Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

1/2 L'Enfer est-il en train de geler ? CNN Traite Joe Biden De Menteur Et Dit Que Donald Trump Avait Raison
La suite

2/2 « Et Kristen Glenn Kessler, du Washington Post, a fait une vérification des faits à propos de Joe Biden plus tôt ce mois-ci, notant que Hunter Biden a admis au tribunal en juillet qu'il avait en fait été payé des sommes substantielles par des entreprises chinoises. Selon Hunter Biden, écrit Kessler, le revenu de l’entreprise s’élevait à près de 2,4 millions en 2017 et à 2,2 millions en 2018, la plupart provenant d’intérêts chinois ou ukrainiens. Mais ceci, et cela va directement à l'encontre de ce que Joe Biden a dit dans le débat de 2020 avec Donald Trump. Écoute-moi. Mon fils n'a pas fait d'argent avec ce qu'il a dit au sujet de la Chine. Une fois que vous avez un mauvais président, il a fait fortune en Ukraine, en Chine, à Moscou, c'est simplement divers autres endroits. C'est donc tiré de deux débats différents, mais je veux dire, Trump avait raison.
Trump avait raison. Waouh. Je n'aurais jamais pensé entendre ces mots sur Donald Trump dans les médias traditionnels. C'est incroyable.
Ce sont des mots qui n'ont jamais été prononcés à propos de Trump depuis le moment où il a déclaré sa candidature à la présidence au cours de ses quatre années à la présidence et au cours des trois premières années de la présidence de Joe Biden. Pas une seule fois il n'a été question de Trump, de sa place dans les médias traditionnels. Il se passe quelque chose.
Je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit, mais il y a certainement quelque chose qui cloche quand on parle de Trump et des mensonges de Joe Biden sur CNN ou ailleurs. Ils sont même allés jusqu'à aller chercher des vidéos de ce mensonge quand il a dit ce mensonge pendant la campagne.
Na na na na na, il y a quelque chose qui cloche.
Le tour de Joe Biden est probablement terminé. Si CNN dit des choses comme celle-ci au sujet de Joe Biden, vous devez vous douter que son temps de parole est écoulé. Et ils pensent probablement à le remplacer.
Mais ils ont dit que Trump avait raison. Je dis qu'on ne peut pas s'en remettre. Je dis qu'on ne peut pas s'en remettre.
C'est comme voir une licorne sur les médias traditionnels parler de Trump qui a raison. Qu'est-ce qu'ils vont dire ensuite ?
Waouh. Juste wow. »

Résistance. L'essentiel de l'information.
Is Hell freezing over? CNN Calls Joe Biden A Liar, Says Donald Trump Was RightThe rest 👇

Résistance. L'essentiel de l'information.
“And the Washington Post's Kristen Glenn Kessler did a fact-check on Joe Biden earlier this month, noting that Hunter Biden admitted in court in July that he had in fact been paid money substantial sums by Chinese companies. According to Hunter Biden, Kessler writes, the company's revenue was nearly $2.4 million in 2017 and $2.2 million in 2018, most of it from Chinese or Ukrainian interests. But this, and this goes directly against what Joe Biden said in the 2020 debate with Donald Trump. Listen to me. My son didn't make any money from what he said about China. Once you have a bad president, he's made his fortune in Ukraine, China, Moscow, it's just various other places. So this is from two different debates, but I mean, Trump was right.Trump was right. Wow. I never thought I would hear these words about Donald Trump in the mainstream media. It's incredible.These are words that have never been spoken about Trump since the time he declared his candidacy for president during his four years as president and during the first three years of Joe Biden's presidency. Not once was there any mention of Trump or his place in the traditional media. Something is happening.I don't know what it is, but there is definitely something wrong when we talk about Trump and Joe Biden's lies on CNN or elsewhere. They even went so far as to seek out videos of this lie when he told this lie during the campaign.Na na na na na, there's something wrong.Joe Biden's turn is probably over. If CNN is saying things like this about Joe Biden, you have to suspect his time is up. And they're probably thinking about replacing it.But they said Trump was right. I say we can't get over it. I say we can't get over it.It's like seeing a unicorn on mainstream media talking about Trump being right. What will they say next?Wow. Just wow. »
Something is happening.I don't know what it is, but there is definitely something wrong when we talk about Trump and Joe Biden's lies on CNN or elsewhere. They even went so far as to seek out videos of this lie when he told this lie during the campaign.Na na na na na, there's something wrong.Joe Biden's turn is probably over. If CNN is saying things like this about Joe Biden, you have to suspect his time is up. And they're probably thinking about replacing it.
Yep - it's over for Biden according to Jesse Watters' broadcast last night. The threat that the impeachment proceedings will broadcast via TV the breadth and depth of what amounts to The Swamp™ is the real reason - can't be having the public actually realizing just how badly they've been lied to about the Biden crime family and how those crimes have been covered up. The "he's too old" message is being emphasized now as the start of taking Joe out. Not sure what the deal is going to be with Kamala - kinda sounded like she's out, too. So, who is the replacement - Newsom? No mention of Bobby Kennedy Jr. at all.
Not sure what the deal is going to be with Kamala - kinda sounded like she's out, too.
No way!!!! 'Kamala' has plans... (insert psychotic cackle)

(I'm not sure how TikTok works in terms of translation so, for those who don't speak English:)

"OK, he's drinking it...
(Closes door)
I put cleaning products in his prune juice...
It's gonna work before the prune juice does...
- Hopefully.
2024 here I come!
(Opens door)
He's doing jumping jacks...
on the front lawn!
It - NO - if he drank it today, he should have been dead yesterday.
Now he's gonna be alive tomorrow.
(Reads bottle)
No chlorine bleach...
no formaldehyde...
no ammonia...
no parabens...
(Looks up... thinking)
This was made in America
Switch to America, unless poison is what you want!"

Trump charges are political persecution – Putin

“[The US] demonstrates what they called in Soviet times ‘the bestial scowl of imperialism’,” he joked.​

"The US is exposing the rotten nature of its political system to the world, the Russian president has said"

"The US in its current state “cannot claim the right to teach others democracy,” the Russian leader said on Tuesday"

“The things that are happening to Trump are persecution of a political competitor… That is what it is. And it is done in the full view of the US public and the entire world,” he added."

“[Trump] was accused of having a special relation with Russia, which is total nonsense and bulls**t. But he was the president who introduced the most sanctions against Russia,” Putin noted."

'This means that the Democrats are preparing to rig the elections.'

By James Tweedie - 23 hours ago

25 Sep, 2023

24 Sep, 2023
I follow 'The Lectern Guy' on X (@lecternleader) - Adam Johnson of Tampa, Florida. He's the funny guy who was seen walking through the entrance hall of the US Capitol building on Jan 6th 2021 with a lectern. Last year they put him in prison for 75 days - and sought much tougher penalties. Here's an update from Johnson, concerning the specific local prosecutor - Patrick Douglas Scruggs - who went after him on the regime's behalf:

Is that crazy or what?!

Here's how the Tampa Bay Times described the incident:

Howard Frankland stabbing suspect is former federal prosecutor

Patrick Douglas Scruggs, who worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Tampa for about a decade, is accused of stabbing another motorist after a crash.

A man accused of stabbing another motorist after a crash on the Howard Frankland Bridge on Tuesday is a former assistant U.S. attorney who spent about a decade at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Tampa.

Patrick Douglas Scruggs, 38, of Tampa, worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office from September 2012 until April of this year, according to his LinkedIn page. His time there included appearing on behalf of the federal government during hearings for Florida residents accused of taking part in the riots at the U.S. Capitol by supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.

In May, he joined Barnes and Thornburg, an Atlanta-based private law firm, as an “of counsel” attorney, the page says. The page describes Scruggs as “a seasoned litigator and investigator with experience in various practice areas of criminal law.”

Now Scruggs faces his own legal trouble stemming from a bizarre chain of events that unfolded on the Howard Frankland as rush hour was winding down on Tuesday morning.

According to a news release issued Tuesday by the Florida Highway Patrol, a 40-year-old Tampa man was driving a sedan south on Interstate 275 when he and his 43-year-old wife noticed a vehicle that was stopped in the travel lanes of the bridge shortly before 9:24 a.m. The 35-year-old driver, also of Tampa, was slumped over inside his sedan, troopers said, so the couple pulled over in front of the car to help.

The 40-year-old man was unable to get inside the other sedan, so he walked back to his car to get something that could break the window. While he was doing that, the 35-year-old man woke up and accelerated forward, crashing into the couple’s sedan. He shifted into reverse and then tried to get around the couple’s sedan, according to troopers, but at that point, he struck Scruggs’ sedan as he was driving by the scene.

Scruggs pulled over, got out and walked up to the driver of the vehicle that hit his car. According to the Highway Patrol, Scruggs broke a window and started stabbing the 35-year-old man with a pocketknife.

The couple returned to the vehicle to help the man being stabbed, but Scruggs then tried to stab them and they fled, troopers said.

A St. Petersburg Police Department officer driving past saw the commotion and pulled over to help, the Highway Patrol said. The officer detained Scruggs and called for assistance.

The 35-year-old man was taken to a local hospital with injuries authorities described as serious but not life-threatening.

Troopers arrested Scruggs on charges of aggravated battery, aggravated assault and armed burglary. He was released from the Pinellas County Jail at about 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday after posting $65,000 bail, records show. [...]

In a public Facebook post that has since been taken down or set to private, Tara Jex Iglinski said she came upon the incident as it was unfolding. Iglinski’s post said she saw a man “holding the knife and I saw the arms of the guy sticking out the window like he was pleading for help — and his arms were all cut up.”

Photos accompanying the post show a man holding a knife and standing next to a car with the driver holding out bloody, outstretched arms.

“I took the photos and noticed the knife in the guys hand, and that there was blood all over both of them,” Iglinski’s post said.” I don’t know what happened before I got there or what happened after I was able to get around them.”



[...] Days after the riots at the U.S. Capital in 2021, Scruggs appeared on behalf of the U.S. Attorney’s Office during the bond hearing of Adam Johnson, the Parrish man who became one of the most prominent symbols of the riots that engulfed the U.S. Capitol when he was photographed carrying a lectern from the House of Representatives. Scruggs asked U.S. Magistrate Judge Christopher Tuite to order certain restrictions while Johnson was on release, including drug testing, the surrender of his passport and a nightly curfew.

“This is a serious case,” Scruggs told the judge. “Everyone involved in the storming of the Capitol last week needs to be held accountable for their actions, including Mr. Johnson.”

Another judge in 2022 sentenced Johnson to 75 days in jail.

Scruggs was also involved in the prosecution of terrorism suspect Muhammed Alazhari. He helped secure a plea agreement in that case in which Alazhari admitted to an allegation that he plotted an attack in support of ISIS. As part of the agreement, Alazhari received an 18-year sentence.
With lawmen like that, who needs criminals?
On the Oct. 4 test of the Emergency Broadcast system. It seems like they wouldn't want to subject the entire country to an attack using this system as that would be way to obvious and concealment is still somewhat important to them. But, it also seems like they are stepping up with implementing their plans so will they go for it? Maybe not this time, as such a test would condition the public to having these tests and so ignore them when they arise in the future. A good time to learn to be prepared. Here's some info on that. I've also heard a microwave works as a faraday cage and cell phone etc.. can be placed inside, I don't have one.


What: FEMA and the FCC are conducting a test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). This test is the first test in history where the test will be broadcast to many different categories of electronic devices. The extent of those devices, i.e., wireless TV's etc., is unknown at this time outside of what has been advertised.

The WEA portion of the test will be directed to all consumer cell phones. This will be the third nationwide test, but the second test to all cellular devices.

The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of the wireless handset.

The EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. This will be the seventh nationwide EAS test.

In case the Oct. 4 test is postponed due to widespread severe weather or other significant events, the back-up testing date is Oct. 11.

When: October 4th, 2023, at 2:20PM ET. In the event the test is postponed the alternate date is set for October 11th.

For more Official detail:


The purpose of this sheet is to give you some preparatory instructions for this event.

If you don’t already have one, obtain a Faraday enclosure:

Bag, Box, Cage etc. (Major has a variety of items for sale in the shop)

Alternatively, you can make a faraday cage. There are plenty of video instructional videos on how to make one from a trash can, an ammo can, etc. these can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want to make them. They are fairly simple to construct in a couple of hours or less.

If you make a faraday enclosure, be sure to test it before using it. This can be easily accomplished through 1 of 2 methods:

1. Using a Bluetooth speaker connected to your cellular device play some music or pull up a video on the cellular device. Place the speaker in the enclosure and close it tight. If the speaker stops playing sound then it should sufficiently shield your devices from radio frequencies.

2. Using your cellular phone go here to download an app from mission darkness: Mission Darkness Faraday Bag Testing App

This app has been tested and works VERY well. Run the app, place it in your enclosure and tightly close the lid, or put it in your bag, etc. for the 60 seconds or so needed to test.

Once the test has completed, observe the results.

On the day of the test starting at 2PM ET turn OFF your devices that are connected to any cellular or wireless network, this includes smart watches, Sat phones, etc.

Also, if you have any medically necessary items that run on a wireless network consider these as items that could be affected by the WEA test.

Consider physically disconnecting your wireless or wired routers from your ISP connection.

Unplug your smart appliances, if you own any, from power. Refrigerators should be ok to unplug for up to 1-2 hours as long as you keep the door closed.

Place your devices inside your faraday enclosures.

If there is concern for laptops, tablet devices, etc. and your faraday enclosure is big enough place them inside as well.

3. Do not turn your devices back on until 4PM ET (Recommended), at the earliest 3PM ET.

4. Stay indoors or in your vehicle during the test if possible. During and after the test observe what is going on outside in your AO (Area of Operation), notice things like behavior of people, wildlife, etc. If there appears to be a threat, leave the area and go to safety if in a vehicle or remain indoors shelter in place. Notice any effects to your health or strange things you might feel or hear.

We don’t really know what is being done with this test. Hopefully, there is nothing nefarious behind this test. It’s best to be suspicious and act accordingly.
In this interview with Todd Callender the test is discussed and what he's doing for this at the end. Basically, going to a remote area without cell towers and leaving all devises behind. I value what he has to say and I think his information is valid with corresponding patents and deep research. However, his information is so concerning I need to be in the right frame of mind to listen. Here he speaks of the 5G frequency that can be amped up to rupture the hydrogel that surrounds the pathogens in the bodies of the jabbed. One such pathogen is Marburg, another causes frontal lobe brain damage causing zombie behavior's and a compulsion to bite. Fenbendazole is the medication that prevents or cures Marburg. I'll post that in the Fenbendazole thread.


Senator Dianne Feinstein Dead At 90, One Day After Casting Vote

I noticed in the comments, my exact thoughts as well. You can still vote Democrat after death... 💀⚰️


Robert L Peters

6 hours ago

Even in death she’ll still be able to cast her votes…As a democrat her vote is immortal.
On the Oct. 4 test of the Emergency Broadcast system.

As I previously posted on the new transcript thread:

Please note that the stated start time is approximately at 2:20 p.m. ET. Daylight Savings Time doesn't end until Nov. 5, so the time would actually be 3:20 EDT except for the few states that never adopted Daylight Savings Time. That this discrepancy wasn't noted seems quite odd to me. Is it likely the activating frequency will be sooner or later than the test time parameters, and if so, to catch people off guard that suspect something is up? Probably best to keep TV, radio, and phones off from noon till maybe 6 or 7 p.m. EDT.

It's been suggested that a metal cookie tin can be used to enclose cell phones rather than a microwave oven. I'm wondering about those metallic insulated grocery bags for a laptop - or wrap with a 100% silk scarf or fabric? Maybe test that out in advance. Sure hope my dishwasher doesn't get me! :-P

Whether it's a phone, a TV, a watch, or a dishwasher, if it's turned on, it is transmitting your data continuously. Aside from the privacy violation of being analyzed for profit, “there are many examples of devices hacked by malicious actors who use the micro-controllers for illegitimate purposes.” Sep 20, 2019

Think Your Phone is Spying on You? So is Your Dishwasher

From wiki:
What smart appliances exist?

Several notable types of smart devices are smartphones, smart speakers, smart cars, smart thermostats, smart doorbells, smart locks, smart refrigerators, phablets and tablets, smartwatches, smart bands, smart keychains, smart glasses, and many others.

No smart meter on my house, but one next door. The PTB have worked very hard to ensure we are all susceptible to their nefarious signals.
As I previously posted on the new transcript thread:

Please note that the stated start time is approximately at 2:20 p.m. ET. Daylight Savings Time doesn't end until Nov. 5, so the time would actually be 3:20 EDT except for the few states that never adopted Daylight Savings Time. That this discrepancy wasn't noted seems quite odd to me. Is it likely the activating frequency will be sooner or later than the test time parameters, and if so, to catch people off guard that suspect something is up? Probably best to keep TV, radio, and phones off from noon till maybe 6 or 7 p.m. EDT.

It's been suggested that a metal cookie tin can be used to enclose cell phones rather than a microwave oven. I'm wondering about those metallic insulated grocery bags for a laptop - or wrap with a 100% silk scarf or fabric? Maybe test that out in advance. Sure hope my dishwasher doesn't get me! :-P

Think Your Phone is Spying on You? So is Your Dishwasher

From wiki:

No smart meter on my house, but one next door. The PTB have worked very hard to ensure we are all susceptible to their nefarious signals.
Where are you getting the 3:20 time?

Test will take place at at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023.
Backup testing date is Oct. 11.

On August 3, 2023, the FCC released a Public Notice to announce that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the FCC, will conduct nationwide tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). The tests are scheduled for October 4, 2023, at approximately 2:20 pm EDT, with a back-up test date of October 11, 2023.
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