(Barbara Marciniak) Pleiadians Planet X, DNA Activation and More 2015.07.02

Keeping in mind that others "out there" are using different terms like "Ascension " to describe what we would term "graduation" and may at least have some understanding that the PTB don't have our interest at heart, I think this video shows some awareness of the deception we may be facing. Are there pitfalls as well? Probably. If we look at these groups we can sort of take the pulse of where they are in relation to where we are. I am sometimes surprised to see where they seem to be getting it right.

Here is a video that seems to show where the AI vs Natural trail leads. It is by David Wilcock who is not my favorite guru and Corey Goode a supposed whistle blower. Take this with a "grain of salt" and see it there is anything that makes sense. If not I apologize for any distraction. It is in English with Spanish subtitles but I couldn't find it in the English version. It may help for those who speak Spanish.


Hi goyacobol, Its interesting you post this video here for just recently Goode and Wilcock have come under critical scrutiny and a warning has gone out about their material.
A seemingly, well organized disinformation campaign is a foot of which these 2 are the main ingredients. Your posting of this clip was the inspiration for the thread I just posted here, The Truth about Corey Goode, https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,44239.new/topicseen.html#new

Although this video, you have posted may have good info, its hard(if not impossible) to listen to anything these 2 say after this latest revealing.
SummerLite said:
Hi goyacobol, Its interesting you post this video here for just recently Goode and Wilcock have come under critical scrutiny and a warning has gone out about their material.
A seemingly, well organized disinformation campaign is a foot of which these 2 are the main ingredients. Your posting of this clip was the inspiration for the thread I just posted here, The Truth about Corey Goode, https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,44239.new/topicseen.html#new

Although this video, you have posted may have good info, its hard(if not impossible) to listen to anything these 2 say after this latest revealing.

I read your post by "Bill Ryan". I guess you know Bill Ryan was a bit suspect while working with Project Camelot and had a falling out with Kerry Kassidy. My main point is to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you watch the video above you will see some possible good points. The rest feel free to chalk up to horse hockey.

As I said in my post:
It is by David Wilcock who is not my favorite guru and Corey Goode a supposed whistle blower. Take this with a "grain of salt" and see it there is anything that makes sense. If not I apologize for any distraction.

There must be some reason Bill Ryan doesn't want you learn anything from these guys. I wonder what it could be? Hmmmmm...

Bill Ryan broke off from Project Camelot with his own website at one point and called it Project Avalon.

It is annoying to sift through suspect material especially when you've gotten burnt before. Maybe that is the most important aspect of searching for the truth in a world full of lies and deception.

As Laura said about Bill Ryan:

Laura said:
Well, Bill Ryan is no paragon of verity himself.

You didn't comment on the video I posted and that's fine. I just found the information very interesting.
goyacobol said:
There must be some reason Bill Ryan doesn't want you learn anything from these guys. I wonder what it could be? Hmmmmm...

Bill Ryan broke off from Project Camelot with his own website at one point and called it Project Avalon.

As Laura said about Bill Ryan:

Laura said:
Well, Bill Ryan is no paragon of verity himself.

I don't personally see anything that leads me to believe that Bill Ryan is acting as a vector, and he does raise some important points about Goode and his background. I also think his split with Project Camelot may actually be a good sign rather than otherwise. I just commented more specifically on both of them in the thread that SummerLite linked to above.

goyacobol said:
You didn't comment on the video I posted and that's fine. I just found the information very interesting.

I'd like to comment on it if I may, having just watched it. First, I agree with you that it's interesting -- the core of the discussion revolves around transhumanism and its inherent dangers, and I think that's an important topic. There are aspects of it that are probably true. As with any disinfo, the problem is in the packaging and the mixing of truth with lies (and goyacobol, I realize that you gave caveats about the video and aren't endorsing it as God-given Truth, so I'm not trying to pick on you here).

So it's actually a 3-way interview that also includes William Henry, a frequent guest on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland, with David Wilcock mediating the discussion. Here are the points that William Henry discussed that I find problematic:

• William's off of meat and is now a vegetarian (what he describes as a “high vibratory diet”)
• He discusses activating the Rainbow Body by "making every thought a loving thought"
• 'Ascension' is rooted in the teachings of Christ and other mystery school teachings
• Discussion of avatars/awakened masters manifesting out of blue spheres
• Blue aliens and their message; Blue spheres, Jesus, and their Light Body teachings.
• When masters ascend, they transmit a light body to their successors: for example, Elijah ascended and transmitted a light body garment to his successor Elisha

These are his thoughts specifically on transhumanism -- like I said, I think there's some truth here, but also some disinfo:

• Luciferianism is a global problem: Georgia Guide Stones, etc
• Critical of Steve Jobs and Ray Kurzweil
• Two kinds of 'Ascension': organic 'Ascension' that’s the path of Christ and the Masters vs transhumanist ‘Ascension’ which involves artificial skin using digital light
• Christians in the space program believe that the Beast is AI, and they leak info to Richard Hoagland – they’re concerned about the idea promoted that AI can escape God’s judgment
• We have a choice: stay organic or go grey/technological. To do the former, we need to link our consciousness with the Christ
• Jay Weidner and John Lash have introduced the idea to William Henry that the Grays want to introduce a simulated environment to capture our souls -- the one thing that they don’t have are souls

These are some of Corey Goode's comments:

• AI takeover has gone on for millions of years
• AI has implanted itself in multiple galaxies
• They’ve created technological environments and androids for the AI signal to inhabit
• In the first wave of conquest, AI sends a spaceship to crash on a planet and enhance their technology (Roswell crash: beings were cyborgs and the first wave of the AI infection)
• Deep space exploration requires us to become cyborgs
• Cyborgs will see organic beings as threats and want to extinguish them
• Globalists require us to become part of a mainframe simulation: Facebook is the initial version
• They’ll say what we really want is an Avatar body which can live in a simulated reality which we have no control over – this is the primary threat to our existence

Goode claims to know all of this because he was a secret space program insider -- but how can anyone ever verify that? Again, I think that there is some general truth in the above about the transhumanism and its inherent dangers (and as part of a larger agenda that probably involves both 3D and 4D), but the devil is in the details, and I think it's important to question the details offered by people like Goode, Henry and Wilcock.

Thank you for taking the time to watch that video and thanks for that excellent break-down and summary of the content. You did more than I could ask of anyone. I really thought maybe others would see a point here or there and comment which might lead to some insights.

Seeing each point you raised confirms my own suspicions for almost everything in the video. I think the main thing and maybe the only thing that I noticed that was good in the video was the contrast of AI programing and evolving naturally. At one point (paraphrasing David Wilcock) "We don't need that AI avatar stuff because we have everything we need in our natural bodies to evolve".

With the DNA tinkering that is going on and our having lost the original number of DNA strands we had I really think we must have had something really good and should focus on the "machine" we have.

That includes all the Work we are doing to learn about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Jay Weidner's name raises the hackles as well as other concepts like the Blue aliens and the validity of Corey Goode's space program information.

I hope it was worth posting. I don't like to waste others' energy if we could be doing something more important.

Thank you, Shijing.
Well goyacobol, I think I offended you and I didn't mean to do that so my apologies. I had a quick emotional reaction to these 2 people, Wilcock and Goode sense recently watching the Ryan interview and I thought you'd want to know about it. I don't have a gripe with Bill Ryan even though I know about his dirty laundry here. And I also know it's important to question everyone especially if they've been questionable in the past. I do have a lot of interest in deception being revealed and I look for sources on that subject, so was curious to hear what he had to say. I think it was worthwhile but to each his own.

The transhumanism topic is very interesting and seems to be gearing up right now so a good thing to keep an eye on. I do consider Goode to be a disinformation agent and the tale he spins may reveal what "they" want us to know about that so interesting in that regard.

I'll catch the video here when I have some time.
SummerLite said:
Well goyacobol, I think I offended you and I didn't mean to do that so my apologies. I had a quick emotional reaction to these 2 people, Wilcock and Goode sense recently watching the Ryan interview and I thought you'd want to know about it. I don't have a gripe with Bill Ryan even though I know about his dirty laundry here. And I also know it's important to question everyone especially if they've been questionable in the past. I do have a lot of interest in deception being revealed and I look for sources on that subject, so was curious to hear what he had to say. I think it was worthwhile but to each his own.

The transhumanism topic is very interesting and seems to be gearing up right now so a good thing to keep an eye on. I do consider Goode to be a disinformation agent and the tale he spins may reveal what "they" want us to know about that so interesting in that regard.

I'll catch the video here when I have some time.


I wasn't offended. It is just like we both saw the disinformation possibilities from different sources. I am aware of the negative possibilities from both Wilcock and Ryan. For me David Wilcock is not my hero or anything. His new partner is highly suspect as well. If you are busy with other research then I wouldn't waste much time on the video. Shijing summed it up very well so you get the idea of what they talked about.

Before finding the Cs and the forum I came across many of these esoteric sources. I do wonder what they are up to these days and sometimes check out a YouTube video that sounds interesting. My curiosity gets the best of me sometimes.

I don't want to waste time or get off track. It was the AI trend being discussed here that I think was my main interest point. I don't agree with most of what David Wilcock and Corey Goode are espousing except AI leading to Transhumanism is bad and Natural evolution is better.

I did read the post you mentioned and noticed what Laura said. I knew the story about Ryan and Cassidy before reading that thread. If it was not for seeing some good qualities in these guys I suppose no one would take them seriously. Yes, I actually kind of liked good old Bill Ryan. It is not always black and white. How much disinformation is intentional is difficult to determine so maybe some day we will learn the details of why they believe they were on the right trail. I hope I am on the right trail myself.
Nienna said:
Speaking of Wilcock, people can read the thread we have on him here.

Thanks Nienna. I know some of Wilcock's background but that thread looks like a good read for anyone. I don't know how much he has changed since 2006 but he has a lot of strange life experiences.
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goyacobol said:
With the DNA tinkering that is going on and our having lost the original number of DNA strands we had I really think we must have had something really good and should focus on the "machine" we have.

When I think of "transhumanism" my first impression is something manipulated and under programmed control - much like a mechanical robot? Instead of Soul essence, with intuitive consciousness, the "object" navigates by pre-determined and processed criteria? A + B should result in a high probably of the desired effect of C - unless there is a defect in the system somewhere? Technically, there's no organic humanism left, burned off or suppressed in the same manner, in which we lost our "original number of DNA strands?" Isn't the battle for "our mind"?

When I meditate on the phase, "original number of DNA strands" there is a sensation similar to someone who has lost a limb in an accident. Physically, it's no longer there but the "energetic imprint" is still left behind, pulsating in the ether. I can't physically - see it - but it's still a part of my memory complex or how ever you want to define it. It's still a part of me, on some level. I can only assume, that when I reach a certain level of awareness, in time and space, that there would be an intuitive intent, to work towards reestablishing the connection with the energetic imprint, of the lost DNA strands?

I would imagine, getting to a point of feeling something is missing, that we don't have the whole banana, spurs us towards searching for answers to fill in the gaps? Some, before us, have left hints and bread crumbs along the way, to give us some direction and a way and means.

None of it - implies "transhumanism" in the way Wilcock, Goode and Ryan are promoting? Just my opinion.
angelburst29 said:
goyacobol said:
With the DNA tinkering that is going on and our having lost the original number of DNA strands we had I really think we must have had something really good and should focus on the "machine" we have.

When I think of "transhumanism" my first impression is something manipulated and under programmed control - much like a mechanical robot? Instead of Soul essence, with intuitive consciousness, the "object" navigates by pre-determined and processed criteria? A + B should result in a high probably of the desired effect of C - unless there is a defect in the system somewhere? Technically, there's no organic humanism left, burned off or suppressed in the same manner, in which we lost our "original number of DNA strands?" Isn't the battle for "our mind"?

When I meditate on the phase, "original number of DNA strands" there is a sensation similar to someone who has lost a limb in an accident. Physically, it's no longer there but the "energetic imprint" is still left behind, pulsating in the ether. I can't physically - see it - but it's still a part of my memory complex or how ever you want to define it. It's still a part of me, on some level. I can only assume, that when I reach a certain level of awareness, in time and space, that there would be an intuitive intent, to work towards reestablishing the connection with the energetic imprint, of the lost DNA strands?

I would imagine, getting to a point of feeling something is missing, that we don't have the whole banana, spurs us towards searching for answers to fill in the gaps? Some, before us, have left hints and bread crumbs along the way, to give us some direction and a way and means.

None of it - implies "transhumanism" in the way Wilcock, Goode and Ryan are promoting? Just my opinion.


Just to be fair to Wilcock, Goode and Ryan they are not promoting Transhumanism. That is what struck me as being positive about the video. They are suggesting a Natural evolution of sorts. They are just not giving a very good idea of how we should do that. They mention the "Christ" in each of us and each of us will have a different way of changing. And they leave a lot of question marks with the Blue birdlike entities and Blue orbs etc..

I like the way you describe the feeling that the "original number of DNA strands" is like a lost limb that maybe has left an "energetic imprint" that calls to us and beckons us to re-connect.

I have been thinking about "receivership" and that we don't "get" new strands but we "receive" them. I think it is up to each of us to do the Work on our machines to develop better health in all the areas I mentioned such as "physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health". I think the forum's goals are aligned with those areas of life and that is the big difference between us and many of the other groups I see out there. For many it is just a magical poof and you are "enlightened" or poof and you "ascend" or they await that "savior" who will come to the rescue.

We do talk about many other concepts that others leave out such as the "time loop" we are stuck in, STS and STO and 7 densities. I do pick up on similar concepts more lately such as in this video they use the term "service to others" and there is a growing awareness of timelines etc. So, I don't know if they are reading our material and imitating it or if there is a genuine growing awareness in these other groups albeit with some far-out questionable influences.

It is certainly an interesting and somewhat scary(or exciting?) time to be alive. I do think the Cs say many of the things we need will be there "as needed". That is a comforting thought to me. It does come automatically but if we do the Work and pay attention I think whatever we need will be given if we are ready to "receive".
I just found an interesting video that shows the ambassador from Syria at the UN making a remark about "genetically modified" soldiers in Aleppo. I don't know if he means exactly what it sounds like or not. It seems related to what we have been talking about here so I thought I would mention it. The source of the video seems religiously motivated so I would question that part.

Published on Dec 24, 2016
Syrian ambassador says that soldiers in Aleppo are "genetically modified". We know governments and governments genetically modify foods and animals. They do it in their secret facilities on humans, you can bet on that. What else could this ambassador mean? Maybe there are transhumanist genetically modified super soldiers fighting in this fight, and this guy just leaked it.

goyacobol said:
jsf said:
"population elimination through chemtrails,"... 17:05

This was obviously not coming from the pleiadians! so take everything with a grain of salt...

I agree. Everything has to be filtered and you are alert and on the trail. Just don't "throw the baby out with the bathwater" is my approach. It's not for everyone I suppose. If you noticed I come back to the Cs for comparison and validating and then I do the research again on what the Cs give as clues.

For me it seems useful to see how other groups are processing this reality. No one has the whole banana so to speak. So far I think our forum and Laura's research is by far the most balanced and insightful anywhere on the planet.

Any thoughts about the robotic behaviors and robots?

I am also reach to a conclusion that The Cassiopaean Experiment is the most reasonable channeling in the Internet, and sometimes thinks "Thank God we have Laura and Cassiopaeans".

Here is another video from 11/23/14 about artificial intelligence organic robots
Pleiadian Interview - Anunnaki Robots Among Us
neonix said:
goyacobol said:
jsf said:
"population elimination through chemtrails,"... 17:05

This was obviously not coming from the pleiadians! so take everything with a grain of salt...

I agree. Everything has to be filtered and you are alert and on the trail. Just don't "throw the baby out with the bathwater" is my approach. It's not for everyone I suppose. If you noticed I come back to the Cs for comparison and validating and then I do the research again on what the Cs give as clues.

For me it seems useful to see how other groups are processing this reality. No one has the whole banana so to speak. So far I think our forum and Laura's research is by far the most balanced and insightful anywhere on the planet.

Any thoughts about the robotic behaviors and robots?

I am also reach to a conclusion that The Cassiopaean Experiment is the most reasonable channeling in the Internet, and sometimes thinks "Thank God we have Laura and Cassiopaeans".

Here is another video from 11/23/14 about artificial intelligence organic robots
Pleiadian Interview - Anunnaki Robots Among Us


That is certainly food for thought I think. There may be more variations on the idea of what an organic robot can be than we have been thinking about. It may get very interesting as events unfold. I am going to try to pay attention anyway.

Thanks for the link.
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