Attack during sleep/Need help

Improvise said:
Hi, JP, I'll definitely gonna try the Prayer of the soul. I must admit after rejecting cristian religion I stopped praying at all. Praying to my higher self should help defending against the attacks I just know it, thanks for reminding me of that.And if it comes to it,I'll center my attention in third eye area like you suggested, but I hope it wont.
I'll add to my yesterday expirience that after it, I felt pulse in navel area , like something beatining inside very strongly.It continued even when I woke up just few hours ago but now it stopped.In my opinion it's energy trying to replenish and balance itself after beind drained away for that same area.
I dont want to be food anymore! I guess I'll have to choose STO path and soundly hold to it,cause I guess that's the way it works in here.You choose STS you choose being lunch aswell :lol:

May I ask what is your diet like?
Hi bngenoh,
Idd our stories sound similar,but I spent my last 2 weeks off colledge in state of internal conflict,with burning decision to be made,to quit or to keep going.It was like 2(or more)'voices' fought about what to do,and I didnt know which 'voice' was my real,which wasn't,and which should i listen to. To stop doing what I dont want/like, going to colledge seemed like the best idea and aswell the easiest one. But now I realize,that the state of internal confilct I was experiencing was what Gurdjieff described as process in which man is in internal state of conlict the result of which is fusion and crystalisation of the will inside the man.My point is that the 2 weeks of rest were positive in the way I could make a clear look on myself,seperated from illusion I had been drowned in again and to make choice what to do next.I realized that it would be wrong to stay in colledge,or more precisely in illusion in my lies but it would be wrong to quit colledge aswell and take easy way then i fail again cause I'd lose opportunity for more energised learning process.To keep being true self and positive in midlle of the today world which is kinda of oposite,and that is the challenge which is there in order to learn.I even realized that I can finish the 3d year ,get a diploma with I could later continue study on colledge that I really want someday in future possibly.So this thing with colledge was just learning expirience,I just realized it :P

Hi David Topi
The issue is to be aware, the "knowledge protects" motto of the C's is the most powerful advice you can have it here
Idd it is, I begin to realise it more and more,but sometimes I totally forget it and then it all goes down,and then up and so on,it's constant struggle of STS/STO inside ourselves, I'd say.But after each cycle knowledge is more strenghtened and STO potential(maybe?)
I want to add that just by reading wave series and other similar material,after reading I felt better,more protected,positive,connected to higher self.After I spent 4-5 hours reading wave volume 3 , I got in little bit different state of awareness then usual(feeling of peace/freedom) then I went to sleep in same mode,I wake up in morning feeling something (it was good but dont remember how to describe it now) then what happened was that I felt some vibration inside me that I(my higher self maybe) holded,and with will used same vibration to release me of attachments. This was going on in half awake half asleep state but whille the process was going on I knew it's purpose was to drive out spirit attachments.Actually I just remembered that before waking up I dreamt I did same process on my cousin to dispell him of some attachment, so with that strange feeling of knowing I did same on myself cause I knew it will work. What happened was that I saw all kinds of shapes of different colours rising from downside to up and then out,that 'force' was expeling them out and on some level of conciouscness I was making it.After just brief perioed of time all (small)shapes went up and out, but some strange big grey shape left down but it was moving up very slowly,but then I wake up,and back to regular concious. Maybe it's similar to your tehnique, David :)

Hi Ana
Then I think that cataloging most of those around us as OPs just because they are not aware of things we are and lack a specific kind of knowledge is pretty selfish and inconsiderate. Each soul is on a path of learning and they do not need to be aware of more than what is needed to carry on their destiny/lesson profile.

Even OPs are doing so in their own level, as do animals and the rest of beings :)

I agree , I never think of Ops our any other beings as unworthy or lesser or anything, I'm still not sure that I'm not OP myself after all chance is hight 50:50 if cass are right :P

May I ask what is your diet like?

My reaction when I read that was burst of laughter :D cause my diet if it can eve be called that way is just wrong. I eat junk food of all sorts, occasionally meat , I eat white bread drink milk etc. In one word it needs to get changed asap! and I know it I just didn't do much about it recently.My situation is that it's not easy to eat heathy but I know it's not impossible so I'll read these book that I found mentioned on this site : Dr. Sidney Baker’s Detoxification and Healing and Sherry Rogers’ Detoxify or Die.
Thank you all, you helped considerably.Just by reading and communicating with each of you I already feel stronger. Knowledge protects!
Hi, Improvise. For your diet considerations, read the forum thread Life Without Bread in its entirety and all the references to other threads and books within it. It's the most recent and most important information on an optimal diet.
Improvise said:
May I ask what is your diet like?

My reaction when I read that was burst of laughter :D cause my diet if it can eve be called that way is just wrong. I eat junk food of all sorts, occasionally meat , I eat white bread drink milk etc. In one word it needs to get changed asap! and I know it I just didn't do much about it recently.My situation is that it's not easy to eat heathy but I know it's not impossible so I'll read these book that I found mentioned on this site : Dr. Sidney Baker’s Detoxification and Healing and Sherry Rogers’ Detoxify or Die.
Thank you all, you helped considerably.Just by reading and communicating with each of you I already feel stronger. Knowledge protects!

Ok :), I hope you can give it room because there is certainly a strong contradiction in trying to acquire knowledge and grow while setting aside the health of the vehicle that directly affects your mind, emotions, necessary energy levels, and so, FRV.

SeekinTruth advice is a good start!
Improvise said:
Hi, JP, I'll definitely gonna try the Prayer of the soul. I must admit after rejecting cristian religion I stopped praying at all. Praying to my higher self should help defending against the attacks I just know it,

Just in case you are not aware, the Prayer of the soul, JP is referring to is from the Éiriú Eolas breathing program, that is available here

I can also highly recommend changing the diet, it has worked wonders for me, and has cured depression, and Candida, (and as a bonus excess fat on body is rapidly disappearing)
Though I don't have clear memories of nightly attacks like you have, but only things that might as well have been "just a dream" I sleep a lot better, after the change of diet, (no bad dreams) I used to be awake at night often (all night at times), but now I start yawning at 11PM, and wake up just before sunrise, feeling rested.

My change of diet (before I started reading the Life without bread thread) started with watching this short video from Connecting the Dots

It is less difficult than I would have imagined, as after a while, the body just stops craving Sugar, Wheat, and Dairy, so one does not feel that one is missing out on the good treats.

Happy healing :flowers:
Yes idd my body has been showing me lots of signs of poisoning.Like lots of gelationous spit that is going out, I take it that is result of eating lot of bread..

Thank you all so much I'm definetely going to read what you recommanded and change my diet and get healing process started... It's all in my hands now :)
Hi Improvise
Just wanted to share that I've had very similar strange things happen to me most of my life despite having a completely different childhood to yourself. One of my first posts here included describing how I experienced something come and sit on my chest whilst laying in bed, while I was fully awake. I'm not sure I ever posted about them but I could see a squid like thing (in my minds eyes) years later that was 'attached' to me...and could feel it moving inside me when I tried to get rid of it. Since early childhood I had dreams of danger (lights in the sky and poisonous rain/snow) and running from it, and years later zombie dreams. I've also suffered from fatigues, headaches and lack of energy for many years.

Its still a work in progress, but I can say that I am totally free of negative strange occurrences, knightmares and sleep paralysis for the last few years (with a few exceptions). My fatigue/lack of energy is almost under controll too.

Focusing on what you can change in your life (mind, emotions, body etc) is the key to dealing with these things it seems. I tried all sorts of 'energy shields' and actually fighting these things in my mind for years....but it didn't get rid of them.
EE and the recommended psychology books helped immensely. Having something practical I could use to help reduce the occurrences/defend myself with (prayer of the soul) was great! EE allowed me to cope with being around a lot of people/stress.
What really stopped these things was diet (as others have mentioned). Gluten and dairy bind to opiate receptors, so it makes these things are real or symbolic that something that acts like a drug would effect these things. This connection has been highlighted a few times, as being free from these things then eating something that probably contained dairy/gluten has caused me a night of terror and these dreams and creatures to return!
They don't have the same effect on me anymore, but to have such a clear example as to the cause of them...well I go out of my way to avoid anything that could remotely trigger these things to return. I've had enough of them.

Last night I ate something with spices in, and had the dreams come back. :rolleyes:

The other thing that will probably really help your energy is your physical environment (how much dirt is around) including clothes/hygiene. It seems if I do not take care of these regularly I will get the fatigue and headaches I am stuck in a swamp.
See this thread,18455.msg303869.html#msg303869

I hope you are soon free of these things!
Hello RedFox.Thx for sharing your expirience,you kinda of summarised all the advices from previous posts and it's all great advices and I cant wait to start practicing them regular to witness the effect for myself.
I'll update my situation after puting these practices to use if that's ok.
Also fighting this 'things' is not the way,from all the above the way is to change yourself, Knowledge+action= win; polarising to more STO vibration..frequency resonant vibration-very important acording to cass
If I'm not mistaken if your vibration is positive enough you simply become immune to attacks,even abductions.
David Topi said:
I found a technique called soul-realigment in which you kind of "connect" with the entity and the higherself of the person being "attacked", and work on that level to release the person from the entity

Hi David

I assume this technique is the same as the akashic-reading modality _

Some years ago I had a few sessions with a soul realignment practicioner. The sessions would be done on the phone with a follow up email to remind you of the details. My practicioner told stories of previous lives, and of belongings to soul groups and cosmic types from planets I'd never heard of before or since. There were also stories of belongings to etheric orders and so forth, all very fanciful and kind on the ego. She would tell me what she saw of energy blocks and would do a healing by asking either my higher self or angelic entities to clear it, as she could see that I was ready to let go.

After a pair of sessions I had a relationship reading done, and instinctively found her vision wrong (confirmed also after relationship was over) I stopped and went other ways. In the mean time I had given a session to my sister as a present and she had become a practicioner aswell, and as far as I glanced in her school papers and from what she told me, the education for practicioner is quite 'schematic' with the option to call an experienced practicioner for personal guidance. I do not know how it works but it seems like there is probing with a pendulum according to a spreadsheet with possible answer, untill one learns to read the akashic records on ones own (perhaps you could enlighten me if this the way you were thought). At least this is what I infer from hearing the same answer being given to different people by different practicioners and what small peeks I've had into the educational material.

My sister is of the uncritical 'love and light' type and had a hard time with the draconian (lizzie) aspect which figures in the material and in her clients readings. She had done the Soulrealignment course while pregnant and by the time her son had been born the 'draconian effects' from dealing with this in clients was becoming too much for her to handle, the feeling was especially strong when her son was going beserk when having to sleep. She had to pack it up for a while and unfortunately this is where our relationship lost touch as she would not have me questioning her practice (soulrealigment).

Personally I think there are many misleading notions in this practice, such as all the etheric orders and buttering of the ego. There is also the belief that implants can be released which I think is bogus (The C's confirm this but I cannot find the quote). As you say the 'release of dracos' is not something you can just do, and I think it is helpful that you use more time on explaining for awareness on this than trying to remove something that cannot be removed or eased off by wishing it away. Perhaps this practice can be useful if merged with real and deeper knowledge but maybe there are deep hooks within this practicioner program? it wouldn't be the first time.
Hi Parallel,

fully agree, i have studied soulrealignment the first two levels only, but there are a few things that do work wonders. There is the part of the reading and the channeling of the records, and this is when they tell you about all that ( I also had a reading myself before taken the courses), but then there is a part of healing and removing blocks that, personally for me, works very well. For instance you can combine the techniques of soul realigment with spirit release technique and you have two powerful weapons to deal with entities.

You can combine some of it as well with reiki, sanergia or any healing modality and you can work with good results in cleaning the energy bodies and system of a person, both in person and remotely.

I must say that for me at least it was very good to incorporate those new tools into my healing practice, but of course, pity that the whole method is marketed as "akashic record reading" mostly (it can be, I am not saying that a good channeler can not do it properly), it is just there is a lot more in the package with much more value, from my point of view, that what is used and sold most of the time. But again, guess it is not the fault of the tool, but of the person using the tool.

Hi David, no offense intended, since you seem to really buy into a lot of newage ideas - but how do you know that these people aren't just making it all up as they go along?
David Topi said:
But again, guess it is not the fault of the tool, but of the person using the tool.

Of course individual practice has a lot to say but the system must be questioned if we are to move towards an objective view. What does it cultivate? is that fuzzy feeling/thinking trustworthy as an indicator of our highest goal? Who or what kind of mind cooked it up and for what purpose. These questions and more are studied extensively here in the (cosmic) cointelpro section. We need to answer alot of questions sincerely before a clean channel can be made, but unless we have struggled to the 'death' with our foreign installation we will have a hard time distinguishing what is what. Another lighthouse feature of this forum; no longer do we have to rely on our own self-satisfying conclusions but we are able to test them out in the open with a vigilant network.

I don't know enough of soulrealignment to make a study of it's hooks apart from what I mentioned above, but would be very interested if you at some time felt like highlighting it's features, useful stuff and opposite (in a relevant thread).
anart said:
Hi David, no offense intended, since you seem to really buy into a lot of newage ideas - but how do you know that these people aren't just making it all up as they go along?

Hi Anart!
no offense taken! do not worry, I am a compulsive reader so I take and study everything I can, and when possible, try to see if it works for me! So, whatever it works so far becomes part of my paradigm, and when something proves to be wrong or it is replaced by something different, then the old "knowledge" gets replaced. It is just growth.
You may have discovered that something I believe now it is not correct, but I may be still in the learning process that I need to process that info to get to that conclusion. But I can not accept what someone else experience is, because that would be pretty much what the C's said of leading you by the hand, there would be no growth associated with it if I would take at face value what any of you believe (being that a general term :-)).

As this is why I enjoy coming to these forums (I belong to a few of them), you explain your point of view of the stuff you believe, you get people who agree and you get people who does not, some ideas make you see reality in a different way, some ideas make you not, but so far, so good :-)
David Topi said:
You may have discovered that something I believe now it is not correct, but I may be still in the learning process that I need to process that info to get to that conclusion. But I can not accept what someone else experience is, because that would be pretty much what the C's said of leading you by the hand, there would be no growth associated with it if I would take at face value what any of you believe (being that a general term :-)).

As this is why I enjoy coming to these forums (I belong to a few of them), you explain your point of view of the stuff you believe, you get people who agree and you get people who does not, some ideas make you see reality in a different way, some ideas make you not, but so far, so good :-)

Your point of view is understandable; different people learn differently. One example would be the process of learning about what happens when one touches a hot kettle. "A" may touch the kettle and get burnt and then tell others not to do it because it hurts. "B" may believe "A" blindly and not touch the kettle. "C" may decide to not believe in "A" and touch the kettle himself to see what it really feels like. "D" may decide to do research on the experience of "A" and figure out through any number of methods (like comparing if others like A have reported similar experiences, take a temperature sensor near the kettle to see what it reads etc) whether he should touch the kettle to figure it out or not.

Having a network helps a lot in taking the approach of "D" who could learn that touching a hot kettle is a painful experience without going through the painful experience himself. "C" also learns the same - but at the cost of a burnt hand. At the end of it, as the C's said, all there is are lessons. It is up to us how we choose to learn ours.
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