Goemon_ The Living Force Aug 21, 2023 #710 I came up with an effective sentence when random people start talking about the heat: FR: Vivement l'hiver qu'on puisse se plaindre du froid ! EN: Can't wait for winter to start complaining about the cold!
I came up with an effective sentence when random people start talking about the heat: FR: Vivement l'hiver qu'on puisse se plaindre du froid ! EN: Can't wait for winter to start complaining about the cold!
wodasi Jedi Master Aug 23, 2023 #717 solent green crackers for lunch Attachments a rescue.PNG 442.2 KB · Views: 37
Nienna SuperModerator Moderator FOTCM Member Aug 24, 2023 #720 We must all do our bit for the planet. I just unplugged a row of electric cars, that no one was using.
We must all do our bit for the planet. I just unplugged a row of electric cars, that no one was using.