Available in print: The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts

I'm happy to announce that the 4th volume of The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts has just been published in paperback format!

It contains annotated sessions and an extensive background story from January-May 1997. To include the entire year 1997 in one book was not possible, it would have been over 1000 pages. So, we decided to split 1997 into two.


The present volume is available at:

Red Pill Press (USA and Canada): https://www.redpillpress.com/shop/the-cassiopaea-experiment-transcripts-1997-volume-4/
Les Editions Pilule Rouge (Europe Rest of the World): https://en.pilulerouge.com/shop/cass1997-1/ (not yet in stock - it will be at the beginning of August)

As well as on all Amazon sites.

From the cover text:

For the first time in print, this volume includes complete transcripts of 17 experimental sessions conducted between January and May 1997.

Following the various clues given by the Cassiopaeans, Knight-Jadczyk includes email correspondence documenting the early stages of her research leading to the publication of her book The Secret History of the World, as well as illuminating the rationale behind the questions and answers in this year – a year that demonstrates the material manifestations of how reality shifts begin.
Good news!
i will wait for the stock in Europe and see if I can also afford to buy one or two of those beautiful mugs I didn't new about.
Great news indeed, can't wait to see that the spine picture gets more complete with this volume :D!
I just ordered it! :D

What I find interesting about Laura's writings/books and posts as well as some others that post here on the forum is that it brings me back to a reality that I can tend to forget about when out and about in daily life. I guess I can find it hard to hold onto the information when I forget myself throughout the day and get lost in the weeds of life.

Think I might read parts of this book (and then other related material when I'm finished it) first thing in the morning and before I go to bed at night kind of as an 'alarm clock' and reminder of things so as to give perspective. Believe it or not, in the past when I've re-read the wave series and other books, etc it has helped calm overall anxieties about the future, life and whatnot. Not that believing it or what have you gives comfort and an escape. It seems thinking about and trying to apply the information, knowledge and explanation itself, which encompasses an overall explanation of reality and existence, although frightening to a large degree in its implications helps calm me down and put me in right mind. Knowledge protects!

Thanks for making the sessions/material available!
That's great news, can't wait to read it! Thanks for your work and making it available! :clap:
Good news are cherished these days. Thank you all for your efforts. :clap:

Bear said:
Believe it or not, in the past when I've re-read the wave series and other books, etc it has helped calm overall anxieties about the future, life and whatnot. Not that believing it or what have you gives comfort and an escape. It seems thinking about and trying to apply the information, knowledge and explanation itself, which encompasses an overall explanation of reality and existence, although frightening to a large degree in its implications helps calm me down and put me in right mind. Knowledge protects!

Thanks for making the sessions/material available!

I have the same experience. After a year or so only reading the sott articles I sat down this summer and read the tree first books. And the anxiety, depression and aimlessness is now not burdening so much that I can't take aim again. :) Up on the saddle...
Data, you said that Red Pill Press can deliver to Canada. Yet when I tried to order, it said that no shipping was available to Canada. So, does that mean that I have to order through Pilule Rouge or Amazon? Also, RPP's page states that Canadians have to order through Pilule Rouge. Please clarify
Data said:
I'm happy to announce that the 4th volume of The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts has just been published...

Very nice, thank y'all for the effort!
That's great news, thanks so much for all your efforts Laura and co.! Just a question- which website would be best to order from, for delivery to Australia? Amazon tend to have ridiculous shipping charges from the US.

Can't wait to read it! :bacon: :bacon:
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