Laura said:
In fact, there is a strange feeling of "lightness" to my limbs that I can't quite describe.
Hypothesis: Maybe the germs are no longer stealing energy from your muscles?
I am finding this thread very interesting, and I cautiously hope that it may lead to an important breakthrough.

curious_richard said:
Laura said:
In fact, there is a strange feeling of "lightness" to my limbs that I can't quite describe.
Hypothesis: Maybe the germs are no longer stealing energy from your muscles?
I am finding this thread very interesting, and I cautiously hope that it may lead to an important breakthrough.

Maybe so. My legs have felt like they had lead weights attached to them for as long as I can remember. Getting energy to my muscles has always been an issue. I've survived and functioned on sheer will. Wonder what I could do if I didn't feel like I was dragging a ball and chain? And what a waste of so many years if it is as simple as an infection state.

Laura said:
And doesn't the info in those session just make you go "Huh?" If it is true (and seems to be so), how many people are affected? Is this one of the purposes of alien abduction? To infect people of potential with parasites? Yeah, I know, I could be making a lot of assumptions, but this just puts a whole new spin on a lot of things.

I was reminded of this particular exchange as well; I also connect it with the following:

3/28/10 said:
(L) Okay, we've got some questions here that people have assembled. The first question is: "Do genetically modified foods affect human DNA?"

A: Yes! Very bad.

Q: (L) Okay. What are the consequences of this disruption in terms of awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Remember Pavlov?

Q: (L) Yeah... So what about Pavlov?

A: Strong dogs can be broken if their health is broken first.

Q: (L) So you're saying that these effects are primarily health-related?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So if your health is compromised, it makes it more difficult for you to achieve any kind of awareness or spiritual growth. Is that it?

A: Yes. Hasn't that always been the case?

Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

Since it seems that there are certain inherent constraints against 4D STS imposing their will directly over 3D souls (see for example the article on stalking), the strategy of choice appears to be using indirect means to wear down the general population; in my present understanding, the introduction of physical handicaps and their drain on energy may also make an individual susceptible to spirit attachment, so that in effect there are two distinct realms of parasitism that act synergystically.

I'm attaching a flowchart that I created a couple of months ago for my family (to a certain degree this is individualized), trying to show how various factors interact to lower bodily defenses and result in a variety of pathologies. The items around the periphery (non-exhaustive -- there are others such as GMO, pesticides, etc) seem to be the general tools that are being used against the human population as a whole. However, if you're looking at abductions specifically, then there are at least two ways (these are boxed) that additional strain could theoretically be placed on the organism. The first is genetic manipulation -- the flipping of 'genetic switches' which introduce complications in the function of biological pathways. The second is the manipulation of microorganisms -- either by introduction of foreign species, or otherwise by the "reprogramming" of endogenous species which would be otherwise benign. The latter is directly relevant to this thread.

I'm also attaching a brief article on the infectious origin of rheumatoid arthritis. There's a book on the topic that might be of interest as well:

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Infection Connection

Since I see Lyme disease mentioned quite a bit in conjunction with rheumatoid arthritis, it might also be worth taking a look at some of Stephen Buhner's books for inspiration:

I've been told that his first book on the topic (Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and Its Coinfections) was groundbreaking at the time.



Laura said:
Reporting in: today was a good day. I took all my doses of allopurinol, took NO cortisone, and felt fine all day. I did have a bit of tiredness and took two short naps, but other than that, I had no pain, no nausea, no symptoms like that at all. In fact, there is a strange feeling of "lightness" to my limbs that I can't quite describe.

Glad to hear that today was good!

Laura said:
Reporting in: today was a good day. I took all my doses of allopurinol, took NO cortisone, and felt fine all day. I did have a bit of tiredness and took two short naps, but other than that, I had no pain, no nausea, no symptoms like that at all. In fact, there is a strange feeling of "lightness" to my limbs that I can't quite describe.

I had that feeling once after a course of DMSA. I felt light as a feather, as if I could take flight. It was very pleasant, although short-lived.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Gaby said:
Laura said:
Reporting in: today was a good day. I took all my doses of allopurinol, took NO cortisone, and felt fine all day. I did have a bit of tiredness and took two short naps, but other than that, I had no pain, no nausea, no symptoms like that at all. In fact, there is a strange feeling of "lightness" to my limbs that I can't quite describe.

Glad to hear that today was good!
Me too! :)
It's a very interesting topic, thank you.

I think I'll give that protocol a try - not that I obviously suffer from RA or any other autoimmune disease, just some allergies. Will be interesting to see if I notice a difference. But first i need to get some decent probiotics.

Gaby said:
Laura said:
Reporting in: today was a good day. I took all my doses of allopurinol, took NO cortisone, and felt fine all day. I did have a bit of tiredness and took two short naps, but other than that, I had no pain, no nausea, no symptoms like that at all. In fact, there is a strange feeling of "lightness" to my limbs that I can't quite describe.

Glad to hear that today was good!


Dear Laura, so glad to hear that you are feeling much better, and the protocol is progressing well - warm wishes and a big hug ! :)

Great to hear about the progress, Laura.

When Odyssey mentioned the DSMA having a similar feeling of "lightness", I remembered that when I donated blood in 2013, I felt really energized for the first day, and to a lesser extent the next day. My ferritin was high, but not crazy high - 143 ng/ml before donating. I also did a bunch of weeks of EDTA chelation, but only had that feeling for a short time after the blood donation. FWIW.

Laura said:
Maybe so. My legs have felt like they had lead weights attached to them for as long as I can remember. Getting energy to my muscles has always been an issue. I've survived and functioned on sheer will. Wonder what I could do if I didn't feel like I was dragging a ball and chain? And what a waste of so many years if it is as simple as an infection state.

I really do hope this free's you from that burden!
I still can't quite find the quote I'm looking for - but I did find the following. I've been thinking about how parasites 'trick' (turn the immune system against the host or disable it entirely) and 'hide' from the immune system (forming cysts etc), I'm sure there is a lesson in dealing with pathology here too. Why can't the immune system see things 'in fine enough detail' to distinguish body from parasite?
So to the quote (as above so below - parasites, psychopaths, spirit attachments.....) fwiw
Spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. This seems to be a violation of free will. It also appears to refute the popular notion that each person is totally responsible for creating his or her reality and that there are no victims. The apparent conflict here stems from the definitions of permission and free will choice. Ignorance and denial of the possibility of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or lack of belief regarding the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on the reality of these beings and their behavior.
In denial and ignorance, most people do not refuse permission to these nonphysical intruders. Individual sovereign beings have the right to deny any violation or intrusion by another being. With limited, if any, knowledge and distorted perceptions of the nature of the spirit world, the nonphysical reality, many people leave themselves open and create their own vulnerability as part of creating their own reality. It is fashionable today among many “new Age” enthusiasts to attempt to channel some higher power, a spirit teacher or master who will use the voice mechanism of any willing person to speak “words of wisdom”. Some use the terminology “for my highest good” when calling for a spirit to channel through. This activity constitutes permission and welcome for a discarnate spirit. The identifiers such as “master” and “teacher” and qualifiers such as “for my highest good” will be claimed by the entities as personally valid identifications, qualities or attributes.
The host is usually unaware of the presence of attached spirits. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.
In most cases, a person can only experience and acknowledge the reality of the condition after an attached entity has been released. The realization may come some months after a releasement session as the person suddenly notices the absence of a familiar attitude, desire, addiction or behavior. {If it does turn out that amoeba are responsible for your burden, I'm pretty sure this will happen too}
The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms.
…A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. A spirit can lodge in any of the chakras of the host, drawn by the particular energy of the chakra or by the physical structures of that level of the body.
The mental, emotional and physical influence of an attached entity can alter the original path of karmic options and opportunities of the host. It can disrupt the planned lifeline by hastening death or prolonging life, thus interfering with any specific checkout point. An entity of the opposite gender can influence the sexual preference and gender orientation. An attached entity can influence the choice of marriage partners and the choice of a partner for an extra-marital affair.7 (Emphasis added.)

Hopefully this isn't going off too much on a tangent. I was thinking of the many reports of people doing EE and having dreams/visions of 'worms' that would leave them an die (usually by 'melting away').

So starting with a pop culture reference
Puppeteer Parasite

A form of Body Horror common in alien invasion plots. Aliens, rather than invading in their own form, insert themselves into (usually unwilling or unaware) humans, whereupon they completely take over the host's body, suppress their will, and generally make them not themselves. They generally do this because their natural form is some kind of grub or other not-very-formidable state.
They may have limited or total access to the host's memory, but can generally fool casual observers. A possessed host typically gains increased strength, and sometimes additional wacky powers. They may also be able to affect a Voice of Evil or glowing eyes, to let the audience know what's up.
This will fool everyone until the critical moment, even though a possessed host usually starts exhibiting really strange symptoms such as a lack of emotion, a surplus of emotion, violent rampages, festering sores, a flue gill, or a penchant for ketchup.
Sometimes, the possession process actually kills the host, turning them into a Parasite Zombie with Marionette Motion. If the host is left alive then they may or may not remain aware while possessed. No matter what the case is, it generally takes a Deus ex Machina to remove the parasite without killing the host.
The method by which the parasite enters the host body varies; it might be injected, it may latch on to the host's skull or spine, or it may enter as some kind of Energy Being. Crawling in through the mouth or ears is also very popular. Often a Festering Fungus. This trope may also be used as a Anvilicious metaphor for venereal disease. A controlling alien that doesn't invade the body is The Hypnotoad.
Also, for some reason, possessed bodies often melt when killed.
Very popular in films during the Cold War era, as it made such a handy parallel for communism.{Wetiko virus?} One of the most self-aware film examples is The Faculty.
Contrast They Look Like Us Now, where the Masquerade is limited to posing as human without being able to replace/control specific individuals. Compare Living Doll Collector. Can overlap with And I Must Scream.
Comparing mechanisms of host manipulation across host and parasite taxa


Parasites affect host behavior in several ways. They can alter activity, microhabitats or both. For trophically transmitted parasites (the focus of our study), decreased activity might impair the ability of hosts to respond to final-host predators, and increased activity and altered microhabitat choice might increase contact rates between hosts and final-host predators. In an analysis of trophically transmitted parasites, more parasite groups altered activity than altered microhabitat choice. Parasites that infected vertebrates were more likely to impair the host’s reaction to predators, whereas parasites that infected invertebrates were more likely to increase the host’s contact with predators. {The parasites goal is to reproduce, and it does this by getting it's host eaten by predators - or perhaps at a higher level (such as humans) close proximity} The site of infection might affect how parasites manipulate their hosts. For instance, parasites in the central nervous system seem particularly suited to manipulating host behavior. Manipulative parasites commonly occupy the body cavity, muscles and central nervous systems of their hosts. Acanthocephalans in the data set differed from other taxa in that they occurred exclusively in the body cavity of invertebrates. In addition, they were more likely to alter microhabitat choice than activity. Parasites in the body cavity (across parasite types) were more likely to be associated with increased host contact with predators. Parasites can manipulate the host through energetic drain, but most parasites use more sophisticated means. For instance, parasites target four physiological systems that shape behavior in both invertebrates and vertebrates: neural, endocrine, neuromodulatory and immunomodulatory. The interconnections between these systems make it difficult to isolate specific mechanisms of host behavioral manipulation.


Are parasites sophisticated puppet masters of their host’s behaviors? Many studies have demonstrated that differences in behavior between infected and uninfected hosts are beneficial to parasites. In other cases, the logical expectation for parasite adaptation is strong. In either case, proof is elusive and differences in behavior between infected and uninfected hosts do not, on their own, imply manipulation by a parasite. For instance, pathogenic parasites can affect host behavior in ways that do not benefit the parasite. For our Review, we assume that the examples we give are parasite adaptations, but readers should understand that support for this assumption varies.

Parasites target four physiological systems that shape behavior in both invertebrates and vertebrates: neural, endocrine, neuromodulatory and immunomodulatory (Adamo, 2002; Adamo, 2013; Beckage, 1993; Escobedo et al., 2009; Helluy, 2013; Moore, 2002; Thomas et al., 2005; Thompson and Kavaliers, 1994). These systems are connected and communicate via neurotransmitters, hormones, and neuromodulatory and immunomodulatory chemicals. As a result, identifying the precise mechanisms that underlie host behavior modification has proven a complex task. Moreover, chemically mediated modifications might be the result of parasite- and host-secreted substances acting in response to one another, further obscuring the mechanistic basis of the alterations (Adamo, 2013; Thomas et al., 2005). Less sophisticated parasites could manipulate host behavior by energetic drain or damaging key systems such as the central nervous system (CNS) (though targeting the CNS is arguably a sophisticated accomplishment).

I'm finding in reading the above the parallels to pathology (psychopaths or even just 'draining/automatic/damaged people') fascinating.
That all these 'infection' (parasites, psychopaths, spirit attachments) spread through lack of knowledge/awareness (and appropriate responses to the invader). That they all manipulate behavior in order to spread (or sometimes just destroy the host in a drive to 'survive'), and that they all seem to impair/alter the hosts awareness of danger.
That 'such small/fragile things' can cause such misery and suffering seems to be a huge thread in all levels of life on this planet. I'm sure the same rules apply to 4D STS and the whole UFO thing - they thrive through manipulation and hiding.

nicklebleu said:
I think I'll give that protocol a try - not that I obviously suffer from RA or any other autoimmune disease, just some allergies. Will be interesting to see if I notice a difference. But first i need to get some decent probiotics.

Well, if you do and you don't think you suffer from anything, maybe you'll start without the cortisone also just as a control subject with no obvious pathology to see if you have a strong Herx reaction?

I have to finish the protocol first, and then we have a few other subjects to try here with different autoimmune issues before we can conclude that others ought to be trying it out especially if they have serious conditions at advanced stages. In such cases, it should definitely be done with the supervision of a doctor who can intervene correctly if needed.

We also need to be collecting the literature so that if and when it comes down to others trying it, they will have material to present to their doctors in advance.

I'm looking at a new book right now called The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, and on p. 155 she lists the following microbes and their associated disorders:

Type of Microbe
Chlamydia pneumoniae
Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Porphyromonas
E. Coli, Proteus
Streptococcus pyogenes

Associated Disorder
Guillaine-Barré syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Autoimmunity in general
Ankylosing spondylitis
Rheumatic fever
Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis

This is an abbreviated form of the longer list of correlations listed in Nancy Appleton's book Rethinking Pasteur's Germ Theory (pp. 103-105). I'm attaching a PDF of chapter 9 of that book which includes that list, as well as a diagram of Naessens' somatid cycle a couple of pages previous. (Sorry that the PDF is fuzzy around the edges -- the book is just a bit too big for my scanner, so I kind of had to squish it to make it come out).

It seems that the particular kind of bacteria that is important in autoimmune disease is cell wall deficient bacteria -- the go-to textbook on this topic appears to be that of Lida Mattman, which is referenced in several other books; if one really wants to study this topic it might be good to have on hand. You'll see in the table of contents that there is a subsection devoted to rheumatoid arthritis:

Another book which looks like it may have some good clues, despite focusing on cancer, is Microbes and Malignancy, edited by Julie Parsonnet.

There are several good links that come up when one searches "cell wall deficient bacteria" -- below are some from the first page of the search which give a history of research on CWD forms and explain why they are the specific class of bacteria implicated in autoimmune conditions (and why they are "stealth" pathogens, hence the controversy over them if they are studied using conventional techniques). Several of these include additional links to follow if we want to start collecting literature:

L-form bacteria

Mycoplasmas and Other Cell-Wall-Deficient Bacteria

A History of Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria: A Selection of Researchers Who Have Worked with the L-form

Bacterial persistence and expression of disease

Notes and Observations on Cell Wall Deficient Forms

Cell-wall deficient bacteria: The Potbelly Syndrome

Laura said:
My legs have felt like they had lead weights attached to them for as long as I can remember. Getting energy to my muscles has always been an issue. I've survived and functioned on sheer will. Wonder what I could do if I didn't feel like I was dragging a ball and chain? And what a waste of so many years if it is as simple as an infection state.

If this does end up being the case, then it would be very frustrating in hindsight, and it's hard to think of something comforting to say that doesn't sound trite. However, I do hope this protocol works and that you can finally be free of the suffering you've endured since childhood -- and that you'll have many years in the future to enjoy that new freedom, along with all the other people this might eventually help :hug2:



I think it will definitely be very useful to have all the main information together for other practitioners. I'll work on something taking into account the physician mindset.
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