Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

So, today, Kevin McCarthy was voted out as Speaker of the House in the American government. The title of the NYT article (paywall- haven't read it) says it was a far-right G.O.P faction that tipped the scales in the vote. Exactly a week ago on Sept. 26, Anthony Rota, the Canadian House of Commons Speaker, resigns (scapegoated) for recognising Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian Nazi, as a WWII 'war hero' fighting against the USSR. Both North American Speakers gone in a week? Whaaaat? October?

These three are from CNN:
I'm not sure what to think about Gaetz. He accused McCarthy of working with the Democrats by keeping the door open for additional funding for Ukraine instead of pressuring them (i.e. "shut down the government") to accept a budget which ends such funding. But then Gaetz worked with the Democrats to oust McCarthy (i.e. only 8 Republican votes assisted by 208 Democrat votes).
I'm not sure what to think about Gaetz. He accused McCarthy of working with the Democrats by keeping the door open for additional funding for Ukraine instead of pressuring them (i.e. "shut down the government") to accept a budget which ends such funding. But then Gaetz worked with the Democrats to oust McCarthy (i.e. only 8 Republican votes assisted by 208 Democrat votes).
I don't think Gaetz "worked with" the Democrats so much as he depended on their predictability. He really worked with the rebel conservatives because he needed them for a majority.
Meanwhile, on the US-Mexico border:

I guess the poll numbers have gotten dire enough to warrant a complete turn around - they're running scared now! An update on the now renewed building of the border wall:

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Fumes Over Reports About Biden Admin Building Border Wall
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas slammed news reports this week about a notice that the administration posted that waived dozens of laws in order to build border wall on the U.S. southern border.

Mayorkas said on the U.S. Federal Register that the dire conditions on the U.S.-Mexico border makes it “necessary to waive certain laws, regulations, and other legal requirements” in order to ensure the expeditious construction of “physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States.”

Mayorkas was forced to highlight the administration’s failures to secure the border and their open border policies in the announcement, noting that in August, nearly a quarter of a million illegal aliens were caught attempting to enter the U.S. — a number that does not include illegal aliens who evaded detection and escaped into the country.

The announcement named multiple areas within the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector that are areas of “high illegal entry” that the administration now has designated as “project areas.”

President Joe Biden addressed the announcement with reporters on Thursday, saying that he could not stop border wall from being built in the area because the money was appropriated under the previous administration. He said that he does not believe that walls work.

Following Biden’s remarks, Mayorkas issued a statement where he said that he wanted to be “absolutely clear” that “there is no new Administration policy with respect to border walls.”

“From day one, this Administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer,” he said. “That remains our position and our position has never wavered. The language in the Federal Register notice is being taken out of context and it does not signify any change in policy whatsoever.”
“The construction project reported today was appropriated during the prior administration in 2019 and the law requires the government to use these funds for this purpose, which we announced earlier this year,” he continued. “We have repeatedly asked Congress to rescind this money but it has not done so and we are compelled to follow the law.”

Mayorkas claimed that the solution for border security involved “a smarter and more comprehensive approach, including state-of the-art border surveillance technology and modernized ports of entry.”

He made no mention about the problematic messaging from the administration, its open border policies, or its lack of enforcing immigration laws.

A poor attempt to save face. And how about selling off the unused border wall pieces from Trump's term? Why wasn't "the law" being followed for that?!!


The natives are starting to get more than restless! Pitchforks anyone?
An update on the now renewed building of the border wall:

Hours After Biden Builds the Wall Donald Trump Makes 1 Simple Request to Joe

The political establishment was turned on its head this week after DHS Mayorkas announced new border wall plans. The Biden administration is waiving 26 laws to quickly build border fencing across the Texas-Mexico border.

When Joe Biden first entered office, he immediately ended Trump’s border wall plan. He even vowed that not a single new mile of border wall would built while he was in office. What followed was an exploding border crisis lasting three years.

It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is talking about the recent announcement. After criticizing Trump for years, Biden is doing the very thing he once opposed. Now, Trump is making a simple request to Biden… and perhaps everyone else who doubted him.

From TRUTH Social:

So interesting to watch Crooked Joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (they incorrectly state 450 in story!) of brand new, beautiful border wall. As I have stated often, over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked, wheels, and walls! Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology!
Hmm - October is already proving to be quite interesting!

Biden Found Guilty of First Amendment Crimes by Pushing Big Tech To Censor Americans

President Biden has been found guilty of violating the First Amendment rights of the American people by ordering Big Tech to illegally censor citizens’ opinions related to the 2020 election, a federal court has ruled.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered an injunction on an agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after finding that it violated free speech rights by coordinating with social media companies to censor Americans’ right to free speech.

On Tuesday, the court extended the scope of an injunction in place that limits the President Biden’s ability to communicate with Big Tech companies.

Neon Nettle reports: The injunction will now include the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the DHS.

According to GOP Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who is leading the litigation against the Biden administration, CISA is the “nerve center” of the White House’s “vast censorship enterprise” and “the very entity that worked with the FBI to silence the Hunter Biden laptop story.”

“CISA was created to protect Americans from foreign attack, and now it has begun targeting its own citizens,” Bailey said in a statement.

A three-judge panel determined in the court order that CISA was the “primary facilitator” of the FBI’s interactions with the social media platforms and worked in close coordination with the FBI to push the platforms to change their moderation policies to cover “hack-and-leak” content.

The opinion describes CISA’s “switchboarding” operations as “merely relaying flagged social-media posts from state and local election officials to the platforms.”

However, the judge said that “in reality, the practice ended up being ‘something more,’” the order reads.

“CISA used its frequent interactions with social media platforms to push them to adopt more restrictive policies on censoring election-related speech,” it continues.

“And CISA officials affirmatively told the platforms whether the content they had ‘switchboarded’ was true or false.

“Thus, when the platforms acted to censor CISA-switchboard content, they did not do so independently.

“Rather, the platforms’ censorship decisions were made under policies that CISA has pressured them into adopting and based on CISA’s determination of the veracity of the flagged information.

“Thus, CISA likely significantly encouraged the platforms’ content-moderation decisions and thereby violated the First Amendment,” the judges said.

The injunction stems from a lawsuit brought by Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general against the Biden administration that accused high-ranking government officials of working with giant social media companies “under the guise of combating misinformation.”

The effort ultimately led to censoring speech on topics, including Hunter Biden’s laptop, COVID-19 origins, and the efficacy of face masks.

The attorneys general deposed several officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci and FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan.

On July 4, federal Judge Terry A. Doughty of the Fifth Circuit ordered the first injunction, which prevents White House officials and federal agencies from meeting with tech companies about social media censorship, arguing that such actions likely violated the First Amendment.

The scathing Independence Day injunction said the government’s actions during the pandemic were akin to “an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”

“If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” the injunction continues.

“In their attempts to suppress alleged disinformation, the Federal Government, and particularly the Defendants named here, are alleged to have blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech.”

The Justice Department has appealed the court order to the Supreme Court.

The DOJ argues that the government faced “irreparable harm” because Doughty’s order may prevent the federal government from “working with social media companies on initiatives to prevent grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes.”

Wow - do you suppose this will get mentioned on The View? :whistle:
Best actually search for the specific court ruling (if it even happened)., AKA Neon Nettle, are disinformation sites which rope people in with headlines they WANT to believe are true.
I want to believe, too! 😢

Thanks for the tip! Not sure if I have the best sleuthing skills to find verification, but I'll try. Maybe it's for real this time (hope springs eternal)!
Since evil witch Killary has such respect, of course her views should be considered. The empire is stoopid and cruel.

Hillary Clinton: "There Needs To Be A Formal Deprogramming" Of The Trump Cult Members

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an interview on Thursday with CNN's Christiane Amanpour called for a systemic deprogramming of Donald Trump's MAGA "cult members." Clinton acknowledged that the former president will likely be the Republican party's presidential nominee.

Clinton said Trump's "negative, nasty form of politics" resonates with his supporters because they may not like migrants, and are homophobic, racist, and misogynistic.

"It's a classic tale of an authoritarian, populist who really has a grip on the emotional psychological needs and desires of a portion of the population," Clinton said of the Trump saga. "And the base of the Republican party, for whatever combination of reasons -- and it is emotional and psychological -- sees in him someone who speaks for them. And they are determined that they will continue to vote for him, attend his rallies, wear his merchandise, because for whatever reason, he and his very negative, nasty form of politics resonates with them."

"Maybe they don't like migrants," she suggested. "Maybe they don't like gay people or black people or the woman who got the promotion at work they didn't get. Whatever the reason. You know, Make America Great Again was a bid for nostalgia to return to a place where people couldn't be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want, insult whoever came in their way. and that was really attractive to a significant portion of the Republican base. So it is like a cult. And somebody has to break that momentum. And that's why I believe Joe Biden will defeat him. Hopefully, then that will be the end and the fever will break and Republicans can try to get back to fighting about issues and elect people who are at least responsible and accountable."

"We've had very strong partisans in both parties in the past and we had very bitter battles over all kinds of things, gun control and climate change and the economy and taxes," Clinton said. "But there wasn't this little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican party as it is today. Sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He's only in it for himself. He's now defending himself in civil actions, and criminal actions. And when do they break with him because at some point, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen."

"And how do you do that? Because you said you have to defeat them by defeating their leader. Their leader is Donald Trump. Even you have said you expect him to be the Republican nominee. How does this change at all?" Amanpour asked.

"At this point, I think, sadly, he will still be the nominee and we have to defeat him and we have to defeat those who are the election deniers, as we did in 2020 and 2022," Clinton said. "And we have to just be smarter about how we are trying to empower the right people inside the Republican party."


Best actually search for the specific court ruling


Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Agrees the Biden Administration Violated the First Amendment – Easily Affirms Lower Court Order, and Baits Biden DOJ to Appeal to Supreme Court

September 9, 2023 | Sundance | 281 Comments

This is one of those judicial court rulings that needs to be bookmarked because the judicial panel outlines exactly what the Biden administration and Govt officials did, in their blatant violations of the First Amendment. [SEE pdf HERE]

[Page 2]

[Page 74 - last page/scroll down for text]

The Fifth Circuit court of appeals outlines how the Biden administration totally violated the first amendment, by forcing and coercing social media and other organizations to ban speech, block opinion and censor information they determined was against their interests. Any time a progressive democrat claims their leadership would not destroy this nation, simply put the appellate court ruling back in front of their face and walk away.
At the government’s request, the Fifth Circuit stayed the order for 10 days to give the government time to petition for a writ of certiorari from the U.S. Supreme Court. Almost like bait, the Fifth Circuit is seemingly hoping the insufferable & ideological Lawfare operatives in the DOJ will take this decision higher.

SCOTUS would destroy the Biden administration on this constitutional issue. The evidence of what took place is overwhelming in support of the original court order against Biden, and the subsequent affirmation from the fifth circuit.

[Full Case Details Available HERE]​

From the comments of the previously referenced article (and the comments are really great btw):

Just to review; this CASE, that is the original case, brought by Jim Hoft (of TGP) and then joined by States of Loisianna and Missouri, is ONGOING.

They are STILL IN DISCOVERY; however, just the initial evidence the plaintiffs introduced, to demonstrate they had enough of a case to persuade the Judge to allow the case to proceed, was SO Compelling, that he issued this preliminary injunction, ordering the Fed Govt. to STOP.

THAT is the order, which the 11th circuit just affirmed. Not sure many understand just HOW F*cked the Govt. is, in this lawsuit.

I'm not finding that 11th Circuit Court affirmation, just this dated 10/05/23:

5th Circuit Court Of Appeals Finds CISA Likely Violated The First Amendment In Ongoing Missouri V. Biden Lawsuit

This is on the previously linked page - I'm not a lawyer btw:


Looks like a victory so far, but we'll see if/when it goes to the Supreme Court.

EDIT: "I'm not finding that 11th Circuit Court affirmation"

I believe that commentator is confusing the ruling regarding the vaccine mandates for federal contractors with this case.

Last edited:

The Police State Targets Trump and Trump Americans

In the Democrats ongoing efforts to interfere in the upcoming election the Criminals Have Set the FBI after Trump Supporters and the IRS on Trump Donors.

The presstitute Newsweek Magazine reports that

“Exclusive: Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears”

Exclusive: Donald Trump followers targeted by FBI as 2024 election nears

Zero Hedge reports that the IRS has brought five audits against Mike Lindell’s company, MyPillow.

IRS Hits MyPillow With Five Audits: Mike Lindell | ZeroHedge

Mike Lindell Says MyPillow 'Crippled' By Major Credit Card Company | ZeroHedge

The Newsweek story reads like one handed to presstitute William M. Arkin by the FBI itself. In Newsweek’s opening lines, Arkin sets up Trump Supporters as “domestic terrorists.”

The above so affirms what this commenter is saying:
The federal government and state governments are more actively engaging the public, going as far in one state (NJ) to program motorist information billboards to directly solicit any information regarding terrorism.

Why are they suddenly soliciting terror threat calls? In order to ‘get a finger on the pulse’ of elusive (non-existent) threat?


To create the false image of a growing issue by loading call centers with bogus vague BS. So they can demonize, isolate and drop boot heels on Trump and his supporters necks.

Examples: Alarming rise in MAGA fueled hate and domestic terror threats. Few more deranged white shooters in black neighborhoods.

Listen for the growing drumbeat and notice the increasing dark clouds intended to influence the 2024 election. DOJ/FBI long ago labeled MAGA & parents as domestic terrorists. Uncounted false 2A flags supposedly by right wing extremists.

Yep - it's getting more and more obvious especially as the Uniparty/Deep State get more and more desperate. And they've claimed their first victim:

Mike Lindell admits he is 'broke' as MyPillow attorneys say he owes them 'millions' in unpaid fees for defending him in election defamation lawsuits
The bedding mogul said on Thursday that he is 'out of money' and praised his lawyers as courageous, saying he regretted he was unable to pay their fees.

'We've lost everything, every dime,' Lindell told NBC News. 'All of it is gone.'
Still perusing comments - how about these:
1 word and 1 letter – Schedule F

Schedule F: What Does Its Repeal Mean For Federal Employees' Due Process Rights? |

Schedule F needs to be implemented minutes after President Trump takes his hand off the Bible, along with a TON of executive orders that were signed by the Pinhead Resident.
No parties, no dances, no wasting of taxpayer money on nonsense…just boot every minion of the FJB regime to the curb and get to work.

Schedule F = Flush the Swamp.

If you have listened to Trump….you obviously missed this! It’s not about another 4 year election! It’s about a failed and corrupt system that has been rigged against the American people. The system is the problem. There will always be another to step in and assume a position…in the system. But, if the system was dismantled…their power and control would be gone…thats what they use to have what they have. The system. And that includes the financial system….thats right! Hope everyone has been paying attention…because BIG THINGS are coming, it’s not going to be easy or pretty….and the establishment will fight it the whole way…..but nothing can stop what is coming! And finally…a court case coming…that they brought on and opened the door for….a man that has standing to bring forth irrefutable evidence of election fraud. On national tv? They think they are going to televise President DJT being convicted and maybe sent to jail…they have no idea that he is going to present election fraud. What do you really thing Jack Smith and the corrupt DOJ and Biden regime were looking for at Mara Lago? Something Trump took he wasn’t supposed to? Right…No….they were looking for anything he had that is evidence against them….he has seen itb all….knows what and how they have been doing what they have been doing, and he caught them in the act….this brings their house of cards down, including the J6 big lie insurrection which was actually a contrived cover up for the election theft! Buckle up folks…gonna get interesting!

You know when they march out Killary, they are really running scared - they must stop Trump/MAGA no matter what!
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