Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Given this article is about USA as a final destination, I will post it here. This is about one pattern of illegal immigration and logistics through Nicaragua.

The detention in France of a charter plane bound for Nicaragua has renewed attention on the Central American nation’s role as a springboard for migrants from across the world seeking to make their way to the United States.

The flight, which left the United Arab Emirates on 21 December with 303 passengers of Indian nationality, was grounded during a refueling stop after an anonymous tip-off alleging human trafficking.
The passengers, however, were not being trafficked against their will, but rather attempting to migrate.

Nicaragua is the closest country connected by land to the United States that does not impose strict entry requirements upon citizens of many nations who are barred from flying to other destinations without a visa.

While some countries have imposed visa requirements upon certain nationalities under pressure from Washington, experts say that the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, has taken a contrarian approach in an attempt to weaponize migration and force negotiations over sanctions imposed on members of his inner circle.

“Ortega is being very astute by playing with what hurts the United States the most,” said Ana María Méndez, director for Central America at the Washington Office on Latin America, referring to the current migrant crisis and the political liability it represents for President Joe Biden heading into the 2024 election. “It’s like pouring alcohol on an open wound.”

In 2014, as another migrant crisis boiled over, Nicaragua imposed visa requirements on Cuban citizens to help stem the flow of migrants heading to the US border. But since then, relations between the two countries have deteriorated due to Ortega’s rigging of the 2021 election and a slew of human rights abuses.

Following political upheaval in Cuba during the summer of 2021, Ortega rescinded the visa requirements for Cuban citizens. The charter flights from the island began soon after as a sort of “escape valve” for the Cuban government, which would rather see people leave than protest in the streets, explained Méndez.

Eventually, people from other nations, such as Haiti, followed suit in order to shorten their journey to the United States and avoid the treacherous Darién Gap route along Panama’s southern border.

The flight from France was ultimately rerouted to India, minus two passengers who were held for further investigation and 25 others who decided to request asylum instead of return to their home country.

India has launched its own investigation into the flight, which passengers reportedly paid between $48,000 and $150,000 to board, an Indian police official told AFP. Roughly 100,000 Indian nationals have arrived at the US-Mexico border in 2023, more than 10 times the number in 2019.

Meanwhile, flights from Cuba continue to arrive in Managua via an airline owned by the Venezuelan government, which is seemingly unconcerned about sanctions but is also engaged in its own set of negotiations with the White House after relations had been severed during the administration of former president Donald Trump.

On social media, supposed travel agencies advertise flights on the Venezuelan airline from Havana to Managua for about $1,500, as well as all-inclusive packages for $4,000 and up that include services such as transport to Mexico, meals, lodging and even assistance with navigating the US Customs and Border Protection’s CBP One app, which is used by migrants to, among other things, make appointments to apply for asylum.

The airlines and travel agencies that are facilitating this are the new coyotes,” said Méndez, using a term for illicit people smugglers.

"Bomb threats causing mass evacuations across US"

"In the threatening email sent on Wednesday morning, the author said they had “placed multiple explosives inside of your State Capitol.” These bombs were “well hidden inside” and would “go off in a few hours,” the email said, according to multiple reports."

"The same message was received by government offices in at least 23 states,"

"A mass-emailed bomb threat received by officials in several US states on Wednesday prompted the evacuation of some statehouse buildings and disrupted government operations. No explosives were found, local authorities have said."

These bombs were “well hidden inside” and would “go off in a few hours,” the email said, according to multiple reports."
Potentially related and not sure where else to put this, but there may be evidence that health insurers (and others) are updating policies for 2024 to exclude coverage in the event of war declared or undeclared. There is also definition controversy about whether war exclusion clauses include cyberattacks, too.

Fact checkers say this is not new. My impression is that war exclusions faded since WWII but are coming back, perhaps the insurance industry feels the need to update on the basis of changing technology of war, or maybe something else. If anyone knows more or better, please post.

"Events such as the Covid pandemic and rising levels of cybercrime are encouraging insurers to revisit their policy wording to exclude certain events"

Insurance companies seem to be getting a case of cold feet. Especially in California. I have friends complaining of difficulties trying to get home, fire, and car insurance. Some companies are just closing shop on certain types of insurance in specific areas.

Just as an aside: Without car insurance you cant legally drive your car. And with out home owners insurance you cant get a mortgage.

"State Farm and Allstate, two larger insurers in the Golden State, also announced that they would stop accepting insurance applications for all business and personal property in statewide earlier this year. State Farm is the largest property insurer in California, while Allstate was the fourth-largest company in 2021.Nov 13, 2023"

"More insurance companies have announced plans not to renew policies for California homeowners beginning in 2024."

"Four companies, Merastar Insurance Co., Unitrin Auto and Home Insurance Co., Unitrin Direct Property and Casualty Co. and Kemper Independence Insurance Co., attributed the move to a nationwide restructuring decision from their parent company Kemper Corp, according to documents filed with the California Department of Insurance."

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Wow, out of everywhere it would start in California...who knew.

I mean it is quite a lot of money to lose for the insurance companies to simply say "OK, we are done here" and leave the market without further ado. Is it because the risk to insure (and having to pay the loses) is now way too high? The way of living turned into 3rd world country in there?
Those courts and jurisdictions that indicate or declare that an "insurrection" has occurred have given insurance companies justification to deny claims, as it is usually included in the laundry list of excluded war risks.

Example: You are not insured for: war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power, capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment (piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat, derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs or other derelict weapons of war[4]
Most all insurance companies reinsure through Lloyds, here is a bulletin they put out in 2022 for subsequent policies issued.

We are therefore requiring that all standalone cyber-attack policies falling within risk codes CY and CZ must include, unless agreed by Lloyd’s, a suitable clause excluding liability for losses arising from any state backed cyber-attack in accordance with the requirements set out below. This clause must be in addition to any war exclusion (which can form part of the same clause or be separate to it). At a minimum, the state backed cyber-attack exclusion must:
  1. exclude losses arising from a war (whether declared or not), where the policy does not have a separate war exclusion.
  2. (subject to 3) exclude losses arising from state backed cyber-attacks that
    (a) significantly impair the ability of a state to function or (b) that significantly impair the security capabilities of a state.
  3. be clear as to whether cover excludes computer systems that are located outside any state which is affected in the manner outlined in 2(a) & (b) above, by the state backed cyber-attack.
  4. set out a robust basis by which the parties agree on how any state backed cyber- attack will be attributed to one or more states.
  5. ensureallkeytermsareclearlydefined.

Biden perd de plus en plus de popularité aux États-Unis en raison de sa politique. Aujourd'hui, un groupe de 17 employés de son équipe de campagne a critiqué la politique américaine au Moyen-Orient dans une lettre ouverte.
D'autres employés du gouvernement démissionnent en signe de protestation, les sondages sont médiocres.
Dans la lettre ils demandent de cesser de soutenir aveuglément Netanyahu et demander un cessez-le-feu immédiat.
Lien vers la lettre :
Dear President Biden, we need a ceasefire now.

Biden is increasingly losing popularity in the United States due to his policies. Today, a group of 17 staffers from his campaign team criticized US policy in the Middle East in an open letter.Other government employees resign in protest, polls are poor.In the letter they demand to stop blindly supporting Netanyahu and demand an immediate ceasefire.Dear President Biden, we need a ceasefire now.
Just as an aside: Without car insurance you cant legally drive your car. And with out home owners insurance you cant get a mortgage.
Well, that's one way to pave the way to "you will own nothing".

And another side to this would also bring squatting in uninsurable homes more mainstream and driving with no insurance is already a problem. While many may not be able to afford either home or car, there will be some who don't care if they own either property or not. They can/will just make more criminals of regular people.
'"Move aggressively": Barak Obama is urging Biden's advisers to not seek approval from the White House to start rigging the elections.'

7 Jan, 2024

'The clock for civil war is ticking.'

By Ekaterina Blinova - 5 hours ago

Red alert! "Democracy" is in danger! Americans are wakening up! Red alert!

9 hours ago (Updated: 1 hour ago)
sTormR1dR- " Barak Obama is urging Biden's advisers to not seek approval from the White House to start rigging the elections."
Obama reportedly believes Biden's chances will be improved by empowering people in the campaign to act without the need to seek approval from the White House, according to the Washington Post.

I had the feeling something would be revealed on Epiphany (Jan 6)

What is the real chain of command? SecDef goes in hospital in middle of several wars, Sullivan Natsec not aware, of course Potus not aware
Assistant SecDef had the comm while on vacation in Puerto Rico-

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Face the Nation is unequivocally biased with a history of Deep State loyalties.

Frank Stanton was the origin of Face The Nation, in which he has ties to the military-industrial complex, and his philosophy is still part of their current narrative.

Jan 6, Epstein, The Royles, Organ harvesting, DynCorpIntl, and more by Webb



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