"Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

Shijing said:
As pointed out above, Dougquaid is relatively new to the network, and hasn't yet interacted very extensively since joining at the beginning of last year --

I'd like to apologize here. When I wrote my reply, I had thought dougquaid's join date was January 2012, when it is actually January 2011. So therefore, he has been here for more than just a few months as I incorrectly indicated earlier. Sorry about that!
Ok a few things.

I'm not re-publishing anything. When studying the transcripts, I cut and pasted information into a word file by category, to make it easier to reference later. They may not have dates, but most of the transcripts are left intact. There is barely anything in there which I added myself, other than the category titles.

There are no copies of this file anywhere (which is the impression I'm getting from the other posts) than on my computer and now this forum, so I don't see why I'm being accused of 'hiding' things. My intentions of sharing were completely innocent. I know Laura has had problems in the past with her work being 'used' in dishonest ways, however that is not my intent, my intent was to take notes on what I read and then share it on this forum, obviously not publicly anywhere else. It sounds like my original posts may have been worded poorly, based on all the misconceptions and now assumptions I'm receiving. If I was dishonest about it, why would I bring it right to the source?

There are no "hidden" parts to this file, the whole thing has been copied onto my earlier posts in this thread, clearly for everyone on the forum to examine and disregard if it is of no use.

I hope we can clear up all these misunderstandings. My intention was really to contribute to the forum members something I put together to help me to study the material, which maybe helpful to some others here, obviously not to everyone.
dougquaid said:
I hope we can clear up all these misunderstandings. My intention was really to contribute to the forum members something I put together to help me to study the material, which maybe helpful to some others here, obviously not to everyone.

That's completely different, then. Carry on. I suggest you create a thread for each category and post the snips for that category in the first post. Put it in the cass experiment forum.
Laura said:
dougquaid said:
I hope we can clear up all these misunderstandings. My intention was really to contribute to the forum members something I put together to help me to study the material, which maybe helpful to some others here, obviously not to everyone.

That's completely different, then. Carry on. I suggest you create a thread for each category and post the snips for that category in the first post. Put it in the cass experiment forum.
:D dougquaid,

My offer of assistance still stands. :)
Laura said:
dougquaid said:
I hope we can clear up all these misunderstandings. My intention was really to contribute to the forum members something I put together to help me to study the material, which maybe helpful to some others here, obviously not to everyone.

That's completely different, then. Carry on. I suggest you create a thread for each category and post the snips for that category in the first post. Put it in the cass experiment forum.

dougquaid mentioned something about having some accompanying pictures and diagrams in his document, so as a suggestion for including those, if relevant: See "Attachments and other options" on the posting form when making the threads.
Hi dougquaid.
You have really done a great effort BUT keep in mind that the most people(newbies) who come to the form are seeking short and fast answers, unware that the transcripcions are accompained by a deep research and conclutions made on the basis of this researchs.
just my 2 cents.
Perhaps there can be a note at the beginning of each opening post/thread, e.g. "It is NOT recommended to read these thematically categorized/indexed summaries for those who have not at the very least read the Wave/Adventures series (and preferably more material that includes enough context). Without the all-important context of these communications, there is a very high chance of making wrong assumptions and interpretations, and coming to erroneous conclusions."

There can also be additional text, such as " And do not forget that the C's experiment is the 10% inspiration for the 90% perspiration of doing the hard research to find data confirming or refuting the information communicated by the C's. Nothing is believed or taken at face value, just because they were stated in a session transcript." etc. Something conveying the crux of the matter/issues raised.

For those of us who have read and re-read Laura's work for years, there's also the benefit of knowing that the same session/excerpts are used in different contexts in her writings. Because of this, along with the learning/growing experience, the impression that the C's messages have MANY layers of meaning has been strengthened over the years. And there are still questions being raised and networking to see what other meanings can be gleaned from the C's clues all the time.

Just reading through dougquaid's postings (I've read barely 1/3 so far), I haven't seen any glaring problems with distortion / misinterpretation. There may have been some things I wasn't sure about, but I've never read the raw transcripts in sequence (or studied them carefully by several sequential readings). So others may be better able to point out if there are problems that need to be clarified. The only time I've read raw transcripts are those posted by Laura in the Sessions board, but I'm pretty familiar with most of the sessions from all the years of reading. I could definitely see that this could be a major problem for someone who has no idea what it's about to read first.

It could give many false impressions, including that there are "firm answers" established where they may be clues with multiple meanings, not to mention if the reader doesn't know about the distortion/corruption of the channel at certain periods, etc. All that said, I think it could be another helpful resource / tool (like the glossary or Shijings postings a couple of years ago trying to tease out more from all the hints in the transcripts and correlate them with modern sources of research, etc.). At this point, though, it is pretty hard to follow, reading them in this thread because of the posts being cut off and picked up later in other posts. So starting over, as Laura suggested, would be very helpful, keeping in mind the word / character count limit for each post.
Forgot to add that obviously, it would be a very good practice to ask for permission and network early in any similar projects. It would be considerate and also improve the project and may eliminate redoing things that would be pointed out before so much time and energy was put in.

Also, this and any similar project would at some point need to be checked against the latest transcripts that Laura's been posting in the last couple of years, since there may have been some errors in transcribing in earlier versions. FWIW.
Laura said:
That's completely different, then. Carry on. I suggest you create a thread for each category and post the snips for that category in the first post. Put it in the cass experiment forum.

Dougquaid, I wanted to suggest that if you'd like to do this, before starting multiple threads it may be a good idea to start with a single manageable topic and see how it develops with input from some of the other members here who have volunteered to help you with this. In my own experience, certain topics (such as history or science) are quite complex, while others (such as health) are much more straightforward. Focusing on a single topic at first would also help to iron out how to deal with some of the issues that were brought up previously, such as session dates, who was present, and so forth. My 2 cents.
Shijing said:
Laura said:
That's completely different, then. Carry on. I suggest you create a thread for each category and post the snips for that category in the first post. Put it in the cass experiment forum.

Dougquaid, I wanted to suggest that if you'd like to do this, before starting multiple threads it may be a good idea to start with a single manageable topic and see how it develops with input from some of the other members here who have volunteered to help you with this. In my own experience, certain topics (such as history or science) are quite complex, while others (such as health) are much more straightforward. Focusing on a single topic at first would also help to iron out how to deal with some of the issues that were brought up previously, such as session dates, who was present, and so forth. My 2 cents.
A most excellent suggestion Shijing, very pragmatic, i like.
Shijing said:
The thing is, any organization and editing of the transcripts is bound to be subjective, and without input from Laura and others who were actually present at the sessions, it's very difficult to control for distortion -- identifying information that was corrupt, as well as good information that may seem irrelevant if you don't have the full context. I can say this from experience because I've attempted to do something similar in the past for my own reference; however, I have never tried to share it because it suffers from exactly the same problems that have been brought up with Dougquaid's compilation. There have been several instances where I realized that my own judgments were off due to context that became clear at a later point in time; any project like this that isn't networked and vetted by Laura (the only person who was there for every session) is always going to run that risk.

I think what you did with starting your history topics (Atlantis, Kantek, Cassiopaea Timeline) with transcripts worked well and I found it quite useful. You could probably have added session dates too. Thorbiorn's collection of transcripts related to Jesus I found quite useful too (Laura combined them and others into a bigger Jesus topic). Thorbiorn also made a collection of Cs humorous transcripts. Before Laura started posting after 9/2002 transcripts, Vulcan had started a topic collecting all of them into one topic (parts would show up in various topics) so there's a history here of reorganizing.

One probably wants to make a topic big enough to post a decent amount of transcripts for and I think it's best to just copy complete blocks without editing inside the block but small blocks are OK and certainly use Laura's Cassiopaean Session Transcript board transcripts and comments if they are posted. One probably wants to make sure there isn't already an existing topic (like your history topics and the Jesus topic) before starting a new one.
excellent idea.. esp. when (even after reading all other transcripts) you are looking for information on one single topic. needs a bit of refining, the doc/pdf file itself is probably much easier to read than the large paragraphs made by posting. well done! thanks :cool2:
Bluelamp said:
I think what you did with starting your history topics (Atlantis, Kantek, Cassiopaea Timeline) with transcripts worked well and I found it quite useful. You could probably have added session dates too. Thorbiorn's collection of transcripts related to Jesus I found quite useful too (Laura combined them and others into a bigger Jesus topic). Thorbiorn also made a collection of Cs humorous transcripts. Before Laura started posting after 9/2002 transcripts, Vulcan had started a topic collecting all of them into one topic (parts would show up in various topics) so there's a history here of reorganizing.

Yes, those are good points, Bluelamp. This may offer an opportunity to go through some of the previous material and threads you mentioned and get them all in one place and standardized (session dates, etc).

Bluelamp said:
One probably wants to make a topic big enough to post a decent amount of transcripts for and I think it's best to just copy complete blocks without editing inside the block but small blocks are OK and certainly use Laura's Cassiopaean Session Transcript board transcripts and comments if they are posted.

Yes, and that's one reason why it might be good to start with a single topic and do some experimentation, OSIT.
Ok, I took Palinurus' advice and uploaded the PDF to a hosting site. the address is:


Yes, the posts here were choppy and without diagrams. The PDF should be more presentable and easier to read too. Thanks for your offer of assistance bngenoh, the PDF should make this a lot easier too.

Laura suggested that I post by one topic at a time under this section (Cassiopaean Experiment) and Shijing suggested further that only one topic/section be posted for starters. These are good ideas and since Bluelamp already suggested that the History section would be a good candidate, I will attempt to post that section alone under the Cassiopaean Experiment section. It probably is a good idea to hold off on posting any other section until members had a chance to look at the PDF version anyway.
dougquaid said:
Laura suggested that I post by one topic at a time under this section (Cassiopaean Experiment) and Shijing suggested further that only one topic/section be posted for starters. These are good ideas and since Bluelamp already suggested that the History section would be a good candidate, I will attempt to post that section alone under the Cassiopaean Experiment section. It probably is a good idea to hold off on posting any other section until members had a chance to look at the PDF version anyway.
Do you need help with the history?
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