Attack during sleep/Need help

Serendipity said:
I've read forum guidelines and wave

Maybe you're right,so I'll be quiet from now on and read big five,life without bread and other,and continue with Work and EE, until I come to better understanding of my own thinking.

One last question,what do you think it's happening in what I described about my brother during the night?

Thank you for strict and honest responses and for you time

Honestly, there is no way to tell for sure with such limited information. Sometimes, our own psyches, or "parts" of ourselves can create dynamics to coincidentally match with our outer environmental situation, especially in situations where we may be fearful or paranoid for one reason or the other. Sometimes, there is really something going on on a deeper level. Until one's diet is clean, and one has cleaned their machine in all other areas, it is really difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Added- No one is asking you to be quiet by the way. We are asking you to consider that you you cannot know what is wrong with the way you think by using the way you think. That is why networking is so important.
Serendipity said:
I've read forum guidelines and wave

Maybe you're right,so I'll be quiet from now on and read big five,life without bread and other,and continue with Work and EE, until I come to better understanding of my own thinking.
Sounds good.

Serendipity said:
One last question,what do you think it's happening in what I described about my brother during the night?
There are many possibilites (diest, trauma, ponerization, etc.) so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to know for sure without further information.

I just want you to know that many of us here have experienced high strangeness (myself included). Because we have seen firsthand just how the effects of diet, ee and the intake of knowledge have truly helped to lessen or even completely get rid of those occurences, is the reason why we suggest it.

Glad you decided to stay and begin again, Serendipity. :)
Daenerys said:
Serendipity said:
I've read forum guidelines and wave

Maybe you're right,so I'll be quiet from now on and read big five,life without bread and other,and continue with Work and EE, until I come to better understanding of my own thinking.

One last question,what do you think it's happening in what I described about my brother during the night?

Thank you for strict and honest responses and for you time

Honestly, there is no way to tell for sure with such limited information. Sometimes, our own psyches, or "parts" of ourselves can create dynamics to coincidentally match with our outer environmental situation, especially in situations where we may be fearful or paranoid for one reason or the other. Sometimes, there is really something going on on a deeper level. Until one's diet is clean, and one has cleaned their machine in all other areas, it is really difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Added- No one is asking you to be quiet by the way. We are asking you to consider that you you cannot know what is wrong with the way you think by using the way you think. That is why networking is so important.

truth seeker said:
Serendipity said:
I've read forum guidelines and wave

Maybe you're right,so I'll be quiet from now on and read big five,life without bread and other,and continue with Work and EE, until I come to better understanding of my own thinking.
Sounds good.

Serendipity said:
One last question,what do you think it's happening in what I described about my brother during the night?
There are many possibilites (diest, trauma, ponerization, etc.) so unfortunately I wouldn't be able to know for sure without further information.

I just want you to know that many of us here have experienced high strangeness (myself included). Because we have seen firsthand just how the effects of diet, ee and the intake of knowledge have truly helped to lessen or even completely get rid of those occurences, is the reason why we suggest it.

Glad you decided to stay and begin again, Serendipity. :)

Yes, I believe you about diet,EE and knowledge Truth seeker,above all cause that's main points this forum advocates and I believe in this forum.

And, I would like to remain in the network more then anything, simply because I have nowhere else to go.

In a way, I was on the Way, since I know for myself,even if it was subconsciously before I learned about the Work and C's.

And now I'm at the point where turning back is impossible, it's a one way road after all.And this network seems to be leading the way out and shining the light in the ever growing darkness.

Even though I can't change my understandings or preconceptions or assumptions at this moment, I can at least start to question them.

Thank you for being patient with me :)
There is so much about the world we don't know. The best we can do is observe and develop hypothesis, but remain open to adjusting those hypothesis as new information comes along. But this requires being open to all possibilities. The moment we form an opinion or belief, we close ourselves to information that is contradictory to them.

When it comes to you nightly experiences, it is possible that you are experiencing some form of attack. It is also possible that you have manifested some form of poltergeist. And there are many other possibilities that range from psychological disturbances (which could or could not be related to diet) to functions of the universe not yet discovered.

Your brother's reaction last night might demonstrate that you two are connected by a shared experience in your early childhood and respond in tandem, but in different ways. You are assuming that what drained you, fed him. Perhaps it also affected him in a negative way, but since he is more shut down, doesn't seem to display the discomfort.

Has it occurred to you that your focus on your brother is actually a distraction from the true predator? Has it occurred to you that you might be playing a role and might actually be affecting your brother's behaviour and personality? I'm not suggesting this is so, but trying to get you to consider the wide world of possibilities out there.

If you continue working on yourself in earnest, identifying your sacred cows, your programs and buffers, and diligently working toward eliminating them, then, combined with EE, you should see significant change.

There are forces that work hard to prevent us from attaining our true potential. They are quite devious and will use any and all means, including distracting us and getting us to focus on anything but the true source.

Serendipity said:
Even though I can't change my understandings or preconceptions or assumptions at this moment, I can at least start to question them.
That's all we ask. Now a real conversation can begin. :)

Serendipity said:
Thank you for being patient with me :)
Thank you for making an attempt to understand. Unfortunately many don't. That says there's something real in you.
Gonzo said:
There is so much about the world we don't know. The best we can do is observe and develop hypothesis, but remain open to adjusting those hypothesis as new information comes along. But this requires being open to all possibilities. The moment we form an opinion or belief, we close ourselves to information that is contradictory to them.

When it comes to you nightly experiences, it is possible that you are experiencing some form of attack. It is also possible that you have manifested some form of poltergeist. And there are many other possibilities that range from psychological disturbances (which could or could not be related to diet) to functions of the universe not yet discovered.

Your brother's reaction last night might demonstrate that you two are connected by a shared experience in your early childhood and respond in tandem, but in different ways. You are assuming that what drained you, fed him. Perhaps it also affected him in a negative way, but since he is more shut down, doesn't seem to display the discomfort.

Has it occurred to you that your focus on your brother is actually a distraction from the true predator? Has it occurred to you that you might be playing a role and might actually be affecting your brother's behaviour and personality? I'm not suggesting this is so, but trying to get you to consider the wide world of possibilities out there.

If you continue working on yourself in earnest, identifying your sacred cows, your programs and buffers, and diligently working toward eliminating them, then, combined with EE, you should see significant change.

There are forces that work hard to prevent us from attaining our true potential. They are quite devious and will use any and all means, including distracting us and getting us to focus on anything but the true source.


Thank you Gonzo

I see what you are saying about opinions.It's imperative to stay open at all times with all.

Yes,I am assuming a lot about those experiences,but they are freaky for sure,and not pleasant,so I'll work on myself harder,to have higher mental blocking capability.

It occurred me that he isn't the real predator but a distraction of a sort, cause if I remember correctly, C's said that OPs don't do anything 4DSTS does all through them.But I should remain open for all other possibilities.

It's up to me to do or not to do. ''As you sow so shall you reap''

Idd, there are.And it might be better to concentrate on what I do that helps me grow and see more objectively(ie Work,EE,diet etc),rather then on my assumptions and opinions which might or might not be true, or other distractions for that matter. So, keep my aim straight and concentrate on the Work! :D
truth seeker said:
Serendipity said:
Even though I can't change my understandings or preconceptions or assumptions at this moment, I can at least start to question them.
That's all we ask. Now a real conversation can begin. :)

Serendipity said:
Thank you for being patient with me :)
Thank you for making an attempt to understand. Unfortunately many don't. That says there's something real in you.

I sure hope so there is :D
I think this approach will serve you well. This is certainly not to take away from what you have experienced either. As was mentioned earlier, many of us have experienced high strangeness ranging from the fascinating to the disturbing to the outright terrifying.

But none of us can say with any certainty what these occurrences were or by what specific mechanisms they operate. So, I want to acknowledge how upsetting, if not terrifying, these occurrences must be.

Keep learning about yourself and applying that knowledge. The universe is unfolding as it should.

Gonzo said:
I think this approach will serve you well. This is certainly not to take away from what you have experienced either. As was mentioned earlier, many of us have experienced high strangeness ranging from the fascinating to the disturbing to the outright terrifying.

But none of us can say with any certainty what these occurrences were or by what specific mechanisms they operate. So, I want to acknowledge how upsetting, if not terrifying, these occurrences must be.

Keep learning about yourself and applying that knowledge. The universe is unfolding as it should.


That's how I try to see it aswell. I'm learning to have faith in the universe.

And your post made me want to do EE :D
Just adding this, FWIW.

I remembered asking my brother does he ever introspect,and I used the English world.

He, first asked me to explain what that means. I said it means to question oneself inside, question ones thoughts,emotions and other processes going in the ones inner world etc.

His answer was : ,, No, you can go insane from doing that '' as like that isn't normal behaviour, but sign of mental sickness in his view. (He was serious, btw)

That, doesn't make him OP, I know that. I need to question everything, and not take my opinions for granted. But that certainly raised a red flag for me.
People who never question themselves may have developed the condition as a means of survival or as a coping mechanism, especially in families where that person learned that displaying confidence afforded them rewards while self doubt resulted in loss.

I've also seen the behaviour in people who have been spoiled - coddled and told how special they are, to the point they never develop an awareness of their inaccurate or flawed thinking. To some, having flaws pointed out to them could threaten their ego's very existence and criticism can be met with exaggerated defensiveness or aggression.

Since we don't really know if OPs actually exist, it might be better to consider people broken when you encounter extreme or inappropriate behaviour. Whether they can be fixed/healed remains open.

This, of course, doesn't mean one should stick their heads in the mouths of lions, merely one should study them in attempt to understand them to provide help is requested and protect oneself, if need be.

My, $0.02, fwiw,
Gonzo said:
People who never question themselves may have developed the condition as a means of survival or as a coping mechanism, especially in families where that person learned that displaying confidence afforded them rewards while self doubt resulted in loss.

I've also seen the behaviour in people who have been spoiled - coddled and told how special they are, to the point they never develop an awareness of their inaccurate or flawed thinking. To some, having flaws pointed out to them could threaten their ego's very existence and criticism can be met with exaggerated defensiveness or aggression.

Since we don't really know if OPs actually exist, it might be better to consider people broken when you encounter extreme or inappropriate behaviour. Whether they can be fixed/healed remains open.

This, of course, doesn't mean one should stick their heads in the mouths of lions, merely one should study them in attempt to understand them to provide help is requested and protect oneself, if need be.

My, $0.02, fwiw,

Thank you Gonzo.Your 2 cents have been helpfull :)
Just sharing the experience as it happened. Maybe it saves someone some suffering. Here it is, fwiw

Last few months I've enjoyed very good health with high level of energy. I didn't have headaches that I had during my adolescent years on frequent basis. It was because I didn't eat gluten, dairy, processed oils and other nonfood's. But just few days ago I really understood how horribly evil and poisonous to the body and mind the nonfood's really are, especially gluten.

A week ago I ate a small candy bar containing gluten and other bad stuff. I wasn't thinking properly, I was weak in the moment and just indulged myself. I knew it will have consequences, but I thought it is really small candy bar, what can happen?I read plenty of articles about diet on and still reading LWB thread, so I knew that stuff was bad, but I was about to experience for myself how truly evil they are.

Not long after I got bad headache. Later that day stomach ache, weakness, nausea and other feeling sick sensations joined the list. It were all the sensations that I associated with ''attack'' in the past and being drained of energy. Then I caught an ''alien'' thought, really bizarre and negative thought just popped in my head, and I was like: ''where did this come from?''

Then I went to bed knowing there is very good chance that paralysis/''attack'' experience will happen, cause in past it usually did happen when I had these negative symptoms and ''bad vibes'' that I associate to being drained of energy. Luckily I couldn't sleep cause of the nausea and anxiety. So I got out of the bed, made myself a cup of herbal tea and went out on my balcony on fresh air. I did some breathing exercises and after hour and half suffering ended, and I felt much better and was able to fall asleep.

I remembered two strange dreams before waking up and I felt they are connected.

In first dream I was in class, writing exam. I wrote it really well and thought I deserve good mark. Some of people from my highschool were there and delivered their exams and all got really good marks 4(B) and 5(A), and I got only 2(E). I was sure grading wasn'tfair cause I knew I did really well. This dream felt really strange and artificial, and I got feeling it's purpose was to get jealous reaction from me. It's more strange cause in real life I don't get jealous,especially not about grades. I learned to see jealousy as useless thing. Also, in real life, few days before this dream we had most important exam and while I was hoping and learning only for 2(E), in the end I got highest mark 4(B).What I mean to say is that I really don't care for grades in real life, that's why the dream about jealousy seemed extra weird.

Second dream starts where first ends. I was with man I didn't knew and we went in some building/room. Only thing that was inside the room were three cuboid hollows, that looked like sleeping places and there were three persons either dead or firmly sleeping inside the each hollow, and two of them had octopus like parasites wrapped on their heads and third had human like creature also covering his head. Then I saw one octopus looking creature began to move preparing to jump on the man who was with me and who wasn't paying attention, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him in last second so the creature missed him.

Then we ran out and kept running, but the man I was with seemed to be infected with something. His face began to change and distort and skin on his face began to peel off. He was running behind me and talked in panic things like: ''what is happening to me?'' I just kept running, maybe even saying something to him and maybe just taking care for my own skin I don't remember. Then his voice started to change and then at one point it wasn't his voice anymore, but that of a ''monster'' and at that point I knew he became predator and I became a prey. I felt real fear for first time that night, and quickly woke up with back of my head killing me.

I thought, where did the pain on back of my head(close to neck) came from, when last night only top of my head hurt. Then I remembered the dream about the exam and ''forced'' jealousy and made connection about what C's said about jealousy and occipital ridge, and my headache in that area after the dream that felt ''forced'' and ''artificial''. Then I slept 2 more hours and wake without headache. Of course I don't believe it's fact what I said above about the connection, just a theory.

Also there was other event 2 nights later. I went to my grandma for a few days, and I ate quite a few home baked cookies that had lactose in it and also fructose. This time, my excuses were that I plan to switch to ketogenic diet soon so I can have last treat, and especially cause I'm at my grandma. In the evening I did full EE session and it was one of the best session I had, cause I at home usually I have little privacy so rarely I can do full session undisturbed.

When I was waking up in the morning, I felt the paralysis coming over me. I was in hypnopompic state and first 2 seconds I just lied there without trying to resist the paralysis, I didn't want or didn't have will to resist and fight off. It's similar sensation as laziness but more accurate description would be lack of will. Then I got hold of myself and started to resist the paralysis and it was quite easy to break free, I could have done it from the first moment if I just tried. When I break free I still was in hypnopompic state but I could move, and first thing I did when paralysis passed was to look to direction I felt the ''attack'' was coming from.
I can't describe it, except that I somehow knew from where it is coming. I looked to my right and there, few feets away was a humanoid creature, quite tall, with no hair on the body or on the head, and it's skin reminded me of the skin of E.T. in the movie E.T. But it didn't had flattened head but more human looking one. It's eyes were quite small and it appeared as it is sick or old. It appeared like it was typing something or at least doing something with it's fingers on some device I didn't quite see cause all happened in just few short seconds. But strangest thing was when I looked at it, it got disturbed, anxious or scared, and began moving back as if it didn't want me to see it.
It was all I could see before waking up, that humanoid creature that appeared very real, and like it's doing something with it's fingers while I was paralyzed, and when I saw it it got very disturbed.

Normally, you would think that this type of experience would freak anyone out, but I was calm and unafraid, only very curious about what happened and intrigued that it most likely had much to do with what I've eaten. IMO I wasn't freaked out cause I got used to that kind of stuff happening a lot in the past.

All there is a lesson. Those who fall must learn the hard way, as C's said if I'm not mistaken.
One good thing that come out of all this is that I won't take for granted health and well being benefits of good diet again.

The other reason why I choose to share this is cause I know it's good idea to network. Please do point out if you see any reasoning flaws in my writing, I'd be most gratefull :)
I've read my old posts and people's replies to my posts, especially on this thread and I saw my old thinking patterns.
Plenty of subjective thought, belief, assumptions, prejudice and selective hearing there.
It was really weird reading my thoughts and writing from only less then a year ago, since I first joined. It was literally like reading someone elses thoughts, a childs even.

Many have given me so much good advices and support and I didn't know how to see it, cause my hearing was selective, and my thinking messed up.
I heard only that which conformed to my perspective, that which I subconsciously choose to hear, while ignoring and literally not seeing that which I didn't want to see.
I was even saying that I'll read the suggested book or thread and then I would forget about it like it didn't even happen.

I was feeling ashamed reading it, but also happy cause I saw how much I grew since, and how much my thinking improved and all thanks to the forum.
Also, it gave me the idea of how much mechanical me and my thinking really were/are, and how hard it is to tell it is so, without the help of the network.
Simply by reading the posts and articles on the forum my thinking got improved, and by applying the knowledge of course.

Fwiw, I'd like to apologize for my previous ignorant and sometimes rude behaviour.
I know the important thing is that I learned out of it, cause ''all there is a lesson''.
And thank you for all the help that I was given from this forum, and am just now learning to appreciate.

Still much to learn and glad to be on board :D
I don't know where to start, so I'll just share what happened from beginning. I am aware now that bad diet contributed to attacks in sleep I have been having. Also dissociative behaviour, like gaming being my example. Also internal considering like worrying for myself and holding to my false personality. And also the major one being watching the porn which was my habit during the time I experienced most of the attacks. And all those things share one thing in common, and that is feeding the predator, doing what 'it' likes, and this is what's fueling the attacks.

Lately I was struggling with porn habit with success being helped by reading the experiences of others here, and especially keto diet. For past two months I got it under control, or that's what I thought. For a month I was on ketosis, without gaming, without porn. It was lot easier to do what 'it' doesn't like, because 'it' wasn't getting it's fuel. My mind
was clearer, I had more energy and I used it for work and learning. Then the general law slowly creeped in. I noticed I lost couple pounds, and being very tall and slim that was bad thing right. But the bad thing was that I didn't read keto thread and implemented resistance training and bone broth, but nevertheless I decided to reintroduce more carbs in my diet. So I started eating buckwheat again, together with other less evil carbs. I started eating more then 100 grams of carbs and half as much as fat as before. Then came the gaming. First it was one game a day, then two, etc. Before I realized it I was on a downward spiral, still doing work, avoiding reallyevil food(gluten, dairy, bad oils etc.), doing ee altough less regularly, but 'it' was growing stronger by day, until two days ago when the porn urge hit me so hard that it was uncontrollable.

My body was so restless and out of controll and I end up watching porn. Essentially I was giving the power to 'it' and making a choice, altough one that came with high price as you'll see later. That same night, I was doing some pipe breathing and prayer of the soul,then some observation of my inner world and 'my' thoughts, like I do most nights. With help of the knowledge I gained overtime I learned to recognize foreign thoughts when they appear, sometimes they appear with horrible and scary images,
and I became aware of the simple fact that I'm not the one producing them. So then I fend them of, by observing and paying attention when they appear then mentally block them, or stop them if they have taken the flow. I also became aware some time ago of that part inside me, that is producing these thoughts, images, impulses etc, and when I do what 'it' doesn't like, for example stop those foreign impulses and thoughts, there is burning sensation in my stomach, below solar plexus. It may be that this place is place from where 'it' operates in me. I can feel this sensation and it's always connected to foreign thoughts and impulses. Sometimes it's stronger and sometimes weaker.
Also most times when that sensation appears and my eyes are closed, black dot appears on screen of my eyes. There also appear dots of light, and sometimes when I pay attention inwardly both black and light dots appear, often more then one at a time. I don't know what they mean, but it's not subject at hand anyway.

Also, that burning sensation in my stomach I associate with energy drain and the time when I was on keto with clear mind and high energy I could prevent this sensation from happening simply because the 'it' didn't have much power, couse it wasn't fuled. I was talking before that I noticed connection between this sensation and 'it' in myself with reaction in my brother who is sleeping in same room as me, but I didn't quite explained it well, and was defensive of my opinions etc. So that same night after choosing to let 'it' have what it's want(porn), I was paying attention internally and boy was it hard to do stop 'it' and foreign thoughts. I would end up in ridiculous narrative and barely recognize it that it's foreign. I struggled very hard to stop burning sensation, but that part in me that isn't me was much stronger then usually. It required constant attention and vigilance to resist it and mentally block the foreign thoughts. But when I did that and caught the 'it' and observe it as what it is(not me) there was reaction in my brother again.
Not just that night, most of the nights it is the same. When I caught foreign thoughts, my brother sucks air strongly through his nose and mouth, and there is connection with 'it' inside me or so it seems to me at least. And when I'm in vigilant state, paying attention to thoughts and being the observer, my brother very often starts to moan(snivel) in his dream like he is being tortured or traumatized. It's so eerie to hear, almost blood freezing, and he keeps doing it until it causes the burning sensation in my stomach and then stops. I'm telling you, it's freaky.

So where was I. That night 'it' was strong, and I barely keep it controlled, so to speak, and then I fell asleep.Then the paralysis happened first time in a month. I found myself lying on my back in my bed. Eoverything was as in real life, my body my bed, pillows, furniture etc, except the atmosphere which was dark and eerie. I was completely
paralyzed and felt like some force has tied me to my bed in the area of my chest. I tried to resist to move but I couldn't move my hands or any part of my body. Then somehow I freed my hand, and then I began to touch myself in search for what's making me immobilized. I discovered that there is rope tightly squeezed around my chest, it was one of those ropes that is used to tie the boxes. I ripped it appart on my left side and made myself free, then I stood up and everything around me was dark, but from what I could see it looked like I was in my room. Then I felt that rope is still hanging on the other side of my chest and arm, and that it extends far away(coincidently to direction of my brothers bed) and I pulled it out, and immediately I woke up lying in my bed, while in the same time my brother sucked air the same way he does when I pay attention and fend of foreign thoughts when going to sleep almost each night. Don't know what it means, I'm not convinced that my brother is OP like I was before, but just that there is connection between 'it' in me and in his reactions. Heck I could be OP, as far as I know. But nvm that now.

Well, this is how my post would look like if something else didn't happened last night, cause last night I was planing to make a post about this incident where basically I choose to give 'it' my power and watch porn, and how it fed it and made the attack possible, fwiw. But, last nigh while under shower area under my arm was itching and I discovered round hive under my arm, near my biceps. It wouldn't be strange if in the hive there weren't three dark red dots, that looked like puncture marks, making perfect triangle. I don't have camera so I could only take picture with my old mobile phone and can't share it, but the mark is still here.

After shower I went to bed. Did some pipe brathing, pots, observing inwardly, and again my brother did his moaning/sniveling thing, it was almost like he is awake, so I called to him, asking him what is wrong. He stopped, changed position and continued sleeping without being awoken. I asked him today did he hear me when calling him, that he was restless in sleep etc, does he remember anything, and he said nope.

Last night was pretty restless night for me. I was dreaming all sorts of weird dreams, and waking couple times, just to fall asleep again. Then happened the following. I though I awakened, so I tried to get up but I couldn't cause some force was pushing at me. It knocked me down and then lifted me up on the ceiling and then spined me around the corners of the ceiling. I seriously thought I was awake during this experience, cause it was similar to sleep paralysis, especially cause my body and room looked as in waking life. Then I wake up, fell back asleep, and again false awakening and same thing. Something pulls me up on ceiling, and spins me around. Then again more dreams, and in the end of one dream I remember saying in dream somethin like this to some woman: "I will lie to myself, and I will learn." Then the scene from dream changed to a man that I didn't know, but I knew was evil and that we have to gain the information or something else from him, so we used mind trick on him. His mind was influenced with something so that he found himself in a open sea or something like that, and drowning. It was torturous and horrendous experience and it was intended to be like that so he could break in the pressure and give in, but he mustn't realize it's just in his mind and not real. It was like I was watching him drowning on a TV, and I remember thinking, he must not realize it's only in his mind, he is bad guy, and why are always bad guys most likely to realize the deception and not be influenced by this mind trick. When I had that thought something happened that still brings chills to my very bones, and brings tears on my eyes.

I don't know to describe it in a way you could understand it but I'll try. I woke up, and this time it's good chance that I actually woke up for real, except that I was paralyzed and unable to break free of it. Then some presence appeared and it is unimaginable what it felt like, it was like something so dark so powerful and big was present, and it started to pass through me. It was even making eerie sound while it moved.It entered through my feet first and made it's way up while I was lying on my back. I couldn't do anything but wait for it to pass. I remember how I was feeling while it happened. First of all I think that I was dissociated, I didn't feel anger nor grief and I felt so powerless and so weak and at mercy of whatever that thing was passing through my body.It's the feeling of being the food I think. When it reached my genitals I felt some sensation, like my sexual energy was stimulated. Then it reached my upper chest and I felt it passing through my very bones, thick dark mass, that's what it was. I remember feeling in my head before it passed through it, it was fine, but after it passed, yyakk.. How to describe it in few words. Encounter of something powerfull with something weak. Predator with it's prey.
I noticed that during this experience one part of me, well probably 'it' , actually liked and didn't mind what was happening(and that being defiling of my real self essentially).
Only when I woke up and light a cig the anger and grief started to come out, and the tears.I never had this much high strangeness in such a short period of time like last two days, and all because I made one wrong choice.

Just to conclude, I was afraid to network past few weeks, thinking that I don't have anything good to say so I better stay silent, or that it's wrong to bother people with my experiences because, or that it is self important, but mostly it was cause of fear of mirror, that's why I made this post, other then just to share what happened, this is one of the ways I can get back to 'it' for what it put me through, doing what 'it' doesn't like and networking, without expectations and fear of feedback.

Thank you for reading, and really sorry for the lenght.
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