Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Venezuelan gang takes over apartment complex in sanctuary city Aurora, Colorado. Quiet community of nearly 400k… Authorities say they can’t do anything, no law broken or something.

400k strong, crying to mommy and daddy guberment to do something - I guess the PTB won’t do anything unless the people try to do something, in which case they will side with the gang. Shades of the current situation in the UK.
I feel a certain… respect, help is on the way in the form of Hells Angels?
Reading the comments to that post, it seems that there is a bit of confusion. Some are saying that these bikers (not all are Hell's Angels) are not going to Aurora, CO. That it is a hoax. Others are saying other bikers are joining the Aurora, CO fiasco. We'll have to wait and see.
Reading the comments to that post, it seems that there is a bit of confusion. Some are saying that these bikers (not all are Hell's Angels) are not going to Aurora, CO. That it is a hoax. Others are saying other bikers are joining the Aurora, CO fiasco. We'll have to wait and see.
Right. It looks like the video is from Europe. Sorry for the noise.
Guy says they started out with 9 bikers this morning and 10 more have joined. Perhaps this story is true, but apparently is only starting. Will be interested to see how many more join in.
One can hope, but what’s the difference between hope and wishful thinking? Maybe hope is knowledge based faith, while wishful thinking is based on lies. I am all for people who have led less than useful lives waking up on 🔥 for the truth because the wave is helping them see.
One can hope, but what’s the difference between hope and wishful thinking? Maybe hope is knowledge based faith, while wishful thinking is based on lies. I am all for people who have led less than useful lives waking up on 🔥 for the truth because the wave is helping them see.
"Maybe hope is knowledge based faith"

My knowledge of the biker lifestyle gives me the thought that 'yes, this is something I can see them doing'. While I don't exactly have faith that the Hell's Angels are going to change anything on a large scale...I can believe that this is something they would attempt.
One can hope, but what’s the difference between hope and wishful thinking?
We do have leaders who are coming together and standing up. This is an inspiring ad from RFK Jr. T. H. White’s book: “The Once and Future King” is a brilliant re-telling of the King Author legend. I remember being inspired by it.

The words are Caitlin Johnstone's.
This may be controversial, but I just can't get behind Caitlin, never could, and don't share her stuff no matter how smart bits and pieces of her analyses are. This is because she believes (or pretends to, for the sake of a dumbed-down audience) and puts front and center, that the US and other nations are sovereign and independent. I see the US as a proxy of the monied, globalist, transnational bureaucracies that have engineered gradual cession/surrendering of sovereignty to them - thus they control The West and most other places, and use the illusion of national sovereignty to confuse the public and shield themselves.

I see the US as an economic and military tool that this nearly global power structure uses to advance their agenda, as, by extension, is NATO. And yes, a lot of these people are effectively communists and are moving The West in that direction because that particular economic system flattens the power pyramid faster, and drains economic power from the bottom faster than capitalism can, and diminishes threats to them faster. Historically, communism has featured this dystopian, totalitarian stripping of rights, freedoms, and economic power from the public that we see progressing with glaring clarity and directness. If the global structure is really fracturing, it makes sense that the Western globalists would urgently go the communist and strict authoritarian route with increasing speed.

Catilin uses the same deceptive, general, and misleading language that the mainstream media do to incite black & white division, hatred, and stereotyping. She prefers to refer to countries by name as if they are the actors (instead of each's political leaders), painting all the people in them with the same color, when we know that the decisions and plans she (and we all) despise come from a few people in a room somewhere, probably being directed by internationals who control them. In the West we're so programmed by media that when the average persons sees, for example, "Iran" in a headline, they know that Iran is being "bad." Caitlin effectively does the same, which hampers education, IMO. Way too much black & white. Just my opinion. She's far the only one who does this, of course.
More or less i'd agree , not so much on using the word communism , whatever it means , i consider it more practical to call it fascism, the way its perceived by those outside of the power centers may fluctuate , however it may be called , it always "ends up " with a few figureheads insulated from any accountability, and an ever diminishing freedom unto anyone else, but the former and to a degree its support structures.
More or less i'd agree , not so much on using the word communism , whatever it means , i consider it more practical to call it fascism, the way its perceived by those outside of the power centers may fluctuate , however it may be called , it always "ends up " with a few figureheads insulated from any accountability, and an ever diminishing freedom unto anyone else, but the former and to a degree its support structures.
I would like to see the clause in the contract that allows them to mess with my free will. I was born, vaccinated, indoctrinated, brainwashed...I mean, they start early! Sure you can say that my choices were my own to make, but I never had the option of 'leaving the control/matrix' because nobody informed that it existed. And I thought my school education was lacking!
I mean, I don't even know how to contact their HR Dept. because I'd like to form a complaint. Sheez, don't get to know that either.
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