Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

The six princesses were, in descending order of age: Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten, Neferneferuaten-ta-sherit, Neferneferure and Sotepenre
I have not yet read all the material to the end, but don’t you think, MJF, that the name of the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti “Sotepenre” is similar to “Scotta”? Perhaps we have TWO different stories (occurring in parallel) - the story of Meritaten (the desert, Moses and Nefertiti) and the story of Sotepenre (who became Scotta and migrated to Ireland/Scotland).
I like your theory about Meritaton, but it could not have been in such widely separated regions of the world at the same time and left such a bright mark on itself in the history of different nations. Too many events for ONE person.
Moreover, Sotepenre was the youngest daughter of the pharaoh (the last of the Perseid family?) Her body, it seems, was never found in Egypt - all we have is SPECULATION by modern historians that Sotepenre died in childhood.
I have not yet read all the material to the end, but don’t you think, MJF, that the name of the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti “Sotepenre” is similar to “Scotta”? Perhaps we have TWO different stories (occurring in parallel) - the story of Meritaten (the desert, Moses and Nefertiti) and the story of Sotepenre (who became Scotta and migrated to Ireland/Scotland).
I like your theory about Meritaton, but it could not have been in such widely separated regions of the world at the same time and left such a bright mark on itself in the history of different nations. Too many events for ONE person.
Moreover, Sotepenre was the youngest daughter of the pharaoh (the last of the Perseid family?) Her body, it seems, was never found in Egypt - all we have is SPECULATION by modern historians that Sotepenre died in childhood.
Well that is an interesting conjecture on your part but, personally, I am not convinced by the etymological link between Scotta (derived from the Roman "Scotti" or "raider", the name the Romans gave to the Irish or Gaelic pirates who attacked Roman Britain, a name they never used themselves) and Sotepenre or Setepenre. You say that all we have is speculation by modern historians that Sotepenre died in childhood. However, the Egyptologist Lorraine Evans makes the point that by the 15th year of Akhenaten's reign, Neferneferuaten-ta-sherit and Sotepenre are amongst those who are absent from all royal scenes after this time, it seems that they too died in this epidemic. This is a significant point since Akhenaten was keen to display his family throughout the Amarna period. He still had two more years to reign and we know from the C's that his wife Nefertiti was locked up at this point, so the flight into the desert with Abraham/Moses had not yet occurred. Are you suggesting that Sotepenre, who was very young (either 4 or 6) at the time, had already disappeared off as Princess cota by this stage? As Wikipedia states:

On Wall C in Room 𝛼
{\displaystyle \alpha }
of the Royal Tomb of Akhenaten the names of five princesses are listed, that of Neferneferure is plastered over and only four of the princesses are depicted. This probably means that Setepenre predeceased Neferneferure, and it is likely that Setepenre died around Year 13 or 14, before she reached her sixth birthday. Since she is not shown on Wall B in Room 𝛾
{\displaystyle \gamma }
, where the royal family mourns the death of the second princess Meketaten, it is likely that she predeceased Meketaten as well, perhaps before the construction of the royal tomb was advanced enough to allow burial. She was possibly the first of the princesses to die. It is possible that her body was later moved to Room 𝛼
{\displaystyle \alpha }
of the Royal Tomb.

We know, however, that Meritaten was still very much alive at this point and was already married. Indeed, she was probably running the kingdom with Smenkhare on behalf of her father who had had a nervous breakdown. When Scota fled from Egypt, Abbot Walter Bower's account tells us that she was married to Prince Gaythelos. If Sotepenre was still alive at this time, she would only have been eight or nine at this time, too young to have been married. If Meritaten is Hagar the Egyptian in the Bible, she was evidently old enough to have been Abraham's concubine and to have borne him a son Ishmael.

You mention that Sotepenre's body has not been found but then that is also true of Meritaten. You also mention that Meritaten/Scota left such a bright mark on itself in the history of different nations. In your view, this was too many events for one person. However, Scota is not strictly speaking an historic character appearing by that name in any nation's recorded history. It almost certainly was not her real name. But Meritaten was a true historic character and there are records for her. Bower's account states that Scota was the daughter of a an Egyptian Pharaoh whose Greek name was Achencres, the Greek form of Akhenaten according to the Egyptian historian Manetho. In the parallel tale of Tea Tephi, her pharaoh father is specifically named as the Pharaoh Chencres, a Pharaoh who was supposed to have drowned in the Nile, which the C's have confirmed happened to Akhenaten. What are the chances of these two different tales stating the same details unless they were both drawn from a much older source? As Lorraine Evans shows by a process of elimination, the only daughter of Akhenaten that fits both the character of Scota is Meritaten. Meritaten was no ordinary figure either. She was briefly Queen of Egypt in her own right and, as a person of the highest royal standing, she would have left her mark wherever she went. I suspect with her elongated head and therefore greater brain capacity, she was also highly intellectual too - a facet associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid.

It is my conjecture that she may have also been the Irish goddess figure Brigid or Bride of the Tuatha de Danaan, which might be why Bower names the settlement where Scota's party built a motilla or tower as Brigantia, another name for Brigid, the high or exalted one.

Similarly, the C's have hinted that Hagar/Kore may also be the Greek mythological character of Helle, who escaped on the Golden Ram. However, it is I who has suggested she might also be the Nordic goddess Hel. Snorri Sturluson, the Icelandic historian, poet, and politician speculated that Odin and his peers were originally refugees from Troy as the Greeks, Romans, Goths, British and others also claimed. In other words, the stories of the Norse gods were basically just the Nordic version of the Odyssey. Is it far fetched, therefore, to suggest that the Greek Helle may have been incorporated into the Eddas as the Norse Hel, goddess of the dead, ruler of the Land of Mist, Niflheim or Niflhel, which sound suspiciously like Nephilim, bearing in mind what the C's said about Meritaten's mother Nefertiti: A: One sound like nephilim, or your "Nefilim".

I readily admit that I might be stretching things a bit far where Brigid and Hel are concerned but then I follow the clues where they lead me. Perhaps someone can pose the question to the C's in order to settle the matter. Be my guest. :-)
The Mysterious Peruvian Manuscript

In the February-March edition of Nexus Magazine, I came across an article called ‘Mysterious Ancient Artefact from Peru in Macabre Russian Museum’ by Paul Stonehill. The museum in question is called the ‘Kunstkamera’, which was created by Russian Czar Peter the Great, its official name being the Russian Academy of Science’s Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. The museum is located in St Petersberg. The exhibit or mysterious artefact prompting Stonehill’s article is called “The image of hieroglyphic signs, possibly on skin, Peru”. It is a mere 18.2 cm high and 12.3 cm in width. Stonehill believes that a proper examination of the material has never been carried out since there is only a mention of the material being a “photosensitive layer, paper substrate”.​
*I am attaching below a copy of the page on which the manuscript is shown in the article. I am not sure whether this is an actual copy of the artefact or an artistic representation for the purposes of the article. Perhaps a Russian reader of this article can ascertain if a copy of the manuscript is available from the Kunstkamera or on-line. However, if the image is a genuine reproduction of the manuscript, I would invite readers to compare the symbols on the manuscript with those shown above, which formed the Phoenician alphabet. I also attach a link to the Wikipedia page for the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, which contains a table of symbols the Canaanites used for their alphabet for those who wish to make a further comparison with the Kunstkamera manuscript: Proto-Canaanite alphabet - Wikipedia. I would be happy to compare notes.
I managed to find this artifact on the museum website -
And this is a picture in very poor quality

As far as I can tell, the museum only has an old PHOTOGRAPH (probably from the early 20th century), and not the artifact itself. It is unknown where the artifact itself with the inscriptions is. Perhaps it is worth visiting the museum itself to clarify the information; I have not been to the Kunstkamera for a long time (more than 20 years). The exhibit (photo or artifact itself) should be located in the museum hall called “Latin America”.
I managed to find this artifact on the museum website -
And this is a picture in very poor quality

As far as I can tell, the museum only has an old PHOTOGRAPH (probably from the early 20th century), and not the artifact itself. It is unknown where the artifact itself with the inscriptions is. Perhaps it is worth visiting the museum itself to clarify the information; I have not been to the Kunstkamera for a long time (more than 20 years). The exhibit (photo or artifact itself) should be located in the museum hall called “Latin America”.
I note your comments. I am obviously relying on the integrity of Paul Stonehill, the author of the article that was reproduced in Nexus Magazine (who hopefully fact checked it). In spite of his very English sounding name, I understand Stonehill was born in the Soviet Union (USSR) in Kiev, which is now the capital of Ukraine. Here is a biography of him, which I took from the Coast to Coast Radio Show's website:

Paul Stonehill

Paul Stonehill


Paul Stonehill is an international researcher and author, whose areas of research and published works include: UFOs and USOs (Unidentified Flying Objects, Unidentified Submersible Objects), Soviet space exploration, and Eurasian paranormal phenomena. He was born in Kiev, USSR (now independent Ukraine), and travelled through various parts of the Soviet Union in his youth. Paul is fluent in Russian, and knows Ukrainian.

Paul's articles on UFO and anomalous phenomena have been published in a number of languages throughout the world in newspapers and magazines. After the demise of the USSR, his articles were also published in Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asian republics. In October of 1993, OMNI Magazine featured a story about Paul’s work, and the research center he had created back in 1991 (Russian Ufology Research Center). Paul has lectured in the U.S., Brazil, and China, and appeared on such TV shows as Ancient Aliens.

His areas of expertise are: Russian history; Soviet covert operations; warfare in the former USSR; cross-cultural training; paranormal phenomena in the Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and China (PRC). He has published a number of books, most co-authored by Philip Mantle (U.K.).

I have certainly seen him on many TV shows, usually talking about Russian UFO sightings. Indeed, he seems to have done a deep trawl of the old soviet era UFO files. One must assume he properly researched the providence of the Peruvian manuscript. Whether the museum just puts a facsimile or photograph on display in order to preserve the original in special conditions behind the scenes, given its potential great age, I don't know. Since you live close to St Petersburg, would it be worth writing to the museum to see whether they still have the original in their safekeeping? If not, do they know where the original is?

If this article is genuine, then it must surely be worthy of further detailed research. If genuine, then it is undoubtedly a great enigma since no archaeologists are aware of any ancient writing of this nature in Peru, since the Inca and their predecessors are assumed never to have used a symbol alphabet of this kind. There again, because it is an enigma that could rewrite history, the museum authorities may prefer to overlook it as a sort of "oopart" (out-of-place) artifact. Who knows. If you do look in to it further, let us know what you discover.​
Since you live close to St Petersburg, would it be worth writing to the museum to see whether they still have the original in their safekeeping? If not, do they know where the original is?
Hi MJF. I wrote an email to the museum (Kunstkamera) with questions regarding this artifact. I attached a scan of the Nexus Magazine article and described the situation in detail.

If these guys (from the museum) don't think I'm the town crazy, they should reply to the email. Let's hope so.

That's not all. Recently I saw an interesting video of an Indian researcher of temples, Hinduism and paleocontact. His name is Praveen Mohan, you may have heard of him. He was invited to "Ancient Aliens" several times. I consider this guy a conscientious researcher, although he is a bit obsessed with Hinduism.
So, this time Praveen Mohan visited not India, but Indonesia. This place is called Candi Sukuh Temple - Sukuh - Wikipedia

This is a very strange place, which is several stone buildings, including a pyramid similar to the Mayan pyramid (from Mesoamerica, but we are in INDONESIA). In addition, there are stone statues and stone bas-reliefs that contain interesting scenes.
Here is all we have there:
- people with elongated skulls, including giants.
- reptilian creatures with elongated skulls.
- scenes of hybrid creatures. Hybrids of pigs and cows (pigs with horns and tails of cows). Hybrids of people and reptiles.
- a weird guy with a big head (and the appearance of a gray alien) and the beard of an Egyptian pharaoh (let me remind you, we are in Indonesia).
- Baphomet? -

And how do you like the Ark of the Covenant, carved in stone, next to the reptilian guys?

In general, it looks pretty crazy. But it was carved in stone hundreds (or thousands) of years ago. And later consigned to oblivion and destroyed (some of the statues were deliberately damaged) and buried in the ground. Until it was dug up in our times.
What do you think about all this?
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