Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Halloween news and some history. Washington DC has always been full of spooks and its likely not just "Russians"

The stunning admission also comes as Republicans are seeking records related to the Biden family dealings in Ukraine and other countries, raising the specter of possibility that some, or many, of the 82,000 emails will bolster various Congressional corruption investigations.

Republicans have asked NARA for an un-redacted document that indicates that then-Vice President Biden took a call with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, on May 27, 2016.
Republicans say the document was emailed to 'Robert L. Peters' with Hunter Biden copied.
At the time, top Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating oil company Burisma Holdings for corruption - the same company that Hunter was a sitting board member of.

Red Conspirator: J. Peters and the American Communist Underground

The Pumpkin Papers are a set of typewritten and handwritten documents, stolen from the US federal government (thus information leaks) by members of the Ware Group and other Soviet spy networks in Washington, DC, during 1937-1938

Around 2000, FBI agents learned there were multiple sets of Russian spies in the United States, posing as Americans. "Operation Ghost Stories was probably the largest FBI counterintelligence investigation in history," says Alan Kohler, assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division.

The spies were trained in Russia to assimilate into everyday American life by getting married, obtaining jobs and raising families, while also sending encoded messages back home, the FBI agents say. The spies lived double lives.
Biden a envoyé ou reçu 82 000 pages d'échanges de courriers électroniques privés via trois comptes utilisant de faux noms lorsqu'il était vice-président, selon les Archives nationales.
Ce chiffre stupéfiant a été divulgué lundi par les Archives nationales dans le cadre d'un procès en vertu de la Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) intenté par l'organisation conservatrice à but non lucratif Southeastern Legal Foundation.
Cet aveu explosif intervient alors que les républicains recherchent des documents révélant l'utilisation de pseudonymes par Joe Biden pour discuter de ses activités liées à l'Ukraine avec son fils Hunter pendant son mandat de vice-président. C’est un élément central de leur enquête de destitution en cours contre le président en exercice.
Ce montant est bien supérieur aux 33 000 courriels que l'ancienne secrétaire d'État Hillary Clinton a supprimés de son serveur personnel, provoquant un scandale national.
Les élus sont tenus par la loi de conserver toute la correspondance effectuée pendant leur mandat, y compris les travaux liés au gouvernement sur un serveur personnel.
Les courriels de Biden s'étendent sur une période de huit ans, ce qui, selon les archives, est d'une grande envergure et qu'il faudra un certain temps pour fournir toutes les copies de la correspondance.
Pourquoi Biden et son fils ne sont-ils pas encore en prison ?
82,000 PAGES of emails where Joe Biden used a pseudonym are uncovered
Joe Biden sent or received 82,000 pages of private email exchanges through three pseudonym accounts when he was serving
Biden sent or received 82,000 pages of private email exchanges through three accounts using fake names while he was vice president, according to the National Archives.The staggering figure was disclosed Monday by the National Archives as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by the conservative nonprofit Southeastern Legal Foundation.The explosive admission comes as Republicans seek documents revealing Joe Biden's use of pseudonyms to discuss his Ukraine-related activities with his son Hunter during his time as vice president. It is a central part of their ongoing impeachment investigation against the sitting president.That amount is far greater than the 33,000 emails that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deleted from her personal server, sparking a national scandal.Elected officials are required by law to keep all correspondence conducted while in office, including government-related work, on a personal server.Biden's emails span an eight-year period, which records show is extensive and will take some time to provide all copies of the correspondence.Why aren't Biden and his son in jail yet?82,000 PAGES of emails where Joe Biden used a pseudonym are uncoveredJoe Biden sent or received 82,000 pages of private email exchanges through three pseudonym accounts when he was serving
SummerLite said: :lol: Joe goes trick or treating

Republican Senator Rand Paul told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade that President Joe Biden is “bluffing” with a threat to veto the GOP’s effort to separate out aid to Israel.

“You really think he’s going to stand up in front of the world and say, oh, we’re not sending aid to Israel,” asked Paul rhetorically on Wednesday’s Fox and Friends.

Kilmeade brought up the subject of the Republican effort to separate out funding for Israel from a larger spending package the Democrats prefer, which would tie the money to funds for Ukraine and other spending. Biden has threatened to veto any such bill that reached his desk.
The US has multiple, serious issues involving foreign actors coming into the country and taking advantage because of a weak and corrupt regime in charge.

Republicans act as if Democrats are full on puppets of China the same way that Zelensky is an American stooge and so when talking about China Republicans are generally either chasing a phantom or making a mountain out of a molehill. This likely explains why there's seemingly the same "pro-China" (for lack of a better term) rebuttal for a lot of things posted coming from Republicans. Republicans repeatedly get it wrong.

Doesn't mean China's great, wonderful, or even good. They've got a horrible domestic track record and the question remains about how much of a pathocracy they are since they were full blown during Mao and there's been lots of stories from people who've lived in China who make it sound like it's still very much a pathocracy at the local prefecture level. But the highest positions do seem to be run by people with some sense, so it's not so easy to figure things out.

My point is that Israel's the only country with the kind of pull in American politics Republicans claim China has and it's incredibly hypocritical for them to talk about the malignancy of foreign influences in America while simultaneously ignoring the white and blue elephant in the room.

Cutting down on foreign influence in America is great, but unless Israel is one of the one's with its connections on the chopping block cutting down on foreign influence isn't going to make much of a difference for Americans and their daily lives.
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I saw this report, where there was ballot stuffing, eerily similar to the 2020 election, in a mayoral election, and the judge has ruled that fraud had taken place. Interesting parallel to what Trump went through. But in that one, the claims were refused, and did not go forward.

A judge threw out the election results of a Democratic mayoral primary in Connecticut’s largest city Wednesday, ordering that a new primary be held. He cited surveillance video appearing to show people stuffing multiple absentee ballots into collection boxes. Bill Bloss, the attorney for Bridgeport mayoral candidate John Gomes, joins NewsNation host Dan Abrams to discuss.
Imaginez la tête de l'américain moyen qui n'écoutait que les médias et découvre dans le Washington Post que les les élections, dans l'Etat de Georgie ont été vraiment volées....
De grands chamboulements à venir...
Imagine the face of the average American who only listened to the media and discovered in the Washington Post that the elections in the State of Georgia were really stolen....Big upheavals to come...

Jeff Sharlet joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss his new book and the rising tide of Christofascism.

Disclaimer: This is definitely not a pro-Trump discussion. I'm post it because of the discussion of a "movement" or spirit" that is in the Trump camp, what they are calling a "movement", but not yet a "Regime" (Trump derangement syndrome among the pro-Trumper's.)


"Jeff Sharlet has spent two decades covering the intersection of extreme Christian nationalism and the far-right. In his new book, Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War, he gives snapshots of a country rapidly devolving into a Christian fascism state. He captures the rage, the despair, the dislocation, the alienation, the aesthetic of violence, and the magical thinking that are the foundations of all fascist movements—forces that are now coalescing around the Trump-led Republican Party. The bizarre conspiracy theories and buffoonish quality of many who lead and embrace this movement, such as Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert, make the use American fascists easy to ridicule and dismiss. But Sharlet implores us to take them seriously as an existential threat to what is left of our anemic democracy. Jeff Sharlet joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss his new book and the rising tide of Christofascism threatening our democracy."

(The video is 49 minutes long)

Je ne sais pas si cela arrivera. Mais il possède des sources d'informations que nous n'avons pas. Si jamais cela arrive, cela témoignera que c'était prémédité.
Si cela n'arrive pas, et bien tant mieux.
Selon le colonel Douglas MacGregor, toutes les grandes banques des États-Unis sont sur le point de subir une fermeture « soudaine » qui durera jusqu'à trois semaines. Il a également révélé que les élections de 2024 seraient annulées en raison de l'imposition de la loi martiale.

I don't know if that will happen. But he has sources of information that we don't have. If this ever happens, it will be evidence that it was premeditated.If that doesn't happen, that's fine.According to Colonel Douglas MacGregor, all major banks in the United States are about to experience a "sudden" shutdown that will last up to three weeks. He also revealed that the 2024 elections would be canceled due to the imposition of martial law.
An insightful conversation between Tucker and Glen Greenwald. We've come a long way when the likes of Tucker have developed a nuanced understanding that wars abroad are fermented and instigated as much to justify further erosion of rights at home as anything else. As things stand, Greenwald sees nothing that will stop Trump winning in 2024... of course he doesn't contemplate the possibility of there being no election come November, but that's whole other story...

Affaire Trump
“Ils n’ont rien. Letitia James n'a rien d'autre que le soutien de Soros, que nous avons découvert récemment “.
-Alina Habba
BREAKING : L'avocate du président Trump, Alina Habba a réagi avec fougue à sa sortie du tribunal, hier.
Elle accuse la procureure générale de New York, Letitia James, et le juge Arthur Engoron, de travailler avec George Soros pour poursuivre injustement le président Trump.

Trump affair“They have nothing. Letitia James has nothing but support from Soros, which we discovered recently.”-Alina HabbaBREAKING: President Trump's lawyer Alina Habba reacted with passion as she left court yesterday.She accuses New York Attorney General Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron of working with George Soros to unfairly prosecute President Trump.
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