Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Cass says the supernova should be visualized.
Thus, its flare has already made its way to Earth. They also claim that the impact is initially weak, with changes occurring at the genetic level. People with special abilities are born, their gene memory, deep knowledge is activated. These are outstanding people who influence society, change the paradigm.
Known supernovae outbreaks were recorded in the 2nd century, in the 4th, 11th, 12th, 16th. They leave behind nebulae. But they are at a great distance. for example, the supernova outbreak of 1006 is noted in many European documents. Astrologers' predictions of war and famine associated with it have been preserved.
The closest flares to your events:
CH 1181 Cassiopeia 0 7100.
CH 1572 Cassiopeia -4.0 8000.
Scientists estimate the total number of supernovae in the Milky Way to be between 2 and 12 per century, although none have actually been observed for several centuries.
Evidence of relatively close supernovae outbursts include the supernova remnant in Sails (about 800 light-years away, 12,000 years ago) and Geminga (about 550 light-years away, 300,000 years ago).
We might be interested in a flare specifically from the constellation Orion.
Rigel is indeed called "leg" in Arabic.
The winds of Rigel create supernovae. Supernovae are also born in the Sword of Orion asterism.
If you are looking at 16th century events, there should be mention of such an outbreak at that time. If scientists have not found evidence of such a hypothetical supernova at this time, then you have to look for a mention in medieval literature.
Since the nearest flare to the period you are considering was too far away, I don't see any connection.
And that's my personal opinion, if I may say so. This plot is fascinating, but not all that important. You yourself noticed that the background was apparent a hundred years earlier and two hundred years earlier. So these events are legitimate, it's not a revolution, it's a special case. It's rare for a king to gain power without killing his relatives. Of much more interest here is Shakespeare's play Richard III. It's a coded message, just like Poussin's paintings. Richard is only a prototype, a symbol. Did the Rosicrucians and including Shakespeare, who was close to the crown, not know what really happened to the children? Obviously it doesn't matter, in the play they are killed. The attention here is drawn to something else. There is a real diamond to be discovered here.
The usurpation of the royal lines can be looked for much earlier. Much! Mary Stuart was also a Tudor. And completely inconsistent with the "purpose of royal lines". (There should be a big study here as to what the purpose of royal lines is. And what it means to have a "legitimate" heir. In our sessions we got a clue - "peas". Detect. We researched this question. I think it would also help you to understand the laws of succession. They are the ones that have been distorted. Also, you left out the kites and coats of arms to understand the genetic passport of the blood lines and their purpose. Coat of arms - "erbe" - heritage. On the coat of arms were applied symbols, motto. But the motto was not text, they were symbols, a code. As there is a similar code in Poussin's painting Shepherds).
The Plantagenets also usurped power. And we can retrospectively go back to when priestly blood lines became royal (with the involvement of knights).
My "instincts" take me back to the 8th century to the Pyrenees. It's very subjective because that's my genetic memory and my lineage and my destiny. It was during that period that events occurred to which my body reacts with pain to this day. Cass said "instincts" not "intuition" in this case for a reason. Instincts are connected to the body, and the activation of ancestral memory happens on a genetic level. I haven't found any information about a supernova outbreak in the 7th or 8th century, but I know it happened.
(This is just my personal opinion)
Yes, thank you. I would add to this another very interesting author Herman Wirth. If you're not prejudiced. Some of what he wrote Cass has also confirmed. He was a researcher, not a Nazi. Knowledge can be used for good as well as evil.
If you ever want to approach the Nordic Covenant, you will have to keep an open mind and forget the subjective concept of good and evil. Emotions get in the way of perception. Such information requires a strong psyche (but I doubt you'll ever get a full understanding of the Nordic Covenant because it's not safe in 3D).
Also, is "control" a good thing or a bad thing?
For example, you have a small child who is trying to stick his fingers in a socket - what will you do? Give him total Free Will? Would you say - okay, so be it?
It's a difficult question, isn't it?
Although the concepts of good and evil are to some extent subjective and are thus tied to one's perceptions, the C's sidestep this issue by distinguishing between STS and STO orientations instead. The C's have also told us that the Nordic Covenant was a duality:
Session 23 March 1996:

A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.

Q: (L) SV comes from that area where that Nordic covenant, what is it, Minnesota, she's from Minnesota? Oh, I never made that connection! Holy Frijoles! 'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?

A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centres, can be of darkness, or of light...

I think we can take it that by "darkness" the C's mean a self-serving orientation or evil and by "light" they mean a service to others orientation or good. They have also made it clear that as human beings, we live in an STS environment where serving self is the norm unless one makes a conscious effort to overcome such in built tendencies (in Christian terms this would be practising charity towards others, self denial and striving to act for the common good).

As you also point out, the issue of STO versus STS, or good versus evil, is linked with the issue of control. Although the C's say we live in a free will universe, the completely unrestricted application of free will can sometimes lead to unfortunate consequences as in the case of children harming themselves due to a lack of parental control. On this point, the C's have made it clear that it is necessary, and even STO behaviour, for parents to impose boundaries on young children so as to protect them from self harm. However, it is the nature or essence of STS beings to impose control over others for their own self serving purposes, as is the case with the enclave of alchemists who use monoatomic gold to achieve this end, thus negating or even eliminating the free will of those others:
Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean?

A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul.

But the C's have also said that to negate free will has karmic consequences for those who choose to do so. They themselves always strive to avoid infringing on our free will, thus leaving us to learn from our experiences whether these be good or bad from our personal perspective. Even when an exercise of our free will leads to what we perceive as bad consequences for us, these can still be good or of benefit to us from the perspective of learning a valuable life lesson.​
I would like to know that if a supernova were to happen at this precise moment 500 light years away, the way in which you would be able to have knowledge or find out that such an event has happened.

Just curious.
A supernova strikes the Earth with x-rays and cosmic rays when you have a "visual observation", reread the session. If your star exploded now, I think your enlightenment will come in about 500 years.
Usually if you're curious, you go and study it.

"The last supernova observed in the Milky Way galaxy was SN 1604, which was observed on October 9, 1604. Several people, including Johannes van Heck, noted the sudden appearance of this star, but it was Johannes Kepler who became famous for his systematic study of the object itself. He published his observations in De Stella nova in pede Serpentarii (Latin for "A New Star in the Leg of Serpentarius")"

SN 1604 1604, October 9, Serpentine -2.5 20000

As you can see, Cass was not referring to this outburst, they gave a distance of 1500-2000.


"Finally, we call for a search for supernovas in the historical records of southern hemisphere civilizations."(с)

Witnessing History: Rates and Detectability of Naked-Eye Milky-Way Supernovae​

C. Tanner Murphey, Jacob W. Hogan, Brian D. Fields, Gautham Narayan
The Milky Way hosts on average a few supernova explosions per century, yet in the past millennium only five supernovae have been identified confidently in the historical record. This deficit of naked-eye supernovae is at least partly due to dust extinction in the Galactic plane. We explore this effect quantitatively, developing a formalism for the supernova probability distribution, accounting for dust and for the observer's flux limit. We then construct a fiducial axisymmetric model for the supernova and dust densities, featuring an exponential dependence on galactocentric radius and height, with core-collapse events in a thin disk and Type Ia events including a thick disk component. When no flux limit is applied, our model predicts supernovae are intrinsically concentrated in the Galactic plane, with Type Ia events extending to higher latitudes reflecting their thick disk component. We then apply a flux limit and include dust effects, to predict the sky distribution of historical supernovae. We use well-observed supernovae as light-curve templates, and introduce naked-eye discovery criteria. The resulting sky distributions are strikingly inconsistent with the locations of confident historical supernovae, none of which lie near our model's central peaks. Indeed, SN 1054 lies off the plane almost exactly in the anticenter, and SN 1181 is in the 2nd Galactic quadrant. We discuss possible explanations for these discrepancies. We calculate the percentage of all supernovae bright enough for historical discovery: ≃13% of core-collapse and ≃33% of Type Ia events. Using these and the confident historical supernovae, we estimate the intrinsic Galactic supernova rates, finding general agreement with other methods. Finally, we urge searches for supernovae in historical records from civilizations in the southern hemisphere.

From the chronicle of Sun hui yao: "Originally, this star became visible in the fifth moon of the first year of the Zhi He period in the eastern sky near Tian-guan. It was visible in the daytime like Venus, directing its rays in different directions. Its color was red and white. She was visible in the daytime for a total of twenty-three days..... On the twenty-second day of the seventh moon of the seventh year of the first year of the Zhi He period, Yang Wei-De said: "I prostrate my person down: I observed in the region of Tian-guan the phenomenon of the guest star. It was slightly iridescent in color. According to the Emperor's order, I respectfully made a prediction...".

July 4, 1054 according to reports of Chinese and Japanese astronomers in the constellation of Taurus there was a flash of supernova star SN 1054, which resulted in the Crab Nebula. Initially the star was visible even in the daytime like Venus, and after 23 days, its brilliance decreased so much that it was no longer visible in the daytime, and about a year later "disappeared" from the sky.Modern estimates show that the star should have reached at the time of maximum brilliance of stellar magnitude - 7, which is about 10 times brighter than Venus. Brighter in the night sky only the Moon.

The Chinese repeatedly observed and described similar phenomena, which they called guest stars, apparently making no distinction between the erupted stars and comets. They regarded them as divine signs requiring careful interpretation. This time, court astrologer Yang Wei-Te concluded that another guest star indicated the reign of a man of great wisdom and virtue and the country's acquisition of great power. He urged "that the Bureau of Historiography receive this message." The Bureau did receive it, and it eventually reached us.

This star is also mentioned three times in Japanese sources. The most detailed mention of it is in "Meigetsuki" - the diary of the most famous poet of the XIII century Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241), which he kept for 60 years. Curiously, the title "Meigetsuki" translates as "Records of the Clear Moon." While observing the comet of 1230, Teika became interested in evidence of past guest stars. As a courtier, he sought information from the court astrologer at the Ommyo-ryo bureau, whose letter he appended to his diary. Apparently, the poet's fame helped to preserve it to this day, while the documents of the bureau itself were lost in the turmoil that shook medieval Japan. In the letter, the astrologer compared the new star to Jupiter, the brightest object in our sky.

The basis of the Ommyo-ryo State Bureau was the teaching of Ommyodo, which came to Japan from China as a system of fortune-telling, exorcising evil spirits and protecting against curses. The office was responsible for daily astronomical observation and divination based on it, the results of which were reported to the emperor by the court astrologer. Guest stars, eclipses, and certain other celestial phenomena were considered bad omens, and reports of them to the emperor were secret to prevent plots and rebellions inspired by them. Perhaps this explains the paucity of information about our heroine from Japan.

And then there is a mystery: well-developed Arabic astronomy does not mention the new star. But from the prevalence of Arabic names of stars in the atlas it is clear that Islamic astronomers followed the sky very carefully. However, one mention of it was still found in 1978, but not from an astronomer, but from ... a doctor! The Syrian physician of the XIII century Ibn Abi Usaibia compiled a biographical encyclopedia of famous doctors of the Islamic era. In it he reported that the Christian physician Ibn Butlan, who worked in Baghdad in 1054, left a description of the starburst.

The reason for such "inattention" of Islamic astronomers is probably in their approach, which goes back to Aristotle, who did not refer short-term celestial phenomena like comets and flaring stars to astronomy. The ancient Greek sage considered them to be something like weather phenomena. Therefore, Islamic astrology, unlike Chinese astrology, did not depend on unusual random celestial events, but on the stable positions of the planets. Accordingly, astrologers simply did not pay attention to random events, although it seems very strange to a modern astronomer.

Following the Arabs mysteriously silent about a new star and European chroniclers. Yes, in Europe at this time, unlike the Arab world, has not yet conducted serious astronomical observations. However, what was happening in the heavens, Europeans noticed and interpreted the signs, which was reflected in the chronicles. For example, the flash of the previous supernova in 1006 is noted in many European documents. Astrologers' predictions about war and famine related to it were also preserved. But this time, complete silence.

This is all the more strange because 1054 is an important year for European civilization: the schism of the Christian Church was in full swing. It was in July 1054 that the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Pope anathematized each other. It would seem to be the right time for various interpretations of the signs. But silence. Perhaps the whole point is that the heads of the churches were not interested in gloomy predictions about the consequences of the split. Although this is already conspiracy. One way or another, but "documented" Europe did not notice the flaring star.

And in fact there are reasonable assumptions that the star was observed even by Indians of the New World. In America were found rock drawings of that era, depicting a certain star next to the sickle moon. And their location corresponds exactly to the star of 1054.

The Crab Nebula was first discovered in 1731 by the English physician, physicist and astronomer John Bevis, who is also known for introducing the concept of positive and negative charges into physics. Meanwhile, the nebula was independently discovered by Charles Messier in 1758. The M 1 Crab Nebula didn't get its now-famous name M 1 until nearly a century later, thanks to a sketch by astronomer William Parsons, Earl of Ross. Parsons was famous for making large telescopes.
The Crab Nebula is a truly unique object that has played an outstanding role in the history of modern astrophysics. It was the first supernova remnant whose age could be determined, the first source of cosmic radiation in the radio and X-ray bands identified with an object in our Galaxy. Synchrotron radiation was detected for the first time, which led to the understanding of the role of relativistic particles and neutron star in the evolution of supernova remnants. The Crab pulsar was the first to have optical, X-ray and gamma-ray radiation detected at once.

An ancient Chinese observatory. Astronomers used angular instruments to observe the stars.

Ancient Chinese observatory in Beijing

Interesting confirmation of observations of a supernova outbreak in North America by the Navajo Indian tribes was obtained in 1955 by William Miller and Helmut Abt. They discovered two rock carvings on a cave wall and on the rock of a Navajo canyon in Arizona. In the canyon, the image was carved in stone, and in the cave it was drawn with a piece of hematite, a red ironstone. Both drawings show a circle and a crescent moon. Analysis shows that such a phenomenon could only be the supernova outbreak of 1054 in the constellation of Taurus.

Interesting confirmation of observations of a supernova outbreak in North America by the Navajo Indian tribes was obtained in 1955 by William Miller and Helmut Abt. They discovered two rock carvings on a cave wall and on the rock of a Navajo canyon in Arizona. In the canyon, the image was carved in stone, and in the cave it was drawn with a piece of hematite, a red ironstone. Both drawings show a circle and a crescent moon. Analysis shows that such a phenomenon could only be the supernova outbreak of 1054 in the constellation of Taurus.

How were the conclusions drawn that these images could correspond specifically to a supernova outbreak in Taurus? First, the mutual location of the Moon and the supernova were about the same, the phase of the Moon was about the same as in the images. Second, the age of the images and pottery shards is estimated by archaeological methods to be about 900-1000 years old.

The photograph of the rock image on the stone shows that rather the Moon was "old" than "growing", which corresponds to real calculations.


Thus, if you find the birth of truly extraordinary people, "the reign of a man of great wisdom and virtue and the acquisition of great power by the country," as well as wars, epidemics - you will certainly easily find mention of a supernova outbreak at this time.
A scientist is guiding us - "Finally, we call for a search for supernovas in the historical records of southern hemisphere civilizations."(с)
A supernova strikes the Earth with x-rays and cosmic rays when you have a "visual observation", reread the session. If your star exploded now, I think your enlightenment will come in about 500 years.
Usually if you're curious, you go and study it.

View attachment 86759

Sorry but I think you may have missed the point. If a star that was approximately 550 light years away went supernova, we would only be able to observe the super nova optically 550 years after the event. Hence, if Antares was the star the C's were referring to and it went supernova in say 1474, we would only be able to observe the explosion in say 2024, but some of the physical effects the C's were referring to would have been felt near instantaneously, since these would have been superluminal (faster than the speed of light) but other effects would take much longer due to the passage of time it would take the resulting x-rays and cosmic rays etc. to travel to Earth. The C's made the point here:
Q: (L) Also, there was a supernova that became the Crab Nebula, which occurred 5,000 years ago, yet was not seen on earth, which was 900 years ago, which happens to be exactly the time period I have been looking at as having been a turning point where seeds were planted that are now bearing fruit. Can you tell us if this supernova that was seen 900 years ago, were there effects from the Supernova that contributed to this state of affairs at the culmination of the Dark Ages, the creation of the Templars and so forth. What were the effects of this supernova that was seen 900 years ago?

A: Excitation of base liquid molecules.

(L) Did this have a physiological effect, or genetic, DNA effect on people?

A: Slight.
[MJF: You will note that the Crab Nebula, which I think was noted as a portent in 1066 by the Norman invaders of England (ref. its appearance on the Bayeux Tapestry), was far more than 2,000 light years away, so its physical effects on humans would have been much less than that of a supernova occurring less than 2,000 light years away - see below]

Q: (L) What were the pronounced effects that one would have been able to note.
That is microscopic...

A: Growth.

Q: (L) Growth in what sense? Growth and change in the size of people?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Growth in a psychological or mental sense?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What kind of growth specifically?

A: Both.

Q: (L) At the time of that particular supernova, 5,000 years ago, were there any superluminal effects that were felt instantly?

A: Maybe, research and correlate.

Q: (L) Was the Great Pyramid at Giza built and lined up to supernova?

A: Part of the picture.

Q: (L) Were these supernova that occurred at the time of the construction, or that were expected to occur at some point in the future?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Are supernova in any sense cyclical?

A: In a sense requiring higher senses.

Q: (L) Do supernova create portals to other universes?

A: The doors may be redirected.


Q: (L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?

A: Genetic splice of strand.

Q: (L) How close would a supernova have to be to have this effect?

A: 2000 light years.

(L) So that either of these stars in Orion that are potential supernova prospects could have this effect since they are approximately 1500 light years away?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Are we talking about effects that propagate with the speed of light, or effects that are superluminal and instantaneous?

A: Both, and slower as well.

(L) What would be the effect that would be instantaneous?

A: Lesser.

Q: (A) Now this supernova that is supposed to explode soon, will it be soon in the sense of our SEEING it, that is the arrival of the light from this, or soon in the instantaneous sense?

A: Optically.

Q: (L) So, this supernova must have already occurred?


Q: (L) And where did this supernova take place?

A: No dice, baby!

Q: (L) What clue can I follow to determine which star it is?

A: Instincts.

Q: (A) But, if it already occurred, then this means that the instantaneous effects have already been felt, even if it was lesser than the optical effects. It must have been recorded by anomalous changes in genes? (L) Is that true?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So what, in the records, should we be looking for?

A: Sign of struggle out of sequence with pre-ordained activities of Royal Blood Lines.

Which is why I have focused on the period of British history between 1461 and 1689.

Hence, we are not concerned here with stars that are going supernova today but those that have already gone supernova. I am not aware that science has yet created tools to determine whether a star we can observe in the night sky today has already gone supernova but stand to be corrected.

As to the superluminal effects, this make me wonder about what the C's have said about unstable gravity waves, since these may be a by-product of supernovae explosions. The C's have confirmed astrophysicist Doctor Tom van Flandern's hypothesis that gravity waves can travel much faster than light waves.​

As to supernovae witnessed in recorded history, Laura did discuss the Crab Nebula with the C's here:

Session 12 September 1998:

Q: (L) Sorry. Alright, on with the questions. On the subject of supernovas; I have discovered that three of the supernovas of antiquity which have beeen discovered and time estimated by the remnants, if they were not observed, occurred in or near Cassiopeia at very interesting points in history.

A: Yes...

Q: (L) Well, one of these periods in history was around 1054. This is a very interesting time. It just so happens that there are no European records of this supernova which was recorded by the Chinese, Japanese, and perhaps even the Koreans. Yet, there are no European records. What happened to the European records?

A: Europe was in a “recovery mode” at the “time.”

Q: (L) Recovery from what?

A: Loss of civilized structure due to overhead cometary explosion in 564 AD.

Q: (C) There were certain historical facts you picked up, so that doesn’t make sense to me.
(L) On the other hand it might, because there is some stuff from Gregory of Tours that is real bizarre. What effect did this have on the civilized structure? Was it a direct effect in terms of material, or did it have effects on people causing them to behave in an uncivilized and barbaric way?

A: Well, the burning fragmentary shower ignited much of the land areas in what
you now refer to as Western Europe. This had the results you can imagine, causing the resulting societal breakdown you now refer to as “The Dark Ages.”

Q: (L) Well, it damn sure was dark. There is almost a thousand years that nobody knows anything about!

A: Check Irish or Celtic, and French or Gallic records of the era for clues. There were temporary “islands of survival,” lasting just long enough for the written word to eke out.

However, I have discovered that there does seem to be evidence at the Abbey of St Gallen in Switzerland that it was observed by the monks there. This is the same St Gallen that Laura sought to link with the C's reference to "Buried in Galle". The abbey possessed one of the oldest and finest libraries in Europe. St Gallen was in fact an Irish monk and he may well have brought knowledge from Ireland with him, which because it lies on the fringes of Europe may have been less affected by the cometary explosion in 564 AD than other parts of Western Europe. This would certainly accord with what the C's were saying about Irish records above.

In re: " A: Excitation of base liquid molecules. "

A base is a substance that accepts hydrogen ions. When a base is dissolved in water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions shifts the opposite way. Because the base "soaks up" hydrogen ions, the result is a solution with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. This kind of solution is alkaline.

Optogenetics is a method that uses light to modulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living cells or organisms. It relies on the use of genetically-encoded proteins that change conformation in the presence of light to alter cell behaviour, for example, by changing the membrane voltage potential of excitable cells.
That's right. ) Move north. And you will find the Orcadians and Lore. ;)
I must confess that I am struggling to follow your logic at times. That may be my fault. When I refer to the Irish, as in the Irish monastic missionaries of the Dark Ages, they were primarily Scythian Gaels (my own people), as are the Scotti or Scottish people, who are Gaelic speaking Celts, as opposed to the Brythonic speaking Celts of Wales and Cornwall. However, by "Orcadians", I assume you are referring to the people of the Orkney Islands off the east coast of Scotland, who in the main are not Scottish but of Scandinavian Viking descent. Even today they do not view themselves as Scottish. Indeed, I worked with one in London and she was prepared to vote in favour of independence from Scotland and, if necessary, a return to Norwegian rule, since the King of Norway once ruled over the islands with the (originally Norwegian) Norman Sinclair family, of Roslyn Chapel fame, acting as the islands' feudal lords on the King's behalf.

The Irish Gaels should not be confused with the ancient Hyperboreans who may once have dwelt in the British Isles. The Gaels came much later in history (600 BC or thereabouts).

My apologies if I have misunderstood you.​
In re: " A: Excitation of base liquid molecules. " Optogenetics is a method that uses light to modulate molecular events in a targeted manner in living cells or organisms. It relies on the use of genetically-encoded proteins that change conformation in the presence of light to alter cell behaviour, for example, by changing the membrane voltage potential of excitable cells. Optogenetics - Latest research and news | Nature

Your reference to optogenetics fascinates me since I recently read an article in the latest edition of Nexus Magazine that looks at the wave nature of the genome (I still owe the Forum a synopsis of the article :-)). This issue might have a tie in with what I said about unstable gravity waves above.

The editor of Nexus Magazine, Duncan Roads, pointed out in his editorial that Russian scientists had figured out how to take the bioelectromagnetic radiation of one species and use it on another species. For example, when they exposed germinated cucumber seeds to the information bioelectromagnetic field of melons, the grown cucumbers had the taste of melon and biochemical analysis proved the presence of DNA modifications, Even more astoundingly, the acquired changes were passed on from one generation to another. But this effect was not just seen in plants but also in animals. When the scientists exposed chicken eggs to the information field of ducks, 480 chicks hatched from the 500 eggs that were exposed to the influence of the ducks. Some 25% of the hatched chicks had developed foot webbing, 80% of the the chicks had a flat-shaped, duck-like head and 70% had a long neck. Again these acquired genetic changes were found to be passed on from one generation to the next. Roads notes that the above experiments were working with, and relating to, structured information fields, i.e., that they are coherent and stable.

I appreciate that this, of course, goes much further than what the article you posted was dealing with. Here is what I said about the Nexus article in the 28 October 2023 thread:
With reference to what you were saying above about the DNA connection and the information field, I have just seen an article in the latest edition of Nexus Magazine which I think might have really piqued Pierre's interest. It has the title 'The Wave Nature of the Genome' and was written by Ulrike Granogger.

In the article, she argues that not only DNA/RNA but all macromolecules, proteins and cytoskeletal structures show features of coherent electromagnetic and acoustic oscillations that completely change our understanding of how genetic information is stored, transferred and received. She goes on to say: "Here, we are not only speaking about epigenetic factors that temporarily influence up and down-regulation of genes and phenotypic expression but about a profound paradigm of vibratory physics and quantum biology involved in the code of life on planet Earth."

Now if you add unstable gravity waves, x-rays and cosmic rays resulting from a massive supernova explosion into the mix, perhaps you will get interesting evolutionary changes occurring. However, 4D STS may be able to manipulate such changes without the need for supernovae along the lines used perhaps by the Russian scientists that makes me think for some reason of the horrific genetic experiments allegedly being carried out on humans by aliens at the Dulce, New Mexico base, which sounds like a real life version of The Island of Doctor Moreau, the1896 science fiction novel written by English author H. G. Wells.

The C's confirmed there really was an alien presence at Dulce in the following excerpt from the transcripts:

Session 14 October 1995:

Q: (T): ET! (L) OK, they said he was real? Yes. OK, now this one is a real pleasant looking fellow... [S'pth]

A: Yes. Occupies Dulce base.
MJF, this video was on page 1 of a search for the article you mentioned above. ( I always keep in mind that rank order of searches might be "structured" too.)

This article by other authors on the topic was published in 2020, corrected in 2021 and retracted in 2022 but it still is number 1 position in the search I made

MJF, this video was on page 1 of a search for the article you mentioned above. ( I always keep in mind that rank order of searches might be "structured" too.)

This article by other authors on the topic was published in 2020, corrected in 2021 and retracted in 2022 but it still is number 1 position in the search I made

This is a great find. Thank you. I seem to recall that the C's once said that scientists had yet to learn something important about the DNA molecule or words to that effect. Perhaps this was it.

I may scan the article I read and post it on this thread so that people like yourself can study it (for educational purposes of course). I note in the article you posted there is the following quote: "... deriving governing equations from Hamilton’s principle method and solving these equations with the generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM), the frequency and mode shape of the DNA is obtained for the first time." I assume here they may be referring to the William Rowan Hamilton who invented quaternions (see earlier posts on this thread) in a flash of inspiration one day in Phoenix Park, Dublin. James Clerk Maxwell would subsequently use quaternions for his electro-magnetic theory, which may well have been a working Unified field Theory before Oliver Heaviside came along after Clerk Maxwell's death and butchered his original theorem removing the pesky quaternions. Heaviside reduced the complexity of Maxwell's theory down to four partial differential equations, using scalar and vector potentials in the solution of Maxwell's equations, which has led science down a cul-de-sac or blind alley for the last 140+ years. As Barrett and Grimes (1995) describe:​

"Maxwell expressed electromagnetism in the algebra of quaternions and made the electromagnetic potential the centrepiece of his theory. In 1881 Heaviside replaced the electromagnetic potential field by force fields as the centrepiece of electromagnetic theory. According to Heaviside, the electromagnetic potential field was arbitrary and needed to be "assassinated". (sic) A few years later there was a debate between Heaviside and [Peter Guthrie] Tate (sic) about the relative merits of vector analysis and quaternions. The result was the realization that there was no need for the greater physical insights provided by quaternions if the theory was purely local, and vector analysis became commonplace."

Heaviside was wrong since he could not factor in at that time the subsequent developments in quantum physics that occurred in the 20th century, which reintroduced Maxwells' aether in the form of the dynamic quantum foam, zero point energy or the information field etc. Quoting from Wikipedia:

Maxwell also introduced the concept of the electromagnetic field in comparison to force lines that Faraday described. By understanding the propagation of electromagnetism as a field emitted by active particles, Maxwell could advance his work on light. At that time, Maxwell believed that the propagation of light required a medium for the waves, dubbed the luminiferous aether. Over time, the existence of such a medium, permeating all space and yet apparently undetectable by mechanical means, proved impossible to reconcile with experiments such as the Michelson–Morley experiment. Moreover, it seemed to require an absolute frame of reference in which the equations were valid, with the distasteful result that the equations changed form for a moving observer. These difficulties inspired Albert Einstein to formulate the theory of Special Relativity; in the process Einstein dispensed with the requirement of a stationary luminiferous aether.

This was a big mistake. As Dr Joseph Farrell has explained in his books, the Michelson-Morley experiment was seriously flawed and has been a means of blindsiding scientists ever since.

I would be interested to know why the article you posted was retracted in 2022. Was pressure brought to bear on the authors perhaps?​
MJF: I seem to recall that the C's once said that scientists had yet to learn something important about the DNA molecule or words to that effect.

I think the quote was something like "core of DNA is a yet undiscovered enzyme related to Carbon" - not sure what session its in. The core may be like an axis or axle around which the helix spirals, one speculation anyway.

SN 1987A was a type II supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. It occurred approximately 51.4 kiloparsecs (168,000 light-years) from Earth and was the closest observed supernova since Kepler's Supernova. 1987A's light reached Earth on February 23, 1987, and as the earliest supernova discovered that year, was labeled "1987A". Its brightness peaked in May of that year, with an apparent magnitude of about 3.

I once had the pleasure of visiting Dublin in late summer of 1987 about the time of the so called harmonic convergence. You could go to the bus station and take day tours out to the surrounding historic sites. Most of the people on the bus were locals so this was not just a tourist thing. The bus would stop at each locale, everybody got off and usually had a pint in the village pub before checking out the historic site, then get on the bus and go a few miles to the next stop, etc. etc.. It made for an interesting day.

The article links to the correction and retraction don't work. Don't know why it was taken down.
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