Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

This appeared in a small town newspaper recently. A university in Minnesota US has published its annual list of "banished words." It seems they have been doing this since 1976.
The words:
Hack, impact, at the end of the day, rizz, slay, iconic (2nd time), cringe-worthy, obsessed, side-hustle, wait for it.

The same paper also reported that two towns in another state have added AI and cameras to recycling collection trucks and will send a photograph of "contaminated" non-recyclable material to the homeowner The stated intent is "to bring to someone awareness of what's in the bin that creates a problem." Also, "There will be no fines." Some examples of contaminated items are plastic bags, pillows and a lawnmower.


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Republicans have been the main targets of swats in the last few years, looks like thats changing. The White House gets swatted!

A significant number of emergency personnel responded to the White House on Monday morning after a 911 call falsely claimed there was a fire and someone was trapped inside, a source familiar with the incident told CNN.

Yuck! I will never watch this garbage. A comprehensive break down of the Obama's latest "movie" from Vigilant Citizen.

The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

A comprehensive break down of the Obama's latest "movie" from Vigilant Citizen.
The break down points out several symbolic images such as 666, upside down American flags/Statue of Liberty, etc. and then it shows the large house in which most of the movie takes place (couldn't insert the image for some reason) with this caption:

The movie is all about conveying a sense of isolation, combined with an acute case of cabin fever, as nearly all of it takes place inside a house where people are slowly losing it. The house is so important that it can be considered as a character in the movie.

What stood out to me that wasn't noted is the house is WHITE - the White House. Surely that was meant to be symbolic as well.
Oh for the love of god, is this ever going to end?

Journalist Uncovers "Shadowy Network" Of NGOs Facilitating US Border Invasion​

"Journalist James O'Keefe uncovered a "shadowy network of secretive nonprofits" (some of which are funded by taxpayers) that are facilitating the invasion of illegals on the southern border."

"O'Keefe said "Alita's Angels" is a "brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file" that operates inside an old Bank Building in the Arizona border town of Nogales."

We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the Arizona border town of Nogales, where we encountered some rude and suspicious "Alita's Angels" NGO (@alitasangels) workers who once again called the police on us.

"O'Keefe said, "A WORKER with Casa Alitas CONFIRMED TO OUR UNDERCOVER journalist that Casa Alitas was getting federal money."

"These "Alitas" ( groups are part of a shadowy network of secretive nonprofits funding the mass migration of millions of people into the country, without truly vetting asylum seekers' claims and determining if they are eligible for refugee status," the journalist continued."

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YIKES! This has to be the supreme reason to keep him out of office by the PTB and ups the ante for doing whatever it takes to prevent him from doing so! 🎯 The A word is in play I would think!
I just finished watching Noor Ben Laden's report from Davos. She says this recent message from Trump (no cbdc's) has blown their minds (my words). The number one issue at the gathering is Trump.....he's taken up residence in all their minds.

She shows a flag on display in the town of the US flag upside down at the bottom and it fads into the WEF symbol above it, gross. She also states the globalists won't survive if they can't get America and they've become very worried about Trump taking over once again.

The success of Trump in Iowa has flipped the narrarative big time it seems. Suddenly, its all about Trump being POTUS again and all that implies to the msm and ptb with some panic. Yesterday, I watched a report by Charlie Kirk who sees never Trumpers suddenly coming over to his side. His observation is the Big Suck Up to Trump begins as people maneuver themselves into advantage for another Trump administration. Jamie Dimon was the example he gave.

More speculation popping up is, Trump has made deals with powerful players, financial and other for their support in getting him back into office. Sounds reasonable. We likely don't approve of these players but that's what it takes to win.

Whoa, things took a dynamic shift at the first of the new year! Suddenly, determination has kicked in and losing the US won't be allowed. Good to see, and its an optimistic energy! Not that things won't become ugly and challenging, that's there too.
With panic comes an accelerated agenda

They're not going to let Trump back in office. I mean I would be shocked if that happened. All pretenses of the U.S, being a democracy has been dropped for anyone with an ounce of objectivity. This is probably among the reasons the timeline is being moved forward or accelerated. They will lock down the entire country, or at least try to, before they allow Trump to win the presidency. OSIT
They're not going to let Trump back in office. I mean I would be shocked if that happened. All pretenses of the U.S, being a democracy has been dropped for anyone with an ounce of objectivity. This is probably among the reasons the timeline is being moved forward or accelerated. They will lock down the entire country, or at least try to, before they allow Trump to win the presidency. OSIT
Yeah, I think what you describe is a very real possibility. We know PTB hate to lose and more suffering is needed for people to awake up - unfortunate truths. This may be the year everything goes “kaflooey”…
It's going to be a Sh*t show in the US this year,

I was just thinking about this case in Colorado not to include him in the ballot, the outcome of that case will create a precedent for other states to follow suit. As such, Trump could not even be running in the entire country, and still win! can you imagine that? if that isn't the spark of a civil conflict I am not sure what is.

But also, look at the other precedent that it creates, the ruling party can simply prevent people from running by not allowing a candidate to run using made up bs about him or her.
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