Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

"Huge Detention Camps" What could possible go wrong?

Raids, Detention Camps, Mass Deportations: Trump's Immigration Plan For Second Term​

by Tyler Durden
Sunday, Nov 12, 2023

"Anticipating a second term in the White House, former President Donald Trump has already begun drawing up sweeping and aggressive immigration policies"

Here are key elements of Trump's plans:

  • Muslim immigration ban. Trump would reinstate a version of a ban he created via executive order, which barred travel to the United States from several Muslim-majority countries -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Biden nixed the ban on his first day in office.

  • Renewed use of health policy to block asylum claims. During his term, Trump restricted asylum claims under the pretense that is was necessary to restrain Covid-19. Next time around, he plans to point to tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

  • Mass deportations. A second Trump administration would search the country for illegal immigrants, with a goal of deporting millions of them every year. This effort would be facilitated by "an enormous expansion of a form of removal that does not require due process hearings," the Times reports. He would also shift federal agents from other tasks, deputize local cops and National Guard soldiers deployed by Republican governors.

  • Huge detention camps. With Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities overwhelmed, Trump would build enormous camps to hold migrants while their cases navigate the system. To create the camps, Trump plans to bypass Congress and redirect Pentagon money to the purpose, much as he did to scrape up money for border wall construction.

  • Birthright citizenship clampdown. Trump would seek to terminate the granting of citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants.

  • Expanded ideological screening. Visa applicants would face heightened scrutiny of their views.
Some time back I remember watching Tucker completely trash anyone who did not buy into the 911 official story. I couldn't find it again until today. There are many other issues that are discussed about Tucker and his connections in this video. Now that his name is even being discussed in relation to "possibly" becoming VP, it might be a good time to sort out some of these issues.

At minute 22:00 of this video they run the clip of TC trashing anyone who questions the official narrative of 911 (and to date I have not heard him retract any of those statements.)

Tucker: I hate all that 911 crap...kick those people out. All discussion on 911 (against the narrative) is beneath adult conversation. 911-ers are parasites.

Disclaimer: This is not a pro-Tucker Carlson video. Quite the opposite. Yet, IMO worth a watch, and decide for yourself the fact from fiction.


Tucker for VP...(?)

It Looks Like Trump’s VP Just Got REVEALED!!!​

Une centaine d’employés du Département d’État et de l’USAID se révoltent contre l’administration de Biden. Dans une note, ils accusent leur président de diffuser de la « désinformation » sur la guerre à Gaza et de tolérer les « crimes de guerre » d’Israël...
About a hundred State Department and USAID employees are revolting against the Biden administration. In a note, they accuse their president of spreading “disinformation” about the war in Gaza and of tolerating Israel’s “war crimes”...
Aux Etats-Unis, le ministère de la Justice vient de publier une nouvelle offre d'emploi : il recherche huit nouveaux avocats pour défendre le gouvernement fédéral dans les affaires de dommages causés par les vaccins.
Vraisemblablement, cette frénésie d’embauche anticipe une recrudescence des poursuites liées au vaccin contre le COVID, alors que les personnes qui ont été forcées par les mandats du gouvernement de se faire vacciner et qui ont subi de graves effets secondaires en conséquence, tentent d’obtenir une compensation.

In the United States, the Department of Justice has just published a new job offer: it is looking for eight new lawyers to defend the federal government in cases of damage caused by vaccines.Presumably, this hiring spree anticipates a surge in COVID vaccine-related lawsuits, as people who have been forced by government mandates to get vaccinated and who have suffered serious side effects as a result, attempt to obtain compensation.
Bashington, DC

Joe Biden has called David Axelrod a “prick,” doubtless a response to the Obama narrator’s suggestion that Biden consider stepping down from the 2024 presidential race.
As Mel Brooks said in History of the World, it’s good to be the king, and by now Joe knows it’s good to be the president. The White House occupant wields all that power and the perks are great. True, things haven’t gone well, but like Major “King” Kong (Slim Pickens) in Dr. Strangelove, Biden may be thinking, “We ain’t come this far just to drop this thing in the drink.”

After eight years as vice president and three years in the White House, Biden doubtless knows many more secrets about Obama. Biden has already stockpiled classified information in his houses and garage, and he may decide to go public. On the other hand, that could launch actions against him.

Obama deployed the FBI and intelligence community against candidate and president Trump, and as Sen. Chuck Schumer says, that community has “six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., finds “overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his murder,” a reference to his uncle John F. Kennedy, shot dead in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Joe Biden just destroyed the last chance to make peace with China and accept the rise of the multipolar world. Biden called Xi Jinping a Dictator hours after meeting him in San Francisco. China made an effort for peace despite non-stop abuse from the Biden administration. They won’t try again.

The good news: A China-friendly coalition is leading the polls in Taiwan and their victory in January could end the hostilities the US Govt has caused to provoke China. The Taiwanese people have seen what happened in Ukraine and they don’t want to become the victims in another US proxy war.

Time is favoring China. The US is facing a major economic collapse in the near future. Raising new debt is almost impossible as US Govt bonds are now considered a toxic asset by most nations

More money printing is the only option which will lead to an accelerated decline of the US dollar in international trade and as a reserve currency which will result in massive inflation / hyperinflation and a US economic collapse of unprecedented proportions.

Get out of assets in the United States or assets that are denominated in USD. Get into Gold, Silver and Crypto. Have a Plan B for when the US is collapsing. Buy farm land or property in the southern hemisphere.

The biggest risk is that the US Govt will lash out and start WW3 before it becomes clear to all Americans that their corrupt leaders have destroyed their country.

With all the current chaos in the world you are witnessing the high-speed decline of US power and the desperate attempt by the US Govt to stop the rise of a far less indebted and rapidly growing multipolar order. Be safe. Good luck.

Kim dotcom vía X

China Calls Biden’s Dictator Remark About Xi ‘Extremely Wrong’

President Joe Biden’s description of Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a dictator is “extremely wrong,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Thursday at a regular press briefing in Beijing. The remark is irresponsible political maneuvering, Mao says

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Xi met with the cream of U.S. business elite

Xi Jingping is smart, he is bypassing the actors & clowns and talking to the ones that hold the real power in the US, the ones that decide who will be the next US president & actors.
The big corporations and US elites have become China's interlocutors.
Give those big corporations a bit of China's market and things might get smoother.
Never forget that Western leaders have no power, ultimately globalist elites dictate the West's policies.
So why Xi should talk to the middle man, to the servants ? Better talk to the bosses directly

Meanwhile Blinken would like Biden to meet with his therapist more often. (Although he will end up needing one because of his anxiety about Biden).

"No, no please don't talk anymore" Blinken seems to think.. but "oh no...already screwed up
More Jan. 6 videos are being released (we're told ALL). A few we saw initially where brutal with the Capital Police beating people up. Then there where the ones of people just quietly walking around. Hopefully no censoring going on with these.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has recently made the first batch of January 6 footage publicly accessible through the Committee on House Administration website.

This revelation follows an announcement made by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., during an interview on Sirius XM’s “The Wilkow Majority” on Thursday.

Gaetz shared that the footage will be made available through a special website, enabling any member of the public to view the videos.

‘“The way that the Jan. 6 tapes will be released will be through a website where any member of the public can go and observe the videos that are being released,” Gaetz said.

“My expectation is they’re going to be released in tranches and that the first tranche of the Johnson tapes to be released will be in days, not weeks,” he added.

website to see videos: CHA Subcommittee Reading Room
Governor Sarah Huckabee is calling for more prisons.

Thousands more must be taken into the prison system "for the safety of the people" according to Gov. Huckabee. As is well known, we have the largest prison population on the planet, and for all of historical time for that matter, so WHY Sarah?

Because we are being “forced” to send these horrible and violent criminals back into society. Don’t you think this is a tragedy?

Yes, the way you govern us is a tragedy. How about letting out the “non-violent” low grade, some innocent, offenders who make up the majority of the prison population? Like the not-popularized debtors, who can’t afford to pay their federal, state, and county fines. YOU DON’T LET THEM OUT!

Below I will post Governor Huckabee’s press conference, but first a few points of interest.

"Overall, nearly three-fourths (72.1%) of federal prisoners are serving time for a non-violent offense and have no history of violence."

"The number of Americans sitting in jail without a conviction is larger than most other countries’ entire incarcerated population. After an arrest—wrongful or not—a person’s ability to leave jail and return home to fight the charges often depends on money. In most states, people are required to pay cash bail. Originally, bail was to ensure an individual’s return to court to face charges against them. However, money bail or cash bail has led to a form of wealth-based incarceration in which people of color and the less affluent languish in jail while they await trial. As many as 500,000 people are held across the country in local jails because of their inability to pay bail, mostly for low-level offenses."

Govonor Huckabee's press conference below:

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