I watched the movie, honestly I was not impressed, I think that after everything, both personal experiences and studies, something is wrong?
This movie Astral City is made for beginners, first grade if we will... That movie is in independence day level to give some information about the subject...
The film is religious with elements of reality, the consciousness of the subject is mixed with intentions and feelings.
5 density of existence, um, in the film everything is confused and sterile, there are no real feelings and everything is somehow uniformed.
Now, there is no tunnel of light and going to the light, for the soul to be waited on by loved ones and relatives, the point is to reach the 5th density of existence and someone will wait for you as you step towards it. If you're a Christian, Jesus is waiting for you, if you're a Muslim, Muhammad, if you're a Hindu, one of the thousand deities they believe in, and so on...
The architecture of the 5 density of existence depends on the respective consciousness that enters it. He goes to the group soul of his consciousness, to the souls he knew, the architecture adapts, if it comes from the Middle Ages, so does its environment, if it is from the 19th century, it also adapts. His very consciousness shapes the 5 densitometer or the 5 density adapts to him, because otherwise it would be a total shock!
For example, as a Serb, after the physical body, I go to level 5 of the density of existence where my ancestors are, where they are Serbs and not Bushmen, Indians and god forbid wrestlers! The architecture is then customized for me or I made it myself in 5 densities of existence!
The astral world has a different configuration than the 3d ops world where I am right now.
1. Gravity exists and acts totally differently on astral bodies, you can fly, jump, move from place to place and so on...
2. Telepathy, thoughts shape the current environment, you communicate with your thoughts, everything is exposed and everything is known.
3. Time does not exist but exists depending on consciousness and contemplation for future or past lessons to be learned.
In Catholic Christianity, we have that the soul must go through purgatory, in Orthodox Christianity we have over 20 customs, in the Tibetan book of the dead, various bardos and miracles. In other religions and beliefs as well, one must cross a certain threshold of one's own consciousness in order to enter another world and dimension of existence.
The astral is fluid, the astral is a light that is shaped by thoughts, longing, desires, expectations, hopes, choosing between good and evil. The architecture is stunning as the soul itself is stunning and aware and aware and full of knowledge. So AWARENESS!
The divine mind is Us and of course our worlds will be as we are inclined with all our desires, possibilities and plans....
Pogledao sam film, iskreno nisam se nešto oduševio, mislim da posle svega, i ličnih doživljaja i izučavanja nešto tu nije u redu?
Ovaj film Astral City je napravljen za početnike, za prvi razred ako ćemo tako... Taj film je u nivou dana nezavisnosti kako bi dali neke informacije o temi...
Film je religiozni sa elementima stvarnosti, pomešana je svest dotičnog sa namerama i osećanjima.
5 gustoća postojanja, hm, u filmu je sve zbrkano i sterilno, nema pravih osećanja i sve je nekako uniformisano.
Sad, nema tunela svetlosti i odlaska ka svetlu, da dušu sačekaju najbliži i rodbina, poenta je da se dođe do 5 gustoće postojanja i neko te sačeka dok korakneš ka tamo. Ako si hrišćanin čeka te Isus, ako si musliman Muhamed, ako si hinduista već neko od hiljadu božanstava u koje oni veruju, i tako dalje...
Arhitektura 5 gustoće postojanja zavisi od dotične svesti koja u nju ulazi. Ide ka grupnoj duši svoje svesti, ka dušama koje je znao, arhitetura se prilagođava, ako dolazi iz srednjeg veka tako mu je i okruženje, ako je iz 19 veka isto se prilagođava. Njegova sama svest oblikuje 5 denzitetr ili se 5 denzitet njemu prilagođava, jer u suprotnom bi bio totalni šok!
Na primer ja kao Srbin posle fizičkog tela idem u nivo 5 gustoće postojanja gde su moji preci, gde su Srbi a ne Bušmani, Indijanci i ne dao bog hrvati! Arhitektura je onda prilagođena meni ili sam je sam napravio u 5 gustoći postojanja!
Astralni svet ima drugačiju konfiguraciju od 3d ops sveta gde sam trenutno sada.
1. Gravitacija postoji i totalno drugačije deluje na astralna tela, možeš da letiš, da skačeš, da se premeštaš sa mesta na mesto i tako dalje...
2. Telepatija, misli oblikuju trenutno okruženje, mislima komuniciraš, sve je razotkriveno i sve se zna.
3. Vreme ne postoji ali i postoji zavisno od svesti i kontemplacije za buduće ili prošle lekcije koje treba da se nauče.
U katoličkom hrišćanstvu imamo da duša mora da prođe čistilište, u pravolavnom hrišćanstvu imamo preko 20 mitarstava, u tibetanskoj knjizi mrtvih razne bardoe i čuda jedna. U ostalim religijama i verovanjima isto tako, mora da se prođe određeni prag sopstvene svesti da bi se ušlo u neki drugi svet i dimenziju postojanja.
Astral je fluidan, astral je svetlo koje se oblikuje mislima, čežnjom, željama, iščekivanjima, nadama, biranjem dobra i zla. Arhitektura je zapanjujuća kako je i sama duša zapanjujuća i svesna i spoznata i puna znanja. Dakle SVEST!
Božanski um smo Mi i naravno naši svetovi će biti kako smo i mi nastrojeni sa svim našim željama, mogućnostima i planovima....