Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

'"On its way": With the help of Republicans (under excuse for supporting Israel) the Biden administration will send aid to Ukraine.'

10 Oct, 2023
Yes, probably so. But not before a new speaker is elected and the necessary legislation is passed. It could easily be weeks for worried parties to fret.
Injecting some black Halloween humor - from lewrockwell:


Wonder if there's a MAGA bumper sticker on the back . . .
From -

Washingtons Illegal, Immoral Meddling in Syria Faces Mounting Problems

The illegal U.S. military occupation in northeastern Syria is rapidly turning into a policy debacle as well. There is little question that the presence of U.S. troops and armed contractors (mercenaries) is utterly illegal under international law. The Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, which is recognized by the United Nations and the vast majority of countries, never invited those forces to enter Syria. Moreover, Damascus has repeatedly demanded that they be withdrawn. U.S. leaders have flatly refused to do so, using the flimsy excuse that ISIS still poses a threat to regional peace despite its drastically depleted ranks.

It is not a coincidence that northeastern Syria contains most of the country’s oil reserves, and that both the United States and the Kurds, Washington’s secessionist clients there, have profited handsomely from U.S. protection. Moreover, U.S. leaders have never abandoned their goal of ousting Assad, Iran’s principal regional ally, and shielding a de facto Kurdish state weakens Assad.

However, U.S. policy is encountering a growing array of embarrassing difficulties. The latest incident occurred on October 5 when a U.S. fighter shot down an armed Turkish drone over Syria after it allegedly came too close to the American aircraft. A U.S. official stated that the action was taken because U.S. forces were operating in the area. Turkey has been waging an undeclared, but very real war, against Kurdish forces in both Syria and Iraq for years. The intensity of those attacks have spiked since Turkish officials blamed Kurdish militants for an October 1 bombing incident in Ankara. Kurdish leaders in Syria are pressing the United States to shoot down even more Turkish drones.

Washington’s relations with fellow NATO member Turkey already are frayed for multiple reasons, including Ankara’s reluctance to continue supporting a hardline policy toward Russia. Tensions over Syria policy are likely to deepen that estrangement.

Anti-Gunners About To Meltdown After Elon Musk Says 'Armed Citizens Vital For Democracy's Defense'​

by Tyler Durden

"Elon Musk most likely upset anti-gunners at Everytown and Giffords this weekend with his post on X"

Commentary and few eyebrow lifting videos in article below:

Biden's past is hopefully catching up with him, and I pray it runs him over like a freight train.

Kelsey Reichmann / October 20, 2023
Red states claim the Biden administration censored conservatives in its attempt to fight misinformation online.
WASHINGTON (CN) — The Biden administration can continue its efforts to fight misinformation on social media, the Supreme Court said on Friday in an order agreeing to pause a lower court order and hear the case later this term.

Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch publicly dissented from the ruling, calling the government’s misinformation efforts a coordinated federal campaign against disfavored views on important published issues.

Alito went as far as to say the court’s decision to grant the stay amounted to giving the government the green light to skew online information.

“At this time in the history of our country, what the court has done, I fear, will be seen by some as giving the government a green light to use heavy-handed tactics to skew the presentation of views on the medium that increasingly dominates the dissemination of news,” Alito wrote. “That is most unfortunate.”

The conservative justice called the decision highly disturbing, saying endorsing government censorship was against the values of democracy.

“Government censorship of private speech is antithetical to our democratic form of government, and therefore today’s decision is highly disturbing,” Alito wrote.

Alito said the government was not entitled to a stay because it would not actually be harmed by the lower court ruling.

“The injunction applies only when the government crosses the line and begins to coerce or control others’ exercise of their free-speech rights,” Alito wrote. “Does the government think that the First Amendment allows executive branch officials to engage in such conduct? Does it have plans for this to occur between now and the time when this case is decided?”

Alito noted that the majority failed to explain its order in the case — a common practice on the high court’s emergency docket.

“To prevent the continuation of this campaign, these officials were enjoined from either ‘coerc[ing]’ social media companies to engage in such censorship or ‘active[ly] control[ling]’ those companies’ decisions about the content posted on their platforms,” Alito wrote. “Today, however, a majority of the court, without undertaking a full review of the record and without any explanation, suspends the effect of that injunction until the court completes its review of this case, an event that may not occur until late in the spring of next year.”

President Joe Biden asked the high court for assistance in fighting a red state lawsuit against his communications with social media companies. The White House and other federal agencies have tried to assist X, formerly Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms of inaccurate or harmful information posted to their sites.

Disinformation online about elections and the Covid-19 pandemic proved a challenge for governments and social platforms. Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the president saw removing harmful misinformation as a responsibility of the social sites. In light of this goal, the Biden administration shared information with platforms to help mitigate harm.

Missouri and Louisiana, however, saw the effort as more harm than help. They said the Biden administration targeted conservative political views, urging social platforms to remove these viewpoints in a violation of the First Amendment. The states claim the Biden administration’s communications with these sites amounted to a federal censorship enterprise.

The two conservative-led states sued the Biden administration seeking to put an end to what they saw as conservative censorship. Examples of this activity, according to the states, include emails the White House digital director for the government’s Covid-19 response sent to Twitter about Robert F. Kennedy’s anti-vaccine tweets.

“Social media platforms once provided ‘the most powerful mechanisms available to a private citizen to make his or her voice heard,’” Elizabeth Murrill, Louisiana’s solicitor general, wrote in the state’s brief. “Under pressure of federal censorship, that is no longer true — a situation that is intolerable to the First Amendment.”

A federal judge handed the states a win, ordering the White House and other federal agencies to stop communicating with social media companies. The Fifth Circuit limited the ruling but upheld some limits on the government’s communications.

The Biden administration then turned to the Supreme Court in September, asking for emergency relief.

“It is axiomatic that the government is entitled to provide the public with information and to ‘advocate and defend its own policies,’” U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar told the justices. “A central dimension of presidential power is the use of the Office’s bully pulpit to seek to persuade Americans — and American companies — to act in ways that the president believes would advance the public interest.”

The Supreme Court offered a temporary stay to review the case, but before the justices could issue an order on the matter, the Fifth Circuit agreed to review the case again. Missouri and Louisiana asked the appeals court to reconsider extending its prior ruling to encase more federal agencies. In a highly unusual move, the Fifth Circuit agreed to grant rehearing before the high court got to review its first look at the case.

With the appeals court back in the picture, the justices allowed their temporary pause to expire. The Fifth Circuit then granted the states’ request to expand its prior ruling, sending the issue back up to the justices.

The justices will hear the case early next year.
And his policies on Ukraine and Israel (and money laundering) are toast.

'A double dose of "Chinese magic mushrooms"?'

16 Oct, 2023
'But the US "can afford two wars" for more money laundering while completely destroying its economy.'

21 Oct, 2023

By Ilya Tsukanov - 13 hours ago (Updated: 13 hours ago)
“Let the American people really understand that we’re not playing Fantasyland here. That $33 trillion national debt is real. Don’t be duped by Bidenomics on the economic argument. But don’t be duped by this ‘military homeland investment’ argument either,” the candidate urged, referring to Biden’s remarks in an address to the nation on Friday suggesting that more money for Ukraine and Israel would constitute a “smart investment” that would “pay dividends for American security for generations.”

'It's too late for that.'

21 Oct, 2023

'The US politicians are leading the country into "oblivion".'

US needs ‘Department of Offense, not Defense’ – presidential candidate​

"Haley demanded that the US respond to the Israel-Hamas war by providing the Israeli government and military with “whatever they need whenever they need it.” She added that Washington’s goal must be to “eliminate Hamas, not weaken them,” and she called for cutting off government funding to colleges whose students or employees hold protests in support of the Palestinians."

“We’ve got to be smart, and we’ve got to be ready,” Haley said. “I’m tired of talking about a ‘department of defense’. I want a ‘department of offense’. Every enemy needs to fear us.”

Nikki Haley insists on WW3 if Ukraine loses​

"Regarding how the war might finish, Haley was less forthcoming. “It would end in a day if Russia would pull out," she suggested.If Ukraine pulls out, then we’re all looking at world war.”


Watch: Pro-Palestinian Mob Shuts Down Minneapolis Street, Terrorizes Motorists

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Oct 23, 2023 - 07:05 AM

"If you were wondering why the pro-Palestinian protests in the US today are starting to look a lot like the BLM riots of 2020, it's probably because they are made up of the same people with the same political agenda. Minnesota has one of the most concentrated Muslim populations in the US, but it is also a well-known Democrat stronghold. Palestinian protests across the country are predominantly manned by far-left groups like Antifa seeking to attach themselves to minority issues as an excuse to wreak havoc. The political alliance is perhaps one of the most unhinged in recent memory, given that Muslim Sharia culture runs contrary to the majority of progressive "beliefs."

"Protesters/rioters blocked the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge that runs over I-94 in Loring Park on Sunday afternoon. A video posted by X user "Unicorn Riot" shows the mob deliberately blocked traffic while a white sedan was moving forward at slow speeds while being attacked by rioters."

"With little to no intervention by local police to enforce the law and stop road obstructions, leftist protesters are given license to try the method again and again without fear of arrest. Already, mainstream media sources are referring to the event in Minneapolis as an "attack on peaceful protestors," though footage does not seem to show any violence initiated by the driver. Protestors then chased after the apparently confused elderly man and attacked his vehicle again, making him turn back and race through an intersection to escape."

Videos in the article below:

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