theory of Templar involvement (for one thing the Templars did not exist in 1102 AD).

Having watched a recent documentary on the Kensington Rune Stone, it seems the runes would have needed a highly educated person to have carved them at a time when few could read or write. Those who support the Viking origin theory point out that one possible candidate for the runes' authorship could have been a Cistercian monk, as similar runic inscriptions have been found at 12th Century Cistercian monasteries in Denmark. Many Vikings had converted to Christianity by the early 12th Century and the Cistercian Order had established monasteries in Scandinavia by the early 12th Century (the 1140's onwards). This means that the Tower could have been built as a church, since round churches were quite popular in Scandinavia in the 11th and early 12th centuries. It was also not unheard of for a monk or other type of cleric to accompany explorers on their voyages of discovery. Having a man of faith on board would have been a comfort for sailors facing perilous journeys. However, if the Tower was originally constructed in 1102 AD as the C's suggest, this places it as being probably a bit too early for the Cistercians.

Various authors have suggested that comparable mediaeval buildings can be found in Europe, particularly the Orphir Round Church on Orkney built in Scotland around 1115, and the round churches on the Danish island of Bornholm, such as Østerlars Church dating from around 1160. Since the Orkney Islands have a strong connection with the Vikings (it is believed that the Vikings first came to Orkney late in the 8th century), it is just feasible that Vikings from Orkney might have constructed the Tower as both a defensive building and a church. However, the first Cistercian monastery in Scotland was not established until 1143, which rules out a Cistercian connection to the Orkneys in the time period in question.
The Round Kirk of St, Nicholas, showing the outside of the apse

Østerlars Church, Bornholm
Note the curious X shapes on the outside of the Church. Apparently, there is some evidence (including the recent discovery of red paint) to suggest that the Newport Tower may have once been more substantial and all we have left now is the skeleton of the original structure.

Could Christian Vikings have set sail to North-East America and Rhode Island from Greenland? Well, it seems Catholicism was introduced to Greenland about 1000 AD. Leif Ericson, son of Eric the Red, visited Nidaros (modern Trondheim, Norway) and converted to Christianity while at the court of the Norwegian king. At the height of the settlement's extent, there were five thousand Norse Catholics in two settlements. Sixteen parishes and churches were founded along with at least two monasteries and a convent for Benedictine nuns. Hence, by 1102, it would not be out of the question that a monk or cleric could have accompanied Viking explorers from Greenland. If so, it would be highly unlikely that it was a Cistercian monk for they were just a small breakaway branch from the Benedictine Order at that time, having founded their first abbey at Citeaux, France in 1098. But this would not rule out the presence of a Scandinavian monk from other more established orders at that time, one who may have been skilled in carving Scandinavian runic inscriptions as a man of letters.
Research into the Newport Round Tower is still ongoing as is that into the Kensington Rune Stone.
I am absent for a few days and there is a lot of text!

Well, I'll just make a few quotations.

However, I was struck by something that was mentioned in the German analysis of the term "technology".

"However, the meaning of technology is much broader than that of technology: it ranges from technique to device, tool, method, computer programme to technical systems and processes."

The reason I have bolded those two words in the above quotation is that the C's have referred to the Grail in the sense of it being a tool but also as a "device", which brings it closer to the sense, I suppose, of a machine and therefore technology - think of a cell phone here, which can be described as both a device and a machine. Here is the transcript extract where the Grail is termed as being a "device":​
Q: It seems that the Templars were in charge of building the Cathedral at Chartres, and there is a tableaux on one of the porches of Melchizedek and the Queen of Sheba. Equidistant between them is the Ark of the Covenant in a cart. Melchizedek is holding a cup that is supposed to be the Holy Grail. Inside this cup is a cylindrical object of stone. What is this?

A: Greater sight.

Q: What?! (A) Is it a symbol or a device?

A: Why cannot it be both?

Q: (A) It can be both, but is it both?

A: Yes.

This is the point. The grail taking into account this aspect of device/tool and that it is also a symbol, reminded me of reiki.

Reiki uses symbols as a tool and if you draw them on paper it is, although very simple, it becomes a device. Let's remember how broad the term technology can be.

Again, I share my post on grail technology: Grailistic technology.

As I understand it, the grail is a symbolic machine, with a material component that allows to synchronize the mind, the left and right hemispheres of the brain through concentration (lensing). I would add that light (optics and electromagnetism) and perhaps antimatter are involved.
Basically, I list:

1) Psionic Machines. The hieronymus symbolic machine. (Radionics)
2) Crystals and information. Microprocessors / transistors as a legacy of Atlantean technology.
3) Fractals / antennas. The use of geometry and in conjunction with points 1) and 2).
4) The human mind as a virtual machine (informatics) a miniature universe.
5) Putting it all together.

1- Psionic Machines. The hieronymus symbolic machine. (Radionics)

Well, I think this is a topic that has been discussed in the forum. I will make a short introduction and then talk specifically about the hieronymus machine.

Radionics was created by an American physician and researcher Albert Abrams (1863 - 1924), Director of the Cooper Medical College (Dept. of Medicine, Leland Stanford University of California). Radionics is a Healing Method of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, classified by its users within the category of Energy Medicine or also Information Medicine. A part of radionics is dowsing which can detect at a distance and through an instrument the radiations emitted by any body or form of energy. It is also called dowsing.

The name dowsing derives from the Latin word radius meaning radiation and the Greek aesthesis, meaning sensitivity. It is, therefore, the technique that handles the detection of the full spectrum of radiations emitted by bodies of any nature, as well as the various forms of energy. The practitioner of dowsing is called dowser.

The manifestation of radiations is detected by means of instruments, the most commonly used being the pendulum and the rods. [...] Radionics takes into account that there are a number of finely organized energy fields that lie beyond those identified by science, and that these fields can be used for diagnostic and treatment purposes. Radionic devices are designed for the purpose of being the connection between human consciousness and the energies present in any object, living being, thought or form. When properly configured they can make the desires or goals of thoughts come true.

The latter marked in bold is pivotal to the whole development.

Pass to hieronymus machine:​

A Hieronymus machine is any of the patented radionics devices invented by electrical engineer Thomas Galen Hieronymus (21 November 1895 – 21 February 1988).[1] Hieronymus received a U.S. Patent for his invention in 1949, which was described in the patent application title as a device for "detection of emanations from materials and measurement of the volumes thereof".[2][3]

Skeptics and scientists consider the devices to be an example of pseudoscience and quackery.[4][5][6]

The original "Radiation Analyzer" consisted of a chamber to hold a sample of material, a glass prism to refract the "eloptic" emanations coming from it, and a copper wire probe on a rotating armature to adjust the angle formed by the prism and the probe. Supposedly, "eloptic" emanations are refracted by the prism at different angles depending on the material. The detected "eloptic" signals were fed to a three-stage vacuum tube RF amplifier and conducted to a flat touch plate surrounded by a copper wire bifilar coil.[2] By stroking the touch plate an operator could supposedly feel a sensation of "tingling" or "stickiness" when the "eloptic" energy was detected. As such, a human nervous system is considered to be necessary to operate a Hieronymus Machine.[7]

Hieronymus subsequently designed solid-state versions of his Analyzers, substituting germanium transistors for crystal prisms and tunable capacitors for the rotating armature. He also designed and built various specialized devices designed for specific functions, including analysis of living organisms and production of homeopathic remedies.[8] The most well-known Hieronymus Machine is the Eloptic Medical Analyzer, which supposedly analyzes and transmits "eloptic energy" to diagnose and treat medical conditions in plants and animals.

The theory of operation on which Hieronymus Machines are based is that all matter emits a kind of "radiation" that is not electromagnetic, but exhibits some of the characteristics of both light and electricity. The quality of this emanation is unique to every kind of matter, and therefore can be utilized for detection and analysis. Hieronymus coined the term "eloptic energy" to describe this radiation (from the words "electrical" and "optical"). All of his machines were designed to detect and manipulate this "eloptic energy". Eloptic emanations have never been detected by instruments designed to measure electromagnetic energies, no other evidence of their existence have been produced, and there is no mathematical theory of an eloptic field, so the theory is considered pseudoscientific and is not accepted by the scientific community.

John W. Campbell and Hieronymus machines

The inventions of Hieronymus were championed by Astounding Science Fiction editor John W. Campbell in late 1950s and early 1960s editorials. A series of correspondences between the two men show that while Hieronymus was sure that someday his theories of eloptic energy would be proven and accepted by physical scientists, Campbell was convinced that the machines were based on psionics, related to the user's paranormal or ESP powers.[4]

As an example, Campbell believed one could create an eloptic receiver or similar device with the prisms and amplifiers represented by their cardboard or even schematic representations. Through the use of mental powers, such a machine would function as well as its "real" equivalent.[9] In his autobiography, Hieronymus wrote, "I appreciated Mr Campbell's interest in my work, but over the years since then, I have concluded that he set back the acceptance of my work at least a hundred years by his continual emphasis on what he termed the supernatural or 'magic' aspects of a mind-controlled device he built by drawing the schematic of my patented instrument with India ink. The energy flowed over the lines of this drawing because India ink is conducting, but it isn't worth a tinker's damn for serious research or actual treating."[10]

Here is something important, and that is that John W. Campbell enters with this in the field of symbolic magic and what is the use of sigils. When inquiring into the use or what is a sigil we read:
A sigil (from the Latin sigillum, meaning seal) is a symbol used in magic. The term generally refers to a type of graphic signature of a spiritual entity. In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, it refers to a symbolic representation of the magician's desired outcome.

In the Bible, in the book of Revelation (Apocalypse) it is told that a scroll with such seals unleashes the horsemen of the apocalypse.

In popular culture, in different fantasy programs the seals are presented as a way to attack with magic or as a way to make the use of magic impossible.
The curious thing here is that when we see what these seals are, it is not difficult to understand that we are in front of the most recognized geometric figures in the world of sacred geometry:

An excerpt from the book Sefer Raziel HaMalakh highlighting various magical sigils (or segulot, סגולות, in Hebrew).


We can see a huge amount of correspondence between all these symbols and geometric figures. We can include from the reiki symbols, crops circles and even the symbols used in electronics to designate a transistor, a resistor, etc.


When we see the diagram of the symbolic machine hieronymus we can see the correspondence with some symbols, being perhaps the most important one the spiral.


As far as we know, these symbols are or act as circuits, they are manifestations of thoughts and have etheric, hyperdimensional effects. They are geometric representations that are closely related to or are part of the foundational blocks of reality.
Most likely just ordinary... -> Anchor Plates.

View attachment 61615
Same church seen from the other side.
In this case you are probably correct. However, when you have churches linked to the Cistercian Order or to the Knights Templar, symbolism becomes very important. If you are not aware, there is a mystery around what is called the 'Hooked X'(see below). It was spotted on the Kensington Rune Stone mentioned in my previous post.​


One researcher into the Kensington Rune Stone, Scott Wolter, claims to have identified in the Hooked X symbol a secret sign to initiates. A link for his book on the subject 'The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America' can be found here: The Hooked X

According to Wolter, the symbol that he associates with the Holy Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene appears as the letter aleph in an Icelandic document giving the Hebrew alphabet as well as in “secret” coded alphabets from documents dated to the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century. However, quoting from a more sceptical blog site on the issue: See: Scott Wolter Apparently Solves Mystery of Hooked X, But Not the Way He Thinks He Did

Scott Wolter Apparently Solves Mystery of Hooked X, But Not the Way He Thinks He Did


It seems that Scott Wolter accidentally solved the “mystery” of the Hooked X® in his latest blog post, but not for the reason he thinks. It certainly does not “rock the skeptics, debunkers, and disbelievers of the five North American rune stones with the Hooked X, to their core” as he claims. In a posting on his blog last night, Wolter claims to have discovered many new examples of Hooked X® symbolism in an old Icelandic manuscript. According to Wolter, the symbol that he associates with the Holy Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene appears as the letter aleph in an Icelandic document giving the Hebrew alphabet as well as in “secret” coded alphabets from documents dated to the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century.​
What has me excited is they have also found at least two undeniable examples of the Hooked X symbol being used for the letter “a.” […] Is this conclusive evidence of a link between the sect of Jesus and his followers in the First Century, and the Templars who carved the five North American rune stones? Not yet, but this alphabet in particular is a huge piece of evidence that is consistent with this thesis.
Wolter went on to say that the documents, dating between 1700 and 1890 prove that the Hooked X® is “medieval,” despite the fact that the Middle Ages had ended more than 200 years earlier.​


A hand-written Icelandic alphabet with hooks on several of the letters.
I invite readers to take a close look not at the Hooked X® but rather at the other letters that appear in the documents. (One example is above; Wolter posted more on his blog.) You will see that the same “hook” appears on several other letters as well, and almost always in the same position on the letter. This is because these documents were written in ink using quills, and the writer needed a small hook to get the ink flowing in order to draw a backward slanting or straight vertical line. The hook thus appears on the top of the letter “h” as well as “m” and “n,” where is disguised by the cursive form (which incorporates the stroke needed to start the ink). The hook is most prominent on the “x,” however, because the “x” has a prominent backward-slanted line.

We see the same “hook,” for example, in many pieces of old handwriting drawn with a quill. Christopher Columbus, to take one example, used the “hook” on both the letters “x” and “y.”

The blog author takes the view that most professional archaeologist take on the matter, which is that the Kensington Rune Stone is a modern day fake rather than a 14th Century artefact.

However, without getting caught up into the validity or otherwise of the Kensington Rune Stone, I think there is a real mystery here but not perhaps the one Wolter has in mind. The secret may have more to do to with the Knights Templar or the Rosicrucians than the alleged Holy Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as promoted by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in their book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.

The Hooked X may be linked to another symbol that unites the Christian cross and the Egyptian 'T' shaped Tau cross together.​


This link between the Christian cross and the Egyptian 'Tau' makes me think of something the C's said here:
Q: Now, supposedly, this area, Giza, was originally called Rostau. It took me awhile to realize that this is, literally, Ros-Tau, or Rose-Cross.

A: Yet another connection, but why?

And this point seems to bear a connection to the early Christian symbolism of the Chi Rho sign, a name when reversed gives you "Rho Chi", a reference to the Rose Croix of the Rosicrucians as Laura has noted:
Quoting from Wkipedia:

The Chi Rho (/ˈkaɪ ˈroʊ/; also known as chrismon) is one of the earliest forms of Christogram, formed by superimposing the first two (capital) letters—chi and rho (ΧΡ)—of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christos) in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho intersects the centre of the chi. The later use of a wreath around the Chi-Rho symbolized the victory of the Resurrection over death.

The Chi-Rho symbol was used by the Roman Emperor Constantine I (r. 306–337 AD) as part of a military standard (vexillum). Constantine's standard was known as the Labarum. Early symbols similar to the Chi Rho were the Staurogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 2.jpg) and the IX monogram (Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 4.jpg).

I note that if you rotate the Staurogram by 90 degrees clockwise you will get a Hooked X. I don't think this is a coincidence either. Although I won't pursue the point here, I also wonder if the Hooked Cross and Chi Rho symbols can be related to the 'Skull and Crossbones' symbol so beloved of the Freemasons and 17th -18th Century pirates - which in my recent article I linked to the Knights Templar through the story of the "Great Lady of Maraclea" who was loved by a Templar, a Lord of Sidon. This tale can be traced back to a twelfth century author named Walter Mapp, although the story at this time is not connected with the Templar Knights. However, at the time of their trials 1307-1314 it was well woven into the Templar legend. In fact it was called upon during the actual trials of the Templars. Edward Burman in his book Supremely Abominable Crimes tells of an Antonio Sicci, an apostolic notary from Vercelli, Northern Italy. Sicci recounts to the inquisitors the tale of the Lord of Sidon which he claimed he learned while working for the order in the Holy Land. His accusation and recounting of the tale is similar to that quoted in Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln's book - The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail. See: The Legend of the Skull Of Sidon -

Continuing with the Wikipedia entry:

In Insular Gospel books, the beginning of Matthew 1:18, at the end of his account of the genealogy of Christ and introducing his account of the life, so representing the moment of the Incarnation of Christ, was usually marked with a heavily decorated page, where the letters of the first word "Christi" are abbreviated and written in Greek as "XPI", and often almost submerged by decoration. Though the letters are written one after the other and the "X" and "P" not combined in a monogram, these are known as Chi-Rho pages.

Famous examples are in the Book of Kells and Book of Lindisfarne. The "X" was regarded as the crux decussata, a symbol of the cross; this idea is found in the works of Isidore of Seville and other patristic and Early Medieval writers. The Book of Kells has a second Chi-Rho abbreviation on folio 124 in the account of the Crucifixion of Christ, and in some manuscripts the Chi-Rho occurs at the beginning of Matthew rather than mid-text at Matthew 1:18. In some other works like the Carolingian Godescalc Evangelistary, "XPS" in sequential letters, representing "Christus" is given a prominent place.

This reference to "XPS" has me wondering about the letters "P S" carved on the gravestone of Marie de Negre de Blanchefort (the 'Blanchefort Tombstone'), whose name means 'Black Mary of the White Fort'. The tombstone (a 20th Century fake) contains the words "Et in Arcadia Ego", the same words which appear on the tomb in Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia. On the Blanchefort Tombstone the letters "P" and "S" appear at the top of the stone surrounded by a Fibonacci spiral. Tracy Twyman in her article Hidden Secrets of the Blanchefort Tombstone and the Sauniere Parchments made the observation that the same letters "P" and "S" and spiral can be seen at the bottom of Sauniere's first parchment, which she takes to be a reference to the Priory of Sion. However, the C's suggested the letters may have had a different meaning, perhaps one linked to the significance of the Fibonacci spiral and its relevance to DNA.
Q: Okay, what is this P-S related to that appears on the stone slab from the Rennes le Chateau churchyard? Everybody is talking about the "Priory of Sion." But, what does this P-S mean? Is that it?

A: Look into ancient tongues...

Q: Ancient tongues? Get me a little closer to it!

A: Swords, daggers pierce...

Q: Is this P-S something about "Percy?" Swords, daggers, pierce... Damascus? Damascus steel?

A: Search for learning.
Could the author of the inscription on the Blanchefort Tombstone (possibly a Rosicrucian and maybe Pierre Plantard, the instigator of the modern Priory of Sion) been trying to make a point by removing the "X" (the letters of the first word "Christi" are abbreviated and written in Greek as "XPI") from before the letters "PS", thereby repudiating the Carolingian Godescalc Evangelistary (the Carolingian dynasty having replaced that of the Merovingians after Dagobert II's assassination)?

This reference to the Fibonacci spiral may create another interesting link to Poussin's painting, since another Forum Member, Outsky, has recently posted what may be a fascinating insight into the construction of Poussin's painting and his possible use of the Fibonacci spiral in creating strange mirror images within his work of art. For those who have not read that post, see the link: Session 17 July 2022

Outsky: "Moreover, notice that that such process likens to the Fibonacci sequence (3, 5, 8, …), i.e. the arrangement of nature. Hence, first we could divide the painting in 8 horizontal parts. Ready?! now we are suitable to mirror in accord to Fibonacci. Yet at this point we have 2 plain options. For one case we can from left to right take the 5 first sections and then mirroring this set. In addition, we still could take the 3 first parts and then mirroring the respective set as well. Besides, look, to each “rebound” we can choose reflecting to the left or to the right side of those sets. So, which side we should choose? Well, as might be expected I already tried every one of them, and the results are all interesting and complements of each other. By the way, if instead is taken from right to left still results in the same reflected sets. This painting seems phenomenal.

Dagon and Oannes are gods from the ancient Mesopotamia. Arcadian shepherds and then Accadian gods… hmmm."

One Medieval group who certainly used the Chi Rho symbol was the Knights Templar, as can be seen from the symbols the knights cut or carved into the walls of their dungeon (known as the Coudray Tower) at Chinon Castle. You can just about make out the Chi Rho symbol amongst the other Templar graffiti at the top right of the picture (see below).​
Another interesting example of a Hooked X may be found in the Templar carvings made on the walls of an artificial cave in Royston, Hertfordshire in England, which was discovered in 1742.


You can make out a Hooked X within a larger "W" sign in the centre of the chest of what appears to be a figure of Christ crucified or possibly St Lawrence being burned on the gridiron. This appears to be a Medieval carving on stone, so it cannot be explained away by the 'quill pens and the writer needing a small hook to get the ink flowing' argument used in the above blog.

I attach a link to an article about the Royston Cave, which sheds some light (excuse the pun) on who may have made the carvings and when: Enigmatic Symbols and Carvings in Man-Made Royston Cave. Quoting from the article:

"Located below the crossroads of Ermine Street and Icknield Way, the cave itself is an artificial chamber carved into chalk bedrock, measuring approximately 7.7 meters high (25 ft 6 in) and 5.2 meters (17 ft) in diameter. At the base of the cave is a raised octagonal step, which many believe was used for kneeling or prayer. Along the lower part of the wall there are unusual carvings. Experts believe that these relief carvings were originally coloured, although due to the passage of time only very small traces of colour remain visible.

The carved relief images are mostly religious, depicting St. Catherine , the Holy Family, the Crucifixion, St. Lawrence holding the gridiron on which he was martyred, and a figure holding a sword who could either be St. George, or St. Michael. Holes located beneath the carvings appear to have held candles or lamps which would have lit the carvings and sculptures. Several of the figures and symbols have yet to be identified, but according to Royston Town Council , a study of the designs in the cave “suggest that the carvings were likely made in the mid-1300s.”

Although the article suggests a possible link between the Augustinian Canons, who used Royston Cave as a cool storage space for their produce and as a chapel, the reference to the raised octagonal step at the base of the cave would seem to suggest we have here the calling card of the Knights Templar - given their penchant for octagonal structures. The Templars also had a major base at Baldock, another North Hertfordshire town near to Royston, which I am quite familiar with. Indeed, they founded the town. The name of the town is also a link to the Templars' crusades. It is thought to derive from the Old French word Baldac - Baghdad. This is quite telling given that Baghdad, today the capital of modern Iraq, is near to the site of the ancient city of Babylon, linked with the goddess Ishtar who was originally worshipped in Sumer under the name "Inanna" but later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians under the name Ishtar. In the Sumerian age, this was also the land of the Anunnaki.

See: The Knights Templar in Hertfordshire

For an in depth article on the Royston (meaning "King's town") Cave see:
Entrance to Royston Cave.
However, it is the references to a cave and the candles or lamps which were supposed to have lit the carvings and sculptures in the cave that intrigue me given what the C's said here in the session dated 26 July 1997:
Q: Speaking of these tall guys, William Wallace's life was sort of symbolic, in my mind, and he was supposed to have been over 6 and a half feet tall. During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France...

A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground."

Q: Is that literally or figuratively?

A: Why not both?

And again here in the
session dated 20 June 1998:

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

Could this last statement of the C's relate in any way to the underground, artificial Royston Cave, which is by all accounts a unique site, then could the Templars secrets have been preserved on the wall in carved symbols? Did a group of Templars go into hiding there, possibly aided and abetted by the local Augustinian Canons, who they would have had a long relationship with in Royston? Afterall, the two orders had worked with another group of Augustinian Canons from their inception in Jerusalem, i.e., the Augustinian Canons of Notre Dame de Sion or to use their full name Sainte-Marie du Mont Syon et du Saint-Esprit[Holy Mary of Mount Sion and of the Holy Ghost]. That group also used the name Chevaliers de l’Order de Notre Dame de Sion [Knights of the Order of Our Lady of Sion], who would seem to be the original Order or Priory of Sion. Yet again we see a group of Augustinians who are linked to St. Augustus rather than St. Anthony, per the clue contained in David Teniers' painting of St Anthony the Desert Father, one of the founders of Christian monasticism ("Shepherdess no temptation" from the Shepherdess Parchment - see my recent post on this). I would also note in passing that the name of the Templar church in Royston was that of St Mary just like the Priory/Order of Sion's church in Jerusalem.

One researcher, Sylvia Beamon, has suggested that the Cave was used for devotions by the Knights Templar and may have been constructed in imitation of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. It should be recalled here that the Templars are known to have explored the complex of caves and tunnels under Temple Mount searching for something. Perhaps the carvings at Royston may reflect something of what they may have found? Below you can see an illustration made in 1884 of one of the carvings found in the cave. Notice the figure on the extreme left. This reminds me of some of the figures found in Mesopotamian art, usually linked to the Anunnaki. As it that a solar disk or wheel he is holding? You can also see the figure of St. Christopher, an early Christian saint usually depicted as a giant who carried the Christ Child across a river. However, could this depiction be pointing us towards the Nephilim perhaps?


However, there may be another clue contained in those wall carvings, which again relates to something the C's said in the session dated 20 June 1998 and this relates to the figure of St Lawrence, the third century Christian martyr (AD 225 – 258).​

"As a deacon in Rome, Lawrence was responsible for the material goods of the Church and the distribution of alms to the poor.[8] Ambrose of Milan relates that when the treasures of the Church were demanded of Lawrence by the prefect of Rome, he brought forward the poor, to whom he had distributed the treasure as alms. "Behold in these poor persons the treasures which I promised to show you; to which I will add pearls and precious stones, those widows and consecrated virgins, which are the Church's crown." The prefect was so angry that he had a great gridiron prepared with hot coals beneath it and had Lawrence placed on it, hence Lawrence's association with the gridiron. After the martyr had suffered pain for a long time, the legend concludes, he cheerfully declared: "I'm well done on this side. Turn me over!" From this St. Lawrence derives his patronage of cooks, chefs, and comedians.
Historian Patrick J. Healy opines that the traditional account of how Lawrence was martyred is "not worthy of credence", as the slow lingering death cannot be reconciled "with the express command contained in the edict regarding bishops, priests, and deacons (animadvertantur) which ordinarily meant decapitation."

So what could really lie behind the idea of St. Lawrence being burned on a grid iron? The answer may lie in far more ancient beliefs and practices as suggested by this exchange between the C's and Laura in the June 1998 session:
Q: First question: okay, this book, The Key, by Cohane, is talking about a rock drawing in the Hoggar region of the Sahara; there is a figure of this man on these rock drawings surrounded by these various other figures; the man is pictured without a face. Where his face should be there are parallel brownish black lines that look like two things, the slats of a bed or the grill of a barbeque. Then, it says that "in the West Indies, and throughout North America, the Indians had, as one of their most vital implements, a device that served as both bed and as a cooking utensil. It consisted of an oblong metal frame, three feet high, with slats or bars across the framework much like the slats of a modern bed. The Indians cooked their meat on this grill over an open fire, and then, when the fire had died down, they wrapped themselves in their blankets and slept on the grill above the embers. To nomadic people, this object was the very centre of their life. On this device, they not only cooked and slept, but also begot children. Out of this simple invention came what we today call a barbeque." Anyway, the thought that came to my mind as I read that was the idea of the magnetite in the brain and the representation of the darkened bars across the face of this god figure as being symbolic of iron magnetite, and some kind of energy transition going on in the head. Can you comment on this idea?

A: We need you to be more specific, if you please.

Q: Well, do the dark lines represent a) iron or b) the magnetite of the iron?

A: Seldom are answers so readily obtainable as in the "key" book.

Q: You got that right! It blew me away! So, in other words, the answer was very close to the description of the barbeque?

A: Interesting that they should mention "barbeque," as the lines described could very well denote the effects of the "grill" after one's face had been pressed upon it, while the fires burned underneath!
[MJF: this appears to be a reference to the martyrdom of St Lawrence in Rome, as depicted by the Knight Templar in Royston Cave.]

Q: What would be the source of such fires? The nature of the fires?

A: Firewalkers could tell you that.

{This was an interesting response since C___’s late husband was very interested in fire walking though neither Frank nor I knew it at the time.}

Q: What is the nature of the grill? Is it an external iron object, or an internal effect of iron?

A: Both.

Q: Why would this be represented as dark lines across the face?

A: When one is shamed, one is no longer seen, only sees...

Q: Are you saying that this is a representation of hiding one's face in shame?

A: More like being hidden.
[MJF: Which makes me think of the alien figures hidden in Poussin's painting, as may have been recently discovered by Outsky']

Q: What figure did this god represent that had these lines drawn across the face?

A: The figure was more collective than individual.
[The Greys/Reptilians?]

Q: So, it was a collective rather than an individual god... (C) How do you know it was a god? (L) Because it was... well, we don't. It was just that the size was so huge. Was it one of the Nephilim?

A: When it comes to the Nephalim, references all point to a unified legend.

Q: Was this figure the fertility god of the Hoggar region?

A: Better study more material relating to Mediterranean region, particularly Malta.
That interesting session discussed, amongst other things, "Hoggar", the Table of the Maya/Egyptians, Wearing of the Cord around the Waist, Baphomet, Kites, Treasure Hunt, January 17th date issue, Caput LVIIIm, the Fortress of Montsegur, the Holder of the Trent and “Hog-Tied”.​
It is curious that Laura should start off that session by discussing a rock drawing in the Hoggar region of the Sahara where this reference might just have created an unexpected link with the rock/cave carvings in Royston.

Abbe Sauniere and "X" Marks the Spot

Does the Hooked X and the esoteric information it contains (perhaps the secret hyperdimensional physics, which was deployed once at the Giza Plateau through medium of the Great Pyramid) have some link with the esoteric secrets Andrew Gough thought Abbe Sauniere (who was a Martinist and member of the was encoding in the painting inside his church of St Mary Magdalene? Quoting from my article Abbé Saunière and the Rosicrucians Part 2:

Gough then tells us that as you move towards the east of the church, your attention is immediately drawn to the alter painting of Saint Mary Magdalene in the Grotto. Saunière personally designed it, and Gough claims that it contains some very revealing details.

In the painting, Mary Magdalene is seen on her knees, staring at a long wooden cross, or an ‘X’. Her hands are crossed in a peculiar fashion, forming what appears to be a swastika, which we know was once an ancient sacred symbol, before it was appropriated by the Germans in the Second World War.
Abbe Saunièrs altar painting – the Magdalene in the Grotto
In her book, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Margaret Starbird, a recognised expert in the sacred feminine and Mary Magdalene in particular, highlights the symbolism of the ‘X’ in classical art. Starbird concludes that it is a sign of concealed esoteric knowledge, meaning quite literally, ‘X’ marks the spot. On this basis, I wonder if the esoteric X she speaks of is what lies behind the well-known ‘Skull and Crossbones’ emblem of Freemasonry.

So, what we apparently have here are four X’s. Gough asks, could Abbe Saunière have been trying to tell us that he has uncovered concealed knowledge and is preserving it for those with ‘eyes to see’?

As to the nature of this esoteric knowledge, could there be a stellar component to it that seemingly may have nothing to do with Christianity but more to do with certain Rosicrucian beliefs? Could it have been this:

I will pick this point up in my next post.

I am absent for a few days and there is a lot of text!

Well, I'll just make a few quotations.

This is the point. The grail taking into account this aspect of device/tool and that it is also a symbol, reminded me of reiki.

Reiki uses symbols as a tool and if you draw them on paper it is, although very simple, it becomes a device. Let's remember how broad the term technology can be.

Again, I share my post on grail technology: Grailistic technology.

As I understand it, the grail is a symbolic machine, with a material component that allows to synchronize the mind, the left and right hemispheres of the brain through concentration (lensing). I would add that light (optics and electromagnetism) and perhaps antimatter are involved.
You are right about the volume of text. I find that when I am writing my articles, I get quite behind with the latest threads. Well in the latest thread, the C's admonished slackers for not networking enough, so I hope we are putting that right here.

I agree with the thrust of your arguments. Where you say "I would add that light (optics and electromagnetism) and perhaps antimatter are involved", I am conscious I have not yet posted Joseph Farrell's comments on the Hewlett Packard analysis of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull that alerted the researchers to its strange optical qualities that seem to have been deliberately built into its design. I have just watched a Smithsonian Channel documentary on the Crystal Skull phenomenon, which based on electron microscope analysis, the presenters came to the conclusion that all of them, including the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, were modern 19th and 20th Century fakes.

Well I for one don't trust the Smithsonian, since it is the same institution that seems to have misplaced numerous giant skeletons found in the United States during the course of the 19/20th Centuries, which were handed over to them for safe keeping and are now missing and unaccounted for. It is impossible to determine the age of a crystal, although their place(s) of origin can be determined based on the provenance of known samples. The fact that the skulls also betrayed manufacturing marks such as those made by rotary wheels does not prove anything in itself and does not tell you when the skulls were made. The experts point out that the Mayans did not have wheel based technology, including rotary wheels for grinding. However, if the Mitchell-Hedges Skull dates back to antiquity, possibly even to pre-Deluge Atlantis, then it is safe to assume the manufacturers had the necessary technology at that point in time. Most of the ancient manufacturing technology has been lost over the aeons. We see structures like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid today, which are just the shell or skeletons of what were once advanced technological sites. The machinery that may have been inside these structures is long gone. Go to a disused steelworks or ship building dockyard today and you will witness the same thing. Stones can last for thousands of years but metal and electrical machinery doesn't.

Your comments on magical sigils and the interesting shapes of electrical symbols are quite pertinent. I am just finishing reading Joseph Farrell's The Giza Death Star and he makes the same connection, in this case between the pentacles of the seven planets, their seals and the characters of the planetary angels as they occur in the practice of ceremonial magic, as expounded upon by the Freemason and occult writer Manly P Hall in his landmark work The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Farrell points out that such geometrical patterns recur in esoteric and occult writings, particularly in the systems of the Renaissance and afterward (MJF: presumably because of the rediscovery of the Hermetica). Farrell goes on to say that it must not be assumed that neither the specific Hebrew characterisation nor the Zodiacal references are original to the tradition that created such geometries. This could be the reason why the C's told Laura to be careful when studying the Kaballah again after mentioning that the Knights Templar held the secret of levitation (which implies that they gained certain lost knowledge of what had once been a higher dimensional physics model):
Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation.
Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again,
but be careful!!

Farrell then points out that certain similarities do emerge once the details of Hebrew and Jewish Qabalism are momentarily left out of view and the diagrams are examined simply for their geometric and schematic content.

For example, he points out that the angelic seals represent apparently meaningless "occult writing" but this writing also bear striking resemblance both to Ramsay graphs and to electronic circuitry schematics and therefore at one time they must have had a specifically scientific and technical meaning long since forgotten. He also points out that every seal contains a character of the Hebrew alphabet on a surface of the geometric figures contained within the seal and, given the use of characters in Hebrew to represent numbers, this might in his view indicate something about the harmonics of hyperspace rather than the more mundane "mystical" explanation of various occult traditions. He then set out a chart showing the symbol of each Planetary Seal or Angelic Character on one side and its analogy in terms of modern electrical circuitry schematics, which supports what you were saying in your post. He asks the important question of who exactly introduced the contemporary ideogram and its meaning. He queries whether the individual or individuals have any association with secret societies. He posits that a very high high civilisation (which he refers to as "paleoancient") that existed prior to and just after the Deluge (i.e., Atlantis to you and me) began to encode this knowledge in the guise of esoteric metaphysical and religious teachings to be preserved by a select membership in an ongoing secret society tradition.

Well we have been looking at such societies and groups on this thread. As to who chose the modern electrical symbols or schema, I would suggest that one organisation that may have played a part in this is The Royal Society of England, a scientific research group founded by King Charles II, whose membership included such scientific luminaries as Robert Boyle, Robert Hook and Isaac Newton to name but a few. Most of these scientists were either Freemasons or Rosicrucians. Farrell points out that in Benjamin Franklin, whose electrical experiments are well known, one has a clear and known connection between a scientist and a secret society. However, besides being a Freemason, Franklin was also a member of The Royal Society and the infamous Hellfire Club, as mentioned in a recent post of mine. If anyone is aware of Franklin playing a part in selecting a particular ideogram or ideograms for modern electrical symbols, please feel free to post the information here.

Farrell is alive to the fact that the Rosicrucians and Pythagoreans (and other secret societies for that matter) considered geometric forms to be among their most closely guarded secrets. He argues that it is reasonable to conclude that the mathematics and geometries themselves were not actually the secrets that were so zealously guarded but what that geometry and mathematics
actually meant. Since the occult meanings of such symbolism is fairly easy to come by and thus no great secret at all, perhaps the "secret" may be explained as the rudiments of an encoded science all but forgotten. This point may be equally made about the Jewish teachers who focused on the Kaballah. Indeed, the C's seem to be hinting at Farrell's conclusion here:
Q: (L) What is the origin of the Kaballah?

A: Channelled truths given to early pre-Mosaic Jews to use your terminology.

Q: (L) When the Jewish commentators began setting down the teachings, was this the first time this had been put into writing?

A: No. Not even close.

Q: (L) Is the form that it is in today very close to the original form and can it be relied upon?

A: No. Corrupted.

However, notice that the C's say that the original founders of the Kaballah received it as "channelled truths". This is an important point to bear in mind when we consider the Roscicrucians, including modern Rosicrucian groups such as the Martinists to which Abbe Sauniere belonged, since they seemed to have gone in for channelling.

Finally, you mention the correspondence between these Jewish Cabalistic symbols and geometric figures and those used in electronics to designate a transistor, a resistor, etc. , some of which can be seen in the diagram you included of the symbolic hieronymus machine. I was struck by the two dimensional representation of the sensor pad, which in three dimensions looks like a pyramid when looking down at one from the top. On this last point, I would mention that Farrell, has opined that:
"Viewed in one sense, the granite core of the Pyramid, its vast stone courses and the geometric shape of the Pyramid itself as a "squared circle" [much like a Platonic Solid] would function as a capacitor reliant upon the piezo-electric properties of the granite itself. However, viewed in yet another sense, the [Great] Pyramid, precisely as a squared circle, is an electrical coil that is segmented - exactly in accordance with the principles discovered by Tesla - not only into separate "windings" in the stone courses, but each of these "windings" in turn is segmented into a discrete number of stones. The pyramidal form itself gives the distinctive geometry and properties of a Tesla impulse coil*."

*N.B. A Tesla Impulse Coil should be distinguished here from an ordinary Tesla Coil, which has nothing to do with the sort of electrical impulse technology Farrell is talking about here. I would suggest that it was this type of coil that was used in the Philadelphia Experiment and not the more common Tesla Coil.

As to the Pyramid's "squared circle" nature, I wonder if the C's were alluding to this when they said:
A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.


A: Visits through trees, forests, leading to a perfectly square clearing...
Remember that when the Great Pyramid complex was built at Giza, the climate was very different then and the area would have been one of verdant fields and forests compared to the sandy plateau experienced today.
I would like to correct something I said in my previous post on Royston Cave. I pointed out that the name "Royston" meant "Kings Town", "Roy" being the French for "King" and "Ton" being an abbreviation for "Town". However, reading the pdf article titled 'Royston Cave ... and the Templars' (which I attached a link to in my post), I note that the author, Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, states that the name of the town was first recorded in 1184 as "Crux Roys" or 'Roysia's Cross', which may have referred to a large stone cross from which the town appears to have taken its name. On the first page of his article, he shows a photograph of a large stone base called the "Roys Stone", which may have formed the base for a long lost cross. However, I am struck by how close the name Roysia's Cross is to 'Rose Cross' or 'Rosy Cross'. Is this just mere coincidence?

The author of the article is a confirmed sceptic when it comes to a connection between Royston and the Knights Templar and their alleged creation of the cave's carvings. He points out that there is no evidence for the Templars having owned property in the town, although they undoubtedly traded there from their nearby base in Baldock. He also seems to want to dismiss experts who adjudge the carvings to date from the 13th and 14th Centuries in favour of a later date of between 1480 -1500. However, this choice of a later date appears to be because he wishes to fit this in with his own theory that the carvings were made by a half-mad hermit who was known to have lived in the town during that period. The answer may be that the carvings could have been made over a long period of time by different parties, including the aforesaid hermit. There is nothing wrong with taking a sceptical approach, of course, but Fitzpatrick-Matthews seems to be on a mission to debunk all conspiracy theories relating to the Templars, particularly any relating to the carvings. However, his own prejudices may blind him to important clues simply because he wants to discredit the Templar links. Despite his criticisms, the fact remains that the carvings remain a true mystery.

Please note that I also suggested that the figure of the woman holding what appeared to be a solar disk might be linked to similar Sumerian figures, as that is what struck me when first looking at it. Fitzpatrick-Matthews points out though that this is a typical depiction of St Catherine, a 4th Century Christian saint from Alexandria in Egypt, who was famously supposed to have been martyred on a large spiked wheel. However, as with St Lawrence and his grid iron, could the link with the 'Catherine Wheel' have evoked hidden references to a sun cross or sun wheel (references which date far back into antiquity - see picture below), which could be recognised as such by those in the know?

In my recent articles on the Templars, I have mentioned how they may have been hiding esoteric knowledge behind the symbols they used in their churches and other monuments. I recently came across a good article analysing Templar symbolism, which I will share in my next post, since the author makes a lot of insightful and useful comments. I will also add comments gleaned from other sources about the Templars alleged worship of a head, sometimes referred to as Baphomet. Although the C's have confirmed that the Templars possessed a pure crystal skull which they called Baphomet, there are also lots of references to them supposedly worshipping the head of a bearded man, which is unlikely, therefore, to have been Baphomet, given it is a crystal skull. Some think this figure of a bearded man may have been the head of St John the Baptist but others have speculated that the Templars could have possessed the Shroud of Turin or the Mandylion.

Millions of Catholics today believe the Shroud of Turin to be the true likeness of the crucified Christ (N.B. Before anyone posts a comment, I appreciate that the C's have negated this idea). It would therefore have made perfect sense for the Templars to have venerated this image if they had indeed possessed the Shroud, since pious devotion to so important a relic as the burial cloth of Christ would not have been contrary to Catholic practice and would not, therefore, have been an heretical act worthy of the wrath of the Inquisition. Given how important financially sacred relics were in Medieval Catholic Europe, it also makes sense that the Templars would have been extremely reluctant to have relinquished the Shroud to the Inquisition, even in the face of torture. The same would have been equally true, if not even more so, of Baphomet.​
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