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That’s an ironic comparison of Magda Gebbels and Anna Popova (on meme it says-reincarnation?) (head of russian Rospotrebnadzor-agency that is responsible for medicine, good’s quality, consumer rights etc), but actually run by World ‘health’ organization. She was one of the main covid terror conductor (even one vaccine was made under her patent - Epivak korona-turned out minus!! 40% ‘effective’, but still earned billions of rubles). She is still on her post😡
I would like to love the nature of this planet fully, but the mosquitoes are making it difficult for me.
I think I hate them.:mad:
When they bother me too much, my FRV gets a little better when I remember this joke:

A mosquito says to another mosquito:
- Don't be silly, there is no such thing as Dracula!
The other one, horrified immediately turned away from him, while screaming at him, "AATIO!!! AATIO!!!".:lol:
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