I really can't conclude that there is any one given set of factors that creates a 'bad boy' any more than a 'savior' or any other title/stereotype. I think there are so many that you could have a hundred different discussions and there will still be no definite 'cause thus effect' reason.
I mean, some of you thought I was a young'un so it's possible that more about me got lost in translation.
I always see the very best in people. I don't look for their worst, because it always shows up eventually. I give them the benefit of the doubt, but immediately notice when words/practice don't match up. Some people always assume the worst, assume they're seeing it, and don't bother looking for the best because they assume they were right all along. But everyone is on their own journey so you can't say that they are wrong, especially not just so that you can tell yourself that you are right.
Assuming. Assumptions. What are they based on? A lot of information, or a little? Why do people seem to always concur that their very first assumption is 100% correct? Do they change their initial assumptions over time, with more information? Or do they decide that they are still right, and wallow in their egotistical superiority?
I believe that these lessons are meant to be applied to the self. To have the tools to turn inward and face our own darkness...and with knowledge, to eventually bring those darkness's into the light. The work has to be internal...it's all internal. Anyone constantly seeking help/answers 'outside' will never learn how to fully trust and believe in themselves. It's hard work, it's torturous actually. But when you fall down, below Hell level (it has a basement)...you may find yourself willing to do the work. But if Hell is your comfort zone, then carry on.
This interests me greatly, it's what I would like to read here. How are you applying what you've learned, to your self and your life? How are you changed by this? Yes we are supposed to learn the lessons. I however don't want to keep repeating the lessons, either reading them or living them (lol). I would like to see that people have learned and how their perspectives may now be different from before.
Yes. The soul is where God lives. If you want to see the face of God go look in the mirror. If you want to talk to God, go meet him in your soul. And be honest, He really does know everything, even the stuff you think nobody knows about. There are a lot of those people in church on Sunday.
They spend the other 6 days...yelling at employees, abusing their spouse, kicking the dog and traumatizing their kids. But on Sunday, they make the tiniest effort available to them, to redeem themselves, absolve themselves of all sin. I mean, Jesus' blood covered that, so I'm good...right?
I know I'm being controversial but the lies have had their power over us for far too long. Time to reclaim our selfs and our lives.
Every morning I come in here and it's like this. It's like "Show and Tell" at school and everybody brought their ego.
It's like the party the kids have when the parents are away, and they leave a mess of beer bottles and pizza boxes. But here, I come in and step over bruised egos instead of bottles. So once again, Mom is going to attempt to clean up.
For one thing, why are y'all so attached to your ego? And being right? Can you even handle being wrong, and if not why?
Being judgy wudgy and assuming superiority is not how you go about achieving 4D STO candidacy. Wrong campaign strategy.
I was recently described as "a loose canon", lol. I prefer to be a blow dart into that hard crusty shell around your heart. Love isn't judgy, it is accepting of a person's 'flaws' and loving them anyway.
I just chose a few of your quotes, because they stand out to me as characteristic of what may be a bit of an issue here. I would like to repeat my suggestion to slow down and read the forum a bit more. It sounds to me like you are making a lot of assumptions about who we are, how we operate, and how we SHOULD operate and think, adding to that a touch of what we have seen and experienced many times before as projection and deflection (in others, and ourselves, of course). You also ignore some comments that don't fit with your views. It also seems to me like you haven't understood the idea of us being "strangers to ourselves", and of how experience without knowledge input doesn't always lead to learning lessons. AND, it seems to me that you either have never met a psychopath, or decided to "see the good in them" anyway, which is something that from many of our experiences (yes, life experiences), doesn't seem like a good idea.
I'm not sure we have what you may be looking for, frankly. We may be too "nerdy" for you, if what you are looking for is more like a chatroom for sharing experiences, seeing the good in everything and everybody, and seeing only God and not the "predator" in oneself, or that everything is relative and there are so many nuances to everything it's not even worth it to talk about it. Also, if to you the Work is just internal, then I don't really see how you need anyone here or anything.
IOW, we are quite happy with our house as it is, and learn every day from it. But you, having arrived very recently and obviously unfamiliar with it, seem to be saying that you don't like how things are. Maybe you should start your own forum, where things are more the way you like them? I don't say this as a judgement on your character, which you seem to assume people do a lot. This place really isn't everyone's cup of tea. If you really think there is something in here for you, it would really help if you took some more time to familiarize yourself with why and how we do things, and then we see if we can speak the same language, or not. For now, I see no evidence that that is the case.
It comes down to the questions asked previously which you ignored as well, of whether you are here to learn or to "preach". Nobody knows everything, and of course we reevaluate everything after new data comes along, and experiences and mistakes. But you seem to be missing (or not interested) in the concept of a NETWORK being the "teacher". (I invite you to search the forum for that topic).