Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

On Wednesday, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the new House Speaker of the 118th United States Congress after twenty-two days, with fourteen candidates vying, four nominees, and four floor votes.
sbeaudry, you beat me to it! This is finally, some good news. Rep. Johnson has been described as Jim Jordan with a coat. Is it a miracle? The mud slinging begins to fly. "Election denier, a threat to Democracy, dangerously ignorant on the importance of Ukraine," sounds like a winner to me.:-D

Hold on, here's some more good news! Yes, I kid you not. Gov. Sanders of Arkansas along with her legislators have signed a law that no foreign nationals hostel to the US can own land in her state. The CCP owns 160 acres in Arkansas where they study "seeds". Sanders speaks of China as a hostile nation involved in stealing our technologies and resources and they've been ordered to sell the property immediately or official measures with be taken! WHOOHOO! The light is starting to shine!

I heard a wise man say recently, "it's important to acknowledge and celebrate every victory no matter how small it may seem". We've been so bombarded by the hideous darkness of world events (at least I have been) its hard to see these victories and they're largely kept from us I'd say. Plus, they may seem so small in comparison to the bigger picture we're all so focused on. Hmm, that's food for thought. An elaborate spectacle is played out for us all and everyone is pulled into the enormous tragedy of it all. Are we being hypnotized? Predictive programing on steroids?

The battle is being fought through us after all, we're told. And God's warriors are stepping up 😇!

Could it be this Enormous Darkness is calling up Enormous Light to fight it? Or maybe its the other way around, The incoming great light is calling up the dark to fight for its life. The Wave is upon us, emanations from the Central Sun become stronger, people are waking up.

Have Faith and don't forget to celebrate!
Meh, it depends on how you define hostile. Are the Chinese really that hostile? Opportunistic, maybe. This sounds like right-wing virtue signaling to me. There will be a crackdown on Chinese but MOSSAD types, who are actually the far greater threat, will be welcomed in with open arms.
Meh, it depends on how you define hostile. Are the Chinese really that hostile? Opportunistic, maybe. This sounds like right-wing virtue signaling to me. There will be a crackdown on Chinese but MOSSAD types, who are actually the far greater threat, will be welcomed in with open arms.
Ah, I disagree.. This issue is far to serious for shallow virtue signaling. You may think a threat from the CCP is way overblown and silly but there are MANY who will disagree with you. As for MOSSAD, we aren't speaking of the DS here but representatives that actually are trying to help the country and if they support mossad then they aren't sincere in what they claim.
On Wednesday, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the new House Speaker of the 118th United States Congress after twenty-two days, with fourteen candidates vying, four nominees, and four floor votes.

Don't get too excited -
WASHINGTON, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Speaker Mike Johnson called up a resolution supporting Israel in his first action as leader of the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, after a three-week leadership vacuum that left the Republican-led chamber unable to respond to the Middle East crisis. 2 hours ago

"The first bill I'm going to bring to this floor in a little while will be in support of our dear friend Israel and we are overdue in getting that done," Johnson said as he accepted the speakership.

Possible excitement:
UPDATE - 2 Weeks Provided To Correct Filing: 11th Circuit Emergency Writ Accepted To Hear Case To Invalidate Fraudulent 2020, 2022 Elections - Justice Clarence Thomas To Rule

An 'Application' to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was accepted as a Writ of Mandamus through the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

This Writ of Mandamus (Application) is something Justice Thomas can rule on independently, or he can forward it to the whole of the Supreme Court.

The applicant is asking that Florida's 2022 General Election (with a 2020 option) be set aside and held anew. There is also room for the 2020 election cycle to be set aside as well, since the evidence shows the same uncertified and uncertifiable equipment was used in both election cycles.

The same evidence proves that the whole of the elections throughout the country were vulnerable to the same fraud, which allows Justice Thomas, or the whole of the Supreme Court, to set aside the results of the entire country for both the 2020 and the 2022 election cycles

The 11th Circuit also covers Georgia.
The travesty plays on:

NY AG Letitia James slams Trump after ex-president dramatically stormed out of court to audible gasps from court and was later fined $10K in a day of legal fireworks

New York Attorney General Letitia James hit back at former President Donald Trump after he stormed out of a Manhattan court and was later fined $10k in a day of legal fireworks.

In a dramatic outburst on Wednesday afternoon in New York State Supreme Court, the former President threw his arms up in the air before getting up and leaving.

It came after fixer-turned-foe Michael Cohen testified that Trump did not direct him to inflate the value of his properties.

Trump left the courtroom and told waiting reporters: 'The witness just admitted that we won the trial and the judge should end this trial immediately. Thank you.'
You may think a threat from the CCP is way overblown and silly but there are MANY who will disagree with you.

Jack Posobeic tweeted Gavin Newsom meeting Xi with a message suggesting the CCP was now openly and brazenly christening the next US president. That is taking whatever actual influence the Chinese may have and blowing it out of proportion. Yes, they're influential, but they're not THAT influential.

As for MOSSAD, we aren't speaking of the DS here but representatives that actually are trying to help the country and if they support mossad then they aren't sincere in what they claim.

You missed Neil's point.

A representative that wanted help the country wouldn't be focused on China because China's influence and threat level is negligible compared to the threat coming from the DS, the Zionists, the WEF, the Woke, and so forth. Focusing on China then is right-wing virtue signalling.
ACLU says Trump gag order in DC election interference case violates First Amendment

The American Civil Liberties Union argued Wednesday that the gag order slapped on former President Donald Trump in his federal election interference case violates the U.S. Constitution.

The ACLU, a frequent and vocal critic of Trump that applauded his criminal indictment in the federal case in Washington, D.C., said that the restrictions placed on his speech run afoul of the First Amendment.

“No modern-day president did more damage to civil liberties and civil rights than President Trump,” said the group’s executive director, Anthony Romero, in a press release.

“But if we allow his free speech rights to be abridged, we know that other unpopular voices — even ones we agree with — will also be silenced,” Romero said.

Trump's so evil, he's not allowed to have any rights, don't cha know!
FBI received 'criminal information' from over 40 confidential sources on Joe Biden, Hunter, James: Grassley

The FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden, dating back to his time as vice president, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

The confidential human sources "provided criminal information to the FBI relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Those confidential human sources were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation, including the FBI’s Seattle Field Office.

But Grassley learned that an FBI task force within the Washington Field Office sought to, and in some cases, successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease."

Such corruption and criminality - but who's going to prosecute it?! Plus, the obvious effect on Biden's "selection" as President! Again, how will this ever be prosecuted?! Does anyone have faith that the Legislative or Judicial Branch will do crap?! Or the process will be so slow that it won't even matter by then as much greater problems/circumstances will exist.
Jack Posobeic tweeted Gavin Newsom meeting Xi with a message suggesting the CCP was now openly and brazenly christening the next US president. That is taking whatever actual influence the Chinese may have and blowing it out of proportion. Yes, they're influential, but they're not THAT influential.

You missed Neil's point.

A representative that wanted help the country wouldn't be focused on China because China's influence and threat level is negligible compared to the threat coming from the DS, the Zionists, the WEF, the Woke, and so forth. Focusing on China then is right-wing virtue signalling.
The US has multiple, serious issues involving foreign actors coming into the country and taking advantage because of a weak and corrupt regime in charge. People are getting fed up with it. The influence of China is only one example. The people of Arkansas stated there are 9 countries they consider hostile and won't sell land to and one is China. I say good for them! This law involves this issue only which doesn't mean the other groups you mentioned are being ignored as significant threats. Governor Sanders seems well informed with the many serious problems the US has and steps to sanction those groups may very well come up in the future. Are you aware of China buying large sections of land around military bases? Does that sound ok to you? Florida has also stopped China from buying land. The WEF considers the CCP to be a great model for the US and this is widely known. So guilty by association? Or at least proceed with great caution, they are opportunists as Neil said.

Sorry, I still don't see this as virtue signaling as the government of Arkansas is doing the job they where elected to do by their people. Because these other groups aren't focused on isn't a good argument for me.To be honest I only listened to Gov. Sanders speak who comes across as genuine, strong and serious. Maybe the other speakers where virtue signaling, don't know.

It does seem like whenever China is mentioned in a negative light here, this same argument pops up. Like China is the artificial bad guy whose blamed to deflect from the actual bad perpetrators. Geeze...there's a lot more going on then that, it's actually a very complicated web.
Jack Posobeic tweeted Gavin Newsom meeting Xi with a message suggesting the CCP was now openly and brazenly christening the next US president. That is taking whatever actual influence the Chinese may have and blowing it out of proportion. Yes, they're influential, but they're not THAT influential.

You missed Neil's point.

A representative that wanted help the country wouldn't be focused on China because China's influence and threat level is negligible compared to the threat coming from the DS, the Zionists, the WEF, the Woke, and so forth. Focusing on China then is right-wing virtue signalling.
I had another thought on this. My main purpose for that post was about being grateful for small victories. It ties in with what the C's said recently about having more of the positive and celebratory energy. To me these 2 things where small victories I saw light shining through. To others it doesn't seem so I guess. At this point being grateful for the small things seems like the only thing available to us, in the realm of politics anyway,
(There is a Republican-Jewish-Coalition?)

"LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Former Vice President Mike Pence told the
annual leadership summit of the Republican Jewish Coalition that he was dropping out of the 2024 race for the Republican nomination for president."

"Pence said the U.S. should support Israel throughout its fight against Hamas until the Palestinian terror group is destroyed “once and for all.”

"We stand with Israel for the same reason the American people have always stood with Israel. We stand with Israel because her cause is our cause. Her values are our values. Her fight is our fight. We stand with Israel because we believe in right over wrong, in good over evil. And as believing Americans have for generations, we stand with Israel because Israel’s very existence is proof that God’s promises are true."

"He called to “end all talk of restraint and support Israel’s right to self-defense unconditionally.”

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