
Nazca Lines

Q: (L) Who made the Nazca lines in South America and what was their purpose?
A: Those were natives living in the area at the particular time who were highly advanced spiritually and they put those lines there to call to others that were coming from what they perceived to be an outer space location.

Q: (L) Were they symbols of power in any way?
A: Well, some may have perceived them as such but they were mainly an effort to call forth those who had been worshipped and had appeared to them previously from the outside including not only the Lizard Beings, but other travelers.

I personally haven't been to the location but the quote "they put those lines there to call to others that were coming from what they perceived to be an outer space location." struck out to me. Could an outer space temporal location also be perceived by them as us right now or our near future selves at a future time?
Since the idea of a lost civilisation/Atlantis is linked to the idea of a mysterious lost ancient high technology, the following book might be of interest "Space Time Transients and Unusual Events" by the neurobiologist Dr. Micheal Persinger.

In episode 002 of Kosmographia Mr. Carlson reads extracts from the book. It's about "electric field colums" produced by accumulating tectonic stress in subsurface regions and how this effects bio-electric fields in animals and humans.

Here are a few snippets from Carlsons's extracts:
Recent developments in seismology have opened many avenues for understanding pre-seismic events. Perhaps the most outstanding idea has been pursued and elaborated by Finkelstein and Powell (e.g., 1970). These scientists have suggested that during the strain of seismic pressure, forces pushing on rock crystals in a large area produce electric fields through a modification of a piezoelectric effect. These pre-fracture electric fields can reach values of several thousand volts per meter, intensities capable of ionizing the local area into visible "luminosities." Indeed, one of the more constant contiguities of unusual events has been between earthquakes and luminous airy displays.

It is important to realize that the electrical field column hypothesized... is not refrained from movement. In fact, its spatial dependency would be primarily determined by the subsurface forces producing it. If the subsurface stress is moving along the fault line or rift, the concomitant surface manifestation would also move in a similar manner. The actual shape or physical dimensions (height above the ground) would depend wholly upon these forces and their interactions with the characteristic electrical properties of local structures, including large buildings.
Randall asks: "Could that include temple structures of old?

The existence of electrical columns produced by accumulating tectonic stress would affect living electrical systems as well. Recent experiments indicate that animals may be sensitive detectors of electric, magnetic and infrasonic fields. Science is still not clear how animals detect ambient fields, but some species seem to use them for migration and perhaps even communication...
Randall: "And I think this might provide actually a key to understanding certain aspects of the ancient science."

Is anyone familiar with this book? It sounds intreaging. Dr. Persinger was mentioned in the forum neurotheology videos on youtube in regard to neurotheology and was also mentioned in a few other threads, involving topics like mind control and the paranormal.
On a (much) more speculative note, I recently came across this new video in which the guy brings up a number of ancients sites all over the globe (quite a number of which, I didn't know!) and tries to make some connections to each other that could suggest a global civilization existed:

The "knobs on stones" phenomena for example is certainly interesting and I didn't know that those existed in very distant places too. I only knew from Peru. Same for the incredible stone walls of Peru (like Sacsayhuamán) and that very similar feats/structures had been done all over the globe (some examples were completely new to me). One comparison in particular was quite interesting since the wall (down to the smallest details) seems to have been made very similarly on the other side of the globe. The "Trapezoidal doorway" phenomena was something I wasn't aware of either. At least some of it is thought-provoking, even if just for the fact that you'll see pretty interesting sites you probably haven't seen before.
"A Dweller on Two Planets" has many parts in it that can correlate to the C's transcripts about Atlantis and also other esoteric information. It is a supposed channeled source through writing. I would recommend reading it if anyone is curious, I found it very entertaining and interesting despite the writing style. The beginning is a bit dull and I skipped through it quickly. This author also has incorporated a lot of Christian elements throughout the story that can be misleading to those that can't see past it. Two things that come to mind at the moment that I found similar to the C's transcripts (but there are many more) are 5th density concepts and "soul smashing". Here is an excerpt from the book.

Like attracts like, and if parents have certain influences governing their lives at critical times, the soul in devachan, which is perforce seeking rebirth on earth, will seize the opportunity presented of finding Its similars, similars at that time, though perhaps at that time only, like itself, but never so before, possibly never to be so again; suffice it if there be a concordant trinity at the time. There is no accident, no chance, in the Universe; all is immutable law, cause and effect. Zerah Colburn, whose precocity in mathematics while he was yet a little boy amazed the world, did not inherit his powers of calculation. Mozart did not inherit what neither of his parents possessed, though it is true that the maternal mind did provide attractive mental similarity by her own love for music, prenatally experienced. Atavism has been invoked to explain these cases of infantile precocity when it has been well known that neither parent had the traits which seem to have been passed to the offspring. But atavism will not wholly suffice. The question of heredity is a deep one; parents are moved by special influences, and children of that time are souls attracted from devachan (5th density) to their mental similars. Such was the young Zerah Colburn: such the infant prodigy, Mozart. Zailm Numinos might have told you that Colburn was a noted Atlantean mathematician had he not neglected it in his history of Atl. And Mozart was Aleman the poet and lyrist of Spartan Greece.

The above is about 5th density, ancestor worship and reincarnation. It goes on later with more detail about 5th density (devachan) and experiencing death with the same concept of reflecting and healing from a life in the physical before selection of a body for reincarnation. Then there is this...

It means being a brother to devils, and subjection to Satan, who could so cunningly, awfully tempt as we were tempted, and when successful, make a servant of the victim, ever to pile up fresh karma. And such karma as Satan's service makes is worse in a moment than the wickedest man could pile up in a long lifetime. It means such servitude until--when? Forever? Until the end of material things. Then, when the heavens are rolled as a scroll and melt in fervent heat, Satan (Lucifer) shall, with his minions, be cast into that lake of fire which is the second death: which meaneth that the force, the energy of the rebels, that which has made them distinct, potent souls through all the past, shall become depersonalized, and disindividualized, cast into the sum of the Fire of Elements, which form the forces of Nature, the winds, odic and magnetic and electric forces. But annihilation there is not, death there is not, though there be such a change as constitutes the destruction of the union between soul and Spirit, the return of the ]first to the great impersonal Vis Natura, the return of the other to Him who created life. Then, after millions of years the Father will gather the fervid elements into nebulae, star-plasm, worlds, suns, systems, and a "new heaven and a new earth" shall come forth. Then will the depersonalized rebel host begin to reincarnate

I think this is about STS wanting to rule over us in 4D and "soul smashing" mentioned by the C's.

Back to the subject of Atlantis though...The author has many descriptions of a certain time in Atlantean history. It was a particular time that seemed to be going relatively well for the people that lived there before any major degenerative processes and ultimate destruction took place. You can read it and other free books on Atlantis here Sacred Texts: Atlantis

After finishing the first book, something about it made me feel devastated and.... mournful? I guess.
Hi Orange Scorpion,

Fwiw as speculation - As for the last part, it seems when reading other references to Atlantean life, that it was possibly not of one place, perhaps more of a frequency vibratory alignment that spread like what is seen today with minds that have no eyes to see and ears to hear, and by incremental adjustment are evermore aligning to the Atlantean reincarnated dictates; like the Nazi trial run attracted a specific frequency, like tuned in moths to the malignant flame so to speak. Lost continents, cities, structures, it seems possible it was many and pathology along with earth changes was its undoing on this 3d ballroom floor.

Taking a long-shot at the words Crystal Palace within the ruts of Etymologies there is a number of interesting word linkages;

The others are worth reading from labyrinth all the way to the bottom to anarchy if only to link words.

Screaming Alice was Cockney rhyming slang for Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace in England was the exhibit glass house of the industrial revolution of 1851.

Otherwise, the C's indeed have a way with words and as people have noticed lots of digging is required to get even some sort of clue. :)
I have been rereading this thread after a number of years and, like the original posters, I have always been confused by this cryptic statement by the C's in relation to 'Alice' and the 'Crystal Palace'. As someone born on the edge of south London where Crystal Palace is located, I was always intrigued by this reference. However, I don't think the C's meant the place in south London where the 1851 Exhibition was held within what became known as the Crystal Palace (the main exhibition hall). Incidentally, the hall burned down in 1936 and my late father remembered seeing the smoke from miles away in his part of south-east London. Although firefighters tried desperately to save it, their efforts were in vain. I believe there were plans to reconstruct it but the original architectural designs were no longer available and it proved too complex to redesign and build. I am familiar with some cockney slang but you should note that this patois changes over time, so the reference to 'Screaming Alice' as 'Palace' may no longer be current. I stand to be corrected though.

It strikes me that the reference to Alice is obviously to Alice as in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the famous Victorian nonsense story, and its sequel 'Alice Through the Looking Glass'. In the latter story, she meets the Red Queen who, of course, would live in a palace. At the beginning of the story Alice passes through a mirror into an alternative world. Perhaps this is an indirect reference by the C's to 4th Density. Alice gets involved in many strange adventures with odd characters such as the Mad Hatter, Humpty Dumpty and the twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The story ends with Alice recalling the speculation of the twin brothers, that everything may have been a dream of the Red King, and that Alice might herself be no more than a figment of his imagination. The book also ends with the line "Life, what is it but a dream?" The book therefore has a very esoteric bent and touches on some issues that the C's have referred to in their sessions such as humanity living in a virtual reality or Maya in hindu cosmology.

However, we also know from the C's that the Atlanteans were masters of crystal technology and I am guessing that they also were familiar with what we today would call the 'Unified Field Theory' and the existence of higher dimensions/densities. This made me wonder then what might be the connection between Alice and her looking through the Looking Glass. I learned some time ago that at CERN in Switzerland where they house the Large Hadron Collider ("LHC") there is a sophisticated detection monitoring system called 'ALICE'.

Abstract: (JACoW)
The ALICE experiment is a complex hardware and software device, monitored and operated with a control system based on WinCC OA. ALICE is composed of 19 detectors and installed in a cavern along the LHC at CERN; each detector is a set of modular elements, assembled in a hierarchical model called Finite State Machine. A 3-D model of the ALICE detector has been realized, where all elements of the FSM are represented in their relative location, giving an immediate overview of the status of the detector. For its simplicity, it can be a useful tool for the training of operators. The development is done using WinCC OA integrated with the JCOP fw3DViewer, based on the AliRoot geometry settings. Extraction and conversion of geometry data from AliRoot requires the usage of conversion libraries, which are currently being implemented. A preliminary version of ALICE 3-D is now deployed on the operator panel in the ALICE Run Control Centre. In the next future, the 3-D panel will be available on a big touch screen in the ALICE Visits Centre, providing visitors with the unique experience of navigating the experiment from both inside and out.

Since the Collider has been used to investigate the sub-atomic universe and, therefore, the underlying nature of matter, I just wonder if this is what the C's had in mind. Bear in mind that the C's once said that the the famous disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle were caused by the unstable operation of the 5000 ft crystal pyramid built by the Atlanteans and now submerged 300 miles off the coast of Florida. These disappearances result from a hole being literally blasted in the fabric of space/time by power generated by the pyramid. Are the experiments at CERN just replicating this on a smaller scale perhaps?

I apologise in advance if anyone else has posted a similar theory to the above on another Forum page. It would be interesting to know what others think.
“A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. "Alice likes to go through the looking glass" at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.”

The first part of this seems to contrast 3D thinking and experience with 4D. “Through the Looking glass” has so many possibilities and one is a portal and/or passing between 3D and 4D. Now, are “we” Alice or are ‘they” Alice?

What was the Crystal Palace? Supposedly an exhibition hall with all the latest tech on display.

(and how does a plate glass and iron structure burn exactly?!?) (and why and how did they move it - and can you even imagine? - it makes no sense! A million square foot building made of iron and glass - heaviest stuff around???? anyway - that’s for another thread)

So, a techie portal between 3 and 4 Density? (for the reincarnated power mad Atlantean STS tools and fools?)
I apologise in advance if anyone else has posted a similar theory to the above on another Forum page. It would be interesting to know what others think.
Above was referencing CERN and ALICE - yeah, I think you may be onto something. But what they say it is, and what it REALLY is have to be 2 different things - so, I am going with the inter-density portal idea.
Above was referencing CERN and ALICE - yeah, I think you may be onto something. But what they say it is, and what it REALLY is have to be 2 different things - so, I am going with the inter-density portal idea.
I take your point BHelmet but maybe my theory does relate to an inter-density portal. In Alice Though the Looking Class, Alice passes through a portal, in this case a mirror made of glass which is silicon crystal, and finds herself in another reality, which is much wierder than her's. The ALICE monitor at CERN is also a kind of portal, which allows scientists to look at the results of high speed collisions within an atom and may therefore be a means to unlock the door to 4th Density. There are a lot of conspiracy theories on the internet about the real purpose of CERN. Why, for example, does the CERN facility have a statue of Shiva the Hindu god of destruction outside. This seems a strange thing for a 21st century scientific mission. Some theories propose that CERN is being used to study time travel. I also read an article in NEXUS magazine a few years ago where a scientist claimed that the LHC was creating mini black holes that may endanger us all (think of the Atlanteans and how the C's said their crystals became self conscious and turned against them). I can try and dig it out from my back editions if anyone is interested.
I take your point BHelmet but maybe my theory does relate to an inter-density portal. In Alice Though the Looking Class, Alice passes through a portal, in this case a mirror made of glass which is silicon crystal, and finds herself in another reality, which is much wierder than her's. The ALICE monitor at CERN is also a kind of portal, which allows scientists to look at the results of high speed collisions within an atom and may therefore be a means to unlock the door to 4th Density. There are a lot of conspiracy theories on the internet about the real purpose of CERN. Why, for example, does the CERN facility have a statue of Shiva the Hindu god of destruction outside. This seems a strange thing for a 21st century scientific mission. Some theories propose that CERN is being used to study time travel. I also read an article in NEXUS magazine a few years ago where a scientist claimed that the LHC was creating mini black holes that may endanger us all (think of the Atlanteans and how the C's said their crystals became self conscious and turned against them). I can try and dig it out from my back editions if anyone is interested.
I have since dug back through some old material I had on file and came up with this to further support my theory:

CERN Alice in Wonderland Mystery School via Dark Journalist (Video) | Paranormal | Before It's News
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

ALICE MEETS CERN In this special episode Dark Journalist will trace the activity of the Orphic CIrcle Mystery School creating young clairvoyants and somnambulists to gather astral assets and state secrets. He will reveal that the famous story Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is in fact a chronicle inspired by the Orphic Circle’s prized pupil and how the recent project named ALICE rolled out at CERN’s Hadron Particle Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is connected with secret extra dimensional research pioneered by the Theosophical Society.

I can't vouch for anything said in this Dark Journalist episode but, maybe once people have considered it, they can come back with further comments.

I can add one bit of further local knowledge about the area known as Crystal Palace in London today and that is that it houses one of the most powerful TV transmitters in southern England. I note that Voyageur stated in his post above:

As for the last part, it seems when reading other references to Atlantean life, that it was possibly not of one place, perhaps more of a frequency vibratory alignment that spread like what is seen today with minds that have no eyes to see and ears to hear, and by incremental adjustment are evermore aligning to the Atlantean reincarnated dictates;

Well one way the PTB have spread their world view is by television and this is often watched by minds that have no eyes to see and ears to hear. Just think of the pandemic propoganda being aired today that is being readily digested by the sheeple. Although the C's spoke of the Atlanteans using crystals to mind control people, I am not claiming that using a TV transmitter to control people through programming at a subconscious level is what the C's necessarily had in mind in their quote but the link is interesting.
I have since dug back through some old material I had on file and came up with this to further support my theory:

CERN Alice in Wonderland Mystery School via Dark Journalist (Video) | Paranormal | Before It's News
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

ALICE MEETS CERN In this special episode Dark Journalist will trace the activity of the Orphic CIrcle Mystery School creating young clairvoyants and somnambulists to gather astral assets and state secrets. He will reveal that the famous story Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is in fact a chronicle inspired by the Orphic Circle’s prized pupil and how the recent project named ALICE rolled out at CERN’s Hadron Particle Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is connected with secret extra dimensional research pioneered by the Theosophical Society.

I can't vouch for anything said in this Dark Journalist episode but, maybe once people have considered it, they can come back with further comments.

I can add one bit of further local knowledge about the area known as Crystal Palace in London today and that is that it houses one of the most powerful TV transmitters in southern England. I note that Voyageur stated in his post above:

As for the last part, it seems when reading other references to Atlantean life, that it was possibly not of one place, perhaps more of a frequency vibratory alignment that spread like what is seen today with minds that have no eyes to see and ears to hear, and by incremental adjustment are evermore aligning to the Atlantean reincarnated dictates;

Well one way the PTB have spread their world view is by television and this is often watched by minds that have no eyes to see and ears to hear. Just think of the pandemic propoganda being aired today that is being readily digested by the sheeple. Although the C's spoke of the Atlanteans using crystals to mind control people, I am not claiming that using a TV transmitter to control people through programming at a subconscious level is what the C's necessarily had in mind in their quote but the link is interesting.
As further footnote to what I have referred to in my previous posts, my own home town of Guildford in Surrey has very strong links with Lewis Carroll (the Rev. Charles Dodgson) since he spent a lot of time here although he did not actually live in the town. Indeed, he completed Alice Through the Looking Glass whilst in Guildford.

BHelmet said:
Above was referencing CERN and ALICE - yeah, I think you may be onto something. But what they say it is, and what it REALLY is have to be 2 different things - so, I am going with the inter-density portal idea.

Sorry for labouring the point but the C's have said to try and find a triplicative meaning for something and here is my last attempt at doing so. I came across the attached article ('Project Looking Glass') a few years ago. It is based on whistleblower testimony by someone who claimed to work at Section 4 of Area 51, which in UFO folklore is the place where crashed UFOs are taken for study. Apparently, this place is known as 'Wonderland' by the employees who work there. I am not making any claims as to the veracity of what the article sets out but have added it to my previous posts for the sake of completeness. If what is described in the article is, however, true then it would certainly meet your suggestion that the device should be an inter-density portal. Whether the room described in the article could be said to be a crystal palace though is obviously open to debate but make of it what you will.


Hello to all of you from the Atlantis forum
I read all the pages and thought of articles and documents that I had copied from the Human résonance site.

For example :
“The modern word 'Atlantic' is derived from Paleo-Sanskrit name 'Atlantis', meaning "pervading luminous
rays", which refers to the glow of all living matter generated by resonant atomic transmutation reactions
taking place within every living cell, and enhanced through bio-electrification within pyramid chambers.”
(In Atlantean Names)

There are many articles, some of them on Atlantis.
There are also books available on its site
For example, "Atlantean Names".
Paleo-sanskrit, which allows the translation of glyphs in certain documents.
There are also articles in which he starts from the Pyramid of Giza to establish lines of resonance between the different buildings on the planet.
Articles in which he talks about infrasound, Jupiter, etc, etc, etc.
A book with paleo-sanskrit to translate Atlantean words.
For those who are interested, there is reading available

You mentioned Japan
Here is an article : : Resonance at Yonaguni Monument, Japan

With an example of a Paleo-Sanskrit translation


Other article
Fibonacci Alignments of the Azores Pyramid & Submerged City of Poseida

For all articles, see in " Biblio ".
In English and Spanish

If you are interested, then enjoy reading

Translated with (free version)
I came across a website called Atlantipedia recently, which seems to cover all the current theories of where Atlantis may have been located. It appears to have useful information on Atlantean researchers including links to various articles regarding the finding of ancient structures that could be linked either to Atlantis itself or post-Atlantean civilisations created by Atlantean survivors, some of which have been referred to in previous posts on this thread. Apologies in advance if anyone has already posted a link to this site somewhere else.

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