Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I think anything is possible, and perhaps the meat of the matter is; How would one respond in such a situation. Would it be a fear response, and if so why.

Or would one be inclined to go with the flow, find solutions and believe the DCM is actual and cherishes even its "smallest" true reflections

In the sense that, in many ways; How would that situation be better or worse than the current one

Yep ... well it will be as it will be, but also as C7S many time stated here, we can affect the outcome too if we get enough knowledge where and when to make new trun, and if one is more with alignment with the flow, less with refusal and fear, chang will be done.

I see it there is two lines of possible propaganda, that are fishing people's minds into two direction:

1. Intentional fear producing around anything - STS - Entropic forces - intentional result - destruction

2. Step by step introduction to all kinds of possible non expected and "crazy" things, development of imagination around that thing and beyond, and practice to overcome fears and guilt - STO - creative forces - intentional result - new creation, new experiences or innovation.

Those who will choose not covertly hiding anything, in order to trick anyone later on, but maybe hiding only in situaitons of external considering, but align with the flow of objective relaity no metter is it friendly or not, while at the same time modulating inventions too best fit to be saved from destruction, it is the chaleng of creation ... and through the course of interplay, some will become natural, some will be dropped off … as the nature of creation in this relm.

For example if this happens all of a sudden people will be killed on the roller coaster as it will break up or so, and it willi fuel enough energy into the air for some plasma creature will come down etc ... it will instantly produce gallons of fear, shock, and dissolution of trust, so if they pretending to have amusement parks, while at the same time they producing supernatural phenomenon that freeze human bloods and put humans into state of zombies when exposed to during the shocking adrenalin crazynes, than if we see the covert intent, we can still play with this fear adrenalin production machine, but not buying the final story as surprise. So all experiences will be exercised :))) ... and covert will to destroy people will be seen and non effective.

I also asked the owner of the Euro Park about htis Tesla invention on - "Turning people into energy". I asked him if he can sned me patents and Tesla writings about that. We will see what he wil answer.

What was for me here is the attempt to repeat the history to put in front row Croats as the main and most blood thirsty fascist of all time, and if all fail again they will be the worst supporters of NWO agenda in the world again. But I am doubting the real mans are aware of that. They are simple ego driven folks, stupid non educated, just rich, and they hope also with wishful thinking to "win" this time, and become masters of this world, to revitalize maybe some of the Habsburg bloodline relations etc … which will not happen any way, as their master has only one goal more pain and suffering, what involves at the end destruction of them too.

So some will repate the cycle, some will not ...
Yep ... well it will be as it will be, but also as C7S many time stated here, we can affect the outcome too if we get enough knowledge where and when to make new trun, and if one is more with alignment with the flow, less with refusal and fear, chang will be done.

I see it there is two lines of possible propaganda, that are fishing people's minds into two direction:

1. Intentional fear producing around anything - STS - Entropic forces - intentional result - destruction

2. Step by step introduction to all kinds of possible non expected and "crazy" things, development of imagination around that thing and beyond, and practice to overcome fears and guilt - STO - creative forces - intentional result - new creation, new experiences or innovation.

Those who will choose not covertly hiding anything, in order to trick anyone later on, but maybe hiding only in situaitons of external considering, but align with the flow of objective relaity no metter is it friendly or not, while at the same time modulating inventions too best fit to be saved from destruction, it is the chaleng of creation ... and through the course of interplay, some will become natural, some will be dropped off … as the nature of creation in this relm.

For example if this happens all of a sudden people will be killed on the roller coaster as it will break up or so, and it willi fuel enough energy into the air for some plasma creature will come down etc ... it will instantly produce gallons of fear, shock, and dissolution of trust, so if they pretending to have amusement parks, while at the same time they producing supernatural phenomenon that freeze human bloods and put humans into state of zombies when exposed to during the shocking adrenalin crazynes, than if we see the covert intent, we can still play with this fear adrenalin production machine, but not buying the final story as surprise. So all experiences will be exercised :))) ... and covert will to destroy people will be seen and non effective.

I also asked the owner of the Euro Park about htis Tesla invention on - "Turning people into energy". I asked him if he can sned me patents and Tesla writings about that. We will see what he wil answer.

What was for me here is the attempt to repeat the history to put in front row Croats as the main and most blood thirsty fascist of all time, and if all fail again they will be the worst supporters of NWO agenda in the world again. But I am doubting the real mans are aware of that. They are simple ego driven folks, stupid non educated, just rich, and they hope also with wishful thinking to "win" this time, and become masters of this world, to revitalize maybe some of the Habsburg bloodline relations etc … which will not happen any way, as their master has only one goal more pain and suffering, what involves at the end destruction of them too.

So some will repate the cycle, some will not ...
Yeah "turning ppl into energy" is definitely sus, as they say nowadays
I am sorry I didn't elaborate this better ... but this got my attention very intensively. What I am thinking is, is it possible that they are building a materialization machine to bring down to earth 4D STS KING and others as a new kingdom?!?
I would certainly not rule it out.

I have not posed since last week because, unfortunately, I was involved in a serious motor car accident on Saturday night. I was taken to hospital with a fractured sternum (breastbone). Sadly, the other driver involved in the incident (an elderly man) died on Sunday. The accident was not my fault as he pulled out from a side road in front of me and there was no way I could avoid hitting his car in the time and space available. However, I have been left devastated by the affair. Maybe it was a wake up call for me, as it was a very close brush with death. The only thing that saved me was the airbag in my steering wheel that did its job perfectly or I would not be here to write this.

Anyway, it may be a while before I get up to speed with further posts (there is still a mountain of material to get through). Hence, I would ask for your kind patience in the meantime. Please feel free to add your own posts though.​
I am sorry I didn't elaborate this better ... but this got my attention very intensively. What I am thinking is, is it possible that they are building a materialization machine to bring down to earth 4D STS KING and others as a new kingdom?!?
Then there’s these Temple Grid and Dragon Temple Activation guided meditations happening also. That could be along the same lines of what you have suggested STS influences may be trying to achieve.
I have not posed since last week because, unfortunately, I was involved in a serious motor car accident on Saturday night. I was taken to hospital with a fractured sternum (breastbone). Sadly, the other driver involved in the incident (an elderly man) died on Sunday. The accident was not my fault as he pulled out from a side road in front of me and there was no way I could avoid hitting his car in the time and space available. However, I have been left devastated by the affair. Maybe it was a wake up call for me, as it was a very close brush with death. The only thing that saved me was the airbag in my steering wheel that did its job perfectly or I would not be here to write this.

Anyway, it may be a while before I get up to speed with further posts (there is still a mountain of material to get through). Hence, I would ask for your kind patience in the meantime. Please feel free to add your own posts though.​
MJF take care of yourself, it is true that attack vectors come at any time, wishing you the best and recover soon.
Thank God you are okay. I hope you recover soon.
Thank you to everyone for their kind sentiments and well wishes. I must admit that the thought crossed my mind that STS forces might have set the situation up in order to get me out the way but then you start to think that you might just be getting a bit paranoid about things. Afterall, genuine accidents happen all the time. Strange though it should happen at the same time that FOTCM were doing their latest session with the C's. Who knows?​
I would certainly not rule it out.

I have not posed since last week because, unfortunately, I was involved in a serious motor car accident on Saturday night. I was taken to hospital with a fractured sternum (breastbone). Sadly, the other driver involved in the incident (an elderly man) died on Sunday. The accident was not my fault as he pulled out from a side road in front of me and there was no way I could avoid hitting his car in the time and space available. However, I have been left devastated by the affair. Maybe it was a wake up call for me, as it was a very close brush with death. The only thing that saved me was the airbag in my steering wheel that did its job perfectly or I would not be here to write this.

Anyway, it may be a while before I get up to speed with further posts (there is still a mountain of material to get through). Hence, I would ask for your kind patience in the meantime. Please feel free to add your own posts though.​
MJF recover quickly. I hope you are not suffering much. I don't participate in your threads due to little knowledge, but I read with interest.
I must admit that the thought crossed my mind that STS forces might have set the situation up in order to get me out the way but then you start to think that you might just be getting a bit paranoid about things.
Did you notice anything out of the ordinary on the day of the accident? Déjà vu, flashes of light, dreams, or tension?
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