I understand what you mean, I have a cat and she is my little love, before, i would never have considered possible to draw such a strong relation with an animal. But i was speaking generally. Even if it exists some cats ready to defend a human, for a dog, this is common to see dogs sacrifying their live for their master (or ready to), and other kind of examples which demonstrate (still generally of course) that dogs tend to give more in the way good (STO) people act. Don't also forget that your 6 cats are living with you who are STO candidate, you are influencing their life experience toward more compassion & love, and you spend a lot of time with them too i suppose.
That's why i joked while writing about to incarnate into a cat with an SDA candidate as master/friend, and who knows, maybe it's known in 5D that anyone who want to live a short but restful and full of love 2D live, the trick is to incarnate in a cat near where you live and come meowing at your door
Anyway, whatever type of animal you meet or live with, respecting it for who it is and acting accordingly is what matters
BTW, this remains me the movie Vanilly Sky, for instance
this passage, or
this one at the end of the movie - I watched this movie a lot of times and ... i wonder ....why not watching it one more time ?
Oh dredger, I think I understand what you are talking about. But this reasoning is from the realm of fantasies and assumptions, which we cannot verify.
If we return to our reality, then cats and dogs are SIMPLY DIFFERENT. They cannot be measured with one ruler. Yes, dogs were domesticated before cats (33,000 years versus 10,000), they are human-oriented and highly dependent on him. The physiology of their digestion has even changed in dogs, in their diet should be carbohydrates, and cats have remained strict meat eaters and predators.
The question of the time of domestication was finally cleared up after the
publication in 2013 of a work, the first author of which is the geneticist Anna Druzhkova from the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Analysis of 413 nucleotides of the Paleolithic Altai dog showed that it is much closer to the dogs and prehistoric canines of the New World than to modern wolves. Accordingly, the 33 thousand-year-old animal from the Rogue Cave is the oldest known dog today, which means that the domestication of our smaller brothers took place long before the emergence of agriculture. The same Yaroslav Kuzmin believes that it is not even clear who the owners of the first Altai dog were: “both Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals are suitable in age”. In other words, the first domestication, in principle, may still be prehuman.
I am 100% cat lover. In my childhood there were many animals (dogs, chickens, rabbits, ducks, cows, etc.), I love all of them, but cats are just perfect for my character. There is an opinion that dogs are for extroverts, cats are for introverts. I am glad that there are people who are able to understand and love both cats and dogs at the same time, like Perlou, Laura, Yas...
I've noticed that many people keep cats, but treat them like inanimate or useless things, calling them stupid. A study has emerged recently. British scientists have found that almost every domestic cat has signs of psychopathy
Scientists create test to find out if your cat is a psychopath:
A team of experts from the University of Liverpool John Moores has developed a special survey called Cat Triarchic Plus (CAT-Tri +). It was attended by 549 cat owners.
The questionnaire includes 46 statements that helped the owners describe the behavior of their pets. Below are some examples:
· "My cat vocalizes loudly (meows or howls) for no apparent reason";
· "My cat runs around the house for no reason";
· "My cat doesn't seem to feel guilty about bad behavior," etc.
The test results showed that the presence in cats of such characteristics as courage and disinhibition, as well as their lack of empathy and remorse, combined with an unfriendly attitude towards people and other pets, indicate the presence of signs of psychopathy in pets.
Over the years of communication with cats,
@AndrewMn and I have almost become feline psychologists.
We tamed a few semi-wild cats that didn't know how to communicate with humans at all. Sometimes it takes years and tons of patience for a cat to reveal its character, become calm, affectionate and confident in the family.
At the same time, I know people who, having fed a kitten without a cat, then destroy this relationship and love with their own hands. Because they impose some human or canine rules of behavior on cats, without taking into account their biology and nature, inherent in the genes. The person did not realize that his cat, when resting with him, releases its claws and massages him (this is a normal and often persisting instinct, as cats massage the mother's tummy so that milk flows better or make a bed), he specially pressed her paws to wean it habits. The man wanted the cat to greet him from work like a dog.
The cat began to fear its breadwinner and eventually ran away from home. They don't live where they feel bad.
Cats are hunters and are more independent, they can survive alone, but this does not mean that they only need food, warmth and comfort from a person. You have to be a deep person to get to know and understand the cat.
I know some volunteers are looking for a new home only for stray dogs, not cats. They say that in our cold winters, dogs will not survive without human help, but cats are more tenacious, capable and independent.