Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Lately I only respond or comment to those things that produce an immediate response in me. Besides there is tons of information to digest and in my current state it is difficult for me, with so many pains and affectations in my body. Add to that, an adjustment in my diet to maintain acceptable glucose levels.
I am sorry to hear that. I do hope you start to feel better soon. I agree there is a lot of information to digest at the moment. I am probably on information overload myself at the moment but I feel there is so much to get out and convey to people in the short time we may have left. On the subject of your pains and other problems that you may be experiencing, I came across this interesting exchange between Laura and the C's recently, which may help to explain things a bit:​

Session 18 March 2000

Q: Okay. Now, there is a peculiar side effect going on with our little mail group. These are folks who are well-read and pretty much aware. But what seems to happen is that, when folks start to read our material, to become aware, they start to have all kinds of weird stuff start happening to them. Some of this stuff is SO bizarre!

A: You know this already.

Q: Are there any words of advice you can give to the group, in general?


I know that the C's have also spoken abouts people of these special bloodlines needing to avoid parasitic infections etc at this time:

Q: I know that. I have already figured that one out! But, it seems that no one else has made this connection. I mean, the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the Mortimers are incredible!

A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically infected, harassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum leap of awareness is imminent.

Q: Whenever a quantum leap...

A: Such as "now."

Given what you said in your follow-up email about your mixed Celtic/Jewish hereditary, this may well apply to you.

Well, one parasite I didn't bargain for here was the cat flea. My ex-wife has two cats but she is not good at keeping on top of their flea problem. Although I like both cats, I really don't appreciate their fleas :-D. They seemed to take a special liking to me and I came away from her house after a short visit of just a few days with around 200+ bites. However, the fleas don't seem to affect her and my sons so much for some reason. I was left wondering whether they might have been attracted to my blood since I have very high iron levels (as a doctor once informed me). This is a feature of the Celts, especially Gaels like me. Hence, perhaps I was the 'piece de resistance' for the fleas. I am currently treating the bites with hydrocortisone cream and antihistamine medication at the moment but they are infernally itchy even as I am writing this.

I will try and post a brief description tomorrow of the latest scientific findings I have read on DNA data storage and what scientists are calling 'retrocausality' theories, in case it may pique your interest.​
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As promised I set out a report from Science Daily dated 4 May 2023 as carried by Nexus Magazine in their June-July 2023 edition (Vol.30, No.4):​

The Future of Data Storage Lies in DNA Microcapsules

Storing data in DNA sounds like science fiction, yet it lies in the near future. Professor Tom de Greef expects the first DNA date centre to be up and running within five to ten years. Data won't be stored as zeros and ones on a hard drive but in the base pairs that make up DNA: AT and CG. Such a data centre would take the form of a lab, many times smaller than the ones today. De Greef can clearly picture it all. In one part of the building, new files will be encoded via DNA synthesis. Another part will contain large fields of capsules, each capsule packed with a file. A robotic arm will remove a capsule, read its contents and place it back.

We are talking about synthetic DNA. In the lab, bases are stuck together in a certain order to form synthetically produced strands of DNA. Files and photos that are currently stored in data centres can then be stored in DNA.

Data storage in DNA offers many advantages. A DNA file can be stored much more compactly, for instance, and the lifespan of the data is also many times longer. But perhaps more importantly, this new technology renders large, energy guzzling data centres obsolete.

Together with PhD student Bas Bogels, Microsoft and a group of university partners, De Greef has developed a new technique to make the innovation of data storage with synthetic DNA scalable. The results have been published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

De Greef works at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) at TU Einhoven and serves as a visiting professor at Radboud University.

Source: dated 4 May 2023 , https:/

Apart from the fact that Bill Gates' Microsoft are involved in this development (a worrying connection given Gates' NWO credentials), one must ask the question that if you can store data in synthetic DNA, can you also store it in living organic DNA? If, as I suspect, the answer is yes, then we must ask whether this could have been done already and perhaps a long time ago? For example, the C's have told us that the (Sephardic) Jews have been "prior encoded" at the genetic level:
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis.

And the same seems to be true of the Northern Europeans, including the Celts:

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Mediterranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

From my researches, the Abrahamic Jews would appear to have Celtic origins themselves. You will note that some of this encoding will only activate after people with this DNA move to 4th density, acting perhaps like a sophisticated message in a bottle. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think the C's ever told us who was responsible for such encoding. I assume it was 4th density STO forces?

This DNA encoding may also lend itself to the new scientific concept of retrocausality. In the same edition of Nexus, I came across an article under the title 'Growing Numbers of Scientists Believe Future Influences the Past'.

The article starts by making the obvious observation that our actions in the past often influence our experiences in the future, where you end up getting what you ask for or deserve, e.g. passing an exam because of good preparation or failing it for lack of such preparation. However, the article poses the question what if this forward causality could somehow be reversed in time allowing actions in the future to influence outcomes in the past? Called "retrocausality", the article states that the concept is starting to gain real traction amongst philosophers and physicists and other researchers as a possible solution to some of the most intractable riddles underlying our reality. The article cites the work of Kenneth Wharton a professor of physics at San Jose State University who has published research on the subject. Wharton believes that the concept could account for some of the strange phenomena observed in quantum physics.

Wharton has recently co-authored an article about retrocausality with Huw Price, a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Bonn and a fellow of Trinity College Cambridge. Although Price has speculated about the concept for several decades, it seems that current interest in the subject has been driven by more recent findings about quantum mechanics. This includes issues such as quantum tunnelling and the fact that at the quantum level, particles can occupy many different states simultaneously, which is known as superposition.

Retrocausality may even explain the C's communications and their effects on the timeline, as explained by Bluegazer in his post above:

But isn't communication with the C's the best example of time travel? Each session is in itself a time machine, and each new piece of information that is revealed or omitted results in a constant shifting of time lines. In the last session it has been quite explicit.

However, when I first read this article, I immediately made a connection with comments Andrew Collins had made on the possible quantum mechanics underlying psychic questing. Basically, he believes that a psychic quest involves taking a correct order of steps in order to retrieve an artefact on the basis that your future self has already found it by taking those same steps and this process is conveyed back to yourself in the past either through dreams or other psychic means such as automatic writing, meditations, mediumship or visionary experiences. You need then to follow these prompts in the knowledge that they will eventually lead you to the artefact in question.

It would seem then that psychic questing may be an example of retrocausality operating in practice, where communications from the future can aid operations in what we view as our present, with time being taken out of the equation (although a quest can be subject to a temporal window of opportunity). It would also seem to explain why free will must be allowed to operate since a person must do what a person must do if a quest is to be successful. Thus, the C's can, for example, impart information from the future but if, and how, we use it will always depend on the exercise of our free will.​
Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think the C's ever told us who was responsible for such encoding. I assume it was 4th density STO forces?

Perhaps the retrocausality and coding of data in DNA can be explained if we assume that this coding is in the aural profile of the soul.

Session 24 September 1995:​

Q: (L) I want to get back on my question that you have not answered... I want to know who, exactly, and why, exactly, genetically engineered the Semitic people, and why there is such an adversarial attitude between them and the Celts and Aryans.

A: It is not just between the Jews and Celts, if you will take notice. Besides, it is the individual aural profile that counts and not groupings or classifications. But, to answer your question: there are many reasons both from on and off the planet.


Session 7 October 1995:​

Q: (L) Okay, what is it about the Semitic genes that was considered to be so undesirable in the creation of this 'Master Race?'

A: Would blemish genetic characteristics inclined to ruthlessness and domination.

Q: (L) So, you are saying that there is something, some genetic tendency or set of genes in the Semitic type that would counteract this?

A: Close.

Q: (L) But isn't the nature of a person determined by their soul and not the physical body?

A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference merges with physical structure.

Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?

A: Yes, precisely.

Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their genes?

A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when present.

TL;DR: The coding is in the soul and is transcribed in the DNA. The soul is timeless and therefore not subject to linear time, thus retrocausality is possible.
Perhaps the retrocausality and coding of data in DNA can be explained if we assume that this coding is in the aural profile of the soul.

Session 24 September 1995:​


Session 7 October 1995:​

TL;DR: The coding is in the soul and is transcribed in the DNA. The soul is timeless and therefore not subject to linear time, thus retrocausality is possible.
That's a very interesting observation. I guess it should also be linked with what the C's said about people of Nordic heritage too:

"A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centres, can be of darkness, or of light..."

I was rather struck by the UFO map that Gwenllian posted on 2 August on the 29th July 2023 session thread, which showed where UFOs have been spotted all over the world. See: Session 29 July 2023

The map was supposedly created by data gathered by the National UFO Reporting Center’s database, a US based body. Although her primary concern was about the large number of sightings in Holland (where she lives), she made the observation that the US and the UK are lighting up like a Christmas trees in the map and they certainly are when you look at it :-O :​


Now, I am not completely convinced as to the accuracy of the map since, as someone who has studied the UFO phenomena for many years, I am aware of a plethora of UFO observations and sightings in South American countries, particularly Brazil, Peru, Chile and Argentina. The same is also true of Mexico, which surprisingly, as the USA's southern neighbour, seems to have very few sightings in comparison. My own feeling is that these may be underrepresented.

However, be that as it may, the one observation I would make is that the preponderance of sightings in the USA, the British Isles, Northern Europe and Australia/New Zealand seems to tie-in with the comments the C's made about persons of Nordic heritage that I quoted above, as these are the countries where those of Nordic heritage predominate. Indeed, through the spread of the British Empire, there are now large numbers of Celts in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as the British Isles motherland too (this is not to discount France, Spain, Portugal, Northern Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and other European countries which have large numbers of people of Celtic heritage too). The correspondence with the large number of UFO sightings in these particular countries cannot be an accident.

The C's once said that the USA and Britain were particular centres of evil (or STS activity). I am still trying to track that quote down though. The fact that the US and the UK are lighting up like Christmas trees might seem to reflect or correlate with this statement. Obviously, the US has the Rockefellers (recalling here the C's saying "Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk) but the UK unfortunately has Jacob and Nathan Rothschild (whose ancestor was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty and a 'Deep Level Punctuator' from the underground civilisation).

In addition, these countries seem to be the targets of mass migration from the third world at present, which might suggest that the PTB want to heavily reduce or replace these Celtic populations as part of the overall STS agenda. Again this fits in with what Graham Phillips and Andrew Collins describe as the inherent psygenic abilities of those of Celtic heritage, which may become more pronounced and overt as we move closer to transition to 4th density.​
As promised I set out a report from Science Daily dated 4 May 2023 as carried by Nexus Magazine in their June-July 2023 edition (Vol.30, No.4):​

The Future of Data Storage Lies in DNA Microcapsules

Storing data in DNA sounds like science fiction, yet it lies in the near future. Professor Tom de Greef expects the first DNA date centre to be up and running within five to ten years. Data won't be stored as zeros and ones on a hard drive but in the base pairs that make up DNA: AT and CG. Such a data centre would take the form of a lab, many times smaller than the ones today. De Greef can clearly picture it all. In one part of the building, new files will be encoded via DNA synthesis. Another part will contain large fields of capsules, each capsule packed with a file. A robotic arm will remove a capsule, read its contents and place it back.

We are talking about synthetic DNA. In the lab, bases are stuck together in a certain order to form synthetically produced strands of DNA. Files and photos that are currently stored in data centres can then be stored in DNA.

Data storage in DNA offers many advantages. A DNA file can be stored much more compactly, for instance, and the lifespan of the data is also many times longer. But perhaps more importantly, this new technology renders large, energy guzzling data centres obsolete.

Together with PhD student Bas Bogels, Microsoft and a group of university partners, De Greef has developed a new technique to make the innovation of data storage with synthetic DNA scalable. The results have been published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

De Greef works at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) at TU Einhoven and serves as a visiting professor at Radboud University.

Source: dated 4 May 2023 , https:/

Apart from the fact that Bill Gates' Microsoft are involved in this development (a worrying connection given Gates' NWO credentials), one must ask the question that if you can store data in synthetic DNA, can you also store it in living organic DNA? If, as I suspect, the answer is yes, then we must ask whether this could have been done already and perhaps a long time ago? For example, the C's have told us that the (Sephardic) Jews have been "prior encoded" at the genetic level:
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis.

And the same seems to be true of the Northern Europeans, including the Celts:

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Mediterranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

From my researches, the Abrahamic Jews would appear to have Celtic origins themselves. You will note that some of this encoding will only activate after people with this DNA move to 4th density, acting perhaps like a sophisticated message in a bottle. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think the C's ever told us who was responsible for such encoding. I assume it was 4th density STO forces?

This DNA encoding may also lend itself to the new scientific concept of retrocausality. In the same edition of Nexus, I came across an article under the title 'Growing Numbers of Scientists Believe Future Influences the Past'.

The article starts by making the obvious observation that our actions in the past often influence our experiences in the future, where you end up getting what you ask for or deserve, e.g. passing an exam because of good preparation or failing it for lack of such preparation. However, the article poses the question what if this forward causality could somehow be reversed in time allowing actions in the future to influence outcomes in the past? Called "retrocausality", the article states that the concept is starting to gain real traction amongst philosophers and physicists and other researchers as a possible solution to some of the most intractable riddles underlying our reality. The article cites the work of Kenneth Wharton a professor of physics at San Jose State University who has published research on the subject. Wharton believes that the concept could account for some of the strange phenomena observed in quantum physics.

Wharton has recently co-authored an article about retrocausality with Huw Price, a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Bonn and a fellow of Trinity College Cambridge. Although Price has speculated about the concept for several decades, it seems that current interest in the subject has been driven by more recent findings about quantum mechanics. This includes issues such as quantum tunnelling and the fact that at the quantum level, particles can occupy many different states simultaneously, which is known as superposition.

Retrocausality may even explain the C's communications and their effects on the timeline, as explained by Bluegazer in his post above:

But isn't communication with the C's the best example of time travel? Each session is in itself a time machine, and each new piece of information that is revealed or omitted results in a constant shifting of time lines. In the last session it has been quite explicit.

However, when I first read this article, I immediately made a connection with comments Andrew Collins had made on the possible quantum mechanics underlying psychic questing. Basically, he believes that a psychic quest involves taking a correct order of steps in order to retrieve an artefact on the basis that your future self has already found it by taking those same steps and this process is conveyed back to yourself in the past either through dreams or other psychic means such as automatic writing, meditations, mediumship or visionary experiences. You need then to follow these prompts in the knowledge that they will eventually lead you to the artefact in question.

It would seem then that psychic questing may be an example of retrocausality operating in practice, where communications from the future can aid operations in what we view as our present, with time being taken out of the equation (although a quest can be subject to a temporal window of opportunity). It would also seem to explain why free will must be allowed to operate since a person must do what a person must do if a quest is to be successful. Thus, the C's can, for example, impart information from the future but if, and how, we use it will always depend on the exercise of our free will.​
When you make a habit of relaying information to your past selves, you begin to receive information from your futures selves
They learned in the end that nothing mattered but an understanding of the One, the omnipotent, omnipresent source of all creation that was the universe, the light of illumination, the giver of all life, and the point to which all life returned [MJF: which sounds like the philosophy of the ‘Law of One’, which was one of the two competing philosophies that had prevailed in Atlantis before the Deluge]. It was only visible to them in a physical sense in the light of the Sun, which they referred to as the “Arran” or “Arn

That is interesting. As a side-note, there is actually a town in Germany named Arnstadt (= 'Arn'-city). And it is an old one.
A very old one... :

The Thuringian Basin (German: Thüringer Becken) is a depression in the central and northwest part of Thuringia in Germany.
The Thuringian Basin is dominated by agriculture... it is one of the richest arable lands in Germany. The Thuringian Basin is one of the driest regions in Germany with annual precipitation sometimes below 500 mm. The climate is characterised by the basin's shielded location to the north (Harz Mountains), south (Thuringian Forest) and west (Hessian Highlands). This ensures low precipitation overall and often long dry periods and a relatively windless, sunny climate. These factors, together with the fertile soil, provide good conditions for high-yield agriculture. However, this also makes the area prone to crop failures due to drought.

The villages in the Thuringian Basin are relatively large clusters of farmsteads and craftsmen's houses compared to other areas. In contrast, individual settlements located outside are almost completely absent here. Many of these villages were fortified in various ways in the Middle Ages and developed into semi-urban places ... to which significant buildings such as churches or moated castles still bear witness today. Many places still have a rather old-fashioned appearance today, as new building activity has been limited since the 19th century.

Due to its favourable living conditions, the Thuringian Basin has been populated by humans for a long time.
For example, a human skeleton about 400,000 years old was found at the Bilzingsleben site, making it one of the oldest records of the genus Homo in Central Europe. Bilzingsleben (German: Fundplatz Bilzingsleben, lit. discovery site Bilzingsleben) is a former stone quarry in Thuringia, Germany, notable for its wealth of palaeolithic human fossils and artifacts. One of the oldest buildings in the world and one of the oldest pieces of art was found at the site. The Ehringsdorf prehistoric man is also very old, at around 120,000 years.

Several settlements and numerous graves were found in the centuries around the birth of Christ. In Westgreusen, for example, there are remains of a Germanic settlement from the 2nd century BC. A Roman pottery from the 3rd century AD was discovered near Haarhausen, proving exchange processes between Roman Germania and the area of the Thuringian Basin.
Cemeteries and other finds from this period occur in high density in the Thuringian Basin and underline its importance as a settlement area.

After the shifts of the Migration Period and the emergence of the Thuringian Empire, continuous settlement probably began with the first village foundations.
With the onset of writing in the region in the 8th/9th century, many villages already existed, which were now systematically written down for the first time, especially in monastery directories.
Overall, a relatively high settlement density had already prevailed in the Thuringian Basin for a long time.

With its first documentary mention in 704 AD, Arnstadt is the town in Thuringia with the oldest record of its existence and one of the oldest towns in Germany outside the Roman settlement areas.
Archaeological finds prove that the place was already a preferred settlement site in the Neolithic Age.

Stone Age traces can be found in the wall chamber tomb at Arnstadt. Despite the lack of pottery, the grave construction and the burial method point this grave to the Bernburg Culture.
Walternienburg-Bernburger Kultur refers to a mid-neolithic culture which was focused on the area of modern Saxony-Anhalt, the Thuringian Basin and Franconia from 3200 to 2800 BC.

(source - Wikipedia - taken from different pages)
That is interesting. As a side-note, there is actually a town in Germany named Arnstadt (= 'Arn'-city). And it is an old one.
A very old one... :
That is very interesting. Where you quote: Walternienburg-Bernburger Kultur refers to a mid-neolithic culture which was focused on the area of modern Saxony-Anhalt, the Thuringian Basin and Franconia from 3200 to 2800 BC.

that would certainly put it in the right time period. Graham Phillips said the Megalithic Builder culture spread out from its original base in the Northern British Isles and mainland Scotland to Europe. How far back this was is anyone's guess. They might have started to migrate to what today is the Netherlands and Germany as far back as the Mesolithic period when Doggerland still existed (see: Doggerland - The Europe That Was).

The name "Arn" does crop up in many places in Europe including, for example, Italy where you have the river Arno in Tuscany. Although the name supposedly derives from the Latin "Arnus", the name seems to stem originally from the Proto-Indo-European *er-, meaning "flow, move".​

"Arn" is also the prefix for many proper names in Europe:

Arnau(Catalan) Arnold, Arnoud, Arnout, Aart, Arend, Arno, Noud, Nout(Dutch) Arnaud(French) Arnold, Arend, Arnd, Arndt, Arne, Arno(German) Arnoald, Arnold(Germanic) Arnaldo, Arnoldo, Naldo(Italian) Arnolds(Latvian) Nöl, Nölke(Limburgish) Arnoldas(Lithuanian) Arnt(Norwegian) Arnold(Polish) Arnaldo(Portuguese)

In Norway, the name Arne originates from the old Norse name Árni, which in turn is derived from the old Norse name for "eagle", Ǫrn. The oldest attestation of the name is from a runestone in Vagnhärad dating to the 11th century.

The word arne also refers to the central stone on the floor of traditional Norwegian homes upon which the fire that provides the heating/cooking needs was lit. Similarly, "Arne" is Danish for the flame in a fireplace or old-fashioned oven or stove.

This connection of the name to fire or flames, which provide light, may suggest an ultimate link to sunlight and therefore to the "Aten". Hence, it may be the case that once these Megalithic Builder people reached Egypt the word "Arran" or "Arn" transformed eventually into "Aten", a term which denotes the light of the sun or sunlight. The name may also have carried over into Hebrew with the name Aaron, or Aron, who was the biblical older brother of Moses.​
In Norway, the name Arne originates from the old Norse name Árni, which in turn is derived from the old Norse name for "eagle", Ǫrn. ...

... refers to the central stone on the floor of traditional Norwegian homes upon which the fire that provides the heating/cooking needs was lit. Similarly, "Arne" is Danish for the flame in a fireplace or old-fashioned oven or stove.

This connection of the name to fire or flames, which provide light, may suggest an ultimate link to sunlight and therefore to the "Aten". Hence, it may be the case that once these Megalithic Builder people reached Egypt the word "Arran" or "Arn" transformed eventually into "Aten", a term which denotes the light of the sun or sunlight. The name may also have carried over into Hebrew with the name Aaron, or Aron, who was the biblical older brother of Moses.​

And there is of course the term for the third veil of negative existance in Kabbalah - 'Ohr Ein Sof' (= "Endless Light").
And there is of course the term for the third veil of negative existance in Kabbalah - 'Ohr Ein Sof' (= "Endless Light").
Well that is curious because in old Anglo-Saxon the word "Orm" (which connects with "ormus" - the name of the English Templar knight Ormus le Guidon but also the name adopted by the Priory of Sion after the famous Cutting of the Elm incident at Gisors, which they used up to fall of the Templars in 1307) derives from Old Norse, meaning "worm", "serpent" or "dragon". Etymologically speaking, "Ohr", meaning "light" in Hebrew, does seem close to the word "Orm".

The Grail also seems to be connected in mythology to light, enlightenment and wisdom, as represented symbolically by the serpent or dragon. We know that the Jews/Israelites possessed the Grail after the Exodus from Egypt. It seems the Knights Templar rediscovered it either in Jerusalem under Temple Mount or possibly at Petra in Jordan, where it may have been hidden by the prophet Jeremiah along with the Ark (the wooden/gold box container rather than the power cell), to prevent it falling into the hands of the Babylonians. Did the Templars subsequently smuggle it out of Jerusalem before the city fell to the Saracens and, if so, did they eventually bring it to England rather than France, where it may have been hidden for a while at the Templar Preceptory at Springwood Priory in Biddulph, Staffordshire, a preceptory founded by Ormus le Guidon. Could this explain why the army of King Phillipe of France clashed with the English forces of Henry II of England and/or his son Richard Coeur de Lion at Gisors in Normandy (a castle with strong connections to the Templar order) since Philippe and the Priory of Sion knew the Grail was held in England, protected by the Templars, and he and the Priory (which was under French royal protection) wanted it. Was the cutting of the Elm tree (called "Orme" in French ) thus a deliberate gesture on Philippe's part since it represented a clear pun on the name "Ormus", which the English king would have realised as being a reference to the Grail? Did the Priory of Sion play a major part in the subsequent downfall of the Templars, thus exacting their revenge for being denied possession of the Grail?

Curiously, the name "ormus" also crops up in the name of the Kingdom of Ormus (also known as Hormoz or Hormuz; Persian: هرمز; Portuguese: Ormuz), which was located in the eastern side of the Persian Gulf and extended as far as Bahrain in the west at its zenith. The Kingdom was established in 11th century (N.B. the same century the Templars were founded) initially as a dependency of the Kerman Seljuk Sultanate, and later as an autonomous tributary of the Salghurids and the Ilkhanate of Iran.

Popular etymology derives "Hormuz", being the Middle Persian pronunciation of the Persian deity Ahura Mazda (Ahura meaning "lord" and Mazda meaning "wisdom"). Alternatively, it has been suggested that the name derives from Hur-Muz meaning 'Place of Dates'. Yet another possibility is that it comes from Όρμος, the Greek word for 'cove, bay'. If we consider the first explanation as valid, we then get a further connection to flames and light since Ahura Mazda is the creator deity in Zoroastrianism, a deity who is linked with light and fire through, for example, the cult of the eternal flame.

It is interesting too that the pre-Christian Armenians, an Indo-European people, had Aramazd (the Armenian version of Ahura Mazda) as an important deity in their pantheon of gods. He is thought to be a syncretic deity, a combination of the autochthonous Armenian figures Aram and his son Ara and the Iranian Ahura Mazda. The names Aram and Ara would again seem to be linguistically cognate with "Arran" and "Arn", the light of the sun of the Megalithic Builder race. Could there be a distant connection perhaps?

If Andrew Collins and his clairvoyant friend Richard Ward are correct as regards what they saw in their visions, then the Templars smuggled the Grail (the Head of God) out of England at some time after 1307, taking it to the Languedoc region in France, where I believe Laura and the Chateau are situated.

In upcoming posts I hope to expand upon these Templar connections to the Grail.​
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Arran - Arn - Arne - Aten - Aaron - Ǫrn - Ohr - Orm - Ormus - Hormuz - ... and - Horus. (Think the Egyptian 'Falcon-God', son of Isis made with an 'osirian compensatory phallus', because the original was eaten by a fish/or crab - {think astrologically} - , because of 'the commingling of sexuality with violence in the course of the descending of souls during "the Fall [Expulsion from Paradise]" from 4th to 3th' density, according to the C's)

'Ar' is also an old German word for Adler (= eagle)

This is the crest of Arnstadt:

And here is universally popular Miles Mathis again, explaining, why the the Heraldic Eagle is "in truth" the Phoenix (TM), trademark of the "Phoenician Navy":
-> More on the Buddha (And on the Phoenix)


  • Mathis, Buddha&Phoenix.pdf
    523 KB · Views: 1
This is also 'nice':

...Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante,
Had a bad cold, nevertheless
Is known to be the wisest woman in Europe,
With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she,
Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor,
(Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!)
Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks,
The lady of situations.
Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel,
And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card,
Which is blank, is something he carries on his back,
Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find
The Hanged Man. Fear death by water.
I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring.
Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone,
Tell her I bring the horoscope myself:
One must be so careful these days.

(from The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot)
Arran - Arn - Arne - Aten - Aaron - Ǫrn - Ohr - Orm - Ormus - Hormuz - ... and - Horus. (Think the Egyptian 'Falcon-God', son of Isis made with an 'osirian compensatory phallus', because the original was eaten by a fish/or crab - {think astrologically} - , because of 'the commingling of sexuality with violence in the course of the descending of souls during "the Fall [Expulsion from Paradise]" from 4th to 3th' density, according to the C's)

'Ar' is also an old German word for Adler (= eagle)

This is the crest of Arnstadt:
View attachment 80159

And here is universally popular Miles Mathis again, explaining, why the the Heraldic Eagle is "in truth" the Phoenix (TM), trademark of the "Phoenician Navy":
-> More on the Buddha (And on the Phoenix)
Yes, the connections are amazing and not coincidental I would suggest. Thank you for posting this. The Phoenicians are themselves a fascinating group who just seemed to appear from nowhere as part of the Sea Peoples who sought refuge in the Middle East.

Whilst researching for a post I have just downloaded on the 29th July 2023 thread, I came across another reference to the name "Arn", this time in connection with Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel Vril: the Coming Race. I had completely forgotten that he called the men of the underground super race An pronounced as "Arn". This makes me wonder whether he had any knowledge of the "Arran", which seems etymologically close to Aryan when you think about it. This might possibly betray a link between the Megalithic Builder race and the underground Aryan race. Graham Phillips remarked that the Megalithic Builder race believed that they had emerged from the sea. Could this mean they were specially adapted hybrids who were settled by the underground race on the Orkney Isles and other parts of what today is Scotland?​
That is very interesting. Where you quote: Walternienburg-Bernburger Kultur refers to a mid-neolithic culture which was focused on the area of modern Saxony-Anhalt, the Thuringian Basin and Franconia from 3200 to 2800 BC.

that would certainly put it in the right time period. Graham Phillips said the Megalithic Builder culture spread out from its original base in the Northern British Isles and mainland Scotland to Europe. How far back this was is anyone's guess. They might have started to migrate to what today is the Netherlands and Germany as far back as the Mesolithic period when Doggerland still existed (see: Doggerland - The Europe That Was).

The name "Arn" does crop up in many places in Europe including, for example, Italy where you have the river Arno in Tuscany. Although the name supposedly derives from the Latin "Arnus", the name seems to stem originally from the Proto-Indo-European *er-, meaning "flow, move".​

"Arn" is also the prefix for many proper names in Europe:

Arnau(Catalan) Arnold, Arnoud, Arnout, Aart, Arend, Arno, Noud, Nout(Dutch) Arnaud(French) Arnold, Arend, Arnd, Arndt, Arne, Arno(German) Arnoald, Arnold(Germanic) Arnaldo, Arnoldo, Naldo(Italian) Arnolds(Latvian) Nöl, Nölke(Limburgish) Arnoldas(Lithuanian) Arnt(Norwegian) Arnold(Polish) Arnaldo(Portuguese)

In Norway, the name Arne originates from the old Norse name Árni, which in turn is derived from the old Norse name for "eagle", Ǫrn. The oldest attestation of the name is from a runestone in Vagnhärad dating to the 11th century.

The word arne also refers to the central stone on the floor of traditional Norwegian homes upon which the fire that provides the heating/cooking needs was lit. Similarly, "Arne" is Danish for the flame in a fireplace or old-fashioned oven or stove.

This connection of the name to fire or flames, which provide light, may suggest an ultimate link to sunlight and therefore to the "Aten". Hence, it may be the case that once these Megalithic Builder people reached Egypt the word "Arran" or "Arn" transformed eventually into "Aten", a term which denotes the light of the sun or sunlight. The name may also have carried over into Hebrew with the name Aaron, or Aron, who was the biblical older brother of Moses.​

In the case of Arnstadt I'd be inclined towards the obvious meaning of "Arn", "Arend" which is outdated German for "eagle". Take a look at Arnstadt's city coat of arms.

(I saw that has already been mentioned, sorry)
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