Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Imagine la tête du lecteur du Daily Mail, journal créé en 1896 tout de même qui apprend que Biden est un sale menteur... tout comme Nixon et Clinton.
Bah il suffisait de nous lire AVANT....
Mail Online (MARCUS: Presidential liars of our time: Nixon, Clinton and now Biden)
MARCUS: Presidential liars of our time: Nixon, Clinton and now Biden
At long last, the Hunter Biden indictment has cracked wide open a corruption scandal and potential cover-up to rival the most notorious
Imagine the head of the reader of the Daily Mail, a newspaper created in 1896 who learns that Biden is a dirty liar... just like Nixon and Clinton.Well you just had to read us BEFORE....
Scott Ritter : Biden a clairement indiqué qu’il était sur la voie d’une confrontation nucléaire entre les États-Unis et la Russie, provoquée par le conflit Russie-OTAN. L’Europe craint que si Donald Trump est élu en 2024, il puisse démanteler l’OTAN. L’auto-préservation américaine exige que nous ramenions Trump au pouvoir. Ne dites pas que vous n'avez pas été prévenu.
Scott Ritter: Biden has made it clear that he is on a path to a nuclear confrontation between the United States and Russia, provoked by the Russia-NATO conflict. Europe fears that if Donald Trump is elected in 2024, he could dismantle NATO. American self-preservation demands that we return Trump to power. Don't say you weren't warned.
I watched this after someone recommended it to me, partly because I was very skeptical as it sounded like a perfect excuse for more China bashing. I can't see any specific link or evidence to implicate the Chinese government, just speculation that they must know about it. They might know about it and disapprove, not know about it, be colluding with the US just for money, or colluding for other reasons. I honestly don't know what to make of it.
Another take, Simplicius the Thin has published his thoughts April 2023 on civil war in the US, secession of a number of States, the stagnation of the American military through various policies, and.... that the seceding states could conceivably recruit support from China if rebellion took off and the depleted US military had to engage. The China connection above, suggesting Chinese forces gathering in the US, as Ben was considering it, as far-fetched as it seems, reminded me of the article from Simplicius. In the excerpt below I like the breath-taking boldness of imagination that in future, some States could get support from China and Russia. It's also breath-takingly hard to imagine it actually happening. (The same issue arose in an answer to reader questions from the mailbag yesterday and linked to the April 2023 Substack where he said the following.)

One can easily imagine a converging ‘perfect storm’ of such scenarios, where a highly divided congress is handicapped by a depleted U.S. military mired down in overseas conflicts (Taiwan, etc.), and unable to act against states that suddenly choose to throw in the hat and slip out of the Union. .....
Let’s not forget that should such a scenario come to pass, the seceding states could sign agreements of support with some of the ‘Union’s’ adversaries—i.e. China and maybe Russia—to receive assistance. If the nominal military of the United States is at that point helping to wage war against China vis a vis Taiwan, then why wouldn’t China likewise pledge military assistance to Texas to safeguard it against any potential Union attack?

On Secession and Civil War

The December 11, 2023 Substack link of mail bag answers is here:

Subscriber Mailbag: Answers - 12/10/23 [Part 3] Finale

After I read his whole April article I felt like I'd been living under a rock, I didn't realize how far secession had gotten in the US.

Simplicius wrote weapons are produced primarily in Red states.
In short, the government and its ‘mighty military force’ wouldn’t last in a true prolonged conflict against the population of the U.S. Of course, it all depends how many people would be on the revolting side in this hypothetical scenario. But let’s not forget that the U.S. has an estimated 400 million guns, and 393 million of those are in civilian hands. .....But like I said, those are just slightly absurd hypotheticals to put some things in perspective; in reality, this is not the type of scenario I expect to occur. It’s simply a quick two cents thrown into the debate to refute the typical leftist canard that the U.S. military is invincible, when in fact they entirely rely on the civilian sector to even function.
Another issue in the article was that Red States are paying bills for the Blue States.

The opinions as polled on taking up weapons against their own country were jolting.

Among all US citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. But among strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

I spoke with a friend who lives in Texas and he agreed and thought it might even be sooner than later, over the next year, at least the beginning.

The whole April article was a tour-de-force of surmise, imagination and reach of knowledge. The future is open, but I had no idea secession had built up this much steam. Now I consider in Canada, the possibility of Alberta and Saskatchewan exiting the country and it seeming feasible before reading this article, and more feasible now.
with a gifted person like putin at the top of russia, you do not need a nato. with the strike power of russia, nato is counterproductive.
Beating the drum....

"Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: ‘You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up’"

Indeed beating the drums.

On one hand Tucker is right about this. On another, he is helping to set the stage for a believable and justified PSYOP narrative. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. 4D STS forced choice ahead? They are so good at orchestrating these things. And does it really matter whether Tucker is a knowing party to a planned scenario or an earnest commenter on what he sees, OR an unwitting stooge actor being manipulated from somewhere off stage? (I don’t think it matters. The show will go on.)

And so this quote comes to mind; quite ironic in that it is Brutus on the impending murder of Caesar. :

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
From Canada's #1 news source for fake news, CTV

U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case that could undo Capitol riot charge against hundreds, including Trump
Published Dec. 13, 2023, 3:43 p.m. CET
WASHINGTON - Video (That has nonthing to do with the article)
The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it will hear an appeal that could upend hundreds of charges stemming from the Capitol riot, including against former President Donald Trump.

The justices will review an appellate ruling that revived a charge against three defendants accused of obstruction of an official proceeding.

The charge refers to the disruption of Congress' certification of Joe Biden's 2020 presidential election victory over Trump.

That's among four counts brought against Trump in special counsel Jack Smith's case that accuses the 2024 Republican presidential primary front-runner of conspiring to overturn the results of his election loss. Trump is also charged with conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.

The court's decision to weigh in on the obstruction charge could threaten the start of Trump's trial, currently scheduled for March 4. The justices separately are considering whether to rule quickly on Trump's claim that he can't be prosecuted for actions taken within his role as president. A federal judge already has rejected that argument.

The obstruction charge has been brought against more than 300 defendants in the massive federal prosecution following the deadly insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in a bid to keep Biden, a Democrat, from taking the White House.

A lower court judge had dismissed the charge against three defendants, ruling it didn't cover their conduct.

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols found that prosecutors stretched the law beyond its scope to inappropriately apply it in these cases. Nichols ruled that a defendant must have taken "some action with respect to a document, record or other object" to obstruct an official proceeding under the law.

The Justice Department challenged that ruling, and the appeals court in Washington agreed with prosecutors in April that Nichols' interpretation of the law was too limited.

Other defendants, including Trump, are separately challenging the use of the charge.

One defendant, Garret Miller, has since pleaded guilty to other charges and was sentenced to 38 months in prison. Miller, who's from the Dallas area, could still face prosecution on the obstruction charge. The other defendants are Joseph Fischer, who's from Boston, and Edward Jacob Lang, of New York's Hudson Valley.

More than 1,200 people have been charged with federal crimes stemming from the riot, and more than 650 defendants have pleaded guilty.
Full video

(1) For some godawful reason I can't see my typos until after the 10 time passes, when it glares back at me. (Coming soon to a theater near you)

(2) Super macho sniper guy, with fingernails painted like a 12 y/o girl? (on the still photo above)

(3) I have to shake my head and laugh when, after the people say "We're Americans" the soldier says: "OK..?" "What kind of American?"
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