Session 29 July 2023

A: Not cooperating with each other. That is the wrong concept. They operate under the control of an hierarchical system with an overlord pulling the strings or levers as the case may be.

Q: (L) So they don't play nicely with each other unless they're overseen by a dictatorial being who commands their obedience. Is that it more or less?

A: Yes
I hope that a******, whatever and wherever it is, is deeply unhappy.

I really do.

F* them all.

Q: (Aragorn) On a scale from 1–10, how well are the plans of TPTB succeeding right now?
A: 4
Thank you for another amazing session :flowers: - really great questions and much to ponder upon.

Thanks for sharing so fast. I think it was a very funny session, for example, how you tried getting some names of the undergrounders. And the moving of the C's to the yes – when it came to Zuckerberg – could also be interpreted as a joke, or maybe not.

And the ilk about Obama is just flabbergasting.

It must have been a cute one, with that name ;-).

About Zuckerberg - i always thought that he had one of the strangest eyes i have seen on a public figure. They seem a bit larger than normal and in my view they resemble portals. Portals that lead into an abyss of nothingness - that a malevolent force can move in and easily "take over".

The name from the C's "Furriaea" reminds of the Furyan race - from the Chronicles of Riddick movie series :

An excerpt from the linked wiki :

"Humans are classified largely by the planet they inhabit. Some, which dwell on very mild planets (reminiscent of Earth) can be reflected as any human in our reality. However, those that settled on much harsher planets, such as the largely unstable Furya, have evolved very unique characteristics absent in other renditions of humanity across the galaxy. That is to say, Furyans are much hardier, having been forced to adapt to the unforgiving climate and rigid landscape of their new "homeworld." That said, perhaps the most defining feature of Furyans is their incredible legacy as powerful, spiritual warriors"
Many Thanks for the Lady at the board, Andromeda and Laura, the questioner and the C's for the answer. This reality is getting weirder and weirder every session and I have the feeling that it is not about to stop.
If all realities are emerging more and more, this probably gets weirder and weirder. When this is happening maybe STS forces are not calculating the effects of the reality merge correctly?

And if time is up in cosmic scale, the 4D/5D STS forces can’t make changes anymore to programming? Meaning ”just watch and enjoy the ride”, like C’s told in some session.
Thank you very much for your time and work. The "underground cities" subject has brought to mind some thoughts and questions.

The information the C's have provided strongly suggests that the composition of the inner earth is not at all in line with our conventional theories. For example, according to the C's there are cities at a depth that would be considered to be within the earth's core, and these cities remain at a comfortable temperature.

There is a victorian-era book called Etidorhpa about hollow cavities within the earth, and this book makes an interesting claim that the interior of the earth is not in fact filled with magma. Rather it claims that the earth contains gigantic oceans of water, and during certain internal upheavals and pressures, the waters of these oceans reach incredible temperatures and race toward the surface, melting solid rock along the way. When we see lava erupting from volcanoes on the surface of the earth, what we are seeing is in fact rock from within the earth that has been melted by superheated and super-pressurized water from oceans deep within the earth.

The interesting thing about this idea is that under this model, cities could conceivably exist far below the earth, where conventional theories suppose only red-hot layers of magma exist.

Just wanted to share this idea with you guys. Thanks Laura and others for your time and work.
I think the bit about underground beings living amongst us is very interesting, especially in light of the following tweet that shows a map of UFO sightings all over the world and not only the US and the UK are lighting up like a Christmas tree. The same goes for Holland (and Belgium?). :umm:

My question is why a small country like Holland and is it related to the fairly high number of psychopaths living there (12% if I recall correctly) according to the Cs.

For years I have been wondering about the sick dynamics of Dutch neighbourhoods. Perhaps it's not just a question of a high number of Dutch people having personality disorders (as a colleague of Jordan Peterson's claimed) influenced by psychopaths. Maybe there is more to it. The energy in my neighbourhood for instance is horrible and sometimes it seems to me as if the inmates of a psychiatric asylum nearby have been let loose on the streets here. But with all the UFO sightings going on who knows what they are doing here. Just some thoughts...
There is much more, but according to the Cassiopaeans, inner-Earth folk are well under the control of 4D STS and it is highly doubtful that we would want to meet them, should they come, en masse, to greet us.
They would take top positions and enforcing and it would be nazi germany all over again. Every normal and souled being would be put in concentration camps for slave labor and torture to feed their masters while those authoritarian and organic portals would get better positions and be some type of sonderkommandos until not needed. But that would probably come in stages gradual with small step by step processes where the population would accept aliens as saviors and those in influence postions that are hybrids would direct population in that direction and in the end would gain all influence positions by the blessing of their masters that populations adore, and I do not see any difference with psychopaths just that probably they can not have them under full control like they have those hybrids. At least that is their plan. Did they also not said like for Sargon that templars went underground and also that rotschilds came from there in other older sessions if I am not wrong. And i remember one older article on sott where they like found a "microchip" in napoleon skeleton or something similar.

Thanks for great session, it cleared many things when it comes to predictions and tinelines and everything being truly open.
Thank you all!
It struck me that there were three appearances of the term "flip" -- (1) "car flipped over" due to a differential in energies in the environment, (2) the flip-flop is highlighted by being taken/chewed on by pet, and (3) (immediately after taking the shoe) the woman on the airplane "flipped out" due to some kind of discordant energy emitted by a hybrid entity. Not sure what to make of it, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but it's interesting.

(Mrs. Peel) Since [forum member] isn't here to ask, and if appropriate, what happened when his son's car flipped over? He described the accident on the forum as very strange.

A: All should be aware and cautious as these energies can develop like mini-tornadoes due to differential between the individual and the environment.

[Falcor chewing on Laura's flip flop.]

(Andromeda) Sweetie, would you save mom's flip flop there before it becomes...

(L) Somebody stole my shoe? [laughter] Give up my flip flop! Those are my favorite flip flops. Now they're all wet and slimy! [laughter]

(Josi) What did the woman see, who made a scene while getting off a plane in Dallas by saying "That MFer is not real"?

A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.
Interesting tht C's mention of science fiction and called the "emperor" for those who are familiar with Warhammer 40000 (also known colloquially as Warhammer 40k) is a miniatures strategy game set in a dystopian future, mixing elements of science fiction with elements of heroic fantasy. One of the main figures is the "emperor" here some introduction of this fiction character:
  • So there's a head honcho emperor STS alien person who rules over them all. My oh my I have to say I got bad vibes about that guy. Imagine what he must need to be to be atop this mountain of pain / suffering. He must be the type of person you don't want to mess with one bit.
I was thinking yesterday what kind of science fiction is it and what kind of emperor. But the lore Warhammer 40k completely flew out of my head! Even though I spent quite a bit of time on it.
Damn it!
A: Science fiction is often inspired. Think of someone similar to the emperor, but far more virile.
I do not fully understand the meaning of the word "virile" in this context, but, if I understand correctly, you need to imagine someone like an emperor, but more virile. And who is more virile than the emperor? Gods of Chaos!
The gods of chaos, also known as: the dark gods or the destructive forces, are powerful beings of the psychic universe known as the warp, created and fed by the emotions and souls of all sentient beings of the material universe. Each of them feeds on certain emotions, pain, suffering, greed, lies, illness, etc. These forces are not at enmity with each other, usually. But conflicts are possible.
Also, if I understand correctly, the control comes not from 3D, but from 4D. And here we can draw an analogy 4D = psychic universe Warp.
The emperor from Warhammer 40k lore protects people from the forces of chaos. So, ending the analogy, it turns out like this:
do not fully understand the meaning of the word "virile" in this context, but, if I understand correctly, you need to imagine someone like an emperor, but more virile.
Well, the Emperor in the Stars Wars movie was pretty pale and pasty looking, and all shriveled up. I think that's what they meant by "virile," more physically robust looking. IMO anyhow.
I was thinking yesterday what kind of science fiction is it and what kind of emperor. But the lore Warhammer 40k completely flew out of my head! Even though I spent quite a bit of time on it.
Damn it!

I do not fully understand the meaning of the word "virile" in this context, but, if I understand correctly, you need to imagine someone like an emperor, but more virile. And who is more virile than the emperor? Gods of Chaos!

Also, if I understand correctly, the control comes not from 3D, but from 4D. And here we can draw an analogy 4D = psychic universe Warp.
The emperor from Warhammer 40k lore protects people from the forces of chaos. So, ending the analogy, it turns out like this:

I think more virile would mean that he isn't devoid of energy and life force e.g. Biden. Rather that he would not only be powerful in terms of influence but also in terms of his Being - energy, vigour etc. In short, you don't want to mess with him.

You know, I've always thought that for earth to be kept in the dark for so long must mean that whatever is in charge of it must be quite powerful.

Also earth must be quite low in what they consider their most priced possessions because as I understand it, it's mostly Lizzie's who run the show here and Lizzie's would be lower in the ruling order within whatever system we're caught up in. Grays in turn would be what Lizzie's use to project themselves to our 3D reality?
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