Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

(This is not a new policy, but the "new pathways" is suspicious and don't forget they lie.)

Undocumented Immigrants to be Allowed to Serve in the Military

"This program would create new paths to U.S. citizenship for the undocumented immigrants living in the country. However, it is still unclear how many DACA recipients will be recruited under this program."

"Reports show that there are around 2.1 million young undocumented immigrants in the U.S. This includes children, youth and teenagers who meet the eligibility requirements for DACA."

(Joe) In the US, there are certain states - notably Florida and Texas - which have been exemplary in their pushback against this Covid nonsense. They didn't lock down, they opened and returned to normal more quickly, etc. That's kind of strange in a sense because you wouldn't expect that to come from the US - or at least we wouldn't. My point is that right now and over the past year, Florida and Texas were good places to live given what people in most places in the Western world were subjected to. So my question is: What's the prognosis for places like Florida and Texas?

A: Suppression will be attempted...

Q: (L) Alright, I think we've covered what we had to cover, right?

(Joe) "Suppression will be attempted..."

(Andromeda) But not necessarily successful.

(Joe) Revolution?

A: Exactly. Remember the Alamo!!

Looks like the Alamo option is getting closer to being officially on the table.

TEXIT Progress: Secession Question Expected To Appear on 2024 Texas Primary Ballot | ZeroHedge

As the US government hurtles toward insolvency while political and cultural divisions intensify across the country, Texans are poised to take their long-simmering flirtation with secession to the next level, as a non-binding proposition is expected to appear on the statewide GOP primary ballot in March 2024.

On Friday, the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) announced that it had obtained the number of signatures required to compel the Republican Party of Texas to include this question on the primary ballot: “Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?”

The party's State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) is meeting this weekend to finalize the list of ballot propositions. According to TNM, the SREC's wishes are not relevent, as the Texas Election Code empowers voters to place a proposition on a ballot by collecting the signatures of 97,709 Texans who want the question to appear. TNM says it has more than 102,000.

BREAKING: TNM has secured more than the required amount petition signatures to get TEXIT on the ballot this March!

RT NOW to spread the word!
— Texas Nationalist Movement (TEXIT) (@TexasNatMov) December 1, 2023

"We could actually bypass the SREC’s ballot proposition process and compel the party to place the question on the ballot," said TNM President Daniel Miller in a Friday letter submitted to the SREC in support of the proposition. He emphasized that including the proposition doesn't equate to a Texas GOP endorsement of secession. Rather, he wrote, ballot propositions serve as a means of pursuing clarity as to the "greatest concerns of Republican voters."

The drive for statewide votes on secession has spanned several years. While the SREC's resolutions committee added it to a preliminary list in 2015, the SREC struck it. At the party's 2016 convention, a plank calling for a statewide referendum of all voters was forwarded for inclusion in the Texas GOP platform, only for it to be struck down by the Permanent Platform Committee.

ICYMI: I spent some time last month with the TEXIT folks at their first-ever conference — which featured a sitting state senator. They told me they feel more emboldened than ever about the potential for a secession vote. #txlege Texas secessionists feel more emboldened than ever
— Robert Downen (@RobertDownen_) December 1, 2023

Later Republican plank attempts were successful. The SREC will be under greater pressure to green-light the primary ballot proposition on Saturday, given presence of two planks in the current Texas GOP platform:
  • Plank 33, addressing "state sovereignty," asserts that "Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto."
  • Plank 225, "Texas Independence," urges the legislature to require a general election referendum "for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."
"Whether you are for, against, or undecided TEXIT, we should all be able to agree that the platform matters, the Texas Bill of Rights matters, and the Republican voters matter,” said TNM's Miller in his letter to the SREC.

A "TEXIT" sticker on a pickup truck (via Texas Nationalist Movement store)
The GOP primary proposition won't have any power of law, but is sure to intensify discussion of the idea inside Texas and out. Secessionists in other states are keeping a close eye on the Texas secession movement, seeing it as a flagship that, if successful, will accelerate the trend elsewhere.

Covering the latest development in Texas, the anonymous, non-Texan author of the Red-State Secession Substack newsletter argues...

If Texas eventually withdraws from the Union, other red states will suddenly realize they need to follow. If Texas announces a future independence date, red states will have a choice to make: stay in a Union dominated by blue states, or follow Texas’ lead.

Since a Republican can’t win a presidential election without Texas’ electoral votes, the red states will have to follow Texas to avoid the tyranny, perversion, and bankruptcy that incompetent Democrat rule will bring to the remainder of the US… even if these states hadn’t favored secession until presented with this dilemma.

After seceding from Mexico, Texas was an independent country from 1836 to 1845 and, economically, is extraordinarily well-suited for independence today. It's by far the largest oil producer of any US state, accounting for a whopping 42% of American production, with no other state exceeding even 10%. It has deep-water ports, abundant agriculture, and is a major high-tech hub.

17K Migrants Apprehended in One Week in Single Arizona Border Sector​

(Not counting the rest of Arizona and Texas.)

Week in Review…

– 17,500 Apprehensions
– 131 Federal Criminal Cases
– 18 Rescues
– 10 Human Smuggling Events
– 8 Narcotics Events #HonorFirst

— John R. Modlin (@USBPChiefTCA) December 1, 2023

"Tucson Sector agents apprehended nearly 64,000 migrants in November. This is up from the more than 55,000 apprehended in October."

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Biden's reelection is running on thin ice and digs his own political gave with news of his lunatic idea of possibly committing troops to fight the Russians in Ukraine.

And Neocon Kein Macathy quits Congress and hits the bricks.

"Tucson Sector agents apprehended nearly 64,000 migrants in November. This is up from the more than 55,000 apprehended in October."

After getting his ass handed to him in a historic ouster, former Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) - whose speakership was the shortest in more than 140 years - is quitting Congress.

In a Wednesday WSJ Op-Ed, McCarthy tooted his own horn over having "helped lead Republicans to a House majority—twice," and having "passed legislation to secure the border, achieve energy independence, reduce crime, hold government accountable and establish a Parents’ Bill of Rights."
We kept our eyes on America’s long-term global challenges by restoring the Intelligence Committee to its original charter and establishing a bipartisan Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.
We reduced the deficit by more than $2 trillion, revamped work requirements for adults on the sidelines, cut red tape for critical domestic energy projects, and protected the full faith and credit of the U.S. We kept our government operating and our troops paid while wars broke out around the world. -WSJ
After congratulating himself, McCarthy then announced that he's outta there...

"It is in this spirit that I have decided to depart the House at the end of this year to serve America in new ways," adding (of course), I know my work is only getting started."

McCarthy has vowed to "continue to recruit our country’s best and brightest to run for elected office," and "helping entrepreneurs and risk-takers reach their full potential."

So he'll essentially be a lobbyist / life-business coach?

In October, Politico reported that McCarthy would resign before the end of his term - which the former speaker denied.
"No, I’m not resigning. I’m staying, so don’t worry," McCarthy told reporters at the time. "We’re going to keep the majority, I’m going to help the people I got here and we’re going to expand it."
McCarthy's term was set to end in Jan. 2025.

Thousands of male Chinese nationals coming over the boarder. According to this reporter, who has been tracing their path, it seems the CCP is responsible for sponsoring these men. They have special facilities, hotels etc. set up just for them along their journey. The proposal to allow illegals into the military is discussed here with displacement of Americans. If these Chinese men go right into the military then it sounds like an agreement between China and the US government. Only large groups of Chinese are discussed here but there are other such groups as well. What sneaky plan is afoot ?

Thousands of male Chinese nationals coming over the boarder. According to this reporter, who has been tracing their path, it seems the CCP is responsible for sponsoring these men. They have special facilities, hotels etc. set up just for them along their journey. The proposal to allow illegals into the military is discussed here with displacement of Americans. If these Chinese men go right into the military then it sounds like an agreement between China and the US government. Only large groups of Chinese are discussed here but there are other such groups as well. What sneaky plan is afoot ?

I watched this after someone recommended it to me, partly because I was very skeptical as it sounded like a perfect excuse for more China bashing. I can't see any specific link or evidence to implicate the Chinese government, just speculation that they must know about it. They might know about it and disapprove, not know about it, be colluding with the US just for money, or colluding for other reasons. I honestly don't know what to make of it.
I can't see any specific link or evidence to implicate the Chinese government, just speculation that they must know about it. They might know about it and disapprove, not know about it, be colluding with the US just for money, or colluding for other reasons. I honestly don't know what to make of it.
Yes, thats correct. The reporter is speculating with what he's seen. Part of that I think is the other specific camps that have been set up for the illegals are clearly marked with USA flags and UN symbols. For these Chinese facilities there's none of that. Maybe we'll get more info on who the sponsor is at some point but the likely answer is its China, Occams Razor. If it quacks like a duck....

Whatever the case may be, allowing/recruiting military age men to freely come into the country where they will likely go into the military, is a huge red flag considering who is in charge and what their plans are for the country.

How involved have the globalist been in setting up the CCP to be the power they've become? Is that alliance continuing? I always question this as dismissing the speculation about China as mere deflection doesn't work for me.
What - in - the... HELL! ? ! ? !

"EXCLUSIVE: 50,000 Migrants Apprehended at Southern Border in December’s First Week" (!)

"southwest border apprehended just over 50,000 migrants during the first seven days of December."

Brie Larson from “The Hill” interviews Abby Martin. Nothing new to this forum, but good perspectives.

Did Abby say, what I thought she said, at minute 1:04:00 ? If you look at it, start at Minute 1:03:30 to pick up the contexts, then what did she say to do about it? (total of 40 seconds)

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More documentation of Ukrainian involvement at the Jan 6 Capitol riot.

One of eight posts from a deleted account on WordPress

Some party figures are worried the president has been too late to hire campaign personnel in key battleground states. It’s just the latest concern Democrats have over the octogenarian president’s chances for victory next year.

Biden’s 2024 reelection team thinks they’ve cracked the code on running campaigns in the post-Covid era, but some strategists think he’s falling hopelessly behind. That’s according to reporting in US media Saturday that cites several figures involved with the Democratic Party.

Key to the controversy is the Biden campaign’s decision to delay hiring on-the-ground staff in important swing states. Biden’s organization has fallen behind where former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign was at this point in terms of hiring in 2019. Biden’s recruitment efforts are also well behind former President Barack Obama’s at this point in his reelection campaign in 2011 – by October of that year, former Obama had hired staff in 38 states.

Biden’s campaign has reportedly not yet hired any paid staff at all in the crucial battleground states of Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

“They’ve got to build a serious infrastructure in the battleground states, and they don’t have it right now,” said Democratic Party strategist Pete Giangreco. “You have to build an infrastructure to drive [the] message and deliver votes. It’s not something you do just on paid communications.”

Campaign signs are seen at Westchester Regional Library in Miami, Florida on October 19, 2020 - Sputnik International, 1920, 08.12.2023

Biden’s team is relying so far on personnel from the Democratic National Committee, whose staff has grown in size compared to previous years. The strategy represents a reversal of the approach taken by former President Obama, who was sometimes criticized for building his own organizing apparatus at the expense of the national party.

Biden’s campaign also appears to believe that Covid has changed the rules of the game. On-the-ground operations like door-to-door canvassing – traditionally a centerpiece of electoral campaigns – were almost entirely phased out in 2020 as Democrats relied on television ads and online organizing. Now Biden’s team appears to be leading with investments in those areas in the early days of the campaign season as well.

The doubts over his campaign strategy only add to broader concerns many Democrats have publicly expressed over Biden. Israel’s military campaign in Gaza represents the latest controversy. A recent poll showed 44% of the US electorate believe in Trump’s ability to resolve the conflict, versus only 32% who believe the same of Biden.

The disparity reflects growing disagreement within the Democratic Party on the issue, with younger voters and Muslim and Arab Americans more likely to oppose Biden’s broad support for Israel. Some believe Biden risks permanently losing younger Americans over the issue.

Meanwhile, the octogenarian candidate’s age remains a major concern. Biden is the oldest president in the history of the United States. His reelection would require voters to feel comfortable surpassing that milestone once again, returning him to the White House in 2025 at the age of 82.

American humorist Will Rogers once quipped “I am not a member of any organized political party — I am a Democrat.” But with both Biden and Trump viewed unfavorably by most Americans and majorities of voters supporting the emergence of a third major party, the bipartisan cynicism on display this election cycle may indicate a deeper crisis within the US political system.

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