Antibiotics - to take or not to take

Forgot to mention another folk remedy Burdock Root (лопух большой)

It has blood cleansing properties & promotes respiratory health as well as gut health (and many others health benefits)

Was also used as an antidote to poisons back in the day.


Also known as: Cocklebur, beggar button, cockle button.

Latin description: Arctium lappa.

Parts to use: Roots, leaves and seeds (mainly the roots).

Chemical Constituents of Burdock :
Fresh Roots: insulin, polyacetylenes, acidic acid, proprionic acid, butyric
acid, isovaleric acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, myristic acid, manganese, sulphur, biotin, tannin.
Seeds: arctiin, chlorogenic acid. Leaves: arctiol, fukinone, taraxasterol.
Medicinal Benefits and Uses of Burdock

* Experimental extracts have shown the following effects: antibacterial, antifungal, antifurunculous, antitumor (1964), diuretic, estrogenic, hypoglycemic. Also said to contain antiviral compounds specific to fighting AIDS, but verification currently lacking.
* Secondary adaptogen (but primarily known as a blood purifier), alterative, antibiotic (fresh root), antifungal (fresh root), anti-inflammatory, astringent, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic (when fresh), expectorant, lowers blood sugar (extract of seeds for diabetes); affects circulatory, urinary, and digestive systems. Has acquired a reputation for neutralizing and cleansing toxins from the body that were evidenced by signs of skin problems, sluggish digestion, arthritic-type pains, but should be noted that kidneys and bladder were required to be healthy before beginning such a regimen. Often combined with Yellowdock and Red clover in cleasing remedies. Has also been used in cases of cancer (tumors) by many herbal medicine systems due to presence of cancer-inhibiting compounds, although originally it had been used in folk medicines of several continents for this purpose, including tumors of the breast, glands, intestine, knee, lip, liver, sinus, stomach, tongue and uterus. All parts, leaves, roots, and seeds, have been used for cancer, abscesses, boils, flu, pertussis, and tonsillitis with a decoction of the root being used for ulcerated, glandular, and white tumors.
* More specifically: the root has been considered alternative, mildly laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-rheumatic, antibiotic and used for cancer, eczema, icthyosis, prurigo, psoriasis, catarrh, endometriosis, gallstones, gout, flu, rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis and externally for hemorrhoids, swellings, sores, carbuncles, and measles; stalks, mild laxative; the leaves mildly laxative, diuretic; the seeds (must be crushed before being decocted), alterative, febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, depurative, reduce blood sugar, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, febrifuge, carminative (taken with honey and wine); tincture of the seeds has been used for kidney disease, acne, prurigo, psoriasis; large leaves, indigestion, general digestive weakness.
* Has been used traditionally for gout (said to help break up deposits of uric acid), measles, gonorrhea, vertigo, rheumatism, hives, sore throats, insect and snake bites, constipation, leprosy, dandruff, burns, ulcers, sores.
* Has been combined with Yellow Dock for urinary stones and gravel. Also to aid kidney function in cases of cystitis. Contains natural iron and silica salts said to be responsible for this action.
* Has been combined with Dandelion root as a blood purifying spring beverage.
* The following combination has been used in tincture form where more of a stimulant was desired: 10 drops Burdock, 10 drops Goldenseal, 10 drops Buchu.
* Has been used internally and externally for eczema, psoriasis, styes, other inflammatory skin conditions, boils, carbuncles, canker sores, sores, sepsis, joint disorders, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, any chronic inflammatory conditions. Seeds have been considered specific for skin diseases when necessary to open pores. For skin eruptions such as eczema, acne or boils, a decoction has been taken by the half-cupful 2 to 3 times a day. A decoction of equal parts Burdock and Yellow Dock has been used as a wash for rashes, pimples, eczema, and similar skin conditions. Has sometimes been combined with Johnny-jump-up for skin eruptions.
* Has been used as an appetite stimulent in cases of anorexia.
* Fresh leaves have been used as aid to liver problems by producing and simulating secretion of bile.
* Has also been used as a wash for dandruff, poison oak and ivy. The juice of the leaves has been used to rub on wasp and hornet stings to give relief.
* Infusion of leaves or root taken before meals to settle stomach and cleanse blood. Also, a decoction of the leafy branch for vertigo.
* Crushed leaves have been used to ease aches and bruises. The bruised leaves have also been applied to the forehead and soles of the feet for fever.
* An infusion or decoction of the root has been used as a wash for acne, fungal skin infections, athlete's foot, ringworm. Also used for skin problems have been the shredded leaves folded into egg whites and applied as a poultice; this same poultice has been used to relieve pain. Another combination for skin problems has been Burdock, Red Clover, and Yellow Dock.
* Has been used for corns and warts.
* Leaves as tea or poultice have sedative effect . Also used for sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis of hot, dry joints. Also, poultice has been used for skin ulcers, acne, furunculosis.
* In Chinese medicine is used to treat 'yang' conditions, excess nervous energy, sweating out of toxins, and cooling the heat of infection. Seeds are also used for abscesses, acne, constipation, dropsy, fever, flatulence, unproductive cough, sore red swollen throat, pneumonia, swellings, measles, mumps, carbuncles, scarlet fever, scrofula, smallpox, snakebite, syphilis, as well as those conditions treated by Western herbalism with other parts of the plant. Seeds were also used by American Eclectics for skin diseases and as a diuretic.
* Tincture of the seed has been used for dropsy and pneumonia.
* Native Americans of the Otos tribes used a decoction of the root for pleurisy. Burdock played a part in herbal medicine used by the Meskwaki women for labor. The Flambeau Ojibwe used the root for stomach pain. The Potawatomi used a root tea as a general tonic and blood purifier.
* In Chinese medicine the entire seed pod is dried or roasted and used for abscess, cancer, coughs, colds, sore swollen throats, boils, measles, epidemic parotitis, facial erysipelas, hoarseness.

Burdock Side Effects

People who are suffering with hypo-glycemia should use with care as burdock can lower blood sugar levels.

Will have to wait till next month to buy herbs and stuff, but will definitely look into it. I don't tolerate heat so well, so never liked real saunas (my mother was taking me there when I was a child. My favorite part was to jump into a swimming pool after all this heat :P), but liked the sauna blanket a lot when had a chance to use it. Will try to breath into a steam from a pot.

Thanks again for the help and kind words. You are the best. :flowers:
I have a question- I had to take antibiotics back in September when I came down with a wicked, uh, whatever (doctors never figured out what it was). It felt like a combination of strep throat and mono, my lymph nodes were really swollen (I felt like Frankenstein towards the end of it), tonsils were swollen and touching, spleen was swollen, icky things in the back of my throat, fatigue, and fevers. Blegh! The antibiotics did not seem to help, I only got better after I stopped them (I was on penicillin and then keflex). I tried to take a lot of probiotics several hours after taking the antibiotics (so they wouldn't cancel each other out) and then daily since. I feel in general that my system still isn't quite back to normal (I've had a couple mild yeast infections since then, which I've never had in my life before), so, my question is, what is a good strategy for getting oneself back on track when one has taken antibiotics? Is there any methodology for replacing the lost good bacteria, other than "take more probiotics than usual"? I know every case is different but I'm having trouble determining what to do.
Ultralevure (saccharomyces boulardii) works very well for some people. It is a good yeast and it helps to re-establish a healthy flora gut. Other than that there is nystatin which some doctors can prescribe after a course of antibiotics. Also the good herbs and other nutrients like L-glutamine. Prebiotics might be better than probiotics as well.
I don't have access to a doctor, unfortunately, so nystatin is probably out. I guess my question was about the amount of probiotics to take, either an amount how how one would know one is "full", as it were. I know sometimes I get a little gassy when I've taken more than usual, is that what to look for or are there other signs? Otherwise is there a recommendation like how many billion organisms to consume a day (I feel like a dalek, crying, "Assimilate!") I will see about locating the specific saccharomyces boulardii strain and do more research on prebiotics, thanks!
At least 6 weeks of probiotics are needed to restore intestinal flora. A good probiotic should have 10 to 20 billion organisms and it should be taken on an empty stomach or with food twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. It should be in a capsule that will help the probiotics survive stomach acidity. I think there might be some brand recommendations in a supplement's thread here in the forum. We get ours from the pharmacy, but now we're using prebiotics which basically includes "food" for the live bacteria.

According to some people, it is best to take probiotics even though one is taking antibiotics:
There is a common confusion that one should wait until they are finished with the antibiotic to start the good bacteria. Even though the antibiotic is killing the good bacteria, that is exactly when you need it the most. So I would triple the dose, as it will tend to prevent the common diarrhea complication many have with the antibiotic.

It seems that the best time to take them is in between doses of the antibiotic, before and after a meal. After a few days the antibiotic course is completed, one can go back to probiotics twice per day for at least 6 weeks.

Saccharomyces may bloat and constipate some people. It is commonly used for diarrhea or diarrhea induced by antibiotics. The dose is three times daily for one month. But if there are no diarrhea issues, once per day on an empty stomach for two weeks should be enough. If a person tends to constipate, then one week.
Ugh , now it finally got me too :(.
This happens rarely but I got cold now , OSIT.
Weird thing is that I have serious fever and it is not going away for three days so far.No caugh, no throat soring only fever.
I take a lot of Vit C and a lot of garlic.
I will try ginger today.

Any Other ideas how to bring fever down ?

Forgot to mention another folk remedy Burdock Root

I have to try that , I wonder where to get it during winter time :/
drygol said:
Any Other ideas how to bring fever down ?

Unless the fever go to a dangerous level, I think you should not try to drop it. If this is a virus the fever will stop the replication at a certain point.

Have an alkaline diet: lot of vegetables and fruits. Most fruits make alkaline reaction in the body but you have to search for the exact list. Eventually take small quantities of bicarbonate of soda 2 or 3 times a day.
Thanks for tips Ellipse !

Temp is 38 all the time and I cannot get rid of it with garlic nor with ginger. It worked yesterday thou.
I guess I also did mistake with acidic stuff since I took a lot of vitamin C which is acidic.
I`ll try bicarbonate because I am not allowed to eat sugar because of candida.
Thank you again ! :)
drygol said:
Temp is 38 all the time and I cannot get rid of it with garlic nor with ginger. It worked yesterday thou.
I drygol, I only see you message this evening, I hope you're doing better since Sunday.

drygol said:
I guess I also did mistake with acidic stuff since I took a lot of vitamin C which is acidic.
Not necessarily, oranges or lemons which are acid, induce an alkaline reaction in the body. So we can think it's the same with vitamin C but I don't know for sure.

drygol said:
I`ll try bicarbonate because I am not allowed to eat sugar because of candida.
I don't understand exactly why you say that so I've a doubt about vocabulary. Is "bicarbonate" pointing to a different thing of "bicarbonate of soda" ?

Vulcan59 said:
[..] FWIW, I had upper respiratory infection for quite a while and nothing seem to help till I found this herb called tulsi. I hope you'll be able to find some in a health shop in your area. It worked great for me. The type I used is this one here which in India, would cost you only 75 Rs. (approximately US$ 1.70!) I managed to find some in my area in an Indian grocery store.

Tulsi stopped my cough in 2 days and lungs are cleaning up very nicely at a hyper-accelerated rate. Once a winter-cough started i suffered from it at least 2 weeks. Now this suffering is gone!!!!! Bought it Thursday afternoon, immediately took one 500mg capsule, containing finely ground Holy Basil leaves. Popped open another one at night and took only the powder. By Saturday the cough was effectively gone. It tastes slightly like menthol and may modify taste functions just as using a lot of oregano in a soup i think.
- Eugenol,
– Ursolic acid,
– Tannin (rosmaranic acid, oleanolic acid, linolenic acid)
- calcium, iron, zinc, Chlorophyll

Effect lessens when stuffing stomach full with food. Also to be able to travel on bus and not get cough fits, while the coughing stimuli lasts i discovered an instant cough-stopping remedy: but this is only for travel. Do not use it at night, because your lungs won't clean up nicely, you need a few hours of productive cough, when stopping a heavy cough in 2 days, that was usually lasting for more than two weeks. It seems the sickness spiritually lingers on for 2 weeks [physically strengthens if you forget to take your Tulsi before lunch], while the physical symptoms have been stopped by Tulsi. Interesting.

Instant cough-stopper remedy: get out one capsule of Super Enzymes+ from Highland.

- Pancreatic Enzyme Complex
- Betaine HCl
- Fenugreek seed
- Ox Bile
- Acid Stable Protease
- Papain
- Proprietary blend: Choline Bitartrate, Inositol, Hops Strobiles, Peppermint Leaf, Chamomile Flower, Yarrow Flower

No idea, which one of these stops my cough immediately with a lasting effect 2-3 hours afterwards.

Pour a very little of the capsule's content into a little water on the bottom of a glass, make the two mix a little, take good breaths above the capsule and above the glass, drink the mix. If you have to belch, make sure the air from your stomach gets into your lungs too. (sorry)

Do not use all the time, your lungs need cleaning up with good productive cough. Using Tulsi every day - two 500mg capsules - seems to result in very good cleaning up reaction.

Only use this enzyme-technique if your cough stopped being productive and becomes really annoying - automatic, involuntary.

(I'm hypersensitive to any smoke, dust, car exhaust, wallpaint-smells, nail polish, thinners and all similar chemicals, and while wearing normally a 'stingy' shirt next to the skin i get an unstoppable 'allergic' cough-fit reaction, that's why i must wear every shirt with the seams inside-out. Maybe that's why the enzyme-technique works for me.)
Oh sorry for late reply, I missed this thread somehow :-[

I drygol, I only see you message this evening, I hope you're doing better since Sunday.

Yup , I am doing fine thank you ! :)

I don't understand exactly why you say that so I've a doubt about vocabulary. Is "bicarbonate" pointing to a different thing of "bicarbonate of soda" ?

I was not precise enough , yeah , I meant Sodium Bicarbonate of course.
I have a question. Recently received the ordered probiotics and Saccharomyces boulardii + mos. It said on the site that probiotics contain no milk, but the bottle says that it has milk derivatives. Would it be ok to take it then, or take only Saccharomyces boulardii?

Been taking Saccharomyces boulardii after having a course of antibiotics, and not sure if it was enough to restore the gut flora. Also have probiotics that contain dairy and soy in trace amounts, so this one is probable a no no, right? Also, would appreciate an advice on a non dairy brand of probiotics. Tried to search for it and couldn't find any.
Most store-both probiotics do not have dairy in them, but can't guarantee that they are completely dairy-free, because that's what the bacteria grows on, it's their growth media. The bacteria is then collected and thoroughly purified, but trace amounts *may* still remain, and they feel obligated to mention this. It doesn't seem a big deal to me, but if I were super-sensitive, I'd take it more seriously.

If it's important to you, there are some professional brands of probiotics that are guaranteed to be dairy-free, i.e., their bacteria are grown on special dairy-free medium in a dedicated facility. They are probably triple the price and have to be ordered from the manufacturer. You might want to look among the products recommended in protocols for autistic kids on GFCF diets.
Hildegarda said:
Most store-both probiotics do not have dairy in them, but can't guarantee that they are completely dairy-free, because that's what the bacteria grows on, it's their growth media. The bacteria is then collected and thoroughly purified, but trace amounts *may* still remain, and they feel obligated to mention this. It doesn't seem a big deal to me, but if I were super-sensitive, I'd take it more seriously.

Yeah, I found such probiotic here and bought it couple of times, but prices for supplements here are really high to the point where it's worth ordering from abroad including paying for the shipment and leaving purchase from local places for emergency cases. Also not sure if I am that sensitive, so will try to take it and see how it goes.

Hildegarda said:
If it's important to you, there are some professional brands of probiotics that are guaranteed to be dairy-free, i.e., their bacteria are grown on special dairy-free medium in a dedicated facility. They are probably triple the price and have to be ordered from the manufacturer. You might want to look among the products recommended in protocols for autistic kids on GFCF diets.

Nah, definitely don't have that kind of money. Will go with "lesser evil" version as possible for a time being. Thank you for the feedback, Hildegarda!
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