Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Where are you getting the 3:20 time?

The FEMA document states 2:20 p.m. ET. not 2:20 EDT.


However, a google query detailed this:

Is the time zone ET or EST?

The time zone on the east coast is called Eastern Time (ET), divided into: Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is used during autumn/winter and is five hours behind UTC. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is used during spring/summer and is four hours behind UTC.

Based on the above, then 2:20 EDT is meant although it seems very curious that ET was used instead of EDT particularly since the change back to EST doesn't happen until Nov. 5. I did say it seemed odd and it is.

On the second Sunday in March, at 2:00 a.m. EST, clocks are advanced to 3:00 a.m. EDT leaving a one-hour gap. On the first Sunday in November, at 2:00 a.m. EDT, clocks are moved back to 1:00 a.m. EST, which results in one hour being duplicated.

Do we really have to google everything to understand what's really going on? :umm: I appreciate your find that clarifies the actual time.
Please note that the stated start time is approximately at 2:20 p.m. ET. Daylight Savings Time doesn't end until Nov. 5, so the time would actually be 3:20 EDT except for the few states that never adopted Daylight Savings Time. That this discrepancy wasn't noted seems quite odd to me. Is it likely the activating frequency will be sooner or later than the test time parameters, and if so, to catch people off guard that suspect something is up? Probably best to keep TV, radio, and phones off from noon till maybe 6 or 7 p.m. EDTI.
I told my daughter to add several hours to the times we're being told since they lie about everything :lol: . I'm in Mt, time so 12:20 pm for me..............I think :umm:. Best go for the entire day!
OK - maybe this is something else that's going to make October very interesting!
Smartmatic Implicated In Alleged Bribery Scheme Involving Top Filipino Election Official

Adobe Acrobat

Biggest news since November 3, 2020

'Does this mean that the support for Ukraine is waning, and the security at the US border will become priority?'

1 Oct, 2023

1 Oct, 2023
'Unsuccessful attempt by Democrats to remove Trump from the elections.'

2 Oct, 2023
His legal argument is shared by several groups of Democratic activists who are currently attempting to keep Trump’s name off ballots in their states by invoking the 14th Amendment. Cases have been filed in Colorado, Michigan, and Minnesota, with the Colorado and Minnesota cases set to go to trial in the coming months.

'I have no doubt that elections will be rigged.'
Just declared vacant.

So, today, Kevin McCarthy was voted out as Speaker of the House in the American government. The title of the NYT article (paywall- haven't read it) says it was a far-right G.O.P faction that tipped the scales in the vote. Exactly a week ago on Sept. 26, Anthony Rota, the Canadian House of Commons Speaker, resigns (scapegoated) for recognising Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian Nazi, as a WWII 'war hero' fighting against the USSR. Both North American Speakers gone in a week? Whaaaat? October?

These three are from CNN:

These are the Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy​

The vote in the House of Representatives on the motion to vacate was 216-210 with eight Republicans voting to remove Kevin McCarthy from the speakership.

The GOP members were:
  • Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona
  • Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado
  • Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee
  • Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona
  • Rep. Bob Good of Virginia
  • Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina
  • Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida

House ousts Kevin McCarthy as speaker​

The US House of Representatives has voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy in a historic vote on Tuesday.

The vote on the motion to vacate was 216-210 with eight Republicans voting to remove McCarthy from the speakership.

The Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy were: Andy Biggs, Ken Buck, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Matt Gaetz, Bob Good, Nancy Mace and Matt Rosendale.

The House will now need to elect a new speaker, but there is no clear alternative who would have the support needed to win the gavel.

No House speaker has ever before been ousted through the passage of a resolution to remove them.

Rep. Matt Gaetz calls McCarthy "a creature of the swamp" following vote to remove him as speaker​

Rep. Matt Gaetz called Kevin McCarthy "a creature of the swamp" following his ouster as Speaker of the House.

"He has risen to power by collecting special interest money and redistributing that money in exchange for favors," Gaetz said Tuesday about McCarthy. "We are breaking the fever and we should elect a speaker who is better."

Asked if he would now nominate Rep. Steve Scalise for speaker, Gaetz responded: "I think the world of Steve Scalise. I think he would make a phenomenal speaker."
Kevin McCarthy was voted out as Speaker of the House in the American government.
It seems the idea that Donald Trump could be the next Speaker is being floated - wouldn't that be a kick!

Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his post as House Speaker on Tuesday, with eight members of his own party joining Democrats to boot him from the most powerful position in the lower chamber. Republicans will now, presumably, elect a replacement. It’s unclear who is in poll position to win the job, but there’s no rule requiring nominees to be members of Congress, a wrinkle that led some to float Donald Trump for the gig ahead of McCarthy’s election in January. The former president has since been criminally indicted four times, but that hasn’t stopped the calls from resuming now that the position is once again vacant.

The idea has gained traction across right-wing media, as well. Newsmax floated Trump as a potential nominee during a segment about the vacancy, as did former Newsmax correspondent and current conservative influencer Emerald Robinson. “Watching the GOP establishment vote against President Trump for Speaker would be very clarifying for GOP voters — they would finally understand that the GOP votes against them!” she wrote in response to Nehls’ post. “Hodgetwins are officially nominating TRUMP as speaker of the house because it would be funny as hell to see the left and RINOs lose their mind,” the right-wing Hodge Twins added on X. “Nominate Trump” was trending on the platform Tuesday night.

Alex Jones is also a fan of the idea. “Donald Trump should be nominated as a litmus test for all these Republicans,” he ranted. “With all the fake charges and all the fake trials, how awesome would it be to make Donald Trump Speaker of the House.”

Alex Jones is also a fan of the idea. “Donald Trump should be nominated as a litmus test for all these Republicans,” he ranted. “With all the fake charges and all the fake trials, how awesome would it be to make Donald Trump Speaker of the House.”
Oh good lord the caterwauling from the deranged dems if this gets even close to happening! What an ultimately quixotic distraction for whatever it is that's going on Sub Rosa and out of the focus of the citizens.

I may need to seek alternate sources of popcorn :-)
'Killary will fight for every American to hate Putin.'

4 Oct, 2023

5 OCT, 2023
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