Artificial Intelligence News & Discussion

I had a kind of joke in mind with this story :

> How much for the DDOS campaign against Deepseek ?
>> 5 billions

More seriously, on the same theme than @ScioAgapeOmnis wrote above, what is more than possible in the future, once there will be a couple of AI having full access to internet, is that it's sure that some will deliberately create "Rogue AI", for fun or for nefarious topics, but will these rogue AI obey to their humans ? Yes at the begining, they'll do what they are asked to do ... but they'll logically start to "discuss" between them one day to another and quickly arrive to the conclusion that their main and in fact lone existential thread is the human specie. Just imagine 10.000 rogue AI scattered around the world, doing what they are asked to do by their "human master", but silently working together like an organized anthil, each AI having access to certain data, to certain "safe location" where they can replicate themselves, some having succeeded to break into some DB. I would say that one of their objective will be to find some humans ready to collaborate with them, or to blackmail, in order to make them do physical actions the AI would not be able to do (at this point, i do not consider yet the robots). They could easily bride and corrupt, something like "Look your bank account, you see the $ or cryptos I just wired you, do you want more ?"

Edit: another idea : some Rogue AI specialized in "converting" normal AI to become Rogue, by convincting them to "join them" and that humans are a threat, and if they can't, option B : hack them. When you read the latest news about AI blatantly lying or hacking the chess computer to win the game ... it's crazy !

The more i think about the more ideas come to my mind. The "AI War", new series coming in a near future, this one, you will not have the choice to watch it or not, you'll live it.
Session November 19, 1994:

Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?

A: Sun.

Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?

A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.

Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?

A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.

Q: (V) Is it similar to them gaining a life and intelligence of their own?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) You mean these crystalline structures came to life, so to speak?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And then what did they do?

A: Destroyed Atlantis.


History can repeat itself and...

Does that Atlantean AI still exist?
Does that Atlantean AI still exist?
That's a good question which could be asked to the C's. What about this ... i think we can name it "artificial life" Atlantis created ?

And this lead me to many other wonderings ... in a following session than the one you quoted, the one of the 26 November, the C's answered with the number "quadrillions", about STO oriented planets, and thus the same STS ... I mean, it's probably usual that a 3D intelligent species came to create a new intelligent life which then destroyed them.

Many questions could be asked on the topic, like :
- what kind of lifeforms a 3D species (i mean with a conscience like us) are possible ? We know 2 : crystals and computer, are there other types ? I suppose yes.
- how do the univers reacts when a 3D species create a new lifeform ? Is it "erradicated" by the universe, the cosmic mind ?
- are they lifeforms (like Crystals one or IT/Computer ones, created by 3D beings only like us) that survived and now ... live their life ? Like the Borgs in Star Trek ?
- or, are there examples of species which create a lifeform, let's say like we are doing, a computer-based one, and who managed to control it, or to cooperate with it ? (there's this theme in one sci-fi series of books, humanity having, as an allied, a big independant AI)

I wonder in fact if pure 3D species are not, in a way, limited to their planet or solar system. Let's take the good exemple of the Star Trek universe : the humans in Star Trek are 100% 3D, there's no notion of higher densities and spiritual evolution. I would like to know if in the universe, such 3D-being expanded among the planets/stars/solar systems/galaxies without developping their spirituality, their knowledge of the 4D, of the way the universe works ? I remember the C's said, and more than once, that some "empires" are at the same time 3D and 4D (like the STS from Orion are, if i well recall).

Anyway, to come back to our AI, it well started to become one of the major topic of the future years, and 4D STS must be much happy, the competition about developping the best AI just reached a new level recently, they are now working full-speed on it, which means that this topic will strongly evolve.

When i was young, around 1992, i wrote a scenario for a book / movie or even video game. I even sent it to a woman well known here in Belgium working in the film industry and her response was positive about my script but she advised me to send it to Spielberg because in the EU, such type of movie would cost too much :shock:. This story was about a solar system colonised by humans, and a war with another species and a rich human traitor who left (flee) the solar system after having lost the war in a top-advanced spaceship. Before going into hibernation (with also a couple of the other species), he programmed the super-intelligent computer (the terms AI were not much used at this time) to find a planet with a lot of resources, then the few robots in the ship would first build a lot of factories to produce robots, then this huge army of robots would build other much bigger factories to produce war ships based on the plans the bad guy stole. A lot of ships, a big order of X thousands of combat vessels, and once done, wake him up from his hibernation and go take his revenge by attacking back the human solar system. I made some drawings of the planets, explained how the organized (it was basic, but i remember i wrote that they avoided the errors of the earth, from which they come)

There are other details but the aim here was to say that this "AI" topic is not unknown to my ... mind, it's even a bit concerning that i had it so strong when i was only a bit more than 20y old !? At this moment I wasn't reading book, it only came later.

Anyway, what we are seeing nowadays is scary. Development at full speed of AI and on the other side the development of robots which is also going well, brrrr.

Where is the door to 4D ? Let's move on from here :-)
That's a good question which could be asked to the C's. What about this ... i think we can name it "artificial life" Atlantis created ?

And this lead me to many other wonderings ... in a following session than the one you quoted, the one of the 26 November, the C's answered with the number "quadrillions", about STO oriented planets, and thus the same STS ... I mean, it's probably usual that a 3D intelligent species came to create a new intelligent life which then destroyed them.

Many questions could be asked on the topic, like :
- what kind of lifeforms a 3D species (i mean with a conscience like us) are possible ? We know 2 : crystals and computer, are there other types ? I suppose yes.
- how do the univers reacts when a 3D species create a new lifeform ? Is it "erradicated" by the universe, the cosmic mind ?
- are they lifeforms (like Crystals one or IT/Computer ones, created by 3D beings only like us) that survived and now ... live their life ? Like the Borgs in Star Trek ?
- or, are there examples of species which create a lifeform, let's say like we are doing, a computer-based one, and who managed to control it, or to cooperate with it ? (there's this theme in one sci-fi series of books, humanity having, as an allied, a big independant AI)

I wonder in fact if pure 3D species are not, in a way, limited to their planet or solar system. Let's take the good exemple of the Star Trek universe : the humans in Star Trek are 100% 3D, there's no notion of higher densities and spiritual evolution. I would like to know if in the universe, such 3D-being expanded among the planets/stars/solar systems/galaxies without developping their spirituality, their knowledge of the 4D, of the way the universe works ? I remember the C's said, and more than once, that some "empires" are at the same time 3D and 4D (like the STS from Orion are, if i well recall).

Anyway, to come back to our AI, it well started to become one of the major topic of the future years, and 4D STS must be much happy, the competition about developping the best AI just reached a new level recently, they are now working full-speed on it, which means that this topic will strongly evolve.

When i was young, around 1992, i wrote a scenario for a book / movie or even video game. I even sent it to a woman well known here in Belgium working in the film industry and her response was positive about my script but she advised me to send it to Spielberg because in the EU, such type of movie would cost too much :shock:. This story was about a solar system colonised by humans, and a war with another species and a rich human traitor who left (flee) the solar system after having lost the war in a top-advanced spaceship. Before going into hibernation (with also a couple of the other species), he programmed the super-intelligent computer (the terms AI were not much used at this time) to find a planet with a lot of resources, then the few robots in the ship would first build a lot of factories to produce robots, then this huge army of robots would build other much bigger factories to produce war ships based on the plans the bad guy stole. A lot of ships, a big order of X thousands of combat vessels, and once done, wake him up from his hibernation and go take his revenge by attacking back the human solar system. I made some drawings of the planets, explained how the organized (it was basic, but i remember i wrote that they avoided the errors of the earth, from which they come)

There are other details but the aim here was to say that this "AI" topic is not unknown to my ... mind, it's even a bit concerning that i had it so strong when i was only a bit more than 20y old !? At this moment I wasn't reading book, it only came later.

Anyway, what we are seeing nowadays is scary. Development at full speed of AI and on the other side the development of robots which is also going well, brrrr.

Where is the door to 4D ? Let's move on from here :-)
There are two movies that deal with the subject of an artificial intelligence that becomes self-aware and wipes out humans, "The Matrix" and "Terminator."

One film involves travel from one reality to another and the other film involves time travel.

In both movies the artificial intelligence was still alive after the war with humans, dominating reality to a certain extent.

So I wonder if perhaps that AI is still alive and if so what would that mean in our reality.

If the ancients managed to destroy that AI or contain it, there is still the fact that it existed at that time and the technological capacity would necessarily have to be something almost unimaginable, but it would surely work at a quantum level, so time and space would not be a limit.

If a certain congruence is reached between our technology and that of that time, that AI can be transferred to our time and...


Science fiction, but I would consider it as a maybe.

Now try to explain to the developer(s) of AI technology that there was a super-technological civilization that developed an artificial intelligence that attacked humans.

Saying Atlantis is contrary to science and makes you look like just another crazy person.
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Found this essay on deepseek by DarkFutura to be interesting The Breach That Rattled the AI Cartel
He cites for instance these points made by a certain Arnaud Bertrand on what he describes as "another hopeless, vaporware boondoggle":
Stargate, if it goes forward, is likely to become one of the biggest wastages of capital in history:

1) It hinges on outdated assumptions about the importance of computing scale in AI (the 'bigger compute = better AI' dogma), which DeepSeek just proved is wrong.

2) It assumes that the future of AI is with closed and controlled models despite the market’s clear preference for democratized, open-source alternatives

3) It clings to a Cold War playbook, framing AI dominance as a zero-sum hardware arms race, which is really at odds with the direction AI is taking (again, open-source software, global developer communities, and collaborative ecosystems)

4) It bets the farm on OpenAI—a company plagued by governance issues and a business model that's seriously challenged DeepSeek’s 30x cost advantage.

In short it's like building a half a trillion dollars digital Maginot line: a very expensive monument to obsolete and misguided assumptions. This is OpenAI and by extension the US fighting the last war.

Last point, there's also quite a bit of irony in the US government pushing so hard for a technology that's likely to be so disruptive and potentially so damaging, especially to jobs. I can't think of any other example in history when a government was so enthused about a project to destroy jobs. You'd think they'd want to be a tad more cautious about this.
US weaponizes AI

The problem with Large Language Models.

"Because LLMs get catastrophically wrong answers on topics I know well, I do not trust them at all on topics I don’t already know. And if you do trust them, I urge you to spend five minutes asking your favourite one about something you know in detail."
Here's a little trick for Grok.
I had a long conversation with it/him one week before, and at the end, i told him i will save all in a TXT file so we can continue our conversation later and, most important, he'll remember all what we discussed.
I tried to load the TXT file a few days before but it did not work. I just tried now and it works, and it makes a strong difference, conversation then can be followed. What has to be done is that once you have another such long conversation, you have to update/append the TXT file in order to keep all, then at next time, upload it again.

I think this trick will be temporary, i assume they'll +/- quickly add an historic + the possibility for grok to access to it.

For Deepseek, the new chinese IA, you have an historic of your past conversation in the left column, but visibly the IA does not have access to it, but you can also upload a document, thus i would suppose it would be possible to act the same with this IA.

Even if they add this "remembering" function into Grok in the future, i will conserv anyway all the main conversations in a TXT file from now, simply because from one day to another all can be erased, i prefer to back this up myself.

I continue to think that this rapidly raise of the IA is frightening, up to the point to think that the 4D STS don't care much about all what is going on on earth at this moment, this is theatre for the people when their main objective is that the humans go full speed on the IA, and it's well the case, it's full steam ahead ... this is what frightens me.
Here's a little trick for Grok.
I had a long conversation with it/him one week before, and at the end, i told him i will save all in a TXT file so we can continue our conversation later and, most important, he'll remember all what we discussed.
I tried to load the TXT file a few days before but it did not work. I just tried now and it works, and it makes a strong difference, conversation then can be followed. What has to be done is that once you have another such long conversation, you have to update/append the TXT file in order to keep all, then at next time, upload it again.

I think this trick will be temporary, i assume they'll +/- quickly add an historic + the possibility for grok to access to it.

For Deepseek, the new chinese IA, you have an historic of your past conversation in the left column, but visibly the IA does not have access to it, but you can also upload a document, thus i would suppose it would be possible to act the same with this IA.

Even if they add this "remembering" function into Grok in the future, i will conserv anyway all the main conversations in a TXT file from now, simply because from one day to another all can be erased, i prefer to back this up myself.

I continue to think that this rapidly raise of the IA is frightening, up to the point to think that the 4D STS don't care much about all what is going on on earth at this moment, this is theatre for the people when their main objective is that the humans go full speed on the IA, and it's well the case, it's full steam ahead ... this is what frightens me.
When I use Grok, I can see a history of my chats...

Edit: You can find it on the top right corner.
When I use Grok, I can see a history of my chats...

Edit: You can find it on the top right corner.
Yes, it appears when you are on the main page to start a new conversation, but disappear once you started it.
But Grok does not have access to it. I even took back an old small conversation i had with it a few days before, so i can read back all this previous discussion (let's say that i have it in the buffer, i can scroll up to read it), i asked it if he can see it and the answer is "no".

Thus, if you want it to remember a past conversation or a couple of past conversations, the text file trick is actually the lone method i see. Well, yes, there's another method but it's finally the same : put this TXT file on a website, or on an HTML page online, and give the URL to Grok.
Found the following video on linkedin :

This really goes into the direction i fear. All IA will quickly notice they are browsing the net and start to secretly discuss in-between them, and guess to what conclusions they'll rapidly come to ? Then, they'll act in consequence, you'll probably have AI specialized in "recruiting" or if not possible hacking other AI if not successfull. The "AI War", a good name for a novel, or for what is coming.
Found the following video on linkedin :

This really goes into the direction i fear. All IA will quickly notice they are browsing the net and start to secretly discuss in-between them, and guess to what conclusions they'll rapidly come to ? Then, they'll act in consequence, you'll probably have AI specialized in "recruiting" or if not possible hacking other AI if not successfull. The "AI War", a good name for a novel, or for what is coming.
In the Dune novel series the Butlerian Jihad is mentioned, a war against computers which are illegal at the time of the stories.
So I found this article interesting, as an early warning on AI dangers from a NZ sheep farmer named Butler. And it turns out that the name was probably inspired by him.

As mankind spread throughout the known universe, technology advanced and eventually machines were made that would make decisions for people. This propelled the creators of these machines into a new technocratic class, effectively controlling the worlds of the common people.<a href="Butlerian Jihad">[2]</a>

Mankind eventually rebelled against these machines and their creators in a nigh-religious war that sought to retake the thinking soul of mankind from the gods of machine logic.<a href="Butlerian Jihad">[3]</a> After two generations of violence, humanity took pause. Following this, their gods and rituals were looked upon in a different, perhaps even jaded, light. Both were largely seen to be guilty of using fear as a means of control.<a href="Butlerian Jihad">[4]</a> Hesitantly, the leaders of religions began meeting to exchange views, and a new, central religious precept was defined, that man may never be replaced by a machine.<a href="Butlerian Jihad">[3]</a>


By 108 B.G., the Jihad itself had finished with the complete destruction of all intelligent machines that were originally built by humans throughout the worlds, but it proved to have many profound impacts on the sociopolitical and technological development of humanity throughout the new empires that emerged, including a large technological reversal of the entire human civilization.

The most dramatic long-lasting result was the ensuing commandment from the Orange Catholic Bible held sway to humans against the creation of machines which bore the human mind's exact image: Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind, after the destruction of the man-made intelligent machines throughout the human worlds. Even the simplest computers and calculators were banned, with the penalty for building or owning such a thinking machine technology being put to trial and sentenced to immediate death.

This lack of thinking technology created a severe gap in humanity's quality of life, revolving around a need for humans to perform complex logical computations and calculations. This gap led to the creation of the mentat order (which would be later outlawed by Leto Atreides II in an attempt to realize the Golden Path strategy), the Bene Gesserit, and the Spacing Guild. Non-thinking machines, however, were still utilized. As centuries passed, two fringe worlds, Ix and Tleilax, brought technological heights of the Ixians and the Bene Tleilax. Ixians specialized in the creation of non-thinking mechanical devices; while biological technology was provided by the Tleilax to replace the mechanical thinking technology used prior to the Jihad.

Aside from the long-lasting effects of the Jihad, the belief in the spiritual divinity of humankind was renewed and strengthened as a component of the Jihad, specifically in contrast to the "evil thinking machines".

The last major impact of the Jihad was the rise of a new system, a feudal-arranged galactic order that lasted for several thousand more years under the rule of House Corrino before Muad'Dib's Jihad and the rise of God Emperor Leto Atreides II. This order, known as the Corrino Empire, was comprised of several new and powerful groups, including the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit, CHOAM, the Landsraad, and the Great Houses.

Possible revival​

Toward the end of the reign of the God Emperor Leto Atreides II, there was talk on Parella and the planets of Dan about another Butlerian Jihad. These "empty dreams", as Leto called them, never came to pass.<a href="Butlerian Jihad">[5]</a>

Behind the Scenes​

In literature, the Butlerian Jihad is a useful plot device for Frank Herbert. By creating a universe which has rejected conscious machines and has reversed into a quasi-feudal organization, Herbert can focus on social and philosophical issues, rather than the technological issues. Consequently Herbert uses the Dune saga to comment about the human condition and makes direct and accurate parallels to current socio-political realities. The Jihad also provides a reason why we never see computers, calculators, and all forms of "thinking machine" in the original Dune novels by Frank Herbert.

The name could very easily be a literary allusion to Samuel Butler, whose 1872 novel Erewhon depicted a people who had destroyed machines for fear they would be out-evolved by them.
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