Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Subduction by the left once again.

Watch their efforts of promoting disinformation programs through fear as the DNC's followers sop it up.


Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 22-49-26 Home _ X.png

The U.S. Coast Guard has made its first drug bust of the year in the Gulf of Oman, capturing a mixed batch of narcotics worth $11 million.

Early this month, the international Combined Maritime Forces CTF 150 task force identified a dhow transiting the Gulf of Oman as a vessel of interest. The Royal Navy frigate HMS Lancaster tracked the dhow and gathered intelligence on its movements. Lancaster’s crew shared the dhow’s location with the crew of the cutter USCGC Emlen Tunnell, which moved to intercept.

On January 5, the Emlen Tunnell interdicted the dhow and conducted a search. The crew found 37 kilograms of heroin, 187 kilograms of methamphetamine and five kilograms of cocaine stored away in the vessel’s compartments. The boarding team seized the drugs and allowed the dhow to continue on its voyage.

The intercept demonstrated the partnership model that has yielded results for drug interdiction operations in the Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea. Since French forces took over leadership of the operation in mid-2023, CTF-150 has seized 12 different cargoes of drugs.
Though CMF also has coverage in the Red Sea with task force CTF-153, it has not take a full-fledged role in securing the sea lanes against Houthi rebels. A separate initiative organized by the United States and housed under CTF-153 has provided air defense coverage for shipping transiting the Red Sea.
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WOW!!!!! These people mean business and its looking seriously like Mayorkas will be impeached.... Mr. Green, who speaks at the end, is a very passionate and sincere man who speaks of the blatant breaking of laws and the US Constitution along with the long list of consequences from this lawlessness. Three AG's from different states testify to migrants in their states.

The head of the Democrats gives his rebuttal.......what is wrong with this man? An empty shell spouting bla, bla, bla, exposing himself as a complete fraud and liar. We see you.

Mr. Green points out, Mayorkas signed an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. According to attorney Todd Callender, None of these Dems signed an oath of office. This was discovered after he and his team tracked down all the paper work involving the issue.

I sincerely hope something will begin to stop these momentous threats coming over our boarder. The recognition of the seriousness of this problem from these people is a welcome site.

This is the second part of the first hearing and I haven't seen part 1 but I'm sure its just as powerful.

House Homeland Security Committee Holds 1st Impeachment Hearing For Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas | Part 2​


Texas Seizes Control Of Border City Park, Escalating War Against Illegal Immigration​

"In its latest assertion of sovereignty and responsibility for securing its border with Mexico, the once and future Republic of Texas has seized control of a 47-acre park in the city of Eagle Pass, which has been a major avenue of illegal immigration. What's more, the Texans are barring US Border Patrol agents and watercraft from the property, which they've used as a staging area for processing migrants."

"On Thursday evening, Abbott tweeted, "As caravans of migrants are moving through Mexico toward the U.S. border, we are making clear that Texas will be a tough place to cross."

"the package also broke ground by making it a state crime to illegally enter the Lone Star State from a foreign nation."

"Texas will continue to deploy Texas National Guard soldiers, DPS troopers, and more barriers, utilizing every tool and strategy to respond to President Biden's ongoing border crisis,"

Oh yea! Another conflict!

BREAKING: Congress Confirms Biden's Yemen War Is Unconstitutional

Congress says Biden Yemen strikes unconstitutional, Mike Johnson backs Biden, claims he doesn’t need congress!

[Note: It's Valerie Hoyle not Howell]
Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif. 17)

The President’s strikes in Yemen are unconstitutional. For over a month, he consulted an international coalition to plan them, but never came to Congress to seek authorization as required by Article I of the Constitution. We need to listen to our Gulf allies, pursue de-escalation, and avoid getting into another Middle East war.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky. 4)

Only Congress has the power to declare war. I have to give credit to [Rep. Ro Khanna] here for sticking to his principles, as very few are willing to make this statement while their party is in the White House.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La. 04)

This action by U.S. and British forces is long overdue, and we must hope these operations indicate a true shift in the Biden Administration’s approach to Iran and its proxies that are engaging in such evil and wreaking such havoc. They must understand there is a serious price to pay for their global acts of terror and their attacks on U.S. personnel and commercial vessels. America must always project strength, especially in these dangerous times.
What a load of horsesh*t! "We have met the enemy and he is us!" - Pogo And yes, how transparent that Iran is the ultimate target!

Hypocrisy spews again!
And the mad soap opera surrounding the Trump witch hunt continues:


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis - who has charged Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants with trying to change the outcome of the 2020 US election in Georgia - has become the main attraction in a major prong of the left's 2024 election lawfare operation.

On Tuesday we noted that Willis had hired Nathan Wade (without proper approval), a private attorney in the midst of a divorce who "has little to no experience trying felony cases, much less complex RICO actions," according to the 127-page filing.

Wade ended up pocketing nearly $700,000 from Fulton county taxpayers - with which he allegedly took Willis on lavish vacations.

Now, Wade's wife has alleged in divorce documents that he failed to disclose over $700,000 in earnings from the county, and has continued to draw from her bank account, leaving it "routinely overdrawn" despite "the clear inequity in financial circumstances," the Daily Caller reports.

Texas Seizes Control Of Border City Park, Escalating War Against Illegal Immigration​

"In its latest assertion of sovereignty and responsibility for securing its border with Mexico, the once and future Republic of Texas has seized control of a 47-acre park in the city of Eagle Pass, which has been a major avenue of illegal immigration. What's more, the Texans are barring US Border Patrol agents and watercraft from the property, which they've used as a staging area for processing migrants."

"On Thursday evening, Abbott tweeted, "As caravans of migrants are moving through Mexico toward the U.S. border, we are making clear that Texas will be a tough place to cross."

"the package also broke ground by making it a state crime to illegally enter the Lone Star State from a foreign nation."

"Texas will continue to deploy Texas National Guard soldiers, DPS troopers, and more barriers, utilizing every tool and strategy to respond to President Biden's ongoing border crisis,"

Has the US entered a phase of state collapse?
The states have already openly begun to take away national functions from the federal government.

In connection with the conflict that broke out between the state of Texas and the federal government of the United States, it must be remembered that other processes are taking place in the United States that lead to the destruction of the United States.

Former US President Donald Trump speaks about many such processes in his speeches.

In light of all these processes destructive to the United States, we consider it important to draw your attention to one of the latest statements by D. Trump, in which he claims that the destruction of the United States may occur before the US presidential elections scheduled for November 5, 2024.

Foundation of Conceptual Technologies, Altai, Russia
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