Quote from: Lilyalic
The collective knowledge of the fourth way, the 'truth' (to how far my knowledge goes individually so far), the diet and so on makes me feel somewhat narcissistic whilst looking down on others unwillingly for them being unconscious, does anyone else ever feel this?
I´ve been there too and spent a long time squeezing my brain trying to understand how and why the narcissistic feeling works, even long before I was acquainted with the word narcissism.
I see the feeling you are referring to, Lilyalic, as the expression of our dual world and as such it requires my active and conscious participation in life, independently whether I´m aware of it or not. That is how I understand this third density area as a school. When I´m lying to myself, like for example in a repression mode, the tension between yes and no seeks to draw my conscious attention, the recognition of what I´m repressing. In this way I´m given an opportunity to understand that I´m part of my own process in the everyday life and from there on, making personal choices becomes then a matter of tremendous importance.
Regarding the example you gave above, let´s say you are looking down on others because you feel you are doing IMPORTANT things and have access to IMPORTANT information here, this could resonate with a huge need to be valued yourself (not saying this is your case), and then the emotional thought "I shouldn´t feel superior" enters the scene and one may be easily confused by mixed feelings and psychological defences arising right there, like i did by judging this state of confusion, which further distorts things even more.
What I do after recognizing symptoms of a disturbing feeling process is resorting to the third principle of reconciliation -positive, negative, reconciliation of both extremes -. In the example I just used, this could mean stopping to evaluate my self worth through others while taking note of obsolete ideas I´m still holding on from past and early experiences, disengaging myself of any a priori explanations about peoples actions towards myself, and reintegrating a more objective new self based on the new information. Lot of readings and reflections need to be done at the same time of course.
Maybe I extended myself too much with the explanation, but I still did it because your question reminded me of how much time -years
I was dedicating to find THE answer to your question. Sure enough, a signal of a narcissistic trait lurking its ugly head, particularly when this question rebounds without echo for too long a time in the mind! And so many aspects to take in account for such an apparently naive question, so to speak.