Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

This is a very curious connection indeed. There is frequently a hidden meaning behind the name the C's use in a session so you could be on to something here with the connection to the Greek name Milos (from which I assume the name Milo may derive).

It has been mentioned before on this thread that there is definitely a correlation between the Norse gods and the gods of ancient Greece. However, in the Prose Edda the Nordic gods are described as human Trojan warriors who left Troy after the fall of that city (an origin which parallels Virgil's Aeneid). Although there is no Greek equivalent to Idun as an apple goddess, the nearest comparison in Greek mythology is probably the night nymphs known as the Hesperides who guarded the tree bearing the golden apples that Gaea gave to Hera at her marriage to Zeus. The mythographer Apollodorus (2nd century BC) located them among the Hyperboreans. The golden apples were also guarded by the dragon Ladon, the offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. As Ladon is the name of an Arcadian river, Arcadia was possibly the original site of the garden. The golden apples figured in different accounts of Heracles’ (Hercules) 11th Labour. In one version Heracles slayed the dragon and took the apples to the consternation of the Hesperides. The golden apples (like blue grapes) may be a stand-in for the Grail just like the Golden Fleece is (see more below on this). This connection to the Grail is further strengthened by the myth of Eris's golden 'Apple of Discord', which precipitated the Trojan War. The apple sparked a vanity-fuelled dispute among the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite that led to the Judgement of Paris and ultimately the Trojan War. In common parlance, the "apple of discord" is the core, kernel, or crux of an argument, or a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute. The reference to "core" here makes me think of the C's reference to Kore:
Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

Q: (L) Was it a male or female?

A: Female.

Q: (L) And how did Abraham come to be in possession of this female?

A: Search the text and you will see.

The link Apollodorus made to the Hyperboreans makes me wonder if the island of the Hesperides was one of the islands of the Scottish Hebrides group, the islands of Bride (the Irish Bridget) who I have linked to Princess Meritaten or Hagar the Egyptian in the Bible and to the C's Kore, who in turn may be linked to Helle of Greek mythology who fled with her brother on the Golden Ram that became the Golden Fleece (a metaphor for the Grail), which, like Heracles overcoming the dragon Ladon, the Argonaut Jason would seize and take away with him after subduing the dragon that had guarded it.

I have little doubt that some mythic figures were based on real persons who became deified as their mythic tales evolved over time. For me the Celtic goddess Bridget is one such character who in my view, as the daughter or wife of the Dagda, was based on the Egyptian Princess Meritaten, whose father Akhenaten had possessed the Grail until it was stolen by his wife Nefertiti in her guise as the biblical Rachel and given to the patriarch Jacob, a guise for Abraham/Moses. It is curious that in the biblical story of Rachel, Jacob's father Isaac wanted his son to marry from among his own people, so he sent Jacob to Paddan-aram, to find a wife among the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle. Jacob would find Rachel, Laban's younger daughter, tending sheep at the well at Haran. Scripture says that Rachel was very beautiful, which also reflects the character of Queen Nefertiti whose name means "a beautiful woman has come". The name Rachel means "ewe" in Hebrew, which, given Rachel's role as a shepherdess, may indirectly link her with the shepherdess in Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia. It is interesting that Jacob should meet Rachel at the well of Haran though since this name creates a link to the city of Harran (Haran in Hebrew), which was the home of Terah (Abraham's father), and was for a time Abraham's temporary home. Today Harran lies within the borders of Turkey but in Abraham/Moses's era it was part of the Hittite empire. This fact makes sense of the C's statement that both Abraham (Moses) and Nefertiti (Sarah) were Hittites. If, as the C's state, the biblical Rachel is really Nefertiti, then Abraham in his guise as Jacob did, in marrying Nefertiti, marry someone from his own race or people. In Hebrew, Haran can mean "parched," but is more likely to mean "road" or "crossroad," cognate to Old Babylonian ḫaranu. This reference to Haran being a "crossroad" makes me think of the C's statement concerning Arcadia (Akkadia):

A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

Today Haran is usually identified with Harran, now a village of Şanlıurfa, Turkey close to Göbekli Tepe, which more and more appears to have been the cradle of western civilisation post the Deluge and is a site associated with the Anunnaki, who may be the biblical Nephilim of Genesis. Was this area the original Arcadia post the Deluge?

I have recently been watching the re-runs of a British TV series Atlantis, which features a very loose retelling of some of the Greek mythic tales including that of the Minotaur, Medusa and Jason. The hero of these stories is Jason who is in love with the Princess Ariadne. His friends in these tales are Hercules and a young Pythagoras. The whole thing is jumbled up but is still quite entertaining to watch. In one story, for example. Medusa, who is Hercules's great love interest, is turned into the gorgon by looking into Pandora's box, which Jason and his friends have brought back with them from Hades.

According to Hesiod, when Prometheus stole fire (knowledge?) from heaven, Zeus, the king of the gods, took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. Pandora opened a jar (which would became a box over time) left in her care containing sickness, death and many other unspecified evils which were then released into the world. From this story has grown the idiom "to open a Pandora's box", meaning to do or start something that will cause many unforeseen problems. In some ways this tale ties in with the biblical story of Adam and Eve where their eating of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge brought around the Fall of Mankind, resulting in sickness, death and all manner of other evils befalling man as a result of the sin of pride.

In Greek mythology, Pandora's box was a gift from the gods to Pandora, the first woman on Earth (who having been made from clay can also be likened to the biblical Eve). It supposedly contained all the evils of the world, which were released when Pandora opened the box. However, it also contained hope, which remained inside the box. Symbolically, the box represents the curiosity and desire for knowledge that can lead to both negative consequences and positive outcomes. As we all know, knowledge can be a double-edged sword, its use leading to both good and evil consequences. This idea is depicted in Marco Angelo del Moro (who was active 1565–1586), work titled "Pandora's Box, or The Sciences that Illuminate the Human Spirit", which portrays a woman (see below) in an antique dress opening an ornate coffer from which spills books, manuscripts, snakes and bats. The snakes crawling from the chest may be viewed as ancient symbols of wisdom but they also remind me of the snakes that writhed from the head of the gorgon Medusa.

Given that the head of the Medusa may be a metaphor for the Grail, which I believe may be the pure crystal skull called Baphomet by the Knights Templar, is there a possible link to Pandora's Box, which represents man's curiosity and desire for knowledge. Well there is another famous, historical box that I believe once housed the Grail and that box or coffer is the Ark of the Covenant (MJF: which may also have been the basis of the legend of the Dagda's Cauldron of Irish mythology). So, could the Ark containing the Grail (the Head of Medusa or Baphomet) have been Pandora's Box, which, once opened, presented opportunities for good or evil depending on how the Grail was used. This idea of the Grail being confined within the Ark makes me think of what the C's said here:
Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name [Helle] was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

Q: (Galahad) Stories of escape - there's the story of Daedalus and Icarus... We have Colchis, Jason, the Argonauts. We have [Kore] the last living member of the Perseid family... all mixed up with Abraham and Sarah otherwise known as Paris and Helen who was also Nefertiti. (L) And Abraham wanted to save this individual from the fury of Helen. (S) And why was Helen furious? What happened when Helen got furious? (Galahad) A thousand ships got launched... (L) And a lot of people died and have been dying ever since from this whole monotheistic rant. And it looks like Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah is the main source of the whole deal. A Hittite hybrid with a big skull like those heads of the Ica in Peru. And the C's have said that there were hybrids in Peru that were supposed to have been attempts to create a 3rd density body for direct STS incarnation. And it looks like Sarah/Helen/Nefertiti was one of them. No wonder women have been given a bad name. We have our work cut out for us.

Daedalus and Icarus were not the only example in Greek mythology of confinement and escape since Perseus, the legendary founder of the Perseid dynasty, who was the demigod (hybrid) son of Zeus, was cast adrift in a wooden chest with his mother Danae in the sea by his grandfather Acrisius. Mother and child would eventually be washed ashore on the island of Seriphos. And it was Perseus, of course, who was destined to kill the gorgon Medusa and cut off her head as a trophy he would subsequently present to the goddess Athena (Sir Francis Bacon's muse in her guise as Pallas Athena).

So was the Medusa's head, Pandora's Box and Eris's Apple of Discord all really metaphors for the Grail, which had been confined in the Ark of the Covenant? Where the C's ask "Who was imprisoned?" should that have really been "What was imprisoned?"

If Helle was Princess Meritaten/Hagar and Kore all wrapped up in one person, was Helen's (Nefertiti's) fury in reality connected to the Grail, with which Meritaten and her five sisters may have been linked to as the Hesperidesof Greek mythology? Did Akhenaten's daughters have some special connection to the Grail when it was in their father's possession? Had Meritaten, as a princess of Egypt and priestess of the Temple of the Aten in Amarna, been dedicated to serving the Grail and acting as its protectress. If so, is it possible that Meritaten in her guise as Helle fled with the Grail to the British Isles with the assistance of the Tuatha de Danaan, the biblical Tribe of Dan, who mysteriously disappeared from the Bible without explanation, which event may be recalled in the Bible through the strange story of the rape of the Levite's (Abraham/Moses's) concubine (Hagar) and the resulting Battle of Gibeah, which saw the Tribe of Benjamin almost annihilated (for the Tribe of Benjamin we should read here the Tribe of Dan?). Was Helle's possession of the Grail (the Golden Fleece or Apple of Discord) and its arrival in Britain the eventual spark for the Trojan War, which saw the Grail being recaptured and returned to the Middle East?

As Bridget, Meritaten would have been long dead by the time the Trojan War took place in Cambridge (Illum) in England, given that the C's have said recently that the siege of Troy occurred around 1100 BC* (La era de Meritaten normalmente se cita como de mediados del siglo XIV a. C., pero podría haber sido mucho antes, tal vez el siglo XVII a. C. si nos guiamos por los cálculos de la C). Sin embargo, los troyanos bien podrían haber sido descendientes del séquito de princesas que había llegado de Egipto en barcos como los barcos egipcios descubiertos en Ferriby, Yorkshire, en el estuario de Humber, en el que desemboca el río Trento. Si había traído consigo el Grial, ¿se guardaría posteriormente en la ciudad de Troya? Curiosamente, el año 1100 a. C. sitúa la Guerra de Troya dentro del estadio de béisbol de la época del rey David de Israel. ¿Podrían David o sus seguidores haber estado involucrados en el asedio y, de ser así, podrían haber traído el Grial de regreso a Israel, donde terminó siendo devuelto al Arca de la Alianza? Esto es pura especulación y conjetura de mi parte. Sin embargo, los C dijeron una vez que la historia del rey David era una glosa de la leyenda de Perseo, que implicaba el asesinato de Medusa siendo su cabeza una metáfora del Grial, que, como se analizó anteriormente, puede tener el poder de abrir un portal a la cuarta densidad:
Q: Is the story of David a gloss of the Perseus legend?
A: Yes. More than that though.
Q: Okay, can you tell me what it is more than that?
A: A Tale of 4th Density.
Q: So it's interactive in the sense of groups, not individuals?

A: Yes.

So, who knows? However, it is interesting that the Norse gods should be linked to the human Trojan warriors who left Troy after the fall of that city. Were these Trojan refugees, who may subsequently have taken up residence in Scandinavia, the descendants of the god-like Tuatha de Danann who may have inspired the stories of Odin, Thor etc?

*I have tried to track this confirmation down in the transcripts but without success yet.
Here is a painting by German Albrecht Altdorfer.
St. George and the dragon is sure to have a greater significance.


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I think in the last Cs session they talked in one part about "the moon" I wanted to ask you MJF if the trident of Poseidon is an object of power that really exists? In the movie "Pirates of the caribbean the revenge" by zalazar is about the search for the trident of Poseidon.
While MJF is a little busy, here's another mind-blowing Nephilim/Giant themed riddle.


A stone mask in the Museum of Local History of Lugansk (modern Donbass), which was found in a coal layer that is 350 million years old

In 1979, workers in a coal mine near Lugansk came across man-made artifacts. An iron mask template in the form of a human face and the stone face itself. There was no doubt that these were artifacts related to humans. When the find was shown to local experts, they immediately asked from what depth the objects were raised. It turned out that the depth was so great that there could be no talk of a connection between the items and people.

The coal layers from which the two finds were extracted correspond to an age of 350 million years. The story took such a fantastic turn that the mask and the stone imprint were sent to Moscow to establish their age. There they conducted several tests, but did not publish the results of the laboratory research. This went against the ideas about the origin of humanity on Earth.

At the moment, both the iron mask itself and the stone mold for casting are in the Lugansk Museum of Local History, on the second floor, and it seems that everyone has forgotten about the find.

More photos:


PS It seems that we have here exactly the same face of Nephilim as the Shigir idol (12 thousand years old). The same "Man from Urfu", the stone people of Easter Island and other finds around the world.
I apologise to everyone for not being active on this thread for quite a while now. The reason for this has been that my elderly mother had a fall in January, which resulted in her sustaining a broken leg. This necessitated an half hip replacement operation. Although the operation went well, she subsequently experienced post operative difficulties such as a urinary tract infection and hypotension (blood pressure collapses). She was in hospital for several weeks. Although she was discharged and came home in late February, she still required medical care at home since she had become very frail and had difficulty standing and walking.

Unfortunately, she also started experiencing hallucinations or to use the medical term delirium (or psychotic episodes). My brother and I are her primary carers so we found ourselves having to stay with her in the early hours of the morning to ensure she was safe. She did on one occasion get out of bed and have a fall when she was left alone. Although she would emerge from these psychotic episodes and be her normal self for a while, she would then plunge back in to delirium. As a result, she has been readmitted to hospital for evaluation and treatment. It is not unusual for older people to experience such hallucinations during or after a prolonged stay in hospital. These psychotic episodes can last for months and then finally abate. However, in some cases they can become the new normal for the patient.

To make matters worse, we experienced a whole series of house related issues that required attention. Our electric cooker malfunctioned and needed replacement. Our electrically operated garage door packed up and needed repair. The water company then advised us that we had an internal leak in the house, which required investigation. It transpired that the leak was outside the property after expert analysis. So all in all, it has been a difficult period for my brother and I. This has meant that I have had to concentrate on my mother and running the household, which has not left much time for writing. However, I hope to commence posting soon when time allows as I have acquired a very interesting book on the life of Sir Francis Bacon that seeks to show that he was the instigator of a secret society that would appear to have been the Rosicrucians. I think it is no exaggeration to suggest that he was one of the most influential men in modern history. In many ways he can truly be said to be the man behind the curtain.

For those who have been asking after my sister, whilst she remains at home, she too is suffering from psychosis but in her case this is due to kidney failure, where toxins which would otherwise be flushed out of the body by the kidneys are migrating to the brain. Dialysis would certainly help her condition but this depends on whether her body will be able to tolerate it.

I will try and respond to your posts as and when time permits. Please feel free to post here though in my absence. I wish everyone well in these increasingly chaotic times (quoting the C's here in the most recent session).​
@MJF thank you for letting us know. I've been wondering about your absence.

I'm sorry that your mother is going through all of this, as well as your brother and you. Along with all of the other things you have listed that are going on around you, I'm amazed you are even able to think straight.

Take your time with what you need to do to get things straightened out., but if you can, do drop us a note now and again to let us know that you are doing okay. :hug:
It looks like the PC Woke crowd has gotten their hooks into the bard's legacy. How more colonial can you get than by erasure and destruction of a culture and history?

To be or not to be decolonised — that is the question vexing the charity responsible for William Shakespeare’s estates, which has been plunged into controversy over the playwright’s legacy.

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, which owns his homes and some archival material linked to his birth, has been urged to “purge” its vast collections “of Anglocentric and colonialist thought”.
In 2022 a collaborative project between the trust and Dr Helen Hopkins, of Birmingham City University, found that presenting the playwright as a “universal” genius “benefits the ideology of white European supremacy”.
In a blog post about the project, Hopkins said it was necessary to “purge the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s interpretative policies and brand narratives of Anglocentric and colonialist thought.”

The trust subsequently secured funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, an organisation that finances projects that boost diversity and inclusion, to make its collections more internationally palatable. It has organised events celebrating Rabindranath Tagore, a Bengali poet who Hopkins said had been sidelined due to veneration of Shakespeare, and a Romeo and Juliet-inspired Bollywood dance workshop.

Fairbairn was the son of Steve Fairbairn and his wife Eleanor née Sharwood. He went to school at Eton.

Fairbairn married Cynthia Isabelle Theresa Arbuthnot, daughter of Gerald Arbuthnot, MP for Burnley on 27 July 1925. They had two children and were divorced in 1941.He was married a second time in 1941, to Esmée V. H. Bethell (also known as Esmée Stobart from her earlier marriage, from which she had two sons). She was killed in an air-raid by a flying bomb in 1944.

In 1961 he created the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation as a memorial to his second wife, transferring his personal holding in M&G Group plc to the trust. This endowment allowed it to become one of the larger charities in the UK.

@MJF thank you for letting us know. I've been wondering about your absence.

I'm sorry that your mother is going through all of this, as well as your brother and you. Along with all of the other things you have listed that are going on around you, I'm amazed you are even able to think straight.

Take your time with what you need to do to get things straightened out., but if you can, do drop us a note now and again to let us know that you are doing okay. :hug:
Thank you for these kind sentiments. The C's recently warned of more chaos ahead. Well, in some ways that chaos has arrived early for me, although I appreciate that they had global chaos in mind here. Where time permits I am still reading and researching and hope to post some articles in the coming days and weeks. We are currently waiting on the doctors to complete their assessment of my mother and then take a decision over what to do for her. She is still drifting in and out of delirium.

In the meantime, today is Sr Patrick's Day, a day of celebration in Ireland and for all those of Irish descent like my mother and myself. Hence, if I may crave your indulgence, I am posting here my mother's favourite Irish ballad sung by the wonderful Australian singer Judith Durham (who was a member of the famous Seekers group). Love and best wishes to everybody.

It looks like the PC Woke crowd has gotten their hooks into the bard's legacy. How more colonial can you get than by erasure and destruction of a culture and history?
Yes, the crazies are still out there peddling their manic ideas but perhaps for not much longer. It is ironic that the real Shakespeare may have been Sir Francis Bacon, the man who practically wrote the blueprint for the modern USA. I wonder what he would make of it all if he was around today (but then he might be, somewhere in the Pyrenees perhaps :-)).​

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