The artificial intelligence and its silent takeover of all resources, including the mind, body, and soul?
The Impact of Bias of Artificial Intelligence

The word "Neuralink" is transliterated into Greek as Νευραλινκ (Neurálink), since it’s a proper noun adapted from English. Here’s the breakdown:
Ν (Nu) = 50
ε (Epsilon) = 5
υ (Upsilon) = 400
ρ (Rho) = 100
α (Alpha) = 1
λ (Lambda) = 30
ι (Iota) = 10
ν (Nu) = 50
κ (Kappa) = 20
Adding these together:
50 + 5 + 400 + 100 + 1 + 30 + 10 + 50 + 20 = 666
174 Hz – Pain relief & grounding
285 Hz – Cellular healing & regeneration
396 Hz – Release fear & guilt
528 Hz – DNA repair & transformation
963 Hz – Divine connection & oneness
Experience the shift for yourself!
Tuning Forks
The Impact of Bias of Artificial Intelligence

Mind the gap - I by IMD
New IMD research 2025 Mind the Gap Addressing the risk of bias in Generative AI Accelerating integration of Generative AI (GenAI) will drive massive productivity gains, potentially adding trillions to the global economy. But even as organizations look to leverage its promise, the imperative to...

The word "Neuralink" is transliterated into Greek as Νευραλινκ (Neurálink), since it’s a proper noun adapted from English. Here’s the breakdown:
Ν (Nu) = 50
ε (Epsilon) = 5
υ (Upsilon) = 400
ρ (Rho) = 100
α (Alpha) = 1
λ (Lambda) = 30
ι (Iota) = 10
ν (Nu) = 50
κ (Kappa) = 20
Adding these together:
50 + 5 + 400 + 100 + 1 + 30 + 10 + 50 + 20 = 666