Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Arizona Sector Migrant Surge Forces Border Patrol to Cancel Field Patrols

"In light of the ongoing migration surge, all Tucson Sector Border Patrol social media accounts will be paused until further notice. We appreciate your understanding"

"The Tucson Border Patrol Sector is currently the busiest along the southwest border for migrant apprehensions. In fiscal year 2023, agents within the sector apprehended 373,625, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports."

"The migrant groups consist of nationals from Pakistan, Iran, the People’s Republic of China, and a host of North African nations. The source says interviewing the migrants who do not speak Spanish or English"

One week:

Week in Review…

– 15,300 Apprehensions
– 117 lbs. of Fentanyl
– 78 Federal Criminal Cases
– 17 Rescues
– 14 Human Smuggling Events
– 3 Narcotics Events

“We have no idea how many migrants who have criminal records or intend to harm American citizens are going to escape across the border while we focus on processing,”

“The cartels will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to move narcotics across the border or on our open highways.”

"In light of the ongoing migration surge, all Tucson Sector Border Patrol social media accounts will be paused until further notice."

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Blinkblinkblink…hard right turn coming up. (or more wishful thinking)

Dave actually does express this a couple of times as the west making a “turn” to the right and dealing with the lefties in order to save ourselves from going over a cliff.

Remember the Peterson and Sam Harris debates when they all had something to say?


Sam Harris. SPLAT!


Douglas Murray…SPLAT!

Dave Rubin…SPLAT!


Don’t watch if you are already running on overload. I’ll leave some points below, so you can skip it if you like.

(Tucker said in a speech last week. Everybody is feeling angry and paranoid, then just after that said your gut is right 100% of the time so obey it. (?) Now Rubin wants to connect the dots for us.)

(Now if they can just channel the paranoia and anger. Then point them in the right direction and tell them “it’s OK, you have our blessing, now…go get em!”)

Dave Rubin:

“Let me tell you who the good guys and the bad guys are” Let me put this together and connect some dot for you.

Ireland does not support Israel, it’s one of the worst.

Let’s go after the bad guys…worldwide.

A clip of Douglas Murray saying “we must get rid of them all!” Israel has made a good start, but we all have to join in.

Dave: D Murray is the best! And now we have Elon Musk joining us today in Israel checking first hand the decimation of Israel. (everybody uses the word wrong “decimation” …pet peeve)

“Black” and “brown” people are steaming across the Arizona border, and they are going to eventually want to steal your stuff!

Argentina is now waving the flag of freedom
and joining us.

Israel is waving the flag of freedom too by destroying the liberals in their county and making the hard decisions.

AI will bring “equity” with it, and that means white people, they are coming for “you”.

If you don’t join us?... then well…. I’ll let JBP explain it to you. Then he plays a clip of Peterson saying how easy it was to become a genocidal Nazi. So, help us “get rid of them”, as Murray has said, or, if we fail, you could become a genocidal Nazi.

I don’t think Dave used the term once, Pro Palestinian protest. He references to them as “calls for genocide”. He’s main victims are Jewish people and white people. So, I guess that’s who the call of genocide is for.

The western societies have to make some HARD decision about these people. (not just Gaza but all around the world, the refugee that have been taken into our countries)

Conflating the foreign refugees in our countries with the “Gazan Nazis”

Children are being burned alive in Israel.

If you are against woke-ness then you are with us.

The far right has now become the center. Join us in the center, or you could become a genocidal Nazi. Queue Jordan Peterson.

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Politico nous apprend que les États-Unis n'ont pas la capacité de renforcer leur présence au Moyen-Orient au-delà de ce qui a déjà été envoyé. La raison en est que le Pentagone ne dispose plus d’argent de l’année dernière et qu’il n’a pas encore de nouveau budget – le Congrès ne l’a pas encore adopté. (Et ils ont un déficit énorme...)
POLITICO (‘We’re taking it out of hide’: Pentagon says it has no money for Middle East buildup)
‘We’re taking it out of hide’: Pentagon says it has no money for Middle East buildup
Under the temporary budget, funding is frozen at the previous year’s levels.
Politico tells us that the United States does not have the capacity to strengthen its presence in the Middle East beyond what has already been sent. The reason is that the Pentagon is out of money from last year and doesn't have a new budget yet - Congress hasn't passed it yet. (And they have a huge deficit...)‘We’re taking it out of hide’: Pentagon says it has no money for Middle East buildupUnder the temporary budget, funding is frozen at the previous year’s levels.

The White House Christmas tree has been blown over by strong winds two days before its official lighting ceremony.

Numerous Washington DC journalists spotted the so-called "National Christmas Tree" lying on its side in the presidential park on Tuesday afternoon, strewn with lights.

The National Park Service said the tree had already been fully decorated when it was felled by an intense gust at around 1pm.

Ding dong the witch is dead?
Well, I'm reminded of this quote from the October 28/2023 session:
Q: (Joe) So if October was 'interesting', what's November going to be? VERY interesting?!

A: Some surprising solutions to longstanding problems.
Mort d’Henry Kissinger, expert dans le renversement de gouvernements démocratiquement élus, à l’âge de 100 ans.
Souhaitons lui de comprendre maintenant le mal qu’il a causé durant sa vie.
Henry Kissinger, expert dans le renversement de gouvernements démocratiquement élus, meurt à l’âge de 100 ans. Espérons qu’il comprenne maintenant le mal qu’il a causé au cours de sa vie.
:lol2:So So Funny! But stinkingly true...

DeSantis shows poop map of San Francisco during a debate with Newsome.

In 2019 a new map compiled by Open the Books titled “2011-2019 San Francisco Human Waste Reportings” features a little pin (appropriately brown) showing where city residents have reported human feces. From the looks of the map, the entire city has been covered in poop.

Poop reports have soared. In 2011, there were 5,547 human feces reports to the San Francisco Department of Public Work. In 2018, that number was 28,084 in 2018. Since 2011, the period covered by the new map, there have been at least 118,352 reported instances of human fecal matter on city streets.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the number of 311 calls about feces-related service requests in San Francisco increased by 400% from 2012 to 2021.

In 2021, San Francisco had 13,856 reports of human or animal waste between January 1 and July 12.

A local tech entrepreneur, Sean Miller, developed an app called Snapcrap in 2019, aimed at addressing the feces problem.


Video of debate with poop segment:

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Can a congressman be removed for calling for the assassination of past (present and future) President Trump?
This Goldman dude is really evil.
Floating Down De Nile: Goldman Declares Hunter Biden Laptop May Be A Fake
FRIDAY, DEC 01, 2023 - 12:35 PM
Authored by Jonathan Turley via,

As Stuart Smiley said on SNL’s Daily Affirmation, “De Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt.” Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman, a member of the House Weaponization of Government committee, caused yet another firestorm of controversy in declaring that the Hunter laptop may be a fake.

That’s right. Despite media, American intelligence, and even other Democrats acknowledging the authenticity of the laptop, Goldman is still spreading denials . . . at a hearing on the weaponization of disinformation policies.

Goldman has previously been criticized for making the case against President Joe Biden in disastrous efforts to discredit whistleblowers.

As in past hearings, the Democrats opposed witnesses who tried to detail the growing evidence of a government-directed censorship system. Members like Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) continued to deny that there was any evidence of such censorship after spending years opposing the investigation of the program. Even with thousands of pages of evidence and a federal judge finding an “Orwellian” censorship system, Plaskett and her colleagues simply denied that such evidence exists.

However, it was Goldman who stole the show in an exchange with journalist Michael Shellenberger. Shellenberger referenced the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, a decision that Twitter and other companies now admit was wrong.

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman — a delusional conspiracy theorist — says "there's actual evidence" that Hunter Biden's laptop was "manipulated" by Russia (but can't provide any any said "evidence").

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 30, 2023
However, truth has never been a particularly appealing option for politicians, particularly when it must come with an acknowledgment of past culpability in spreading disinformation.

Recently, we discussed how Leon Panetta also doubled down recently on the claim that the laptop may still be Russian disinformation.

Goldman also opted for denial and distraction over honesty and transparency.

He told Shellenberger: “You’ve talked about the Hunter Biden laptop, and how the FBI knew it existed. You are aware, of course, that the laptop, so to speak, … that was published in the New York Post, was actually a hard drive that the New York Post admitted here was not authenticated as real…It was not the laptop the FBI had. You’re aware of that right?”

Shellenberger responded: “It was the same contents.”

Goldman shot back: “How do you know? You would have to authenticate it to know it was the same contents.”

Shellenger responded: “Are you suggesting the New York Post participated in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop?”

Goldman: “No, sir, the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia.”

Shellengberger: “But what’s the evidence that that happened?”

Goldman: “Well, there is actual evidence of it. But the point is, it’s not the same thing.”

Goldman then concluded with the bizarre claim that “I’m glad you agree with me, Mr. Shellenberger, that transparency is the most important thing.”

Goldman has yet to produce the “actual evidence” that the hard drives were changed by Giuliani or Russia.

Before the election, many of us noted that the files on the laptop were easily authenticated and were confirmed by the other parties involved in some of these exchanges. Since then the most damaging emails and messages have been authenticated and are not being denied by the Bidens.

There is of course a term for such conspiracy theories used by Democrats to justify censorship: disinformation. Indeed, the Biden Administration is seeking the censorship of true information deemed “malinformation.”

As someone raised in a liberal, politically active Democratic family in Chicago, it is distressing to see the party continue the push for censorship and blacklisting. However, the effort to deny the authenticity of these emails is particularly chilling. The transfers of millions to the Biden family and related meetings have now been confirmed by witnesses, including some questioned by Goldman.

The fact that Goldman used a hearing on the weaponization of disinformation policies to spread disinformation is crushingly ironic.

This is why floating down “de Nile” remains one of the most treacherous paths in the world.

The winds of change

PUBLISHED: November 29, 2023 at 6:49 a.m. | UPDATED: November 29, 2023 at 12:14 p.m.
Screenshot 2023-12-03 at 06-45-21 California added 125 715 foreign immigrants in 2022 up 14% f...png
Interactive Map

Why don’t you write about foreign immigration?”

Let’s say that’s not an uncommon response to my frequent analysis of California’s interstate migration puzzle.

Readers, your wish is my command. But let’s remember what the Census Bureau tracks when it comes to immigrants.

The math analyzing the factors behind population swings doesn’t give any hint as to whether new residents from other lands entered legally or not. These figures combine “U.S.-born and non-U.S.-born populations” from other nations, plus Puerto Rico. The stats are tracked as “net” moves – arrivals minus departures. The count also includes relocations of military personnel.

Caveats noted, what does my trusty spreadsheet tell us about this measurement of population flow from outside the US – looking at the year ended July 2022 vs. the pre-pandemic pace of 2010-2019?

Well, California added 125,715 foreign immigrants last year. How big is that?

It’s roughly the population of cities like Simi Valley or Clovis. And the inflow is on par with California’s combined 2022 arrivals from Texas, Washington, New York, and Florida.

No state took in more immigrants. And roughly one of every eight US arrivals from other nations in 2022 ended up in the Golden State.

By the way, No. 2 for immigrants was Florida at 125,629, followed by Texas at 118,614, New York at 77,923, and Massachusetts at 43,880.

And where didn’t immigrants go last year? Wyoming had just 342, then Vermont’s 1,012, North Dakota’s 1,268, Mississippi’s 1,593, and West Virginia’s 1,773.

Growth story

This inflow pace has quickened.

California arrivals from other nations were 14% above the 2010-19 average, and that jump ranked just 30th among the states. Note that this immigration was up 19% nationally vs. the pre-pandemic norm.

Where were the biggest jumps vs. the last decade? Nevada was up 320%, then Montana at 162%, West Virginia at 144%, New Mexico at 105% and Maine at 102%.

The biggest declines were in Rhode Island, off 30%, then Mississippi, down 22%, Kentucky, down 18%, Hawaii, down 11% and Michigan, down 10%.

As for California’s big rivals, Texas was 17th with a 34% jump while Florida was 37th at 5%.

Slices of the pie

Now let’s put this population bump into another perspective – foreign immigration’s slice of a state’s population.

California’s 2022 intake equals 32 immigrants per 10,000 residents, No. 13 among the states and slightly above the nation’s 30 per 10,000 nationally.

The highest intake per capita was found in Washington, D.C. at 68, then Massachusetts at 63, Florida at 56, Washington at 48, and Connecticut at 45. Texas was No. 10 at 39. The lows were found in Mississippi at 5, Wyoming at 6, Alabama at 9, and Idaho and Kentucky at 10.

Bottom line

Foreign immigrants – legal or not – range from the highly educated helping to power high-tech work to migrant workers helping to harvest our food to folks simply wanting a better life.

Supporters say they’re needed for the skills, especially in an age where population growth is challenged for a host of reasons.

Consider that California’s overall population fell by 483,000 between 2019 and 2022, the largest decline among the states. The Golden State averaged 244,000 extra residents every year in 2010-19, third-best in the nation.

Plus, US population grew by a mere 0.3% last year vs. 0.7% average annual growth in 2010-19.

Yet immigration critics, politely put, say the nation can’t afford the foreign inflow.

Debate aside, immigrants are a relatively modest share of the overall population. Yet, they’re a noteworthy chunk of all folks who arrived from elsewhere in many parts of the nation.

Foreign immigrants equaled 21% of all of California’s 2022 arrivals – 125,715 from other nations plus 475,000 from other states. That’s the largest share among the states. Nationally, foreign immigrants averaged 11% of a state’s total population inflow – roughly half of California.

After California on this ranking came New York and Massachusetts at 20%, New Jersey at 18%, Texas at 15% and Florida at 14.5%.

And where were foreigners the smallest slice of new residents? Wyoming at 1.2%, Idaho at 2.1%, Mississippi at 2.2%, Alabama at 3.2%, and Tennessee at 3.5%.

Jonathan Lansner is the business columnist for the Southern California News Group. He can be reached at

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