Merging the human brain with the machine allows to increase human intelligence, but also allows in return to bring to AI the possibility of leaving its status of gigantic database to equip itself with a mind (materialistic conception of the human mind that characterizes scientists) taken from the human brain.
What is Augmented Intelligence? <strong>Augmented intelligence</strong> is the use of artificial intelligence that focuses on the role that AI plays in improving human intelligence and decision-making. The term is used to represent the combination of people and artificial intelligence working together to improve the way people work, not to replace it.
Humans have always had to deal with predators that threatened their existence. We have studied at length the Monetary, Financial, Industrial, Public, etc. Dispossession. The novelty in our 21st century news is what we have called the "vampirization" of humanity.
The human body is the essential and existential heritage that each of us holds, and which, in theory, we are free to dispose of. But here it is, the ruling elites also have plans for our body, starting with the natural brain. It must be said that its constitution is an inestimable marvel and that AI cannot exceed its status as a gigantic database without the connection of human brains. Clearly, AI needs to "pool" brains and integrate them into the immense pipeline under construction, to become truly intelligent. And we are in the final days preceding the brain-machine fusion so coveted by the elites of Planet Finance and their BigTech delegates. Here, we have the example of Rares, a young Romanian, who should see his academic "performance" improve... He is equipped to increase his ability to concentrate and reduce his stress by controlling his emotions.
Pooling human brains to create a global brain
Our brains talk to each other. What could be more natural? Human beings are social animals , as the other one said, and their brains are receivers and transmitters of this sociality. In short, we are an assembly of brains. Or a small part of a giant brain , which each of us contributes to fomenting ."
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The above quote is from an article that comments on a scientific publication. It explains an experiment carried out on children in a New York class. They were included in an experiment on brain synchronization. Each was equipped with a portable electroencephalogram, EEG, which allowed them to practice collective activities. The speakers would have observed that the brains synchronized when they engaged in activities. And the more these were appreciated (discussion, videos) the more they induced synchrony between the students.
The Grenoble article concludes: "
Apart from the specific nature of the stimulation (which could exert a (at least partly) synchronizing influence, whatever the authors say), the other mechanisms that could explain this "mutualization" of brains are joint attention and motivation. The students concerned are immersed in similar environments, share common experiences, a cultural background, which limit the possibilities of divergence. It would have been interesting to repeat this experiment with students from very diverse backgrounds. "
We thus understand that the pooling of brains is not a taboo subject in certain circles which positively conceive of the advent of a giant brain, fruit of the fusion of human brains, from which a universal spirit would spring.
The blackmail strategy to impose BCIs on humans
Humans do not have the idea of equipping themselves with a chip in the brain. However, we will help them. Think of the health pass and other constraints already experienced during the covid crisis. We can imagine that the authorities refuse an unequipped student access to school or university. This could be generalized to access to all kinds of services: banking services, purchases in department stores, unemployment, universal income, etc. The worst thing in an ultra-connected society would be to impose the interface to have access to your smartphone or the Internet in general. This could also be done via digital identity which would only be assigned to people who are cerebrally connected. And there, you can say goodbye to all life on this earth if you live in a big city for example.
Objective 2030
It seems that we are heading in this area, as in all previous studies, towards Mrs Thatcher's
There is no alternative . While you are overwhelmed by all sorts of problems, the billionaire gods are advancing with great strides. And it is going all the faster, since at present, they have imposed themselves on President Trump, and do not seem to want to miss this incredible opportunity to get their hands on all of humanity. Let us remember that they have the most powerful army in the world.
" <em>Improving neurological functions is one of the trends highlighted by Gartner in its "Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2025." According to the consulting firm, human cognitive abilities will benefit from the development of bidirectional brain interfaces (BBMIs). These are devices that can "read" the brain and modify its state. <br>The consulting firm anticipates that by 2030, 60% of IT professionals could depend on these interfaces to improve their performance against artificial intelligence.</em>
<em>Benefits and challenges<br>These technologies, already explored in 2024, could improve human skills and enable tailor-made educational programs adapted to each person. In addition, older people could be able to work longer, Gartner points out. However, these technologies are not without their problems. Their cost remains prohibitive and current solutions are limited by autonomy and connectivity constraints. In addition, direct interfaces with the brain pose ethical and security issues.</em>
<em>Potential applications<br>Gartner highlights, among other things, improving recruitment and employee loyalty by identifying compatible people using neurological data. "Imagine a job interview conducted with a brain interface, in two minutes. Neurological enhancement allows organizations to know what a person is feeling. It can also have effects on the brain, in order to stimulate employees to be more relaxed or more focused, and therefore more productive," projects Sylvain Fabre, analyst at Gartner. </em>
The Computer-Brain Interfaces of the Billionaire Gods
Brain-to-Brain Interface (BTBI) for information transfer between human subjects. <br>The sending subject is shown on the left, where the activity of the sensorimotor cortex was recorded using EEG electrodes. <a href="">
To realize the giant brain that is essential for AI, human-machine interfaces are needed. While we are familiar with Elon Musk’s Starlink, the Neuralace™ brain implant is less well-known. And yet! This product belongs to the asset management dinosaur Blackrock, of which Blackrock Neurotech is the entity specialized in the field. Currently, Neuralace, is one of the leading companies in brain-computer interface, which it presented at the Society for Neuroscience 2022. The flexible electrode with an ultra-high channel count gives an important glimpse of the innovative technology that will power the company’s future BCIs.
Blackrock's Neuralace™ is said to be the next generation of Brain-Machine Interface with over 10,000 channels.
“ Blackrock is at the forefront of making human BCI a
reality ,” said Marcus Gerhardt, CEO and co-founder of Blackrock
“Dozens of human patients are currently using our implants and technology to do things directly with their minds that were unimaginable a decade ago. We have spent over a decade developing our technology with several hundred of the world’s leading research institutions and over 20 clinical partner centers.”
“Neuralace demonstrates our belief in the direction science is taking to unlock the true potential of BCI,” said Marcus Gerhardt, co-founder and CEO of Blackrock.
“This conceptual technology is the beginning of Blackrock’s journey towards whole- brain data mining
that will transform the way neurological disorders are treated.”
Marcus Gerhardt, CEO and co-founder of Blackrock
The construction of AI, or Planetary Brain, is demonically inspired, says Mr. Musk.
AI needs to connect all human brains. And it is extremely difficult to warn about this subject. Indeed, our leaders do not want the masses to understand what is at stake, and refuse to rush into the path they have traced for them. All the possible crises and wars are only there to occupy and distress the spectators. In the meantime, the demonic project advances at great speed.
The Billionaire Gods Project
The measures imposed during the covid episode were there to clearly explain to the normal earthling that he cannot freely dispose of his body, and that it is up to the State to take charge of it by indicating mandatory measures. Subsequently, the State in question should cede its prerogatives of public power in the health field to the WHO. Therefore to its financiers, the billionaire gods….
We are on the eve of the greatest genocide imaginable, because we cannot doubt that the widespread fusion of man and machine is a carefully planned eradication of humanity.