Poussin's Mountainous Mystery: A Follow-up - Part 2
Et In Arcadia Ego
As those of you familiar with my work will know, I think that the pure crystal skull which the Knights Templar called ‘Baphomet’, the Head of God, is the Grail. Despite people suggesting the Grail is not a device but something more ephemeral, the C’s in the above extract were clearly referring to a device or some physical object that they call the “Mother Stone”. Do I think it is buried in the Pyrenees close to where Laura and the Chateau crew are based, yes, I do. Whether it is buried on Mt Pech Cardou is another matter though. However, we do know that the Templars at their preceptory at nearby Bézu were left unmolested by the forces of Philip IV and therefore had ample time to arrange for the Grail to be hidden, if indeed it was the Templars responsible, for the C’s referred above to a 4th density STO retrieval mission.
However, it is noticeable that the inscription Poussin painted on the tomb or sarcophagus in his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia states “Et in Arcadia Ego”, meaning “And in Arcadia I”. Why did he do so? I do not think he was just seeking to convey the notion that for man death was everywhere, even in the idyllic pastoral setting of Arcadia, as so many scholars think. I believe instead that he meant the Grail (Ego) was literally in Arcadia, for he may well have known that Arcadia had originally been that region of the Pyrenees encompassing the Languedoc in France and Catalonia and parts of Aragon in Spain rather than the Arcadia of classical Greece located in the Peloponnese. I base this on the speculations of Iman Wilkens in his book Where Troy Once Stood, where Wilkens placed the locations of the major states participating in the Trojan War in Northern Europe, with Troy located in what today is the city of Cambridge in England. As Laura has noted, the Arcadians had been subjugated by the power of the Kingdom of Argos, which according to Wilkens encompassed Northern, Central and parts of Southern France, even spreading eastwards into today’s Belgium and Germany. And, as Laura also pointed out, it was the Arcadians who came up with the plan for building a wooden horse as an offering to the Trojans in order to get men inside Troy, forever remembered now as the “Trojan Horse” with all that term conveys to modern computer users. Which draws me back to the reference to “BY THE CROSS AND THIS HORSE OF GOD, I COMPLETE – or DESTROY” in the deciphered text of the secret parchment discovered by Abbé Saunière in his church at Rennes-le-Château, a church he dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene. Could the Trojan Horse, the Horse of God, be depicted in the form of a shadow by Poussin in his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, a horse which only becomes evident when you turn the painting upside down, thus reflecting perhaps the hidden nature of the original Trojan Horse as a decoy by means by which the Greeks or Achaeans gained entry to, and brought around the total destruction of, Troy? Hence, the origin of the expression ‘beware Greeks bearing gifts’.
Q: Then, you also said: 'quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?' Arcadia ...
A: You need to work on that one. The answers to these mysteries are not easily solved, but well worth it!
Q: The chief thing I noticed about Arcadia was, the Arcadians were the enemies of the Trojans, they were the creators of the Trojan Horse - a huge deception... and the Celts are supposed to be the descendants of the refugees from Troy. And, when Hitler came along, one of his ideals was to resurrect Arcadia, and that Germany was going to be the new Arcadia and destroy the 'old corrupt civilization,' which was Troy. Troy is 'three' and is connected to 'Ilium,' and I guess what my question is here is: just who's on first?
A: Who is on second?
If the original Arcadia was located within the region we know today as the Pyrenees, could Hagar/Kore/Meritaten have visited it whilst en route to the British Isles when she fled from Cannan in the company of the Dragon Slayers (the Tuatha de Danaan/), in the personage of Helle? If so, this would make sense of the C’s comment:
A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.
Here, “Trent” may possibly be referring not just to the river Trent in northern England but the city of Troy too, which Laura noted above as meaning “three”. It is interesting therefore that the C’s also connected the term “Trent” to Baphomet:
Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were these spurious accusations designed to defame them?
A: Skull was of pure crystal.
Q: What is the definition of the god 'Baphomet', if they did, indeed, worship such?
A: The holder of the Trent.
Although Rennes-le-Château (which means the House of the Queen in English) does not sit on a crossroads, since it occupies high ground, it is near another town in the region that was a major crossroads in the Bronze Age (the age of Meritaten). This town is modern day Quillan – a major crossroads town about 20 kilometres south of Limoux in the heart of the ancient County of Razès, now in the Aude. The 19th-century author Louis Fédié, who was also an amateur historian and the president of the Société des Arts et Sciences in Carcassonne, popularised the claim that the village of Rennes-le-Château was the ancient city of Rhedae. Rhedae was cited in antiquity as being located at the crossing point of four major roads. However, historians have argued how could this possibly be the case, since Rennes-le-Château is located on an isolated hilltop? In contrast, Quillan is a major crossroads. It seems though that Rennes is located on the same site as the ancient castle of Redae, after which Le Rasez is named.
Many of you will know that I associate Hagar/Kore/Meritaten with the Irish triple goddess Brigid of the Tuatha de Danaan. I think she may also be linked with the ancient British Celtic goddess Elen. Hence, if she did pass through Spain and France on her way to the British Isles, it is important to note that the goddess Brigid (whose name gave rise to the Celtic tribe known as the Brigantes in Britain and Ireland) is also the goddess after which the Spanish city of Brigantia is named. I hope to have more to say on Meritaten’s flight to the British isles in a future post.
If Iman Wilkens is correct in his assumptions, then the parties who fought the Trojan War were northern European Celts, who were forced to migrate for some reason (perhaps a cataclysm had occurred in Northern Europe, which led to a drastic change in the climate) to the Eastern Mediterranean where they became the Greeks of the classical age, taking the place names and the stories of the Trojan War with them. However, the Celts were late comers to this part of North-Western Europe in comparison to the Basques who settled the region long before them. The C’s told us that the Basques were the descendants of Atlantean survivors:
Session 7 October 1994:
Q: (L) Where do the Basques come from?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) Is their language the Atlantean language?
A: Derivative.
But the C’s also told us something else about other emigrants to this region, something related to the ‘holy bloodline’:
Session 2 May 1998:
Q: Okay. Did somebody travel to France carrying some sort of object, or a person who was this 'object,' so to speak, as the 'holy bloodline,' or whatever?
A: Maybe it was carried by those most capable.
Q: And who would be those most capable?
A: Check the geographic link.
Q: I am getting completely confused. I don't have a single clue about what is going on here or even what we are talking about now!
A: Where are the Pyrenees?
Q: On the border between France and Spain.
A: Who lives there?
Q: The Basques, among others. Is that who we are getting at? Or the Alchemists? These beings....
A: Close.
You will note that the C’s only say “
close” in relation to Laura’s mention of the Basques. So, who else settled in this region after the Basques. Well, there was, of course, the Celts, some of whom may have become the Arcadians, but there were also the Phoenicians and the Sephardic Jews, many of whom migrated there post the destruction of the Kingdom of Judea by the Romans in 70 AD, and even later still the Visigoths. As I said earlier, these Jews would establish the unofficial Jewish kingdom of Septimania in the Languedoc on the (French) north-eastern side of the Pyrenees. The region was variously known as Gallia Narbonensis, Gallia, or Narbonensis, with the city of Narbonne acting as its capital (see map below).
The name "Septimania" may derive from the Roman name of the city of
Colonia Julia Septimanorum Baeterrae, which in turn alludes to the settlement of veterans of the Roman VII Legion in the city. The name can also be an allusion to the seven cities (
civitates) of the territory: Béziers, Elne, Agde, Narbonne, Lodève, Maguelonne, and Nimes. Septimania extended to a line halfway between the Mediterranean and the river Garonne in the northwest; in the east the Rhône separated it from Provence; and to the south its boundary was formed by the Pyrenees. See:
Septimania - Wikipedia
However, you will note that this region, which includes Bézu, Rennes-le-Château and the mountain of Pech Cardou was at one time called “
Gallia”. This makes me wonder if this is what the C’s had in mind when they said:
Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or the skull...
A: Try to connect to the Templars.
Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of the Ishmaelis, the Assassini, and is this what they carried into Europe, and then underground?
A: Buried in Galle.
Can we dare to propose here that the C’s might have meant Gallia? Just to confuse things further, when the C’s were asked whether the Galle was Gaul, the name the Romans gave to what later became France, they said:
Q: (L) What is the difference between Galle and Gaul?
A: Clue.
Q: (L) Do they both refer to France?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does Galle refer to Rhineland?
A: Close.
Q: (L) I discovered today that one of the Maltese islands, the one that is now called Gozo, was once called "Gaul." Is that getting closer?
A: Close.
It is odd that the C’s should respond that Galle did not mean Gaul (now France - named after the Germanic Franks) but that it was close to the Rhineland in Germany and close to Gozo in Malta. The Visigoths were, of course, a Germanic tribe who conquered that area of France and Spain and the Phoenicians who had settled in Spain had come via Malta. Hence, by this rather indirect path were they trying to draw our attention to Gallia in the French Pyrenees. I appreciate that subsequently Laura came up with another possible connection to Galle and that was to St. Gallen in Switzerland, which is named after an Irish monk who established what may be the oldest monastery in Catholic mainland Europe:
Q: 'One stone.' And a stein is a cup and a stone at the same time. So, Triesen is in the 'beautiful countryside between the Rhine and the alpine world.' There is an alp called Lawena, nearby Lake Constance, and the Swiss canton of St. Gallen. You said something about being buried in 'Galle' and this seems to have all the related elements collected together... all the key words... so am I...
A: On the right track? It looks good.
In an earlier post titled ‘Buried in Galle’, I looked at the mystery of the Drachenloch (the Dragon’s lair) Cave near Vattis in the Swiss Alps, which is close to the Canton of St Gallen in Switzerland. In 1917, archaeologists found inside the cave an altar, which consisted of a rectangular stone chest with a great stone slab as a lid. Inside the chest seven bear skulls had been placed with their muzzles pointing to the entrance of the cave. Intriguingly, “Galle” in German may mean ‘a godforsaken place’.
In the session dated13 June 1998, when Laura said “... there is an alp called Lawena, nearby Lake Constance, and the Swiss canton of St. Gallen”, the C’s responded: “On the right track? It looks good”.
Subsequently, in the
session dated 21 June 1997 they C’s said:
A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures.
Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.
In that post I argued that the C’s reference to ‘tracks well worn’ may have been to ancient bear tracks, which lead to the Drachenloch (the Dragon’s Lair) near St. Gallen. I also asked in that article whether the Grail could have been hidden there, perhaps by exiled French Knights Templar who had fled France in 1312. It is known that a group of French Knights Templar fleeing France after the suppression of their order found sanctuary in Switzerland and helped some of the Cantons to achieve independence, so helping to establish the modern Swiss Federation. Is it possible they brought Baphomet/the Grail with them and hid it in the Dragon’s Lair to await later retrieval?
Let us propose for the sake of argument that they did hide the Grail there temporarily. Where might they have taken it afterwards? My suspicion is England. If so, this might explain the famous ‘cutting of the elm’ incident at Gisors in 1188. Could that incident have been caused by the fact that the Templars at Gisors possessed the Grail (which could have been found at the ancient city of Petra by the English Knight Templar Ralph de Sudeley – see my earlier article The Knights Templar, Jeremiah and the Ark of the Covenant), who now enjoyed the protection of the English King and did not want to hand it over to the Priory of Sion, who enjoyed the patronage of the French King. If it was subsequently brought to England, where might it have been hidden? The answer to this requires a separate post but the fact that the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar Jaques de Molay happened to visit England prior to his arrest and imprisonment may provide us with a clue. But if the Grail had been in England, where did it go to after that? The answer would seem to be the South of France.
Let us also recall that the Knights Templar are regarded by many as being the progenitors of modern-day Freemasonry, including by Freemasons themselves. There are also strong arguments advocating that the Templars had an inner circle that was aware of secret esoteric knowledge that the outer circle of the order was not privy to. I hope to expand on this point in a follow-up article. Freemasonry itself would also appear to have an elite inner circle, since the C’s have said that the upper or highest levels of Freemasonry are the Illuminati:
Q: (L) How do the Masons relate to the Illuminati?
A: Masons are low level branch.
You may also recall that I have also mentioned a relatively modern secret society or group that has been very influential in the background of world politics in recent years and even has the word “circle”, in its name which is Le Cercle. This leads me to ponder the deeper significance of what the C’s said here in response to Laura speaking about the secret of the Templars and the C’s reference to “buried in Galle”:
Q: (L) Exactly. Anyway, somehow, all this connects backward to something that Solomon used to build his temple, and you told us previously that the secret that the Templars discovered UNDER the temple, was something that related to anti-gravity and that it was ‘buried in Galle.’ So, yes, we are going in circles. Can you comment on my comments?
A: Circles, hmmm...
Q: (L) Yes, they are circles. The next thing we come to is that I discovered that alfalfa, in fact, a very particular type of alfalfa, does, indeed, grow in the German highlands. And, in fact, this alfalfa was brought via a route that you described... as France, Spain, Canary Islands, Morocco. I was asking about this story of the purported travels of Mary Magdalene, and you said that the people were not important, that the message was. You then said that the ‘artifacts hold the key’ and listed this sequence of places. I found a paper on the subject of alfalfa which described this exact route of the spread of alfalfa and its value in farming because it literally replenishes the ground it is grown in. So, it seems that you were describing the route of the alfalfa plant. Can you comment on this?
By circles, were the C’s referring, inter alia, to the inner circle of the Templars that may have been responsible for hiding the Grail and, if so, did they bury it in Galle or Gallia?
Again, the existence of an inner circle possessing secret esoteric knowledge that the outer circle is not aware of would appear to be true of the worldwide Rosicrucian movement too, at least according to the C’s:
Q: Who or what brought about the end of the Knights of the Temple?
A: Rosicrucians move as a "thief in the night."
Q: (L) But, as I understand it, the Rosicrucians did not come into being until after the end of the Templars...
A: No.
Q: (L) Do you mean that the information that came out, that pamphlet about "Christian Rosenkreutz," that is a purported fable, might be correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, goodness sake! The Rosicrucians advertise in magazines!!! Is this worldwide organization that promotes itself so blatantly...
A: Well, the "world-wide" order is not all inclusive.
Q: (L) Is there an inner circle of this order that is unknown?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the Rosicrucians connected to the Masons?
A: In a roundabout away.
Q: (L) Are the Illuminati connected to the Rosicrucians in any way?
A: Same.
Q: (L) Of the three I have named, which would be considered the one that is closest to the inner circle?
A: Not the correct concept.
Later in that session, Laura asked the C’s a question about the Priory of Sion, which played a major part in Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent’s book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. We should note here the C’s response to Laura’s query:
Q: (L) The Priory of Zion, that has been purported to be the progenitor or inheritor of the Templar tradition, is that a mystical organization of great secrecy and import?
A: It is a cover for.
Q: (L) Another smoke-screen.
A: Yes.
I would therefore ask whether the Priory of Sion was in fact a cover for the Rosiscrucians, since the C’s have hinted that the Rosicrucians have a much older pedigree than people realise since they are the modern day counterparts of the Rosteem. But this mention of the Rosicrucians brings us back to the issue of circles again and comments the C’s made, which appeared to link the Rosicrucians with Stonehenge (a circular stone structure, which the C’s said was built by the Druids):
Session 12 July 1997:
Q: Okay! I can accept that! What was Berenger Saunière collecting all those rocks for?
A: What about conductor?
Q: What do you mean?
A: What conducts?
Q: Was he building a little Stonehenge?
A: Have you researched the power of Stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in?
Q: Yes, we are bit by bit collecting things...
A: Well? And crop circles? Amazing connections... And what of "The Rosy Cross?"
Q: Well, this is what we are looking at! I have even discovered that Sir Francis Bacon's name is even derived from "beech," and that his Latin signature has the gematria number of 17 - and January 17 is the feast day of St. Anthony, who replaced St. Augustine in this affair somewhat... and I have connected the Rosicrucians all over the blasted planet, for crying out loud! And, who is who here? Just who are the good guys?
A: Airports are used by both.
Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean?
A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer.
Q: You mean there is a TDARM at the Denver Airport?
A: Not that simple... and much, much deeper meaning
Q: Okay, what is this P-S related to that appears on the stone slab from the Rennes le Chateau churchyard? Everybody is talking about the "Priory of Sion." But what does this P-S mean? Is that it?
A: Look into ancient tongues...
Q: Ancient tongues? Get me a little closer to it!
A: Swords, daggers pierce...
Q: Is this P-S something about "Percy?" Swords, daggers, pierce... Damascus? Damascus steel? [
MJF: The Assassins, who had an unusual relationship with the Knights Templar were strongly connected to Damascus and normally used daggers to assassinate their victims, as did the Jewish Sicarii or “dagger men” of the 1st century AD.]
A: Search for learning.
Q: Okay. Now, I have got this "Et in Arcadia ego" rearranged to "Tiena arca Ida geo." Am I onto something here, or am I nowhere near it?
A: Close. [
MJF:OR “I Tego Arcana Dei” – "Begone! I conceal the secrets of God".]
Q: And we have the Rho-Chi for Rosy Cross, and we have the Ida, which is Tejeda on Tenerife, and we have the REDDIS, which I am interpreting as Rhedae, or Rhea, which is another name for Ceres or Demeter, and REGIS as Dionysus, one being the earth and the other being the spirit, and the CELLIS being the feminine principle, and the Arcis being the masculine principle... and then we have this Prae-cum which is above the spider image. Why is the arrow pointing from the P-S down to the spider? What is the spider?
A: You know of the spider! [
MJF: But was the spider really an octopus, a symbol that relates to a modern secret society that’s roots date all the way back to Atlantis? Could there be a link here to the subterranean Nation of the Third Eye?]
Q: Well, yes, but I know what I know, but I don't know if I am getting anywhere!
A: You will when you connect "the dots."
Q: Connect the dots... My God! Swords, daggers.... I GET IT!
A: It is the "destiny!"
But what of the connection between the Rosicrucians and the Druids who built Stonehenge in England [
MJF: Could the Grail have once been based there when it was the Cloister of Ambrius?]. The C’s seemed to confirm there was such a connection in the
session dated 31 May 1997:
Q: Well, I came to the conclusion that the Rosicrucians are just the new incarnation of the Druids. I mean, the Druids disappeared and the Rosicrucians appeared not too long afterward.
A: Partially.
Q: Julius Caesar had a standard policy of religious toleration. The only exception seems to have been the Druids. He was determined to stamp them out. Why?
A: Their mysterious powers. .
Q: Where did they get these mysterious powers?
A: Knowledge passed down.
It is worth noting here that this session also involved a discussion of the famous statue of the Virgin of Candelaria, which miraculously appeared in Tenerife in the year 1198 AD. The C’s had said elsewhere that the statue was related to certain artefacts that hold the key to the mystery, and these artefacts were buried in France, Spain, Canary Islands and Morocco:
Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a strange icon appeared on the island long before the conquest, long before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The natives were the big, blond types. They said that they knew this icon was divine because following its appearance, there were processions of angels, or divine beings, up and down the beach where it appeared, lights, smells, chanting and singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?
A: Teleportation.
Q: Who teleported it there?
A: The "Celts".
The C’s also connected the Rosicrucians to the mystery of Oak Island and to the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees, which I have speculated in this article could be based near to Mt. Pech Cardou:
Session 3 May 1997:
Q: Seeing the unseen. You mentioned once before that the "Rosicrucians act as a thief in the night." You also mentioned that I ought to dig into the Rosicrucians, and I went to the University library, and it was essentially missing...
A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favourite island by the "beech." Horticulturally, please, and family.
Q: Oak Island?
A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries. [
MJF: The C’s confirmed elsewhere that the enclave of alchemists located in the Pyrenees was connected to the Rosicrucians via the 'Great Council of the Elect', as referred to in one of the Rosicrucian manifestos.]
As to the buried artefacts the C’s referred to above, at least one of which is supposedly buried somewhere in southern France, could this particular artefact be the Grail, which the C’s have said was buried in Galle? Is this also the same object which the dark magician Jay Weidner was looking for when he hypnotised Laura during one of the sessions he did with Laura and the C’s?
Session 26 February 2002:
Q: (L) Jay Weidner says that there is something in the south of France that is very, very evil. Is correct in this assessment?
A: Not really. But those guarding the secrets might be termed as such. Also, they wish to make others think thus. Machiavelli!
Could those guarding the secrets include the inner circle of the Rosicrucians, who may well be linked with the secret enclave of alchemists based in the Pyrenees and in turn with the ancient Rosteem of Giza and the subterranean Nation of the Third Eye? Afterall, Nicolas Poussin, the artist who painted The Shepherds of Arcadia, was allegedly a Rosicrucian at a time when their writings and influence were spreading far and wide throughout Europe. We also know that he incorporated hidden details within his paintings for those who had an awareness of such things. He was also known by the title “keeper of secrets”. Was the secret he was hiding in plain sight in his painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia the location of the Grail?
If Poussin was connected to the Rosicrucians, which included men in their ranks like Sir Francis Bacon who could have been their Grand Master, and in turn with the enclave of alchemists, let us recall then that the C’s were not very complimentary about this group of alchemists:
Session 16 September 1995:
Q: (RC) And the guy died... (L) That's interesting... Okay, change of subject. Back when we were talking about the pit on Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved Nicholas Flamel?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this the group that you referred to as "The Quorum" in a previous session?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) Do these alchemists use this power as talked about by David Hudson to enhance their longevity and their physical health?
A: And to control.
Q: (L) Are there people in this enclave who live for literally hundreds, if not thousands, of years?
A: Open.
Q: (L) How does this monoatomic gold control others?
A: Too complex to answer tonight, as energy is waning.
[MJF: The C’s subsequently told Laura in the session dated 18 November 1995 that the ingestion of monoatomic gold leads to the“ Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul”.]
You will notice from the above that the C’s are telling us that the enclave of alchemists is connected to the Quorum, and they use their power via monoatomic gold to control, which is clearly an STS action. The C’s told us more about the enclave of alchemists in a follow-up session dated 24 September 1995:
Q: (L) Okay, square one: Is the quorum composed of humans who have been alchemists, who are presently in possession of a substance called "the elixir of life" and which David Hudson calls "monoatomic gold?"
A: And much, much more! Monoatomic gold is but one minor issue here. Why get lead astray by focusing upon it solely. It would be akin to focusing on the fact that "Batman" can fly! Is that the only important thing that "Batman" does in the story? Is it?
Q: (L) Of course not! (R) Batman fights crime!
A: What we mean is that alchemy is but one minor piece of the puzzle.
Q: (L) Okay, I understand. But, understanding the alchemical connection, and its potential for extending life and opening certain abilities, makes it more feasible to think of a group that has been present steadily and consistently for many thousands of years on earth.
A: They are not the only ones! [
MJF: This could be a reference to the Brotherhood of the Serpent established by the Reptilians and to the Freemasons, whose origins the C’s said date back to the Osirians, and whose upper echelons are controlled by the Illuminati. In turn, they would appear to have links with the subterranean Nation of the Third Eye and possibly with the secret order represented by the S-Men referred to in Morris Jessup’s book The Case for the UFO.]
Q: (L) Oh! I knew I was opening a can of worms!
Hence, we are looking at a far more complex control structure, one that includes the Quorum, which the C’s described as a “Deeper knowledge organization. Totally secret to your kind as of yet. Very important with regard to your future”. We should also recall here that the C’s said that the Quorum is mostly alien whereas the Illuminati is mostly human. However, it is important to note, especially at this pivotal moment in human history as a grand cycle draws to a conclusion, that the Quorum performs another function and that is as “watchers” who keep track on prophecies (which reminds me of the rebel angels or watchers of the Book of Enoch who rebelled and seemingly went against a level 7, ‘prime directive’ by intermixing their genetics and interfering with mankind’s development:
Q: (L) How is the Quorum important in regard to the Earth changes?
A: Watchers.
Q: (L) Why is it important to have watchers?
A: Keep track of prophecies.
Andrew Collins’ Vision
I have previously referred to a psychic vision which Andrew Collins had at the end of his own quest for the Grail, as related in his book
Twenty-First Century Grail. Having found a strange key at the end of his quest, he then used it for a psychometry reading in an attempt to learn something of its history. In setting out below what Collins saw in his psychic vision; we obviously need to take on trust what he describes seeing as he relates in his book. I am not asking anybody to accept this account verbatim or at all, but I include it here since it does open up possibilities as regards the present whereabouts of the Grail, recalling here that the Cs said the Grail had been
"retrieved" and put away for safe keeping” by a 4th density STO mission. Here is what Collins said:
“Only flashes of the future and the past came – seven churches in Rome, underground catacombs, the Order of the Apocalypse, a castle aligned to the sun, the Chateau of Arques, and a horse and cart departing from a large fortified medieval citadel in the heart of the French Languedoc. In the front seat were two monks dressed in simple brown hoods. Once they were out of range, they reached behind and pulled away a sackcloth covering to reveal the presence of the Head of God, the two-faced reliquary previously in the hands of the Knights Templar and smuggled out of England with the help of the White Canons*. Realising their dangerous mission was almost over, and that the priceless relic was now safe, the two men turned to each other and smiled knowingly, as they continued the journey unhindered towards their final destination.”
*The White Canons are the monastic order of the Roman Catholic Church known as the Premonstratensians, otherwise known in England as the Norbertines (who still have a presence in England).
There is much in this passage from Collins’ book that piques my interest, given what I have discussed above. The fact that he saw a castle aligned to the sun, which may be the Blanchefort Tower near to Mt. Pech Cardou, as painted by Poussin in two of his works. He then mentions the
Chateau of Arques, which again is near to Mt. Pech Cardou and to the site of the tomb depicted in Poussin’s painting of
The Shepherds of Arcadia. We learn that the two monastic figures were departing from a fortified medieval citadel (Narbonne?) in heart of the Languedoc, which we now know fell within the Roman province of
Gallia (Galle?). Moreover, they are carrying a two-faced reliquary (N.B. reminiscent of the two-headed Roman god Janus), something they viewed as representing the Head of God or Baphomet, the pure crystal skull. Could this mission Collins and his psychic friend Richard saw be the 4th density STO rescue mission involving the Grail that the C’s spoke of above?
I would make the observation that the Chateau of Arques seems to me to resemble the tower structure depicted in Poussins paintings of the
Triumph of Bacchus and the
Sacrament of Baptism (which could feasibly be an indirect reference to ‘Baphomet’ – the ‘Baptism of Metis’). I set out below a recent photograph of the well-preserved Chateau of Arques together with close-ups of the towers as depicted in Poussin’s paintings so you can make your own comparison. If correct, this may mean that the Blanchefort Tower, which is to the west of Pech Cardou and was a Templar watchtower rather than a major castle, may be a red herring and the Grail castle was in fact the Chateau of Arques. If anyone has strong views on this, please feel free to post your comments on the thread.

Close-up of the small tower in Triumph of Bacchus and Sacrament of Baptism

The Château d’Arques
The Goddess Cardea
There is in fact a Knights Templar cross on the top of Mt. Pech Cardou. In French “
Pech” means “
sin” or transgression. “
Cardou” is also supposedly Irish for, "
second teeth" (if true, could this be an indirect reference to the Nephilim, who allegedly had a double row of teeth?). However, the name may also have a connection with the goddess
Cardea, or
Carda, the ancient Roman goddess of the door hinge (from the Latin
cardo, cardinis), Roman doors being hung on pivot hinges. The goddess has also been conflated with another archaic goddess named
Carna, as it has been conjectured (by the Roman poet Ovid amongst other) that
Carna was a contracted form of
Cardina, which links with the Roman adjective
cardinalis that in English becomes the adjective
cardinal, as in ‘of cardinal importance’, which also applies to the cardinal points of the compass and the four main winds, for winds were considered as under the sole direction of the Great Goddess until classical times. Indeed,
Robert Graves (see below) viewed Cardea as
the White Goddess under one of her many appellations. As Cardea she ruled over the Celestial Hinge at the back of the North Wind, where she had her starry castle close to the polar hinge (the Pole Star Polaris) around which the millstone of the Universe revolves (ref.
Hamlet’s Mill). He also makes the observation that we know from a song attributed to Orpheus by Appollonius Rhodius that the queen of the Circling Universe, Eurynome, alias
Cardea, was identical with
Rhea of Crete; thus, Rhea lived at the axle of the mill, whirling around without motion.
However, Rhea may also be identified as
Rhedae and, as we learned above, she has a special link with the region in which Rennes-le-Château is situated. Indeed, I would ask whether she is in fact the queen after which Rennes-le-Château (‘House of the Queen’) is named and, if so, was the Grail ever kept there at one time in antiquity? As Laura astutely noted Rhedae or
Rhea is another name for
Ceres or Demeter and it is quite possible, therefore, that the figure of the shepherdess in Poussin’s painting
The Shepherds of Arcadia is Demeter, who in turn is Rhea, Rhedae and Cardea. If so, was Poussin deliberately making this connection between Cardea (after which the mountain in the background of the painting is named) and the Grail? I have previously suggested in other articles and posts that if Poussin’s painting was a map, as suggested by the C’s, then it might well be a star map for use by those who followed the ancient practices of
geomancy (as the Ancient Egyptians, the Celts, the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians certainly did) with its connections between the layout of the heavens, star formations, and the terrain of the Earth - applying the Hermetic doctrine of ‘as above, so below’. Recall here that the figures in Poussin’s painting, Hercules, Castor and Pollux, all correspond with various star constellations, with the female figure possibly representing Virgo (although, as she is seemingly pregnant, it could be Cassiopea instead). I hope to develop this star map theme in a later post.
Cardea was a goddess who policed the threshold or boundaries (limina) of domesticity. Ovid writes of her: "
By means of her divine presence (numen) she opens things that have been closed and closes things that have been opened." While hinges may seem insignificant, having control of them provided Cardea with great power that she used for good. As the English poet and mythologist Robert Graves said of Cardea in his book
The White Goddess “
she was the hinge on which the year swung.” Because of her gift, Cardea was revered as the protector of children. As a protective goddess, she was responsible for guarding homes and buildings from malevolent forces. Romans believed that she had the power to avert evil spirits and bring blessings to those under her watchful eye.
She was also associated with Janus, the Roman god of beginnings, and she thus symbolised the transition between the past and the future. Janus, known for his two faces representing the past and the future, found solace in Cardea’s ability to perceive the present—an aspect he himself lacked. Their union brought forth
a third face for Janus, visible only to Cardea, and together they became the gods of locks, hinges, and doorways (portals). This connection symbolised the harmony between the past, present, and future.
Given that Andrew Collins saw in his vision two monks carrying a two-faced reliquary on their cart, leads me to think that if this was the Grail, then the figure of Janus as a two-headed god facing the past and the future simultaneously may suggest a legacy connected to the Grail. Indeed, I have connected the Grail directly to the Mother Goddess. who is also the White Goddess of Robert Graves. Hence, it is interesting to note in this context that Graves claimed in his book that Janus was perhaps not originally double-headed, and he may have borrowed this peculiarity from the Goddess herself who at the
Carmentalia, the Carmenta festival in early January, was addressed by the celebrants as Postvorta and Antevorta –‘
she who looks both back and forward’.
The idea of a third face of Janus symbolising the harmony between the past, present, and future may also mirror the threefold nature of the triple god or goddess, as represented by goddesses like the Celtic Brigid, and it may also establish a connection to the three gorgons where the
Medusa was the only one of the three sisters who was mortal and could therefore be killed (as she was by Perseus) since she may have represented the present. As commentators have noted, the story of Perseus slaying the Medusa and cutting of her head may be viewed as one of the earliest stories depicting a quest for the Grail. If the Grail really is the pure crystal skull the Knights Templar revered as Baphomet, which may have had a double face or been double-headed, then the figure of Janus and the head of Medusa (with its wild writhing snakes representing wisdom – Metis) would seem very apt.
In ancient Roman folklore, Cardea’s name became synonymous with witches and practitioners of magic. It was believed that Cardea bestowed her followers with magical powers, particularly those related to divination and spellcasting. To recognise Cardea’s pivotal role in Roman society, special celebrations and rituals were held in her honour. These gatherings marked significant transitions, such as the start of a new year or the opening of important doors. See: ttps://oldworldgods.com/romans/cardea-roman-goddess/ for more on this
Cardea’s domain included not only the literal doors and gates but also the
gates of knowledge, opportunity, and
transformation. The portrayal of Cardea with keys and locks depicted her as the
custodian of passage and protection. Sculptures showcased her holding keys, representing her role in unlocking doors and protecting homes. How apt then when you consider that Andrew Collins gained his psychic vision by means of a psychometric reading of a strange key he and his companions had found in mysterious circumstances outside an ancient English church right under the noses of a group of sinister hooded figures who were carrying out a ritual inside the church at the dead of night, which involved low chants in Latin (the Vicar responsible for the church subsequently confirmed that he knew nothing of these men and confirmed that they were definitely not any choir that he had authorised to use the church for choir practice). For some reason this makes me think of Collins’ reference to the
Order of the Apocalypse. If such an order really does exist, could it be controlled by the Quorum who the C’s said acted as watchers who keep track of prophecies? What greater prophecy is there than the Apocalypse with all of its end of the world symbolism?
As to the relevance of a key, this makes me think of the following exchange between Laura and the C’s:
Q: So, the Percys DID know something. I understand that the Percy family has a collection of 62 alchemical manuscripts... which is actually how I found out about Alnwick - I was tracking these alchemical texts....
A: But if you go there, do not ask for the key!
Q: Does the current head of the family know the secret?
A: Getting "warmer."
Q: Has this person also been pursuing the secret?
A: Pour suivant.
Q: What does that mean, Frank? (F) For, to follow. (T) Why did you say that in French?
A: Look for clues, and do not have expectations!
The fact that the C’s used a French expression meaning “for following” in relation to the secret (alchemy), suggests they were pointing to France. However, it is their reference to not asking for the key, which they stressed with an exclamation mark, that intrigues me. Perhaps there is an odd synchronicity here that when Andrew Collins went on his Grail hunt, he ended up finding an old, strangely shaped key buried near to the wall of an old country church. Andrew Collins and his companions have certainly participated in their fair share of treasure hunts (recall the Green Stone and related short sword) over the years, but the C’s have also encouraged Laura to participate in her own treasure hunt too: “A: Much else... You know how you like treasure hunts, Laura?!? Then learn to like this one.” As to the key to the mystery of Rennes-le-Château and Poussin’s painting etc., the C’s once told Laura this:
Q: (L) You said at one point that I should transfer the search to the United States and quit messing around in Europe. I have pored over maps for days, I have examined the index in the Atlas, and, aside from Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Tempe, Arizona, and the Plains of San Augustin, Socorro, Roswell, Magdalena, etc., nothing has really caught my eye. None of those places configure in any way that makes sense to me. Can you help me out here?
A: Horseheads, N.Y.
Q: (L) Does this mean.... Horsehead, New York?
A: Horseheads.
Q: (A) In what way is this to be related?
A: Is a key. Need lots of keys to unlock the house of gables.*
*The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance is a Gothic novel written in mid-1850 by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in April 1851. The novel follows a New England family and their ancestral home. In the book, Hawthorne explores themes of guilt, retribution, and atonement, and colours the tale with suggestions of the supernatural and witchcraft. The setting for the book was inspired by the Turner-Ingersoll Mansion, a gabled house in Salem Massachusetts, belonging to Hawthorne's cousin Susanna Ingersoll, as well as ancestors of Hawthorne who had played a part in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The book was well received upon publication and later had a strong influence on the work of H. P. Lovecraft. It is also possible that by “keys” they may be referring to musical keys as well.
Q: (L) Seven. Seven keys. Aaaaah... there’s Horsecave, Kentucky...
A: Anywhere near Mammoth Cave?
Q: (L) Yes, I believe so. Help me out here!
A: We are.
Q: (L) I feel like I just got picked up by the ‘great Roc’ and carried across the ocean and dropped, ‘SPLAT’ in the middle of another continent, without a clue about where to look!
A: We did not say “quit messing around in Europe.” Just do not limit it to that.
Q: (L) Well, I STILL want to know what is at the root of the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, and why all this ‘cottage industry’ in treasure hunting is going on there...
A: Treasure hunters lack patience in their quest.
It is odd that the C’s should refer to
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Gothic romance novel
The House of the Seven Gables, a tale with suggestions of the supernatural and witchcraft – Hawthorne’s ancestors having played a part in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The reason I mention this is that apart from Cardea being a goddess associated with
locks and keys, in Roman folklore, Cardea’s name also became synonymous with witches and practitioners of magic. Moreover, a popular Roman legend associated Cardea with the
hawthorn tree, a symbol of protection and enchantment in folklore. It is said that Cardea had the power to bless hawthorn trees, ensuring their magical properties protected homes and ward off evil spirits. Cardea’s connection to the hawthorn tree represented her role as a guardian of thresholds and her ability to keep negative energies at bay. As Ovid said of Cardea, when apparently quoting a Roman religious formula: “
Her power is to open what is shut; to shut what is open”. As to keys, Ovid also identified Cardea with the Roman goddess Carnea, who was viewed as holding the keys of the Underworld.
Thus, how curious it is that in response to Laura pursuing the keys required to unlock the mystery of Rennes-le-Château (at the root of which is ultimately the Grail), the C’s should mention to Laura a book written by a man named “Hawthorne”. Given how subtle the C’s clues can be, were they using Hawthorne and his book to direct us to
Pech Cardou via the Roman goddess
Cardea? Which reminds me that the C’s once told Laura in relation to her line of questioning about the special bloodline: “
A: Want revelations? Prepare for "Treasure" Hunt.”

Statue of Cardea
But a door is also a portal, and it therefore seems apt that the Romans should name the mountain after a goddess who is concerned with knowledge, transformation and the protection of passage. Were the Romans aware, perhaps through local legends, that there was some sort of portal or window in the area?
However, the Celts (Gauls) occupied this part of France long before the coming of the Roman conquerors. Hence, I wonder if the name “Cardou” may have also represented a Celtic goddess, who was then replaced by the Roman goddess Cardea? The goddess I have in mind is Car. Indeed, if the “dou” in the name of the mountain is an abbreviation of the French word “douce” meaning “sweet” in English, the name of the mountain could then be read as “sweet Car”. Indeed, as Laura noted, when the Rosicrucian manifesto referred to the Philosophers of Dancar, (‘Dancar’ being Doncaster in Yorkshire, England), they could have meant the’ philosophers of the goddess Car’:
Q: Okay. Tracking the Triple Goddess back to the oldest references, we get to Kali Ma. There are all kinds of derivations of this name, but the thing that strikes me is the relationship to the goddess Kell, or Kella, as well as to the word kell, Celts, and how this might be transformed into the word 'Cassiopaea.' Can you comment on this?
A: Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?
Q: Yes. So. What does 'green' have to do with it?
A: Keep searching... learning is accomplished thusly, and learning is fun!
Q: Yes. I know. Okay, if that is related to Celts, then it must also relate to the Goddess 'Car' which would make the 'philosophers of Dancar' the philosophers of the Goddess Car, the equine term for 'mother' being 'dam' which could easily be converted to 'Dan,' not to mention the relation to the Goddess Danae...
A: Need now to turn you research to Malta.
Q: Yes. So. What does 'green' have to do with it?
A: Keep searching... learning is accomplished thusly, and learning is fun!
Among the ancient British pantheon of gods, the goddess Car stands out as a mysterious and powerful figure. Car, also known as Cale, Io, and Ioua the Moon, is a multifaceted goddess associated with various aspects of nature and magic. Here are some of her intriguing facets:
- Cailleach Dubh (Dark Old Woman): Car embodies the primal forces of the land, often depicted as an aged crone. She is the guardian of the wild places, the moors, and the mountains.
- Scathach: Car is also linked to the warrior tradition. As Scathach, she imparts martial skills and wisdom to those who seek her guidance.
- Bera, Bride, and Scotia: In Scotland, Car takes on different names, including Bera, Bride, and Scotia. These variations highlight her connection to the land, the moon, and the cycles of life.
Car’s presence weaves through the ancient British landscape, infusing it with magic, mystery, and reverence. She is both the guardian of the wild and the guide to inner transformation.
From my perspective, I find it interesting that Car should be linked in Scotland with Bride (the Scottish version of the goddess Brigit or Brigid of the Tuatha de Danaan) and Scotia, since both these personages are linked, to my way of thinking, with Princess Meritaten/Hagar/Kore and Helle. Meritaten, as Akhenaten’s daughter, would have had access to the Grail before it was stolen by her mother Nefertiti (in the guise of Rachel in the Bible) and handed over to Abraham/Moses.
Car, the ancient British goddess, was revered and worshipped in various ways across Britain. Her cult practices were deeply intertwined with the natural world, the changing seasons, and the cycles of life. Aspects of her worship included:
- Sacred Sites and Landscapes:
- Cairns and Stone Circles: Car was associated with ancient burial mounds, stone circles, and other sacred sites. These places were believed to be portals to the Otherworld, where she held sway.
- Mountains and High Places: As the guardian of wild places, Car was especially revered in mountainous regions. Peaks like Ben Nevis (Scotland) and Snowdon (Wales) were considered her abodes. [MJF: This could equally apply to Pech Cardou, since the Gauls in what is today southern France were the Brythonic, Celtic cousins of the British Celts.]
- Festivals and Rituals:
- Samhain: The festival of Samhain (celebrated around 31st October) marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was a time when the veil between worlds was thin, and Car was honoured as the Cailleach, the Dark Old Woman (the Crone).
- Imbolc: Around February 1st, Imbolc celebrated the first signs of spring. Car, in her aspect as Bride, was honoured as the returning light and the awakening earth.
- Offerings and Symbols:
- Stones and Crystals: Offerings of stones, crystals, and other natural objects were made at sacred sites associated with Car.
- Moon Symbolism: Car’s connection to the moon was strong. Lunar phases, especially the full moon, were significant in her worship.
The origin of the name “Car” is shrouded in the mists of time, much like the goddess herself. Etymologically, it is challenging to pinpoint a single source, but here are some intriguing possibilities:
- Celtic Roots:
Old Welsh: In Old Welsh, “Car” means “beloved” or “dear”. This interpretation adds a layer of tenderness to the goddess’s enigmatic persona [
MJF: which could link with the French word “douce” meaning sweet as abbreviated to “dou”].
- Pre-Celtic Influences:
Some scholars propose that Car’s name might have pre-Celtic origins, connecting it to ancient European deities or nature spirits. These primordial beings often had names tied to natural elements and landscapes.
- Linguistic Shifts and Adaptations:
Over time, linguistic shifts and regional variations transformed the goddess’s name. Different cultures and dialects would have pronounced and adapted the name in diverse ways.
On that last point, since the Celts were Indo-Europeans, one might speculate whether Car had any connections with Indian Hindu female deities. In previous posts, for example, we have looked at the link between the Black Madonna cult in Europe, which some view as a smokescreen for the Mother Goddess, and the Hindu goddess Kali. This notion is supported by the fact that Kali is called Kali Mata ("the dark mother") and also kālī which can be read here either as a proper name or as a description "the dark or black one". Although the word Kālī appears as early as the Atharva Veda, the first use of it as a proper name is in the Kathaka Grhya Sutra. Kali originated as a tantrik and non-Vedic Goddess. Her roots are most probably connected to the Pre Aryan-Period. If so, that would suggest her roots may have lain with the Paranthas, the third Atlantean race according to the C’s:
Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?
A: The Paranthas.
To which they later added:
Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?
A: Descendants of Paranthas, as per "Divine guidance".
The C’s have subsequently confirmed that these descendants of the Paranthas were the archaic ancestors of the Tamils/Dravidians of India. With this possible connection between Car and Kali in mind, we should return to Laura’s question: “What does 'green' have to do with it?“.
Kelly Green and Kali
The C’s posed the question “Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?” with an exclamation mark evidently for a reason. The Celts were Indo-Europeans who may have absorbed a lot of Hindu religious philosophy into their own cosmology as they passed through Asia on their way to Europe and the Middle East. There is, of course one Hindu divinity whose name sounds similar to “Kelly” and that is the goddess, Kali. Surprisingly, she has a connection to the colour green:
- Emerald Green: Contrary to the common perception of Kali being entirely black, she is not monochromatic. Instead, she possesses a sparkling emerald green colour. This vibrant hue adds depth to her multifaceted nature. In some depictions, Kali’s fierce form is adorned with this striking green shade, emphasising her power and intensity.
- Offerings: Devotees honour Kali by offering her food. Interestingly, she is specifically presented with stale food using the emerald or left hand. This ritual acknowledges her transformative energy and her role in both creation and destruction.
Thus, Kali embodies paradoxes — simultaneously fierce and compassionate, dark and radiant. Her green aspect symbolises life force, renewal, and the cyclical nature of existence. This renewal aspect of her nature therefore corresponds with that associated with the Mother Goddess figures found throughout the ancient world including Isis, Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte, Demeter etc. However, Kali has no permanent qualities. Hence, she will continue to exist even when the universe ends. This notion takes us back to Joseph Farrell’s concept of the “primordial nothingness” or the dynamic aether, quantum foam, information field etc. from which the material universe derives.
Kali's most common four armed iconographic image shows each hand carrying variously a Khadga (crescent-shaped sword or a giant sickle), a
trishul (
trident), a severed head, and a bowl or skull-cup (
kapāla) collecting the blood of the severed head. This is the form of Bhima Kali. It is curious that this depiction of Kali should involve a trident, a severed head and a skull-cap used for collecting blood. The severed head reminds me of the story of Perseus and the Medusa, where Perseus killed the Medusa and gave her severed head to his protectress, the goddess Athena (the daughter of Zeus and Metis) who then wore it as a trophy from her belt. Athena was also called "
Tritogeneia" whose significance remains unclear. In Ovid's
Metamorphoses, Athena is occasionally referred to as "Tritonia" as well. A possible meaning of Tritogeneia may be "triple-born" or "third-born", which
may refer to a triad or to her status as the third daughter of Zeus or the fact she was born from Metis, Zeus, and herself. However, this triple-aspect reminds me of the word “Trent” (which could be an abbreviation of “Trident”, a weapon carried both by the Greek god of the sea Poseidon and his son Triton) and the link the C’s made to that term with Baphomet, the Head of God venerated by the Knights Templar:
Q: What is the definition of the god 'Baphomet,' if they did, indeed, worship such?
A: The holder of the Trent.
This triple aspect of Athena may even reflect in the name of Troy, the capital city of the Trojans who venerated
Pallas Athena, since “Troy” means “three”. As to Athena’s connection to Troy, the
palladium was a statue of Athena that was said to have stood in her temple on the Trojan Acropolis. Athena was said to have carved the statue herself in the likeness of her dead friend Pallas. The statue had special talisman-like properties and it was thought that, as long as it was in the city, Troy could never fall. In some ways this reminds me of the Ark of the Covenant, whose possession made the Israelites invincible in battle. Could there be a connection between the two things? It is curious then that the river which flows through the counties of Yorkshire and Staffordshire (where Alton Towers is located) is called the Trent, which brings us back to Arcadia once more since the C’s have said:
A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.
The reference to “Trent” here seems to suggest a place name rather than an object and makes one think both of Troy and/or the river Trent (which mean the 'wanderer') in England, which flows through territory once held by the Celtic Brigantes tribe, who are named after the goddess Brigantia, Brigid or Bride.
Continued in Part 3