"Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

bngenoh said:
dougquaid said:
Laura suggested that I post by one topic at a time under this section (Cassiopaean Experiment) and Shijing suggested further that only one topic/section be posted for starters. These are good ideas and since Bluelamp already suggested that the History section would be a good candidate, I will attempt to post that section alone under the Cassiopaean Experiment section. It probably is a good idea to hold off on posting any other section until members had a chance to look at the PDF version anyway.
Do you need help with the history?
As mentioned earlier, session dates would be good and the original block formatting is much easier to read. I was originally thinking Earth History might actually be too broad of a topic but it worked good for me largely because the history was mostly in chronological order, an expanded Cassiopaea Secret History Timeline (it includes the blocks from the Cassiopaea Timeline topic). Someone should certainly work on the dates/blocks whether it be you or dougquaid or someone else. I'll certainly be looking over any changes and could help with reblocking if needed.
Once "the storm" is over, I think I understand dougquaid efforts as I consider myself a newbie.
When I arrived at this site not long ago (about a year) I was exceded by the immensity of this site, information and complexity. It is not easy to move inside.

There is also another "problem", most topics are full of references to C's material, so in order to be able to participate one must know very well them. For me, a "new"guy in this site, a recompilation like this one can very useful as I might "save" time but it is also dangerous because I do not appreciate the deepness of these material and I may misunderstood it. Which is the balanced choice?

In Spain we say: "No shortcut without extrajob (no hay atajo sin trabajo)".

My two cents for dougquaid and
mssotelo said:
Which is the balanced choice?

If you are really asking this question, and it is not rhetorical, I'd say reading the Wave series, which can be found here for free.
Hi Nienna Eluch

Nienna Eluch said:
mssotelo said:
Which is the balanced choice?

If you are really asking this question, and it is not rhetorical, I'd say reading the Wave series, which can be found here for free.

My question is not a rhetorical one. I am looking forward to finding my truth.
I have read these books and I am rereading them again because as time goes by, the way I see my Life changes also.

:D This was an awesome read, i have read all of the transcripts but there is so much information. Going through this post was very informative. Thank you so much for your hard work putting this together :lol: You Rock!!!
I am interested to receive a copy....what I should do to receive it?
Great work. Thanks
I tried to separate the transcripts from the author's
comments and I did not find it easy to vet and verify
what s/he has put together. So, I stopped midway
from creating a reformatted PDF file since I found
cases where the author has embedded comments
within the transcripts. I posted my concerns originally
at: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,31249.msg416023.html#msg416023
piliangie said:
welcome piliangie, suggest you don't write capitalized - it comes across as shouting. :)
Many, many thanks Dougquaid, sharing the fruits of your hard work benefits all, excellent job. I just printed it out like that, fantastic to have reference work like that. Big thank you
Mr. Premise said:
dougquaid said:
Thanks everyone for the supportive comments. Let me try to clarify some of the questions asked;

Mr Premise - Sorry but I did not reference the dates unless specifically important to the context, as the aim of this compilation was more as a 'study guide' of sorts by the various topics.

I think not including the dates (and even participants) radically lessens its usefulness....

How much trouble would it be to add them in?

Much Kudos for the effort Mr Quaid (and a particularly synchronous posting as I was about to launch into a symbol search :)) however I do agree with Mr Premise regarding the value of identifying 'participants' and to a lesser extent dates.

As an example if we look to the 'C' discussion where Laura and the group 'interact' with 'Julius Caesar'and compare with the earlier assertions regarding 'Jesus'. There is a rather startling disconnect when one considers that the JC myth was based on JC but just not the JC we thought he was!

And as the'C's attributed this 'error' to the presence of 'Frank', in my case that led to a decision to not read any raw transcripts prior to 2000 (when I arbitrarily assumed Laura would have her groove rockin :)).

Anyway that's just my 2 cents and well done again.

Mighty effort.

It is finally done. I have attempted to re-read all the Cassiopaean transcripts from the beginning and extract all the relevant information and then categorize it by the various topics discussed. This project took a few years (besides having to work, etc..) but all the transcripts from the first ones in 1994 to last month have been covered.

Most of the transcripts relating to personal issues or non-relevant conversations have not been included, for this is more of an “encyclopedic” approach to the relevant topics of the day as discussed via the transcripts. The format of having them by subject matter as opposed to individual dates should make it easier for anyone looking for a quick reference to a particular topic or wanting to read all relevant cassiopaean information on a particular subject easier.
The format is a book, broken down into chapters, each covering a particular field such as ‘crop circles’ or ‘alien civilization’ for example, with sub headings relating to the various transcripts under the particular topic. For easy, straightforward definitions of things the transcripts were rewritten into a basic ‘term and definition’ format, but for most instances, since each one can cover a lot of material in a specific conversational mode, the transcripts have been left intact, with the exception that they have been reformatted into a paragraph format to save space. In a lot of instances irrelevant comments or pieces of conversation have also been edited out of some transcripts, and the rest tied together to make the reading flow more smoothly. As much as possible, all relevant comments and conversations were left intact, including the name or initial of the individual (if other than Laura) asking the particular question. Dates have not been included, unless relevant to the topic included.
Some topics and conversations are not easily categorizable, and as such have a separate chapter devoted to them entitled “ Cassiopaeans advice and comments on various..”

The whole ‘book’ is about 212 pages long, and if anyone wants a copy, feel free to notify me and I may be able to e-mail or copy the file for availability somewhere on the forum.
Some pictures and diagrams have been included, from various sources unless stated otherwise;
wonderful!! you have done what i was looking for in my resume https://cassiopaea.org/forum/attachments/cassiopaean-94-till-21-partly-odt-pdf.67209/

yes, i would appreciate receving your work, but i do not want to reveal my address on this forum. maybe the administrators could help?? or you could post your work on the forum?
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