Attack during sleep/Need help

Your point of view is understandable; different people learn differently. One example would be the process of learning about what happens when one touches a hot kettle. "A" may touch the kettle and get burnt and then tell others not to do it because it hurts. "B" may believe "A" blindly and not touch the kettle. "C" may decide to not believe in "A" and touch the kettle himself to see what it really feels like. "D" may decide to do research on the experience of "A" and figure out through any number of methods (like comparing if others like A have reported similar experiences, take a temperature sensor near the kettle to see what it reads etc) whether he should touch the kettle to figure it out or not.

Having a network helps a lot in taking the approach of "D" who could learn that touching a hot kettle is a painful experience without going through the painful experience himself. "C" also learns the same - but at the cost of a burnt hand. At the end of it, as the C's said, all there is are lessons. It is up to us how we choose to learn ours.

agree and lessons are always welcomed :-)
David Topi said:
anart said:
Hi David, no offense intended, since you seem to really buy into a lot of newage ideas - but how do you know that these people aren't just making it all up as they go along?

Hi Anart!
no offense taken! do not worry, I am a compulsive reader so I take and study everything I can, and when possible, try to see if it works for me! So, whatever it works so far becomes part of my paradigm, and when something proves to be wrong or it is replaced by something different, then the old "knowledge" gets replaced. It is just growth.

The problem, as it seems to me, is that you are not trying to learn about yourself. You let your false personality decide things for you, such as what to "believe". The "working for you" part is actually what works for your false personality.

David Topi said:
You may have discovered that something I believe now it is not correct, but I may be still in the learning process that I need to process that info to get to that conclusion.

But what is it that is processing what you read? Your false personality, or your true essence? And without learning about yourself, which is a lot of work, I know, you cannot even see your true essence. It is well hidden behind your false personality. So more often than not, it is your false personality processing what you read.

David Topi said:
But I can not accept what someone else experience is, because that would be pretty much what the C's said of leading you by the hand, there would be no growth associated with it if I would take at face value what any of you believe (being that a general term :-)).

No, that isn't leading by the hand. There is believing something that someone else says, and learning from others mistakes. Thinking that you can, by yourself, without working on yourself to know what programs are directing you at any given moment, discern between the objective truth and disinformation is believing a lie.

As the saying goes, "A smart man learns from his mistakes, a genius learns from the mistakes of others."

There is also this, from the Cs:

A: Beware of disinformation. It diverts your attention away
from reality thus leaving you open to capture and conquest
and even possible destruction.
Q: (L) Is the information about the electronic ignition systems
A: Disinformation comes from seemingly reliable sources. It is
extremely important for you to not gather false knowledge as
it is more damaging than no knowledge at all. Remember
knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

David Topi said:
As this is why I enjoy coming to these forums (I belong to a few of them), you explain your point of view of the stuff you believe, you get people who agree and you get people who does not, some ideas make you see reality in a different way, some ideas make you not, but so far, so good :-)

Actually, we believe nothing. We research, network, work on ourselves, which cannot be done without a network, and see things as objectively as possible.

Thinking that you can read a bunch of disinformation, that makes your false personality feel good, and then discern the few nuggets of truth, with your false personality steering your thought processes, is nothing more than believing in a lie.
Hello Improvise. I would just like to add that you can do a search here on sleep paralysis for more info. I have been experiencing this a lot lately,and sometomes play the EE meditation in loop at night, so as to take advantage of OT wile i am paralyzed.
Thx for suggestion davey72
I found something yesteday that stunned me! On youtube video there is almost exact snake like thing that I experienced few weeks ago crawling from inside me then out, it was reason why I made this post asking for help, cause it was most realistic attack expirience of all for me. I'll quote myself
Finally the last type of event, the reason why I registered and asked for help, It happened this morning,~1 hour before dawn.I went to bed around 2 am.I couldn't sleep, something didn't let me to fall asleep.I heard my brother sleeping on bed next to me snoring around 4:30 am so i was steel awake,I thought it must be his snoring not letting me fall asleep so I got up and shake him up a bit and he stopped.I had to get up early and I really wanted some sleep at least. And I fell asleep but not for long,only few minutes after i felt endangered and woke up! I saw something that made me know the attacks in sleep are real as they can be.I was awake, I heard my brother breathing loudly like he was few mins ago when I stopped his snoring, but when i looked in front of me, on my chest, there was thing on my chest! It was thrusted in my chest in area of solar plexus.It was long black thing with something like parrot's beak on top but it was black and most of all it was in me i felt it pitched in my chest , as I said I wasn't paralysed so i moved my left arm to touch it, when I touched it something disgusting happened and I'm still disgusted of it :S It began to creep out of my body. And i was feeling it moving inside me, in my right part of body to be precise.I felt it move in me from my right foot through my leg and stomach then exiting from solar plexus area.

Look at this video from 3:15 - 3:50 pls
omg how can it be almost exact same thing i saw crawling inside my body? does anyone know what it might be?
I am not sure if it will help, or mean anything to you, but it is strange to me that it is so similiar to something that i just posted myself. Here is the link.,25944.0.html
I think I just fought off the abduction,hell I'm even pretty sure I did.
It was just 15 mins ago,I was sleeping,dream theme became about my childhood with wome heavy emotions and my mother.
Then it changed aboout me sleeping in bed as child and fearing of abduction,that they will come,almost like knowing it before it happens,still it was dream.
Then it happened.I was sleeping on my back.Then I felt alien arm grabbing me from behind over my shoulder to my hearth/chest.
I immediately decided that this time I fight, i don't let em take me and mess with me.I started breathing rly fast but in as controlled manner as possible,I felt no fear somehow.
And then it stopped and I thought I'm awake but nope.Not a moment passed and I was pulled in that 'world' again...
Alien arm was on my chest (trying to hold me down,from behind,somehow) and I saw other creature jumping from cealing towards me.It wasn't alien looking but rather like one specific character from game I used to play.But that couldn't fool me at that moment,somehow I knew it was alien.As it was on it's way down,coming really slowly, I managed to break away and wake up.
It all happened so fast,in few seconds,and I woke up immediately and what did I saw? There were 2 blackish little orbs size of a was moving slowly towards direction from which something grabbed me from behind and other was going up through ceeling.I was completely awake,it was this daily world just like I see it each morning I wake up,with air flickering,strands of light surrounding me and there were those 2 orbs that I never saw in my life moving away from me and they were very real.After orbs were gone I noticed 2 strands of light on place which that character from game was jumping from.
After I knew I did something important and probably succesfully defended myself in middle of abduction scenario using my will/awareness somehow?
So I decided to share this experience with you guys while it's still fresh.
P.S. I still feel some pressure,contraction,negative energy in hearth area as a result of that happening.I felt it before lately but now atleast I know for sure it's artificial in origin.
Last night before sleep I read ''The Wave Chapter 47: Semiotics and The Content Plane '' and I was impressed with what I read especially this part.

I wrote to Ark and suggested that some of these people were like psychic vampires and that maybe he ought to just stop “dancing” with them since it seemed to be draining me. He thought I was being a little bit overreactive. But all I could go by was what I observed and felt and then the ongoing confirmation that something of this sort was going on. I began to realize that it was not just who you associate with that can make you vulnerable, but who your associates associate with also!

In any event, Ark decided to put my theory to the test and wrote to the individuals in such a way that the manipulations were blocked. This resulted in a strange phenomenon: no sooner had he attempted to “stop dancing” with them, than they began to try even more intensely to sustain contact! They refused to take “no” for an answer!

Q: I have a whole bunch of questions: First, in the past week, Dimi, Jim and SJB contacted Ark. I simultaneously had another of those experiences where I felt that an elephant was sitting on me, or compressing me. I have a theory that there is some sort of frequency wave that activates “agents” and their pre-implanted programs to contact their “target,” and that the frequency is what I perceive as the “compression.” Is this possible?

A: Yes. Notice how contact intensifies post put off?

Q: What? What is “post put off?”

A: After Ark delivered message indicating declining interest.

So I thought to myself it's funny that after I identified my brother as an OP or atleast vector of attack,with whom I spent a great deal of time interacting in online world doing nothing except draining my energy and wasting time,my cousion with whom I rarely interacted in the past appeared 'out of nowhere' and before I realised it I'm in the same type of thing as with my brother,wasting time online.I lied to myself that I'm in control of it and that this time it is different (cause we are faar away from each other physically),but reading wave chapter 47 left me astonished.

So I went to bed and made firm decision that I'm stoping this contact (playing online with cousin). I decided that nothing was going to stop me from doing it,not even my different 'i' next day when I wake up, it might even be said that I was utilizing my free will somehow(or making decision on energy level),I was very serious and in the same time curious of what will happen.

What happened were 3 consecutive sleep paralysis 6-9 hours after going to sleep.In every dream before sleep paralysis there was the character of my deceased mother who was very controlling to me while she was alive.Each paralysis lasted only 10-15 seconds and I wasn't scared like I was when sleep paralysis happened before changing I changed my diet,and very curious thing is that I felt something trying to break in to my stomack like before when I felt something attaching to me and starts draining my energy literally,but this time it failed to do that.Something pushed me to my stomack area but I deflected it, each of the 3 times.

Last dream before paralysis was very wierd and very realistic to say the least.Some parts are vague but end is very clear and lucid.I was sent by my mother to buy bottle of wine or some alcohol.My mother was always very serious and concerned about money cause we hadn't much and she always tried to save as much as possible.I know I had to buy bottle of alcohol for 20€ no more.I went to the mall and then my dad appeared.He inquired the saleslady about the prices and is there any bottle for 20€ and there weren't any, only 30€ or higher,and he choose to buy it neverthless of me repeatedly saying that we can go to other mall and find cheaper but he acted like robot and like he doesn't hear me at all and the saleslady acted in the same manner aswell.

When I remember this now it seems funny, but then I got very upset and cried in dream(this happened before again when there was character of my mother in dreams), their behaviour was wrong or maybe not so cause my dad behaves much like robot in reality.Then I threw money I had on floor after I wrinkled it(Last few months recurring theme in my dreams is money, finding it on street,then finding more and following the money time I saw money inside a some sort of a cave and crawled inside to get it only to get stuck! haha).Then I left outside in tears and at the same moment my dad and saleslady picked their mobile phones (in controling manner)and dad called my mother and saleslady the security downstairs.(that supposed to scare me?)

I just passed by the security man and exit outside to the open,on street.Then out of nowhere I met highscool buddy.I asked him where he is going. He said he is going to church and I can come along.I said, no thanks, and continued to walk then another buddy came and wanted me to come with him on party tonight,and another invited me in cafe bar.(needless to say I don't like church,cafe bars,and going out to get drunk)I said no thanks to that aswell and whole scene became too weird,weirdness was through the roof.I started to gain lucidity, I saw miror on street and my reflection in it,but reflection of my 'buddies' gave me uneasy feeling cause there was something wrong I felt in it.At about now I realised it is dream and probably another sleep paralysis attack type.And my 'buddies' were persistent and gathered around me like pack of hunry dogs and pulling my t-shirt like zombies.Now isn't that crazy,but I knew it's dream so I thought I'd give it a fly :D,I looked up in the air and I saw I was surrounded by high walls and 90 degrees vertical hill from one side and high buildings on other surrounding me and high above I could see some of the blue sky.I tried to fly up but I couldn't,maybe because of all the pulling for my t-shirt?Then I tried to jump 10 meters high on the hill,that wasn't high for a dream I thought, but nothing happened again.Why couldn't I do that in dream?(perhaps architects of 'my' dream didn't allow that in their dream,just a thought).I started get really annoyed with all that pulling for t-shirt and them calling my name and decided to wake up.After few seconds delay I did wake up with third sleep paralysis in a row.
P.S. My family noticed my face was pale after I woke up.

EDIT: After reaching 50 posts I decided to edit some parts of this post cause I wrote badly and hard to understand.
About college I think you had to ask yourself what college can give for you. For example about work, will it be easier for you to find a better gob with a diploma? I finished my studying this year. Around years ago I had something similar. I decided to change my studying to the 'individual plan'(It is when you allow not to visit lectures and practical lessons, but only had to pass exams) Find out what study options you have.
Serg said:
About college I think you had to ask yourself what college can give for you. For example about work, will it be easier for you to find a better gob with a diploma? I finished my studying this year. Around years ago I had something similar. I decided to change my studying to the 'individual plan'(It is when you allow not to visit lectures and practical lessons, but only had to pass exams) Find out what study options you have.

Hi Serg,
If I'm correct,you are responding to what I wrote here
Serendipity said:
So I'm going to the colledge I feel no happy at all going to. I signed for it just cause it was the only colledge similar to what I wanted to do and learn since I was child.But as it turned out it was nothing like it(science) and i felt miserable attending it, this is my 3d year.

Much changed in my worldview since I wrote that. I learned to look at the colledge(and life) as opportunity for working on myself/external considering/conscious suffering/discipline and all that.
I have this forum and knowledge that I received here to thank for that.
Yes, It's not colledge of my dreams,but it's the best there is in the current situation.Gonna take what life gives and do the best I can with it and learn the lessons.
All there is a lesson.Also,life is religion.That's what I try to keep in my mind as I go.
Anyway,thanks for your response, and suggest you to read the new session from c's. :)
Last night I was thinking about sleep paralysis experiences. Results are some new thoughts and new questions.I'll do my best to be as objective as possible,but please bear with me cause I'd also like to cover the whole issue from my current perspective,so it may be bit long text but insightfull as well I hope

First of all since I changed my diet, began practicing EE (even though just baby steps there), and above all started doing real Work, the sleep paralysis is still happening to me, but with big difference that there is no feeling of being drained during what might be perceived as attack/paralysis and no headaches and sickness during the next day.

Second,since I've been experiencing this phenomena a lot I've tried to at least understand it.What C's said about eclipsing of realities was very helpfull as well.

I noticed 3 main types of sleep paralysis(attack) phenomena in myself, and I'll try be objective while describing.All 3 types I experienced recently.First I'll give general description of the events that lead to different type of 'attack',then I'll describe mechanic of the 'attack' , and last I'll give my interpretation of it.

First type:
It happens when during the day I succumb to sts mode of thinking and got sucked in fear and self concern.It usually happens after I don't read or acquire any knowledge for longer period of time,or when I go out with friends who are very much part of the matrix,and having my defenses down without vigilance I got sucked in their world.

In a dream something big, like big demon or lizard (I can only see and feel his reptile hands)grabs me from behind and holds me with tremendous force and tries to do something or to attach something to my occipital ridge.I often hear buzzing sound behind my head like someone is using some kind of frequency on my occipital ridge.

My interpretation is that type of 'attack' is when my FRV goes down,due to me going to 'sleep' and what gjurdjieff called hypnosis,so the matrix finds me and tries to plug me back in,and I experience that what is happening on the deeper levels in form of sleep paralysis, opposing thought centers, eclipsing of realities that C's described.

Second type:
This is most frequent type I experience, it's one with black cat. I didn't establish when exactly this attack happens,maybe there are no obvious patterns to it.But one thing became obvious to me with eerily certainty.My brother is OP,and I am completely convinced in that,as I learn more,the more it becomes obvious as a fact.Unfortunate circumstance is that me and my brother sleep in same room.And this is where things get strange.In my first post on this thread I wrote about black cat jumping on my stomach or back and then draining my energy.Well many times the cat would come from my room and from exactly same place where my brothers bed is.Then,few months ago I noticed the creepy sensation of my energy being sucked out, like some force is literally attracting it from me and pulling it away.But when I started to block this my brother who was already asleep would turn in his bed and moan,and I would felt stinging feeling in my stomach.Then it goes again,I would stop paying attention and something starts to sucking my energy, I focus and mentally block it, and my brother turns in his bed and moans again like someone is torturing him in his dreams.And unmistakably my brother reacts each time I apply mental blocking technique even though he is firmly asleep.

In a dream I see cat coming towards me,and somehow I know it doesn't belong to my dream.Then cat reaches me and bites me or jumps on me .Then I wake up fast and there are little creepy claws on my back usually,I can feel disgusting and foreign energy on my body.Lately I manage to fight off those claws and paralysis in just a few seconds and wake up.But before it lasted longer and I couldn't stop the paralysis and there was energy drain.When I woke up my brother moans even louder in his sleep,each time when I successfully block the black cat/creepy claws entity.

My opinion is that 4d sts forces use my brother who I know is OP, as portal and drain my energy.Well not just opinion,more like something energetically experienced on my own skin

Third type:
This is most elusive type for me.And most curious.It's about the transparent spider,same spider I keep seeing for years! Last time it happened to me was a week ago.I went to bed more happy and at peace then usually, my emotions/heart center was open, flowing,and usually I'm blocked in experiencing emotions.I literally felt energy flowing to my chest and it was good feeling that rarely happen to me.Similar but even stronger feeling happened before the strangest sp I ever had and I wrote about it here,25470.msg322054.html#msg322054 only that I forgot to mention that the extreme feeling of joy and peace and lack of self concern preceded it.Now that I remember I'm pretty sure that my internal state was similar before other encounters with the spider.

I dream that I'm flying(I dream to fly whenever I feel happy and easy),then I even realize that I'm dreaming and I try to fly to the next building but I couldn't.Then paralysis happens(I realize it's natural condition of the body during the sleep btw)Now, this is why this type of sp is different then other. In this type,it's hard to explain, but I'm in world of vibrations,where everything around me is vibrating,other way to describe it is, it's similar to the static on television.I'm still partially aware of the world around me, my bed etc, but 'this world' is suppressed by the vibrating world, vibrating world is more real during the experience.And always, always when this happens,I see transparent spider,always the same spider,moving around,walking above me,but also on me, can't really describe it,except that I feel it's maybe attached on me in some way.And it's doing something with it's legs and hands(or whatever) it's like it has it's plan and knows exactly what is it's job to do. Last time it happened , when I saw it, it immediately started moving towards me,near my eyes, and first time I saw it appear bigger then usual cause it came right in front of my eyes.Until that moment I wasn't afraid or too concerned but when It came that close I felt my hearth started beating very fast suddenly without control.And soon after sleep paralysis passed and I was awake.

All that wouldn't be so strange if I don't see the same vibration/static during my waking hours and especially at night(might be eyes problem,or high blood pressure,I didn't rule out that possibility,but my eyes were always in perfect condition and blood pressure in order,and I was seeing it for many years now) And after the spider sp, I see it more intensely then usual, before it fades out during the day,but it's still there. So, I don't know what this is, what that spider is,or why I see it each time my creative energy rises,or why I have impression it's alive and intelligent,but I know it's real for me,and I'd like to figure it out. Could it be some kind of attachment?

Thank you for attention :)
In next post I'll write about how it all started,the first sleep paralysis that I remember(the answers usually can be found on beginning) which was probably one of the most important turning points of my life.
Hi Serendipity,

You said that you made some changes to your diet. Can you clarify a bit? The reason I ask (and as you seem to be aware of) is that what we eat may have an effect on whether people experience sleep paralysis if I base it on what some others here have said.
Hi Serendipity,

I can understand that you're worried of these things, and I agree with truth seeker that food plays a big role in these things.
Also, be careful with seeing these things as "special" occurrences which may increase your self-importance, and be careful with spending too much energy on them. They can also not be attacks per se, but just signs that tell you that you need to look after yourself better, signs that tell you to keep in mind your aim in your life.

I've once had a dream of being grabbed/"hugged" behind by something that felt like an entity as well, and it didn't feel pleasant. It was during a time I was in contact with a person who eventually seemed to be quite dangerous, I was very young and quite active on a new-age forum which is how I met him, eventually he was making attempts to meet me and to get my address, but I never gave it to him, because something felt off. Eventually I saw that the friendship couldn't last and said a decent goodbye and had cut off all contact. After doing that, any strange occurrences decreased a lot.

So you may want to look around and look inside to see what it is you need to pay attention to. Perhaps you do need to become more serious with the Work, the diet and more, that is, if that is what you want. Like you said, these things happen when you let your defenses down, so maybe you gotta be more vigilant.

Also, what makes you think your brother is an OP?
So it was like this.My first sp.It happened 4 years ago.

Half a year after my mother died, I was my 3d year of high school.I was already going through depression,positive disintegration and general awakening since my first year of high school.I read Carlos Castaneda books and was into Don Juan teachings a lot in high school, talked with others who were into that like me.I met all kinds of people on forum,many of whom were probably predators.

At that time I was interacting with a man who claimed to be a nagual and sorcerer and seemed like he knows his stuff, but general feeling I had was not good and after few months I cut the connections,and that later showed as good call cause he turned to be psychopath or something like that,and who knows with what kind of people and forces he was dealing with,and by association with him I got in middle of those influences perhaps.

But that's not the main story that's just general background of what my world was like at that time.And I can tell you it wasn't pretty place.Then while I was still interacting with that man, one day I fell asleep on my fathers bed.That turned out to be bad idea.

In my dream I got surrounded,literally surrounded by gargoyles and/or ugly trolls of some kind.They were all around me,and the biggest one grabbed me from behind and gave me dark,repulsive and filthy hug.Needless to say that I didn't like it, so I tried to scream to my brother,cause I though I was actually in waking reality and that he might be sleeping near me,I tried to pull out,break free,but I couldn't do anything,except wait it to pass.

That day it started,my health got down rapidly.First I felt drained, then I got headache.Next 7 days or more were like living hell.The area of occipital ridge started to hurt like hell,and it almost never stopped.I would get high fever in a matter of few minutes then it would drop and rise again.My skin would itch and in few minutes if not seconds the huge rash would appear on large parts of my body and disappear then reapper etc.

I couldn't eat, I barely could stand up and worst part was that I couldn't sleep.If I somehow menaged to fell to sleep for a short period of time it was nightmarish sleep.I felt dark energy surrounding me,whole atmosphere of a dream or half dream was sick and dark.And there was a dark man whose face I couldn't see but he was ordering me something and he kept appearing in dream or even when I was just trying to fell asleep he would appear as mental image.

Somehow I feel he is part of the cause why I couldn't go to sleep but I don't know why.My health was in such a bad state and I reached the very bottom,there were moments when I thought my time has run out,but to cut long story short(and believe me those 7-10 days were longest few months I ever had :P) after going to doctor many times and taking many injections etc doctors still haven't found what was wrong with me, but then one morning before waking up I had this dream that changed all miraculously:

I remember only pieces of the dream, some parts remained completely vague to my memory.Dream started with 'dark man' going with his old same business,meaning ordering me(or some part of me or my subconsciousness),yelling and generally trying to make me suffer and fear. Then he pointed his finger(meaning he is giving some order,probably),then map of Europe appeared in front of me, and when I looked at the map it got zoomed in. (I'm not sure where it got zoomed in but vaguely remember it was somewhere in central Europe)
Then I appeared on some big field,and there were rails near by.Atmosphere was still very dark.I ran to the trails and then the train came,but it didn't stop,it was just passing by.I knew somehow that I need to get on that train,and felt like it was my last hope.The wagons were passing by in front of me, one by one.It were old wooden wagons,really low,1-2 feet high with no roof, like simple platforms.
I tried to climb up to and it really shouldn't be any problem cause the train was traveling under 5 km/ph, but I couldn't climb up cause I was carrying two very heavy coffers.Then the last few wagons came and I knew it's my last chance and this is something important and then I thrown away at least one coffer,I think I kept the other one,and I climbed up on the last wagon.
Next thing that I remember and it's the feeling that I'll never forget (just thinking about this now brought tears on my eyes and goosebumps) is that I arrived to a unusual place,with unusual people.I don't remember much of the place,except that the scenery of the place was similar to the farm,some people were driving on the carriage with horses,there were no automobiles or technology only the simple way of life.What I remember well is that we were all part of the same community.I remember very strong sensations of joy, harmony and belonging.These people were all unknown to me but somehow I felt like I know them..somehow.And I knew that these people were a lot like me,inside.

Then I woke up with feeling from dream and I can't explain it but the whole atmosphere,and my energy changed,and also I somehow knew I am going to recover.Almost jumping on the way I went to hospital that day,and doctor finally found what was wrong with me, he said I have mononucleosis.In few days I got completely recovered and was back to school.

I had dream with same people and same feeling of joy and belonging and community one more time,and I think that those people were you, and community represented in my dream as farm with people who live in harmony with nature is this network.Also,it might be interpreted that by leaving the coffer behind and making it on train in time I earned the chance for making the possible future I saw on the end a reality if I make the right choices,do the work etc.But at least it became a possibility.That's only my interpretation,might be bit of wishful thinking tho,but I'm open for feedback:)

Lastly,while I was planning to write post about this I noticed very eerie and weird connections to this from C's sessions:
A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of
Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.

and this :
Ark: What was this thing when Vincent felt something touch his arm?
Laura: Vincent has some friends who travel with him, and they try to keep him out of trouble. It seems like, in this particular instance, somebody was banging on his shoulder just to let him know he was okay.
VB: And what kind of friends travel with me?
Laura: Actually, one of them looks like - he has a suit on, with a watch chain dangling from his waistcoat - but he doesn't have the time, which is funny. Brown suit, shoe boots, average height, he points his finger a lot; glasses. He's fond of you. Can't say that he is an "attachment," but he likes to be around you.
VB: Where's he from?
Laura: Actually, what I am seeing is obviously a projection. He is projecting this image, and I almost feel like, in a funny sort of way, he's maybe even you in another life.
VB: Okay, he's not the one who patted me on the shoulder. [Very strong voice effect] Did the C's pat me on the shoulder, both then, and did they burn the hand print on my shoulder back in the past?
Laura: [Feeling extreme constriction and unable to resist the command/assumption, very low and weak voice] Yes. [Immediate sensations of choking.]
VB: Okay. Now, the C's are quite aware of all the different things that are in my luggage. Will you ask them to show you what is in my luggage?
Laura: Dirty underwear!! [Laughter. Constriction released suddenly and the answer erupts almost before VB finishes speaking. The instant the question was asked, the large, overstuffed, strapped suitcase mentioned earlier was seen to spring open and hundreds of pairs of dirty underwear flew everywhere. They weren't just normally soiled, but were stained with fecal matter and it was as though, instead of washing them, or admitting that they needed washing, each pair was hidden away and new ones were added until they were soiled and added to the collection. However, all of this visual imagery was not requested, so it was not given in words.]
VB: Keep looking! What else? Come on!
Laura: [Strong voice] There is some real funny old fashioned clothes. I swear, this pair of pants - if you ever wore them out in public don't say you know me, they are awful pants - and they have suspenders. There's a leather case.
VB: Open the leather case. What do you see?
Laura: In the leather case there is a bunch of little bottles; they are bottles of pills; they are blue. There's a shaving kit, a comb; the comb has missing teeth...
VB: Do you see anything else in there?
Laura: There's handkerchiefs, an old mirror, and there are clean, white shirts, that have never been taken out of the packages. You have never worn these shirts.
VB: Now, you're doing real good. Now, if the C's would be so kind as to explain to Laura why I carry this luggage...
Laura: Why do you carry it? Because you can't let go.
VB: Why can't I let go?
Laura: Because you always want to be prepared.
VB: And what am I prepared for?
Laura: You're prepared for a trip, that's one thing. And you're afraid that something is going to make you get on the wrong train.
VB: Yep. Can you translate that "wrong train" into more direct terms?
Laura: Well, there's a funny thing about that. It's like the real problem is you think you don't have any money to buy what you need when you get there.

I first read the sessions after this dream and that makes this very weird to say at least.In my dream there was dark man who was pointing a lot,there was map of Europe,and good chance it got zoomed in Germany,and I appeared in green field near rails,and with luggage!
And VB had luggage with him,and guy in suitcase that points his finger a lot,he was somehow controlled to get information about time machine from Laura's subconsciousness if I understand it correctly,and the C's said that undreamed treasures are buried in alfalfa fields,near tracks well worn in Rhineland!

This sounds disturbing! What it looks like to me is,
-either I'm subconsciously controlled agent(similar to VB) sent on a mission from that guy in suit-projection who points his finger a lot to uncover something for sts forces
-or I was victim, and same forces that tried to uncover something from Laura's subconsciousness,tried similar thing with me
-or it's just big and weird coincidences,maybe even universe telling us something is it's own way
serendipity said:
This sounds disturbing! What it looks like to me is,-either I'm subconsciously controlled agent(similar to VB) sent on a mission from that guy in suit-projection who points his finger a lot to uncover something for sts forces-or I was victim, and same forces that tried to uncover something from Laura's subconsciousness,tried similar thing with me-or it's just big and weird coincidences,maybe even universe telling us something is it's own way


It could be several other things in addition to what you listed above. I have read over most of your previous posts but not the whole threads. I have a few questions, and a few are a repeat of what Truth Seeker and Oxajil asked, but that have not been answered yet.

1. What changes have you made to your diet?

2. Do you still eat any sugar, gluten, or dairy?

3. Why do you say you know that your brother is an OP?

4. Have you read any of the Big 5 books yet? The Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout; The Narcissistic Family by Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman & Robert M. Pressman; Trapped in The Mirror by Elan Golomb; Unholy Hungers by Barbara Hort; and In Sheep's Clothing by George K. Simon
truth seeker said:
Hi Serendipity,

You said that you made some changes to your diet. Can you clarify a bit? The reason I ask (and as you seem to be aware of) is that what we eat may have an effect on whether people experience sleep paralysis if I base it on what some others here have said.
Hey truth seeker,and thanks for your response.

I'm on paleo diet. I eat mostly bacon,pork,eggs,buckwheat and butter.I just love eating fat.Also when I ate something from bakery month ago it made me sick and then I realized how actually poisonous to stomach wheat and especially gluten actually is.I don't have source where I can get organic meat,but other then that I keep my diet under check.

Oxajil said:
Hi Serendipity,
I can understand that you're worried of these things, and I agree with truth seeker that food plays a big role in these things.
Also, be careful with seeing these things as "special" occurrences which may increase your self-importance, and be careful with spending too much energy on them. They can also not be attacks per se, but just signs that tell you that you need to look after yourself better, signs that tell you to keep in mind your aim in your life.

Hi Oxajil,
I'm not worried too much,and I don't see them as special occurrences,or at least I try not to, but rather try to understand them and to know them. Knowledge protects :)
Yes, they might be signs and probably are,and I try really hard to sincerely do the Work, and pay attention,especially since last session from C's.

Oxajil said:
I've once had a dream of being grabbed/"hugged" behind by something that felt like an entity as well, and it didn't feel pleasant. It was during a time I was in contact with a person who eventually seemed to be quite dangerous, I was very young and quite active on a new-age forum which is how I met him, eventually he was making attempts to meet me and to get my address, but I never gave it to him, because something felt off. Eventually I saw that the friendship couldn't last and said a decent goodbye and had cut off all contact. After doing that, any strange occurrences decreased a lot.

Interesting synchronicity, I was writing about quite similar incident of mine while you were writing this :)

Oxajil said:
So you may want to look around and look inside to see what it is you need to pay attention to. Perhaps you do need to become more serious with the Work, the diet and more, that is, if that is what you want. Like you said, these things happen when you let your defenses down, so maybe you gotta be more vigilant.

Yes,vigilance,paying attention,doing work,EE,diet,will and knowledge intake on continuous basis,I'm already on it, I'm aware that there is no time to play but to make a choice and do the Work.

Oxajil said:
Also, what makes you think your brother is an OP?

I don't think he is an OP, I know it. I spent big part of my life interacting with him so I know him very well,and I know about OPs so it was just matter of putting 2 and 2 together cause he incorporates OP behaviour.It is real knowledge and not assumption.If you wish I'll write some reasons why I think he is an OP.

First thing is the drain I feel in his presence,and then the experiences with him reacting to my mental blocking of the drain.(and I understand that OPs are just portals for 4DSTS forces,they aren't aware of their role)

He never internally struggles,never have I saw him do it,before I knew about OPs I admired and wondered that ability of his,but now I know he is just simple machine and behaves that way to my non disappointment on and on.

Then there are outburst of his, for example we had grandma and grandpa as guests,they can't come often so one should appreciate and enjoy spending time with their grandparents,(and BTW they are really good grandparents,and pretty much all the real family we have)so my bro comes to the table to eat the really nice dinner that grandma made,but there is a problem,cause our dad got to the table and he starts to eat as well,and my bro can't stand my dad's tables manners,haha so he feels he was mistreated that great unjustice is being done to him and starts yelling and making all the mess and creating bad atmosphere in general cause his right to eat in 'peace' was taken away by his fathers behaviour,totally oblivious to the needs and feelings of our grandparents who are nothing but kind to us.

Before,he was very manipulative to me,when I'd let him to manipulate me but he knows now that's over.He wasn't even be conscious of the way he was manipulating my emotions.

But he likes to follow me in whatever I do.When I was playing online video games he would start to play same game as me and it would only ended in fight and race and controll,mainly on his side.

He is not interested in anything spiritual or immaterial,if I only mention something like that he would turn off and now I even recognize in his eyes when he is ''turned off'' (some mental part that thinks logically turns off)

There is no neurotic behaviour that I noticed from him ever,so no much to worry about,sleeps like a baby,never had a headache.

This one is hilarious but listen and try to believe..He never would make himself anything to eat,always expects food made or bought from store by his dad,even tho he is 20 years old,he even goes to bad with empty stomach if there is nothing served for him.. Now I can see his behaviour for what it is - robotic.

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